Ancient Healers - Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View

Ancient Healers - Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View
Ancient Healers - Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Healers - Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Healers - Secrets Of Longevity - Alternative View
Video: How to make diseases disappear | Rangan Chatterjee | TEDxLiverpool 2024, September

Humanity has always been interested in two questions - how to be cured effectively from certain diseases and how to maximize your life? Today, the main emphasis seems to be on the cure with the help of chemical drugs, however, with all modern methods, the so-called alternative medicine continues to live. How can this be explained? Despite the appearance of gadgets that seemed fantastic ten years ago, a person still suffers from the same diseases as a hundred years ago, and for some reason the drugs advertised by pharmaceutical companies are not as effective as the "grandmother's" tinctures.

From generation to generation, recipes that promote longevity have been passed on, over which the best minds of all times have dried their heads, since the time when humanity acquired the signs of civilization. They had a different character, from quite classic herbal tinctures or powders, to procedures such as bathing in the menstrual blood of virgins, in the worst case, just blood, or the tears of the same virgins. There is an opinion that the art of healing the human race was passed on by their heavenly patrons - the gods who came from heaven, described by many ancient sources. These gods were also the first rulers of once existing civilizations, in particular the Egyptian, and this information still lives among us.

In general, the question arises: "How did a person learn how to heal and subsequently got carried away with the invention of the elixir of longevity?" Even the most elementary knowledge of this kind cannot be obtained by chance, and it is known for certain that surgical operations were performed in ancient Egypt and even there was highly developed dental therapy. Thus, the fact that earthlings were taught the art of curing diseases by aliens is obvious.

As you know, there is a hypothesis that a person is a biorobot created artificially in a laboratory by some higher mind. Accordingly, its creators should have foreseen the possibility of treatment for various diseases that could be obtained in the framework of life and at the same time it would contribute to self-improvement in the intellectual plane. It is possible that a person was endowed with some basic knowledge, after which he had to independently find remedies for the treatment of those components, and in particular, plants, that are on the planet.

For example, excavations in Egypt, South and Central America have revealed artifacts with drawings depicting the process of various medical operations. The medical specialists invited as experts were very easily able to identify in the images some types of surgical interventions performed today.

Egyptian pharaohs, ancient Chinese emperors, ancient Indian rulers - they all claimed that they descended from the gods, and in many ancient books it is written that they came from heaven on fire-breathing dragons. Thus, it can be said for sure that all knowledge came from outside, but the desire to live for a long time appeared after the extraterrestrial monarchs began to be replaced by people from the local population. Some historians associate this with the subsequent decline of the once majestic nations. The initially ruling nation of aliens was gradually dissolving into the earthly one, and therefore, after several thousand years, nothing remained of the primary pure DNA.

For example, sources that have come down to our time, and in particular the Ramayana epic, tell about the miraculous abilities of the rulers to live for more than a thousand years, in addition, some flying vehicles are mentioned, on which the rulers could move to any place. Since, together with each subsequent ruler, the proportion of divine blood in him decreased, the abilities inherent in higher beings disappeared, and the life span was reduced. It was this circumstance that caused the need to search for the secret of longevity, because no one wanted to die and really wanted to rule forever.

Without exception, all emperors, monarchs or pharaohs wanted to live forever, or at least as long as possible. The greatest amount of knowledge in this direction was accumulated by the ancient Egyptian priests. Until now, there are legends about Queen Nefertiti and her divine beauty. She managed to maintain an unfading youth for a long time thanks to certain cosmetics, and the rejuvenating effect was complex. No modern cosmetic product can boast of such an effect, which can still somehow fight the external signs of aging, but are absolutely unable to affect the process of wear and tear of internal tissues and organs. According to legends, after the death of the queen, the entire set of anti-aging components was buried in a cache of one of the pyramids, but in which one it is not known exactly. According to another version, they are located somewhere in the Sphinx area,although in any case, it has not yet been possible to find anything like that.

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The technology of embalming corpses and preserving the removed organs gave rise to no less secrets and legends. Scientists came to the conclusion that the organs removed after the death of a person could be used by ancient Egyptian healers for transplantation to living people, in particular to the pharaohs. Since only the rich inhabitants of Egypt had the opportunity to mummify their bodies, it is possible that they were the ones who replenished the bank of donor material, as it would be called now. The organs removed from the body of the pharaoh could only be used to treat the future ruler. It is possible that ordinary Egyptians could also be donors, if healthy organs were not always enough.

If in ancient Egypt longevity was sought exclusively in surgical methods of influencing the body, then in China and India healers focused on therapy and the body's ability to self-medicate. Since the human race was created on the basis of the genetic material of aliens, then we must have the same abilities. So, Eastern scientists believe that it is only necessary to awaken these internal energy sources in oneself and the owner of the body can not only be cured of any diseases without the help of doctors, but also live much longer. The teaching of Tibetan monks professes just such a way of life. And there are many witnesses of such a phenomenon, when meditating Tibetans simply froze in the air without any support or performed other abnormal from the point of view of an ordinary layman, actions.

Thanks to their biofield and connection with space, they are able to force the body to fight the virus on its own. The essence of the treatment of any of the diseases again lies in meditation, the person withdraws into himself and at the same time, the body heats up greatly, after a short period of time there is no trace of the disease, and the owner of the body returns to consciousness. That is why they do not wear warm clothes here, despite significant seasonal cold snaps, since colds are simply commonplace. An experiment was carried out especially in front of the visitors - they wrapped a wet sheet over the naked body of one of the monks, after which he began to meditate, and in front of everyone's eyes, the sheet instantly dried up. The longevity of the Tibetan monks still surprises many scientists, since the use of only vegetarian food and complex physical exercises does not fit.

In ancient China, they believed that absolutely everything affects human health and life expectancy, so even the arrangement of their own homes was planned to the smallest detail. They planted trees and paved the paths exclusively in accordance with the direction of energy flows, and of course they used the miraculous ginseng for food.

Tibetan practice can also be traced among Indian yogis, who prove by their activities that the human body can much more, including existing, if, of course, its owners know how to handle it. It was from the time of the writing of the Ramayana and Mahabharata that rejuvenation rituals were constantly practiced here, for which various tinctures and decoctions from herbs and other components were used. From here, according to historians, modern plastic surgery also originates, as one of the ways to correct the appearance. According to the information that has come down to us, to remove folds, the patient simply cut out a strip of skin, then shifted the remaining skin to the resulting gap and filled it all with hot wax. It is not known how effective such a procedure was,however, many Indian rulers lived long enough to have a youthful appearance even after death.

The search for the source of longevity continues today, although modern scientists give preference to genetics and believe that this is where the cause of aging should be sought. As you know, relatively recently, a gene responsible for the aging process has been found, but can this bring any practical results? Will we reach a certain age, and after that the processes of further wear and tear of tissues will stop, or will we periodically have to visit the pharmacy, or some procedures? In any case, one should not be frivolous about this issue, because in fact, humanity has not yet found a way to be cured forever from the banal ARVI arising from the draft. Immortal or very long life can also bring many global problems - this is an increase in the population of people and, accordingly, a lack of food and natural resources at all, as well as generational conflicts and constant wars for survival.