Monomakh's Hat - Not Monomakh - Alternative View

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Monomakh's Hat - Not Monomakh - Alternative View
Monomakh's Hat - Not Monomakh - Alternative View

Video: Monomakh's Hat - Not Monomakh - Alternative View

Video: Monomakh's Hat - Not Monomakh - Alternative View
Video: #05 Rus falling apart in XI-XII: The Triumvirate, Vladimir Monomakh, and not his hat 2024, October

Monomakh's hat

Late 13th - early 14th century. Gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fur; filigree, granulating, casting, chasing, engraving. Height 18.6 cm; circumference 61 cm. The Armory. Moscow The most famous of all the royal headdresses of the Russian tsars is the Monomakh Hat. She is in the Armory; all Russian tsars and princes up to Fyodor Alekseevich were crowned with this hat. What is interesting: the fact is clearly established: it has nothing to do with Byzantium or the 11th century!


The hat was made in Central Asia, in Bukhara, in the first half of the XIV century, 200 years after the death of Vladimir Monomakh. It also turned out that no connection between the headdress and Monomakh was noted until the beginning of the 16th century; and the Moscow princes, leaving it to their heirs, talked about the "golden hat". It is also proved that its first owner was Ivan Kalita. Both the hat and the horse harness ("golden horse tackle") were presented to Ivan Kalita by his contemporary, the Golden Horde Uzbek Khan.

So this crown could not have belonged to Prince Vladimir Monomakh (c. 960 - July 15, 1015). Other caps - crowns are made in the same way.

Well, let's continue about the crowns and crowns of Russian rulers.

Hat Kazan

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Mid-16th century. Gold, precious stones, fur; casting, embossing, carving, niello The Kazan Shapka is a golden filigree crown made around 1553 for Ivan the Terrible immediately after the conquest and annexation of the Kazan Khanate to the Russian state and the consolidation of the title of the Kazan Tsar. There is no exact information about when and by whom the crown was made. There is a version that it was made by the jewelers of the conquered khanate.


Crown. Great outfit. Astrakhan hat. 1627

Gold, precious stones, pearls, fur; casting, chasing, engraving, carving, shotting. Height 30.2 cm. Circumference 66.5 cm. Armory. Moscow. Belonged to Tsar Mikhail Romanov. Work of the Moscow Kremlin Workshops. The Astrakhan hat was navan because by the reign of 1 tsar from the Romanov dynasty Mikhail Fedorovich, the conquest of the Astrakhan Khanate and the erection of a cross on both banks of the Volga, and access to the Caspian Sea were completed. And also, this crown is present on the coat of arms of Astrakhan. As you know, after the death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, juvenile Ivan and Peter were placed on the throne; personal crowns were made for them in the workshops of the Kremlin.


Altabas hat. (Siberian). 1684

Cloth, brocade, gold, precious stones, pearls, fur; casting, chasing, carving, enamel, shotting. Armouries. Moscow. Belonged to Tsar Ivan Alekseevich. Work of the Moscow Kremlin Workshops


Diamond hat. 1682 - 1687

Gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fur; casting, embossing, carving, enamel Armory. Moscow. Belonged to Tsar Ivan Alekseevich. The work of the Moscow Kremlin Workshops On a larger plan, patterns and double-headed eagles on the crown are prominent.


Diamond hat. 1682 - 1684

Gold, silver, precious stones, fur; casting, chasing, enamel. Armouries. Moscow. Belonged to Tsar Peter Alekseevich. Work of the Moscow Kremlin Workshops.


Monomakh's hat of the second outfit. 1682

Gold, precious stones, pearls, fur; casting, chasing, carving Armory. Moscow. Russia. Belonged to Tsar Peter Alekseevich. Work of the Moscow Kremlin Workshops.


Next are the imperial crowns. One of the first imperial crowns was the crown with which Tsar Peter I crowned Catherine I. But only one frame remained from it, since succeeding generations used diamonds for their own needs.

Crown of the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna

The crown of the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna is a precious crown made in St. Petersburg in 1730-1731, presumably by the master Gottlieb Wilhelm Dunkel. About two and a half thousand diamonds, rubies and tourmalines, skillfully selected in size, are set into the silver frame of the crown. Most of them previously adorned the crown of Empress Catherine I, as well as a dark red tourmaline placed under a diamond cross of an irregular shape. It was bought in 1676 from a Chinese bogdykhan by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and subsequently decorated several royal crowns in turn. The weight of this unique one is one hundred grams. And finally, the most valuable exhibit of the Diamond Fund.


Great Imperial Crown of Russia

The great imperial crown of the Russian Empire was made for the coronation in 1762 by the famous jewelers Georg-Friedrich Eckart, who was the author of the sketches and the frame, and also supervised the work of Jeremiah (Jeremiah: in Russia he was called Eremey Petrovich) Pozier, who was engaged in the selection of stones. The work was carried out by special order of Catherine II. The famous masters were given only one condition - the crown had to weigh no more than 5 pounds (2 kilograms). The jewelry miracle was created in just two months. It was the most famous crown of the Russian Empire until the end of the monarchy, which embodied the supreme power in Russia. After the October Revolution, the young communist state of workers 'and peasants' councils, dilapidated and ravaged by gangs of "Bolsheviks," was in need of finance. The government looked for loans and turned to Michael Collins, Ireland's finance minister. The royal jewels were used as collateral for the Soviet republic with a loan of $ 25,000.


The transfer of values and money was carried out in New York, between the head of the "Soviet Bureau" - the Soviet ambassador to America, Ludwig Martens, and the Irish ambassador to the United States, Harry Boland. After returning to Ireland, Boland kept jewelry in the house of his mother - Kathleen Boland O'Donovan, who lived in Dublin. Throughout the Irish War of Independence, the jewelry was kept by Boland's mother. Ms. Boland O'Donovan handed over the jewels of Russia to the government of the Irish Republic in the person of Imon de Valera only in 1938, which were kept in the safes of government buildings and which were forgotten for a while. In 1948, the values were discovered and by decision of the new Irish government, headed by John A. Costello, a decision was made to sell the collateralized royal jewels of Russia at a public auction in London. But,after consultations on the legal status of the collateral and negotiations with the Soviet ambassador, the decision to sell was canceled. The valuables were to be returned to the Soviet Union in exchange for a sum of $ 25,000, originally loaned in 1920. The valuables returned to Moscow in 1950. All subsequent emperors of Russia after Catherine II were crowned with this crown.

Small Imperial Crown of the Russian Empire

The Small Imperial Crown of the Russian Empire is one of the imperial regalia. The small crown was created by the jeweler Zeftigen for the coronation of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Alexander II in 1856.


Diadem. 1810

Gold, silver, pink diamond, small diamonds. Moscow Most likely it belonged to Elizaveta Alexandrovna, the wife of Alexander I.


Crown of the Russian Empire from the movie of the same name. Our craftsmen could not make this, they ordered it to the craftsmen of the Barrandov studio in Prague. Decorated with rock crystal, it is an artistic rarity. Cost "Mosfilm" $ 2,000.