The Truth About Boris Godunov - Alternative View

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The Truth About Boris Godunov - Alternative View
The Truth About Boris Godunov - Alternative View

Video: The Truth About Boris Godunov - Alternative View

Video: The Truth About Boris Godunov - Alternative View
Video: Не факт! Борис Годунов. Избранный царь 2024, October

Where did he come from?

Even under Ivan Kalita (1328-1341), the ancestor of Boris Godunov (1552-1605) Chet fled from the Horde and entered the service of the Moscow prince. He was baptized under the name of Zechariah and is believed to have become the founder of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma. The surnames Godunovs and Saburovs trace their ancestry from him. The Saburovs were relatives of Ivan the Terrible by his first wife. Godunov himself was married to the daughter of Malyuta Skuratov, a prominent oprichnik. Nevertheless, by origin, Godunov did not belong to the first dignitaries of the state. His rise followed the line of the oprichnina (a special institution created by Ivan the Terrible). The pinnacle of his career, as it seemed, was the marriage of the son of the Terrible Fyodor to Irina Godunova (Boris's sister). Fyodor, in poor health, was second in the list of heirs to the throne, after his quite healthy brother Ivan. Since the age of seven, Irina lived with her brother in the royal palace, being there in education and their marriage with Fedor took place out of mutual sympathy, which is rare for the royal children of that time. Godunov, on the occasion of his sister's marriage, became a boyar (1575). And Fedor's closest advisor. After the tragic death of Tsarevich Ivan, it was Fyodor who became the heir to Ivan the Terrible.

What did he look like? What was he like?

Not a single lifetime portrait of Tsar Boris has survived. The engraving used to reproduce it in textbooks was created in the 18th century. According to the descriptions of his contemporaries, he was handsome, short, and dense in body. His dignified posture is noted. In the biography of Boris Godunov, it is noted that he was an excellent orator, while he did not have a sufficient good education, according to some estimates, he was simply illiterate. However, for the Russian tsars, the writing itself was considered dishonorable, there are clerks for this, and instead of a signature - a seal. Godunov had the ability to quickly navigate a situation and use the most unfortunate circumstances to his advantage. An ambitious, intelligent, cunning politician. He became the first "temporary worker" in the history of Russia, endowed with absolute power by a ruler with a living autocrat.

Godunov believed in astrologers. There is a historical anecdote. The astrologer predicted to Boris “You will reign. But only seven years. “Yes, at least one day,” Godunov allegedly answered.

Boris spared no money for donations to the Moscow people, to create a "positive image" and "brand awareness". It was under Boris in honor of the Moscow blessed Basil that a church was added to the Church of the Intercession on the Moat. When it came to approving Godunov as tsar, Moscow was for him.

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Did Godunov kill Tsarevich Dmitry?

After the death of Ivan the Terrible (1584), two of his sons survived. Weak Fedor (1557-1598), and young Dmitry (1582-1591). Dmitry was born from the sixth (or even the seventh, no one can reliably count) the marriage of Grozny. Officially, this was the fifth marriage with a wedding, although according to all canons a person cannot have more than three weddings. So Dmitry's rights to the fatherly throne could easily be challenged, if desired. But Ivan the Terrible dealt with laws freely, and no one would have dared to contradict a person so quick to punish. Tsarevich Dmitry, together with his mother Maria Naga and her relatives, was settled in Uglich, away from Moscow, and away from participation in political life.

It is known that the boy died on May 15, 1591. The prince dropped the knife while playing. During the day, in the yard, there were other children nearby. Either someone pushed him, or Dmitry stumbled on a knife in an epileptic seizure. As soon as it became known about this tragedy, a bell rang in Uglich, the angry townspeople, along with the relatives of the princess, killed the tsar's people who were watching the boy, led by the boyar Bityagovsky.

The investigation was entrusted to Vasily Shuisky, a member of the Boyar Duma. Vasily, like the other Shuisky, was not a friend of the rootless upstart to Godunov. The materials of the case have been preserved and studied in the most careful manner. Most historians are inclined to support the conclusion of the investigation - Dmitry died in an accident. Where does the general conviction in Boris's guilt and Pushkin's "bloody boys in the eyes" come from?

In 1606, after the death of False Dmitry, Vasily Shuisky came to power. And the question of whether the real Dmitry died in Uglich was almost the main one for the state.

Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich puts a gold chain on Boris Godunov, A. Kivshenko
Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich puts a gold chain on Boris Godunov, A. Kivshenko

Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich puts a gold chain on Boris Godunov, A. Kivshenko.

The new tsar, who was profitable to denigrate the previous one, told the "truth" about Boris's guilt. Dmitry's body was transferred to the Kremlin's Archangel Cathedral (where it still lies). There were witnesses to the miracles performed at the tomb, and Dmitry was canonized. The Romanovs, who replaced Shuisky, also disliked Godunov, and the story that a "contract murder" took place in Uglich was fixed in the annals. It is interesting that Shuisky, on his own behalf, in front of all honest people, told two opposite versions, and did not even think that in this situation he looked not too honest …

The main arguments that historians give in defense of Godunov. In 1591, Dmitry was not considered a serious contender for the throne, since Fyodor's wife could still give birth to an heir (their daughter was born in mid-1592). And Dmitry himself, we recall, was the son of the sixth or seventh wife of Grozny. The fact that Shuisky was sent to investigate also speaks in favor of Boris. And for all his powers, the descendant of a little-known defector from the Horde could not be compared with the numerous side branches of the Rurikovichs (Shuiskys, Dolgoruky, Gagarins, Lobanovs …). And with noble Moscow families, the same Romanovs. That is, he seemed to have nothing to make plans to take the Russian throne.

On the other hand, Godunov took care of cutting off another possible branch of the family tree of Ivan Kalita (Moscow Rurikovichi). In Riga lived Maria, the daughter of Vladimir Staritsky, who was killed on the orders of Grozny by his cousin. Maria was the widow of the Danish prince Magnus, who was proclaimed "King of Livonia". The Queen and her daughter voluntarily came to Russia at the invitation of Godunov. She was immediately tonsured into a nun, and her daughter died rather quickly under mysterious circumstances.

How did Godunov come to power?

Ivan the Terrible died in 1584, His son Fyodor was 27 years old at that moment. Grozny himself understood that Fedor was not able to independently govern the state. Shortly before his death, Tsar Ivan named the members of the regency council, which was supposed to rule de facto. It included representatives of the highest nobility Ivan Mstislavsky, Ivan Shuisky and Nikita Romanov. The fourth in this council was Bogdan Belsky, who made a career in the oprichnina. In his subordination was the "court", the armed nobles, the body of the personal guard of the king. Belsky tried immediately after the death of Grozny to seize power by staging a coup. But the boyars managed to persuade Fyodor to send Belsky into retirement. A place in the regency council went to Godunov, a protege of Nikita Romanov. Soon Romanov had a blow. The head of the council, Mstislavsky, resigned and retired to a monastery. Godunov was one step away from autocracy. But the Shuiskys began to intrigue against the artistic Boris, inciting the Moscow people to hand over Godunov to them. The Kremlin was in fact under siege, and Boris wrote to the Queen of England asking for asylum.

The boyars, together with Patriarch Dionysius, demanded that the tsar get rid of Boris, divorce his sister Irina (due to their lack of children). And this was a mistake - the king loved his wife and obeyed her in everything. Dionysius was defrocked, several Shuisky's accomplices were beheaded, several Shuisky boyars were sent to their estates (including the future Tsar Vasily). Ivan Shuisky was sent to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, forcibly tonsured into a monk under the name Job. Soon he was killed on the orders of Godunov.

In 1586 Boris became the full-fledged ruler of the state.

An approved letter of the Zemsky Sobor in 1598 on the election of Boris Fedorovich Godunov to the kingdom (Pleshcheevsky list). Moscow, January-February 1599 (list of the 1620s)
An approved letter of the Zemsky Sobor in 1598 on the election of Boris Fedorovich Godunov to the kingdom (Pleshcheevsky list). Moscow, January-February 1599 (list of the 1620s)

An approved letter of the Zemsky Sobor in 1598 on the election of Boris Fedorovich Godunov to the kingdom (Pleshcheevsky list). Moscow, January-February 1599 (list of the 1620s).

How did the Russian Church get the Patriarch?

Metropolitan Dionysius was replaced by Godunov's protege Job. After the Union of Florence (1439), which the Patriarch of Constantinople concluded with the Pope of Rome, the Russian Church itself approved its primates. The Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia was elected by the cathedral of the Russian Church, on the urgent recommendation of the tsar. In fact, the Russian Church was independent. Canonically, it remained part of the Constantinople Patriarchate. And in the light of the theory "Moscow is the third Rome", the Russian tsar, who replaced the emperor of Byzantium in importance in the Orthodox world, needed his own patriarch.

XVI century - became the time of religious wars in Europe. The followers of Martin Luther dealt a severe blow to the Catholic Church. In response, the Pope's adherents increased religious pressure where they were still able to do so. In the Russian lands located on the territory of Poland and Lithuania, the influence of the Uniate Church (Orthodox, recognizing the primacy of the Pope) increased. After numerous "purges" organized by Ivan the Terrible among the Russian clergy, it was necessary to raise the prestige of the Moscow metropolitan. And most importantly, even a formally subordinate church did not in any way correspond to the importance of the Russian state, its growing influence in European politics.

The Eastern patriarchs were in distress. Moscow was both larger and richer, and was regularly asked for financial assistance. Moscow helped, but also asked to "consider the issue" of its patriarch. Finally, an oral answer came from Patriarch Theolith - he, together with the Antiochian Patriarch, agreed to make a decision at an ecumenical council.

The life of the Patriarch of Constantinople under the Turks was full of surprises. Theolite was driven out by the Sultan, having restored Jeremiah to the cathedra (1588). Jeremiah first of all went to Moscow to ask for money for a new residence. In Moscow, they did not follow the changes, and at first the head of the universal church was mistaken for an impostor. And when they figured it out, they took it to the Kremlin. There, Godunov was seriously disappointed. Instead of the expected decision of the council, Jeremiah made his requests for donations.

From that moment, long negotiations began. The patriarch and his retinue lived richly, without needing anything (10 dishes daily, three cups of hop honey - boyar, cherry and raspberry, a bucket of treacle honey and half a bucket of kvass). But the Greeks did not have freedom either; they had the right to leave the chambers only under supervision.

As a result, the Greek side offered the Russians such a solution. Jeremiah transfers the See of Constantinople to Moscow, and he himself remains the patriarch. This option did not suit Godunov. Since the time of Ivan the Third, Russian rulers have become accustomed to the subordinate position of the head of the church, and were not going to reckon with anyone in their decisions. I also didn’t want to give the Greek headship over the Russian Church, which had not existed for a long time by that time. And the caring schemers managed to spread rumors that Jeremiah was in collusion with the Pope of Rome and wanted to unite the churches in order to get support from Western countries and liberate Constantinople.

The Russian government cheated - Jeremiah was offered two options. First, he transfers his see to Vladimir, while Job remains the Metropolitan of Moscow. The second - recognizes Job as the patriarch of Moscow, and he himself leaves in peace. The patriarch's advisers dissuaded him from Vladimir, who was in decline. And the Greek guests did not like the second option. Metropolitan Dorotheos was especially persistent. Godunov's people spoke with Dorofey, threatening that they might well drown him in the Moscow River. The advisor changed his mind.

On January 25, 1589, Jeremiah ordained the Patriarch of Moscow Job.

But even after that, the head of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and his assistants were not allowed home, but sent on a pilgrimage to the Trinity-Sergeev Lavra. And only on May 19, after staying in Russia for over a year, the entire delegation with rich gifts went to Istanbul. Interestingly, Godunov forgot to give the money for the new residence, for which, in fact, Jeremiah came. 1000 rubles were sent to the Greeks a little later. In 1590, a council of patriarchs in Constantinople sanctioned Jeremiah's decision, and in 1593 an ecumenical council placed the Russian church in fifth place in the overall hierarchy of Orthodox churches.

How did Godunov become tsar?

The weak and feeble Fedor Ivanovich, married to Godunov's sister, did not claim real power, fulfilling the role of the nominal head of state. At feasts, even health resorts for the tsar were combined with health resorts for Boris, which, according to the then ideas of beauty, was an unthinkable thing, and certainly recognized Godunov as the ruler. The Queen of England appealed to Boris, calling him "Lord Protector", and correspondence with all European courts was conducted on behalf of Godunov (recall, the ruler himself, it seems, did not know the letter). Fedor did not have an heir, his only child with Irina, a girl, died in infancy. Dying, Fedor did not appoint an heir. In the chronicle testimonies written already under the Romanovs, however, it was indicated that he wanted to transfer power to Fedor Nikitich Romanov (the future Patriarch Filaret, father of Mikhail Fedorovich,the founder of a new dynasty). But this testimony is hard to believe. Formally, the throne was left to the childless Irina, but she, a week after her husband's death (he died on January 7, 1598 according to the old style), was tonsured as a nun of the Novodevichy Convent.

After the Moscow people began to demand Boris for the kingdom, the royal crown was offered to the ruler by the Boyar Duma and Patriarch Job. Boris refused. According to most historians, consent would mean a limitation of power, since the boyars would certainly have set a number of conditions for Godunov when he was elected. A Zemsky Sobor was convened to elect a new tsar. It consisted of 83 representatives of the clergy, 338 service people, representatives of merchants (21), elders and centurions (61).

In the entire history of Russia, by that time, this was the first time when the throne was to go to not the Rurikovichs. And there were no rules or traditions for the election of a new king. Most likely, the recognition of Muscovites would have been enough for Boris. But the would-be new king wanted to make his election as legitimate as possible.

Boris spared no expense in donating to the Moscow people to create a positive image and brand awareness
Boris spared no expense in donating to the Moscow people to create a positive image and brand awareness

Boris spared no expense in donating to the Moscow people to create a positive image and brand awareness.

On February 17, the Cathedral began work. Patriarch Job proposed to elect Boris. The council voted in favor. Then the Procession, led by Job, went to the Novodevichy Convent, where Boris was with his sister. He again refused the proposed crown. On February 20, a new procession with the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God left the Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral and headed towards Novodevichy. At the same time, the patriarch said that if Godunov did not accept the crown, then he would be excommunicated, the patriarch himself and all the bishops would resign, and divine services would stop in all churches. He turned to Irina, who formally at that moment remained the main state, and she convinced her brother to become king. Nevertheless, Boris spent almost a month and a half in the monastery, and only on April 30 he arrived at the Kremlin. On August 1, the boyars signed a special oath,and on September 1, Boris was married to the kingdom.

It is believed that numerous sobbing women with babies who participated in all popular actions for Godunov were paid for by him. However, as historians clarify, we received all this information from Boris's ill-wishers. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to call Godunov the first Russian politician to achieve success thanks to PR technologies. It is known, for example, that all the time the performance was dragging on with an invitation to the kingdom and the applicant's refusals, both Godunov himself and his sister “were working” with both the Streltsy and the Moscow communities.

How did the Godunov era end?

Boris Godunov's reign was, according to a number of historians, extremely successful for Russia. It was possible to return the cities lost in the Livonian War, several new cities were founded, which significantly secured the borders of Russia. Moscow had a patriarch, massive stone construction was carried out, large sums were donated to artisans and peasants … But his reign ended in disaster. The noble boyars never resigned themselves to the upstart on the throne, and the trust of the common people was undermined by three lean years that caused massive famine and ruin. Godunov's government could not cope with this crisis. The relative security of the territories on the southern border (it was achieved by the construction of new fortified cities and the creation of a systemic defense) attracted a large number of Cossacks there. The inhabitants of central Russia also left for the South. It was here that the impostor went with the support of the Polish troops, who declared himself a miraculously sleeping son of Ivan the Terrible Dmitry. The appearance of the rightful king aroused delight among the suffering people, and was supported by the boyars. False Dmitry effortlessly moved towards Moscow. The Godunov government with incredible cruelty and mass executions tried to suppress the actions of the people. And the shed blood was actively used by the propaganda of False Dmitry. As a result, False Dmitry came to Moscow in 1605, and the people and the boyar duma recognized him as "the true Tsarevich Dmitry". From a distant monastery, they brought nun Martha, the former queen Maria Nagaya. And she recognized her murdered son in False Dmitry. The appearance of the rightful king aroused delight among the suffering people, and was supported by the boyars. False Dmitry effortlessly moved towards Moscow. The Godunov government with incredible cruelty and mass executions tried to suppress the actions of the people. And the shed blood was actively used by the propaganda of False Dmitry. As a result, False Dmitry came to Moscow in 1605, and the people and the boyar duma recognized him as "the true Tsarevich Dmitry". From a distant monastery, they brought nun Martha, the former queen Maria Nagaya. And she recognized her murdered son in False Dmitry. The appearance of the rightful king aroused the delight of the suffering people, and was supported by the boyars. False Dmitry effortlessly moved towards Moscow. The Godunov government with incredible cruelty and mass executions tried to suppress the actions of the people. And the shed blood was actively used by the propaganda of False Dmitry. As a result, False Dmitry came to Moscow in 1605, and the people and the boyar duma recognized him as "the true Tsarevich Dmitry". From a distant monastery, they brought nun Martha, the former queen Maria Nagaya. And she recognized her murdered son in False Dmitry. As a result, False Dmitry came to Moscow in 1605, and the people and the boyar duma recognized him as "the true Tsarevich Dmitry". From a distant monastery, they brought nun Martha, the former queen Maria Nagaya. And she recognized her murdered son in False Dmitry. As a result, False Dmitry came to Moscow in 1605, and the people and the boyar duma recognized him as "the true Tsarevich Dmitry". From a distant monastery, they brought nun Martha, the former queen Maria Nagaya. And she recognized her murdered son in False Dmitry.

How did Boris die?

The weight of Monomakh's cap literally crushed Boris. As a full-fledged ruler under Tsar Fedor, he seemed (and was) omnipotent. Having become king, he never managed to convince the country of the legality of his rights to the throne. He felt the prejudice of the boyar duma, and tried to appoint relatives to all important posts. Since 1600, Boris has been complaining about his health. According to eyewitnesses, in the last years of his life, Godunov rarely appeared in public. During the royal meal, doctors were always present (the king was not abstinent in food and was very afraid of poisoning). He constantly kept astrologers with him. Godunov died on April 13, when False Dmitry was far enough from Moscow, but his successes were already causing serious concern.

Two hours after a hearty meal, the king began to bleed heavily, and he soon died. The Tsar was buried in the Archangel Cathedral, next to all the rulers of the Muscovite kingdom, starting with Ivan Kalita.

The new king was Fyodor, the son of Boris. An educated young man of 16 years old. The new king did not have the support of the government. His mother, Maria, the daughter of the hated executioner Malyuta Skuratov, certainly did not arouse sympathy among the people. The Godunovs were unable to retain power. During the riots, even before the arrival of False Dmitry in Moscow, the courtyards of the Godunovs' relatives were destroyed and plundered. Tsar Fyodor Borisovich himself, his mother and sister Ksenia were initially kept under guard, and when False Dmitry entered the Kremlin, he ordered them to be killed.

Fyodor desperately resisted, trying to protect his mother, but soon the two bodies of Fyodor and Maria were brought out for all to see. The killers reported that Boris's family had committed suicide. Their bodies were buried in a common grave at the gates of the Varsonofiev Monastery on the Lubyanka. The body of Boris Godunov was also dumped there …

Tomb of the Godunovs in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra
Tomb of the Godunovs in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Tomb of the Godunovs in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

What happened to Xenia?

Another tragic figure in Boris's family is his daughter Ksenia (1582-1622). The girl received an excellent education, all her contemporaries especially noted her special beauty. Boris dreamed of a good game for her. The first contender was Gustav, the illegitimate son of the Swedish king Eric XIV. The Russian government decided to use him in international politics as a puppet contender for the Swedish throne. Gustov was invited to Moscow, Boris was going to marry his daughter. But Gustav came to Moscow with his mistress, behaved defiantly, and in transit through Uglich was sent to Kashin, where he died.

The Danish Prince John, brother of King Christian IV, became Xenia's fiancé. The Danes were at enmity with the Swedes, the Russians too, so this alliance was beneficial to everyone and seriously raised the prestige of the new dynasty. The Danish prince arrived in Moscow in September 1602. And Boris's joy was so great that Moscow walked for several days. The foreign groom could not stand the Russian hospitality and died of indigestion.

The search for a groom (a long business in those unhurried times) continued in Austria, England, even Georgia, but soon Boris died, his son and wife were killed. The False Metrius spared Xenia herself, but made him his concubine. The Russian chronicles report this unambiguously, but with all possible delicacy. After five months of such a humiliating situation, Xenia was tonsured into a nun. She lived in different monasteries, and before her death she asked Tsar Mikhail Romanov to bury herself in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where the bodies of Boris, his son Fyodor and Queen Mary were transferred during the reign of Vasily Shuisky …

The material was prepared based on the books of R. G. Skrynnikov, K. Valishevsky, V. O. Klyuchevsky, A. A. Zimin, G. V. Vernadsky.