Scientists Are Shocked By The Ancient Knowledge Of Medicines - Alternative View

Scientists Are Shocked By The Ancient Knowledge Of Medicines - Alternative View
Scientists Are Shocked By The Ancient Knowledge Of Medicines - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Are Shocked By The Ancient Knowledge Of Medicines - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Are Shocked By The Ancient Knowledge Of Medicines - Alternative View
Video: The Great Reset (The Coming Economic Crisis) - Part 5 by Keith Malcomson 2024, September

Scientists, on the basis of archaeological finds, conclude that in ancient times people possessed considerable knowledge of medicines. For example, researchers from Denmark deciphered a unique manuscript from Ancient Egypt, which tells how the sick were treated at that time.

It is surprising in this regard that the ancient Egyptians used the blood of bats and bovine fat in their medical practice - drugs that modern pharmacology practically does not use. At the same time, doctors of Ancient Egypt successfully performed operations even on the skull, and the patients did not experience pain and did not die.

The Danes are still at a loss how the ancient Egyptians had such a vast knowledge of medicines, because then there was no such highly developed pharmacological industry as today, moreover, the ancient inhabitants of the Earth somehow unmistakably chose natural products for these purposes, not using chemistry, which modern doctors have more and more complaints about.

The Danes, for example, concluded that the Egyptians of that time, based on the blood of bats and bovine fat, could produce a unique pain reliever inaccessible to modern medicine. Where, one wonders, did the ancient people get such knowledge?..


But the researchers of King's College London, based on one of the papyri of Ancient Greece (found during the excavation of the city of Oxyrinkos in Egypt), determined how the Greeks of that time fought with the hangover syndrome. The fact is that wine drinking flourished in this country, which could not but affect the health of lovers of intoxicating, especially the next day after excessive drinking.

So, in a treatise on this topic, it is said that in ancient Greece any medications, including those for a hangover, were used in combination with an appeal to higher powers. For example, the next morning after a strong libation, the Greeks wore a necklace of laurel leaves, on which special magical signs were inscribed. And, probably, it helped much better than modern pills, such as aspirin, not to mention the useless zorex and similar drugs …

According to Henry Benjamin, a specialist in ancient medicine, the ancient Greeks were able to successfully treat many diseases, while their unique combination of various medicinal herbs was necessarily reinforced by a divine attitude, the belief that only gods can help free themselves from certain ailments. Modern medical practice completely rejects such a spiritual approach to treatment, which is why we can observe the impotence of medicine, which manifests itself primarily in the fact that even the most miraculous medications soon become useless, since microbes develop immunity against them. And pharmacologists have to come up with more and more new drugs. Moreover, these chemicals, as they say, heal one in our body, and the other cripple. But in ancient Greece and Egypt, apparently,for centuries and even millennia, they were treated with "magic" means, not forgetting who gave them to people. And there were no problems with medicines …

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By the way, ahead of the New Year, after which many will get up in the morning completely sick, since the Russian person does not know the measure of anything. To make a necklace of laurel leaves and write on them your requests at least to your Guardian Angel, I think, presents no difficulty. And suddenly he hears and helps. In this case, cabbage brine can also be drunk - it does not hurt …