The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Five - Alternative View

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The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Five - Alternative View
The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Five - Alternative View

Video: The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Five - Alternative View

Video: The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Five - Alternative View
Video: What if Anyone Won the War of 1812? 2024, September

In the previous 4 parts, I talked about the inexplicable (and not explained by shy historians so far) strangeness of the war of 1812, which is presented to us as Patriotic. I will not repeat myself, I bring to your attention all the links: ("The War of 1812 - another look" part 1. / "The war of 1812 - another look" part 2./ The war of 1812 - another look "part 3. /" The war of 1812 - a different look "part 4.)


According to the assumptions of numerous researchers, imperial Tartary (read more about it in 3 articles "Tartaria - the first great empire"), after a natural cataclysm of the second half of the 18th century, which destroyed its metropolis - the kingdom of Katai, lost its "stability" and began to gradually crumble.

Fragment of the map of Tartary with the Katay region
Fragment of the map of Tartary with the Katay region

Fragment of the map of Tartary with the Katay region.

Tartary is divided into Moscow (belonging to Muscovy), Chinese-Chinskaya (belonging to China-Chin) and Independent, which is obviously so named due to its independence from neighboring states, for example, Persia, with which it borders. There is also Tartary Malaya, but in the 18th century, together with the Crimea, it belongs to the Ottoman Empire, the ruling dynasty of which is from Tartaria (more precisely, from its region - Turkestan), which can be learned from Latin sources of the Middle Ages. Tibet with Lhasa comes under the jurisdiction of Beijing. On the territory of the Independent and the Chinese-Chinsk Tartary, many hordes (horde) with their local khans are scattered.

Quite quickly, the Tartar kingdoms (like the republics in the USSR at one time) begin to split off and go under the control of neighboring empires: the Siberian lands retreat to Muscovy (by 1730, the border of the conquered Siberia stretches along the Ural River), the Tartar lands near China-China become part of the Chinese Empire, in which the same tartars from the Niuche province have ruled since 1644 (in the official history they are called the Manchus, in old books - always only tartars, for more details read China's Fake Antiquity. White Gods.). Free, or Independent Tartary for some time still remains more or less independent and sovereign. But later, large neighbors divide it among themselves. Since 1452, Little Tartary and Crimea have belonged to the Ottomans (descendants of the Osman / Ottoman commander from the army of the Great Khan of Tartaria).


Promotional video:

Moscow Tartary

The so-called "peasant wars" of Razin and Pugachev ("Suvorov against Pugachev") are considered a continuation of the wars for the heritage of the empire. They weakened, but did not completely eliminate the remaining fragments of Great Tartary.

Another war between Tartary and Europe took place at the beginning of the nineteenth century. In our country it is known as the "Patriotic War of 1812", and in Europe it was called the "Eastern campaign of Napoleon."

It is interesting that for the average person, until the beginning of the 20th century, it was clear who was fighting with whom and for what. And the attitude towards Napoleon Bonaparte was sublime and enthusiastic, he was clearly not considered an aggressor and "the culprit of all the troubles of the people", as they represent now. They wrote poems about him, wrote articles and plays, just a popular and beloved hero!

No one was puzzled or questioned by the monuments to the soldiers of the All-European Great Army, installed in the places of battles, crossings and just stops.


Commemorative and jubilee medals, sets, perfumes and other things depicting the "invader" and "murderer" of hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers (again, according to the official version) - Bonaparte. That in the Russian army, most of the officers were foreigners who lived and died outside of Russia. The children of impoverished European nobles, finding no other way to make a career, came to St. Petersburg en masse to enlist in the army and navy. And having earned a pension, they returned to their homeland.

No wonder the people called black cockroaches "Prussians", because they, like cockroaches, rushed from Europe through the "window" open in the Baltic to Russia. From the shores of the Baltic, the "Prussians" crawled farther and farther in all directions. In large cities, they founded their settlements, such as existed even before the "opening of the window to Europe", for example, in Pskov and Novgorod. And after all, it is precisely their merit that the Russian city of Pleskov began to be called in the German manner: - Pskow. And immediately after the extermination of the population on the Volga, after the war with the armies of Emelyan Pugachev, ordinary peasants from Europe also rushed to the space "cleaned" of tartar. They, according to the plans of Catherine II, had to completely replace the Tartar population, so that even memories of the past of the Volga region would not remain. Today such a process would be called detartarization.

For the full implementation of the plans of the Holstein-Gottorp dynasty for expansion to the east and southeast, it was necessary to break the last center / city around which the remnants of the once mighty Tartar Empire united - Moscow, the capital of Moscow Tartary.


By the way

If we are correctly told the story of Napoleon's Eastern campaign (note that in this phrase there is not a word about the campaign to Russia, which, as we are told, he was so eager to conquer), then several questions arise about the posthumous honors rendered by the Russian tsars to Bonaparte:

1) Why did Alexander the Third build a bridge in Paris (as a gift) dedicated to Napoleon, where the initial letters of the two countries are woven together inside a laurel wreath - a symbol of victory, and there is also Nike - the goddess of victory in the composition? Is this a kind of trolling of the French by winning the war of 1812? It is unlikely that the French would have appreciated it, and it is too tense … On the other hand, if this is gratitude for the help in the conquest of Moscow Tartary, then everything falls into place and the question does not arise - why did not France give Russia such a bridge, as an apology for " aggression ".

2) Why on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg (it is symbolic that the capital of Russia was called by a German name) they built a reflection of the column installed on the Place Vendome of Paris (in memory of the victories of Napoleon's Great Army), and even crowned with a Catholic cross, pressing with its base either a snake, then or a dragon (did the sculptor hint at the Zilant Snake - the last symbol of Tartary, and more specifically Kazan?). In an early edition of poems, Pushkin calls her Napoleon (and not the Alexandrian) pillar …


3) Why did Nikolai the First give (again a gift - why such generosity?) A 200-ton block of Karelian porphyry for Napoleon's tombstone? Again, the same analogy as in the first question.

4) Why in St. Petersburg and Moscow, built copies of the Triumphal Arches of the Holy Roman Empire, crowned by the Roman goddess Nika (copies of the Roman, Paris and Berlin arches)? Aren't the winners put such arches under their OWN symbols? So who is really the winner in the War of 1812?

5) If they tell us everything correctly and Alexander freed Europe from Napoleon's IGA, then why, in gratitude to the "liberator" (historians give us such a nickname for Alexander, right?), There are no monuments in Europe, and there are a great many to the "enslaver" Bonaparte ?!

In my opinion, from the point of view of the official version of history, all this can be explained with great stretch and abstract theses, but the alternative version explains these and other issues in a simpler and more logical way, but of course, this is ONLY ONE OF THE VERSIONS.

Continued: Part 6