Secrets of history 2024, October

Perm Is Great. A City Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth? - Alternative View

Perm Is Great. A City Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth? - Alternative View

An amateur local historian from Perm claims to have solved a 300-year-old mystery. Vladimir Permyakov Vladimir Permyakov by profession - accountant, he got access to the secrets of history through a regular computer

Jews In Russia: Who Was Behind Them - Alternative View

Jews In Russia: Who Was Behind Them - Alternative View

At the end of the 15th century, the Russian state and the Church became almost completely independent of the Golden Horde and the Patriarchate of Constantinople, but the Orthodox world did not feel complete relief, awaiting the end of the world in 1492, when it ended

Sanatorium Beelitz-Heilstätten - Alternative View

Sanatorium Beelitz-Heilstätten - Alternative View

Officially, this building was built for patients with tuberculosis in the 19th century. It’s hard to believe, it’s too royal apartments, as for a hospital.Sanatorium Beelitz-Heilstätten, which is said to have been treated by Hitler himself.- Sa

Where Did Kazan Khan's Treasury Disappear? - Alternative View

Where Did Kazan Khan's Treasury Disappear? - Alternative View

In the first half of the 15th century, the Crimean Khanate waged fierce wars with Muscovite Rus. Forty campaigns were carried out by the Kazan khans to the Russian lands, mainly to Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma, Galich, Vladimir, Murom, Vyatka

The Army Lost In The Sands - Alternative View

The Army Lost In The Sands - Alternative View

The Italian traveler of the XIII century Marco Polo, following from Venice to Beijing, observed a very unusual phenomenon in the deserts, which he later described as follows: “But there is such a miracle: you are driving through that desert at night, and it happens that someone will fall behind the comrades

Who Needs A Perpetual Motion Machine? - Alternative View

Who Needs A Perpetual Motion Machine? - Alternative View

It would seem that science has finally and irrevocably proved that devices with a coefficient of performance (COP) greater than one (the so-called perpetual motion machines) are impossible

A New Study Of The Voynich Manuscript Has Begun - Alternative View

A New Study Of The Voynich Manuscript Has Begun - Alternative View

The Yale University Rare Book Depository contains a manuscript called "the most mysterious in the world." Dozens of books and thousands of articles are devoted to the famous "Voynich manuscript", but so far no one has been able to read it

Where Did The Russian Yaga Come From - Alternative View

Where Did The Russian Yaga Come From - Alternative View

Baba Yaga is a character familiar to us from childhood. Did you know that "that fabulous old woman is not at all a figment of folk fantasy, but a historical person

Secrets Of The Pugachev Rebellion - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Pugachev Rebellion - Alternative View

Everything that we were told about the Pugachev uprising is only part of the information, moreover, insignificant. In addition, history knows many cases when the truth about real events was deliberately distorted

Etzi - The Oldest Human Mummy Found In Europe - Alternative View

Etzi - The Oldest Human Mummy Found In Europe - Alternative View

When two German tourists discovered a frozen creature in the Ötztal Alps, they could not even imagine that their discovery was more than 5 thousand years old. Initially, they thought that these were the remains of some climber who died in the mountains relatively recently

Nazi Children's Factory - Alternative View

Nazi Children's Factory - Alternative View

None of the structures of Nazi Germany were so shrouded in a veil of secrecy as Lebensborn. The number of myths born around him pushes even the legendary Ahnenerbe into the background. What was this project really?

The Death Of The Dyatlov Detachment: Which Version Is The Most Plausible? - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Detachment: Which Version Is The Most Plausible? - Alternative View

More than half a century ago, a mysterious and tragic event took place in the mountains of the Northern Urals. In early February 1959, nine tourists were killed for some unknown reason

Biography Of Grigory Zinoviev - Alternative View

Biography Of Grigory Zinoviev - Alternative View

Zinoviev Grigory Evseevich (real name - Radomyslsky; born September 11 (23), 1883 - death on August 25, 1936

The Oldest Aqueduct Of A Forgotten Civilization Or Trees? - Alternative View

The Oldest Aqueduct Of A Forgotten Civilization Or Trees? - Alternative View

Mount Baigong Shan, located in the Chinese province of Qinghai, has been exciting the minds of historians and researchers of the paranormal for many years

Incredible Details About The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group In The Notebooks Of Journalist Grigoriev - Alternative View

Incredible Details About The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group In The Notebooks Of Journalist Grigoriev - Alternative View

In the riddle of the Dyatlov Pass, there are documents that have not been remembered lately. For example, Gennady Konstantinovich Grigoriev, the own correspondent of Uralsky Rabochy, kept notes in notebooks while searching for Dyatlov's group

The Etruscan Capital Was In The Russian Far East - Alternative View

The Etruscan Capital Was In The Russian Far East - Alternative View

Their language is not similar to any other people. - Dionysius of Halicarnassus Before the new era, the talented and numerous Etruscan people who created civilization in Africa and Europe were admired

Vlad Tepes - Biography Of The Ruler And Bloody Legend Of Wallachia - Alternative View

Vlad Tepes - Biography Of The Ruler And Bloody Legend Of Wallachia - Alternative View

In 1386, in Sighisoara, a small town located in Transylvania, a man was born who left an indelible mark on history

Scientists Have Announced The Discovery Of The Birthplace Of The Apostle Peter - Alternative View

Scientists Have Announced The Discovery Of The Birthplace Of The Apostle Peter - Alternative View

Israeli archaeologists believe that they managed to find the real birthplace of the apostle Peter, his brother - the apostle Andrew, and also the apostle Philip. The settlement discovered by researchers is located in the north of the Sea of Galilee

Borgia - Dynasty Of Monsters - Alternative View

Borgia - Dynasty Of Monsters - Alternative View

The Middle Ages are called gloomy for a reason. The history of the relationship between Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) and his mistress Rosa Vannozza dei Cattanei can be a vivid illustration of the mores of that era. Can the head of the Catholic Church have a mistress?

The Dissolute Life Of Pope Alexander VI - Alternative View

The Dissolute Life Of Pope Alexander VI - Alternative View

The Spaniard Rodrigo Borgia went down in history as the most depraved pope among all the heads of the Catholic Church. His name was a household name, and the interest in him is so great that Alexander VI became the most famous clergyman in the world

Heretic - Alternative View

Heretic - Alternative View

The story is old, but so good that it is not a sin to tell it again Alain Bombard was the doctor on duty at the Boulogne hospital, when 43 sailors were brought there - the victims of the shipwreck at Pier Carnot. None of them were saved

Frog Boys: 5 Children Who Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

Frog Boys: 5 Children Who Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

March 26, 1991 was a day off in South Korea. It was an "extraordinary weekend" announced by the government in connection with elections to local councils of lower-level territorial administrative units

The Russian-English War Of 1807-1812: What Were They Fighting For - Alternative View

The Russian-English War Of 1807-1812: What Were They Fighting For - Alternative View

Complex trilateral relations between Russia, England and France in the first half of the 19th century led first to the war between the Russians and the British, in which Petersburg was supported by Paris

The Difference Between Russian Civilization And English Colonization - Alternative View

The Difference Between Russian Civilization And English Colonization - Alternative View

In 1853, the famous English scientist and geologist, Sir Roderick Impie Murchinson, who traveled all over Russia, speaking at a crowded rally in London's Hyde Park against Britain's entry into the Crimean War, said:“Even if Russia expands its possessions at the expense of neighboring colonies, unlike other colonial powers, it gives these new acquisitions more than it takes from them. A

History Of Uzambara Portals - Alternative View

History Of Uzambara Portals - Alternative View

In their tales and legends, the Uzambarians have always portrayed the Atlanteans as terrible creatures, perhaps even aliens from another world. But, of course, any educated Uzambarian understood that the Atlanteans belonged to the same biological species as themselves

600 Artifacts Were Removed From A Secret Nazi Base In The Arctic - Alternative View

600 Artifacts Were Removed From A Secret Nazi Base In The Arctic - Alternative View

Employees of the Russian Arctic National Park removed more than 600 artifacts from the secret German meteorological station that operated on the Franz Josef Land archipelago during World War II

Heavenly Visions Over The Fields Of Military Battles In Russian History - Alternative View

Heavenly Visions Over The Fields Of Military Battles In Russian History - Alternative View

One of the first mentions of celestial anomalies associated with the battles of the Russian army dates back to 1111

Doubles - Visions From The Future? - Alternative View

Doubles - Visions From The Future? - Alternative View

In science fiction works, the method of "curving time" is sometimes used: it stops flowing as usual, or a person "falls" into the past or future. And can this happen in reality

The Strange Story Of Japan's First Astronaut - Alternative View

The Strange Story Of Japan's First Astronaut - Alternative View

In historical chronicles, one can occasionally find mention of the Japanese citizen Toehiro Akiyama, who happened to go into outer space. He was a little-known, non-smoking journalist who visited the Soviet Mir space station

The History Of The First Zemsky Sobor - Alternative View

The History Of The First Zemsky Sobor - Alternative View

What is known about the First Zemsky Sobor Zemsky Sobor - gathering representatives of different segments of the population of the Russian state to solve political, economic and administrative issues

Russian Ingenuity, Americans Panicked - Alternative View

Russian Ingenuity, Americans Panicked - Alternative View

It was during the Cold War between the USSR and the USA. On the African continent, Civil Wars broke out frequently. And often one side was supported by the States, and the other by the Soviets. Take a closer look at the potential enemy, and test the weapon

Death At Lenin Peak: The Mysteries Of The Biggest Tragedy In The History Of Mountaineering - Alternative View

Death At Lenin Peak: The Mysteries Of The Biggest Tragedy In The History Of Mountaineering - Alternative View

Climbers all over the world still recall with shudder what happened 27 years ago on one of the seven-thousanders of the Pamirs

The Mystery Of The Death Of Martha Sobakina - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Martha Sobakina - Alternative View

The shortest (15 days) of the 6 official marriages of Ivan the Terrible was the third - with Martha Vasilievna Sobakina (born 1552 - death November 13, 1571) - The third Russian queen

The Kayapo Tribe And Their God - Alternative View

The Kayapo Tribe And Their God - Alternative View

In the legends of the Kayapo Indians, the original inhabitants of the remote state of Pará on Rio Fresco, it is said that aliens from heaven were their leaders and shamans before

British Scientists Have Discovered The World's Oldest Password From The Stone Age - Alternative View

British Scientists Have Discovered The World's Oldest Password From The Stone Age - Alternative View

British scientists say they have discovered the world's oldest password dating back to the Stone Age

The Main Misconceptions About The Slavs - Alternative View

The Main Misconceptions About The Slavs - Alternative View

Slavs - the largest ethno-linguistic community in Europe, but scientists are still debating about the origin of the Slavs and their early history. What can we say about mere mortals. Unfortunately, misconceptions about the Slavs are not uncommon

Ancient Siberia Reveals The Secrets Of - Alternative View

Ancient Siberia Reveals The Secrets Of - Alternative View

The archaeological expedition "Secrets of Ancient Siberian Artists", organized by the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IIMK RAS) and the Russian Geographical Society (RGO), made a unique find

In Staraya Russa, They Found Seals Of The 14th Century Depicting An Angel (or An Alien) And A Strange Beast - Alternative View

In Staraya Russa, They Found Seals Of The 14th Century Depicting An Angel (or An Alien) And A Strange Beast - Alternative View

Archaeologists of the expedition of the Novgorod State University (NovGU) found two applied seals of the 14th century at the Pyatnitsky excavation in Staraya Russa, said Pavel Kolosnitsyn, head of the cabinet-museum of archeology of Novgorod State University

The Legend Of The "Philadelphia Experiment" - Alternative View

The Legend Of The "Philadelphia Experiment" - Alternative View

One of the most famous legends, actively supported by supporters of "conspiracy theories" - the mythical Philadelphia Experiment, allegedly carried out by the US Navy on October 28, 1943, during which it allegedly disappeared and then instantly moved into space

10 Incredible Facts About The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

10 Incredible Facts About The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

The question of the origin of our ancestors - ancient Slavs - is one of the most frequently discussed in modern historiography. This article does not purport to be scientific research