Secrets of history 2024, October

Sannikov Land: Why Russian Seafarers Searched For It - Alternative View

Sannikov Land: Why Russian Seafarers Searched For It - Alternative View

The legendary Sannikov Land has been searched for by the best Russian navigators and polar explorers for almost two centuries. But the ghost island remained undiscovered, nevertheless giving rise to a large number of scientific hypotheses and mysteries

About Sannikov Land - Alternative View

About Sannikov Land - Alternative View

By the XXI century in the north of Eastern Siberia, fur-bearing animals, especially Arctic foxes, were thoroughly removed. The traders climbed farther and farther to the Arctic Ocean. The history of the development of the Far North is full of heroic and tragic pages

Yakov Sannikov's Land - Hypotheses - Alternative View

Yakov Sannikov's Land - Hypotheses - Alternative View

Most people are sure that in the modern world there are no more mysteries and science knows almost all the secrets of the universe, and soon our civilization will be able to go beyond the solar system and begin to colonize other worlds

The Unsolved Mystery Of The Industrialist Sannikov - Alternative View

The Unsolved Mystery Of The Industrialist Sannikov - Alternative View

In the early seventies of the last century, an adventure film with the intriguing title "Sannikov Land" was released in the USSR

Old Testament Relics Of King David! How Did Hitler Find Them? - Alternative View

Old Testament Relics Of King David! How Did Hitler Find Them? - Alternative View

These two stones are symbolic copies of the Old Testament artifacts of omnipotence - Urim and Thummim. It is believed that they were used by the high priest Aaron to communicate with God

Eduard Toll: A Man Who Has Been Looking For Sannikov Land All His Life - Alternative View

Eduard Toll: A Man Who Has Been Looking For Sannikov Land All His Life - Alternative View

On June 21, 1900, an expedition left Kronstadt to the north, costing its leader his life. The story of Baron Toll began long before his birth

Tibet And Other Places Where The Nazis Were Looking For The Ancestral Home Of The Aryans - Alternative View

Tibet And Other Places Where The Nazis Were Looking For The Ancestral Home Of The Aryans - Alternative View

As you know, the powerful organization "Ahnenerbe" - a secret SS unit that studied various magical practices - arose on the basis of a small circle of Munich occultists, which was called "Thule"

Mystical Trail Of Ahnenerbe - Alternative View

Mystical Trail Of Ahnenerbe - Alternative View

The ideological foundations of Nazism and Fascism were laid by secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state in Germany. One of such societies, which was associated with the emergence of a "secret doctrine" at the top of the Third Reich, was "Ahnenerbe"

How The Nazis Were Looking For A Superman: The Most Mysterious Expedition In History - Alternative View

How The Nazis Were Looking For A Superman: The Most Mysterious Expedition In History - Alternative View

Over the past eighty years, the famous Nazi expedition to the Himalayas in 1938 - 1939 has acquired an incredible number of legends, conjectures and rumors

Ahnenerbe: Adolf Hitler's Most Secret Organization - Alternative View

Ahnenerbe: Adolf Hitler's Most Secret Organization - Alternative View

The history of the secret society Ahnenerbe begins in 1933. Then in Munich there was a traveling exhibition called "heritage of the ancestors", translated from German "anenerbe". Its organizer - expert on ancient religions Herman Wirth

Mystical Secrets Of The Radziwill Family - Alternative View

Mystical Secrets Of The Radziwill Family - Alternative View

The small Belarusian town of Nesvizh on the Usha River is literally steeped in ancient legends, legends about countless treasures, great heroes and all-powerful wizards

Hitler's Curse Seal - Alternative View

Hitler's Curse Seal - Alternative View

The curse of Hitler and … An interesting article was published in the Interesting Newspaper (No. 8/46/1997), under the title "Hitler was led by … Satan"

The Secret Of The Archives "Ahnenerbe" - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Archives "Ahnenerbe" - Alternative View

The secrets of the archives of the German organization "Ahnenerbe" ("Legacy of the Ancestors") are still hidden. Why don't the winning countries that got them reveal them? What is contained in them that could not be shown to humanity

Ananerbe - A Little History - Alternative View

Ananerbe - A Little History - Alternative View

In 1938, under the aegis of Ananerbe, an expedition was sent to Tibet under the leadership of E. Scheffer. Schaeffer's expedition without any problems, collecting the necessary ethnographic material along the way, reached Lhasa

Tibetan Adventures Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Tibetan Adventures Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

As you know, the secret organizations of the Third Reich tried to put occult practices at their service. Of course, they were also interested in Tibet - the Germans tried to join the secret knowledge of another "people of the swastika"

Astrologers Of The Third Reich Foresaw The Defeat Of Hitler - Alternative View

Astrologers Of The Third Reich Foresaw The Defeat Of Hitler - Alternative View

There are things that are interesting to everyone: from the homeless person to the president. This is how their future will turn out

A Strange Skull In The Suitcase Of A Member Of The Ahnenerbe Expedition - Alternative View

A Strange Skull In The Suitcase Of A Member Of The Ahnenerbe Expedition - Alternative View

In June 2015, two local residents came to visit Viktor Kotlyarov, a local historian and member of the Geographical Society, from Nalchik, with an unusual story. “Two local boys came to me,” he told Komsomolskaya Pravda reporters

What Is Hidden In The Ice Of Antarctica - Alternative View

What Is Hidden In The Ice Of Antarctica - Alternative View

As well as the bowels of the earth, ices keep many secrets of the past

Why The Top-secret Project "Bell" Failed - Alternative View

Why The Top-secret Project "Bell" Failed - Alternative View

In 2010, the writer-conspiracy theorist V.V. Tsibulkin published a new book with the results of his investigations. In a book entitled "Ahnenerbe - declassified files ", he looks at the projects" Chronos "," Lord of Light "and" Bell "in a new way

The King Of Counterfeiters - Alternative View

The King Of Counterfeiters - Alternative View

Nowadays, Soviet people are sometimes sarcastically called "homo sovieticus". And it should be admitted that people in the USSR were really childishly naive in many things

"Shoot Them Dead?" Stalin Was Forced To Kill, And He Only Wanted To Drink Wine - Alternative View

"Shoot Them Dead?" Stalin Was Forced To Kill, And He Only Wanted To Drink Wine - Alternative View

Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1878. Many readers of "Tapes

Iron Message - Alternative View

Iron Message - Alternative View

What does any person associate with the phrase "treasures of South America"? Of course, with placers of gold and precious stones that the mysterious Incas hid from the eyes of a white man

11 Most Scandalous Popes In History - Alternative View

11 Most Scandalous Popes In History - Alternative View

For many centuries, the Catholic Church has chosen the best and most worthy leader to lead a multimillion flock. However, among 266 popes, not all were exemplars of faith and obedience

Biography Of Anna Klevskaya - Alternative View

Biography Of Anna Klevskaya - Alternative View

Anna Klevskaya (born September 22, 1515 - death July 17, 1557) - Queen of England from 6 January 1540 to 9 July 1540 Fourth wife of King Henry VIII of England. Princess Anne was born in Dusseldorf

How Aleister Crowley Was Associated With Russia - Alternative View

How Aleister Crowley Was Associated With Russia - Alternative View

Aleister Crowley is a shocking personality, magician and sorcerer, poet and mountaineer, writer and troublemaker. He has been to Russia more than once and even left impressions about it. Russia influenced him, he saw salvation in her

Biography Of Queen Anne Of Austria - Alternative View

Biography Of Queen Anne Of Austria - Alternative View

Anna of Austria (born September 22, 1601 - January 20, 1666), Queen of France, wife (since 1615) of the French king Louis XIII. The daughter of King Philip III of Spain, she tried to pursue a pro-Hispanic policy. From the Habsburg dynasty

Biography Of Anna Mons, The Favorite Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Biography Of Anna Mons, The Favorite Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Anna Ivanovna Mons (Anna-Margreta von Monson) (born January 26, 1672 - death August 15, 1714) - Nicknames - "Monsiha", Queen of Kukui. For more than ten years she was the favorite of Emperor Peter 1

Was Gogol Actually Buried Alive? - Alternative View

Was Gogol Actually Buried Alive? - Alternative View

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol died on March 3, 1852. On March 6, 1852, he was interred in the cemetery near the Danilov Monastery. According to the will, a monument to him was not erected - Golgotha towered over the grave

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Gogol's Skull - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Gogol's Skull - Alternative View

Since 1839, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol began to develop a progressive mental and physical health disorder. At the age of 30, while in Rome, Gogol contracted malaria, and, judging by the consequences, the disease damaged the writer's brain

The Mystery Of Gogol's Death - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Gogol's Death - Alternative View

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol - (1809 - 1852) - classic of Russian literature, writer, genius satirist, publicist, playwright, critic. Belonged to the old noble family of Gogol-Yanovsky

Nobody Will Solve Me Completely: 5 Biggest Riddles Of Nikolai Gogol - Alternative View

Nobody Will Solve Me Completely: 5 Biggest Riddles Of Nikolai Gogol - Alternative View

April 1 marks the 207th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - a writer whose name is associated with almost the largest number of mysteries in the history of Russian literature

The Nicknames Of The Dogs "Belka" And "Strelka" Appeared On The Orders Of Marshal Nedelin - Alternative View

The Nicknames Of The Dogs "Belka" And "Strelka" Appeared On The Orders Of Marshal Nedelin - Alternative View

More euphonious names were given to the dogs instead of foreign nicknames Details of the renaming of the first cosmonaut dogs were told to MK at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Major Misconceptions About Vikings - Alternative View

Major Misconceptions About Vikings - Alternative View

The Vikings were skilled sailors and warriors. They were the first to reach the shores of America and made a great contribution to art. But popular culture has greatly distorted the idea of them, creating a lot of misconceptions

Forgotten Emperor Ivan VI Antonovich - Alternative View

Forgotten Emperor Ivan VI Antonovich - Alternative View

Ivan VI (Ioann Antonovich) (born 12 (23) August 1740 - death 5 (16) July 1764) - nominal Russian emperor. Reign: October 1740 to November 1741 From the Romanov dynasty

Why In The First Concentration Camp "Talerhof" There Were Only Ukrainians-Russophiles - Alternative View

Why In The First Concentration Camp "Talerhof" There Were Only Ukrainians-Russophiles - Alternative View

In 1914, we saw for the first time to what extent European Russophobia could reach. The concentration camp created by the Austrians housed those residents of Western Ukraine who considered themselves part of Russian culture or at least felt sympathy for the Russians

The Horrors Of Soviet Life: How It Really Was - Alternative View

The Horrors Of Soviet Life: How It Really Was - Alternative View

Those nostalgic for the Soviet Union usually recall myths like: "But people were kinder." But for some reason they don't want to live the way they did then. Rather, they pretend that they want to, because they do not remember how it was. Our author Katerina Novitskaya has collected the opinions of those who remember

Kolbrin's Bible - Alternative View

Kolbrin's Bible - Alternative View

The Great Book, the Kolbrin Bible, the Kolbrin Manuscript, the Kolbrin Bible and the Book of Coil - all these names imply the same ancient document, whose origins go back to our distant distant past

The Mystery Of The Resurrection Of The Savior Is Revealed - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Resurrection Of The Savior Is Revealed - Alternative View

Scientists call the Turin Shroud - the cover in which the executed Christ was wrapped - "the fifth Gospel"

Corpse Synod - Alternative View

Corpse Synod - Alternative View

In the period from 882 to 963, the Roman throne was occupied by as many as 24 popes, whom the historiography of the Catholic Church generally called "bad popes". This period is also called by historians "the era of Formosa"

"Dyatlov's Group" Was Destroyed By A Rocket That Fell From The Sky - Alternative View

"Dyatlov's Group" Was Destroyed By A Rocket That Fell From The Sky - Alternative View

It seems that there is one less terrible secret in the world - almost six decades after the tragedy on the slope of the Mountain of the Dead, a more or less clear explanation of the death of the expedition of students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute under the leadership of