The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Six - Alternative View

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The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Six - Alternative View
The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Six - Alternative View

Video: The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Six - Alternative View

Video: The War Of 1812 Is A Different Look. Part Six - Alternative View
Video: What if the United Kingdom won the War of 1812? 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Eastern campaign

As I wrote in a previous article, in France, the war of 1812 is called Napoleon's Eastern campaign (just one of his many military expeditions), for obvious reasons, the researchers did not have and probably will not have access to the true (not falsified) documents. Therefore, everything that follows in this chapter refers to assumptions.

In the middle of the Nemunas
In the middle of the Nemunas

In the middle of the Nemunas.

1807 Alexander and Napoleon in Tilsit sign a peace treaty and a secret on offensive and defensive alliance. The famous top-secret talks between the two emperors strictly in private on a raft in the middle of the Nemunas.

1808 - another meeting between Alexander and Napoleon took place in Erfurt, where a secret convention was signed. Based on the results of the meeting, the final decision was made to invade Moscow Tartary. Alesander begins the formation and training of the people's militia (documentary fact).

In the eighth French bulletin of the Grand Army (this is how the united European army under the command of Napoleon was called in France) dated June 22, 1812, it is said that Emperor Alexander led the Grand Army and took it to Dvina (the chroniclers got it wrong, or vice versa, everything was so - the Russian tsar according to the conditions secret agreement, was also the commander of the Grand Army?).

Perhaps the European and Russian (Russian) troops prepared and began a joint operation, where everyone (Napoleon and Alexander) had to get what he was striving for. Alexander had to destroy Moscow and Moscow Tartary in order to completely subjugate the territories up to the Urals. Napoleon, fighting with Britain, assumed (this is recorded in writing, below will be a link to the materials), after the Eastern campaign, together with the Russian troops (!), Move to India in order to deprive Britain of its richest colony (he had the same plans earlier with Paul, father Alexandra).

Promotional video:

Perhaps (this is just a guess!), This was the essence of the secret deal concluded in 1807 and executed in 1808 (see above in the text). In this case, all the absurdities of the course, description, material evidence and logistic inconsistencies of 1812 fall into place:

Linear attack
Linear attack

Linear attack.

1) Despite the beginning of preparations for war in 1810 (a plan of military operations, maps of the terrain, prepared crossings, newly created engineering troops, formed 3 armies and much more), the Russian troops were not united into one army and the first battle was fought in 340 km from the border of the empire (official version) / dispersal of the Russian armies, was a single campaign plan, a strategic plan designed to create threats in different directions and prevent the enemy (Tartar troops) from concentrating forces in one place (alt. version).

2) The Great Army, namely 600 thousand soldiers and hundreds of thousands of horses, fed on the "holy spirit" (it is absurd to carry food and fodder from Europe, and the population of the war zone scattered through the forests without waiting for enemy foragers - official version) / supply armies came from pre-prepared warehouses in the western provinces of allied Russia (remember about two years of training?) (alt. version).

3) The Russian army successfully retreated, with practically no battles, and the French army suffered significant losses in battles with the partisans (while the Russian army suffered losses comparable to the French - official version) / battles took place with the united Tartar army (they are depicted on the old French engravings, like bearded men with pikes, in non-European uniforms and headdresses - hence the loss) (alt. version).

Bearded men with crooked sabers are fighting with Napoleon
Bearded men with crooked sabers are fighting with Napoleon

Bearded men with crooked sabers are fighting with Napoleon.

4) The civilian population caught and successfully exterminated the officers of both the French and the Russians because of the inherent denseness of the Russian citizens and the similar form of the military of the two armies (official version) / the allied European and Russian armies, had a common charter, a military uniform proposed to Alexander Napoleon and French as the official language (these are all documentary facts), and the civilians were clearly aware of whom they were slaughtering - the invaders (alt. version).

5) Looting flourished in the Russian army, due to the low moral qualities of the soldiers (but later, in Europe, such cases could be counted on the fingers of one hand - the soldiers were probably re-educated - official version) / foreign territory, defeated population (in Europe there was already “liberated”), Therefore it was robbed by both French and Russian soldiers (alt. Version).

Who are the partisans? Or Tartar warriors?
Who are the partisans? Or Tartar warriors?

Who are the partisans? Or Tartar warriors?

6) Barclay De Tolly lost the battle for Smolensk, the army retreats, and Kutuzov receives the highest decree "for military merit, military valor and hope of all Europe for deliverance" - 100 thousand rubles, Bagration - 50 thousand rubles, the lower ranks also fell (as after victories - official version) / took cities (Tartar), won battles (Tartar troops), approached the goal of the entire campaign - Moscow, the capital of Moscow Tartary, in general there was something to reward for (alt. version).

7) Moscow was surrendered and burned in accordance with a "brilliant" strategic plan (as well as all civilians, several tens of thousands of wounded, treasury and relics - all on the altar of victory !, official version) / the city was taken by storm (in France there is a medal "For the capture of Moscow”, as well as numerous engravings and drawings by contemporaries depicting the storming of the city), were plundered and burned in order to destroy even the idea of its return from the Tartars (alt. version).

Napoleon in Moscow
Napoleon in Moscow

Napoleon in Moscow.

8) Napoleon, in his letter to Alexander, apologizes for entering Moscow (official version) / apologizes for entering the conquered Moscow FIRST, thereby depriving Alexander of the right of triumph (alt. Version).

9) Napoleon sits for a long time in devastated and burned-out Moscow, waiting for Alexander to offer peace (!), And not waiting for him (surprisingly!), He goes back along the "old" road, because Kutuzov (who never defeated him) became on his way and did not let him along another route (never before or after, this did not stop Napoleon) (official version) / according to the campaign plan, the Great Army reached the Volga (in France there is a medal "For the capture of the Volga") and having completed its obligations, turned back (due to Alexander's refusal to fulfill his part of the agreement on India), following the "old" road, because Napoleon was a Great Man who appreciated ordinary people / soldiers, for which he was loved in the "captured" Europe and in Russia (alt. version).

The Great Army leaves Russia
The Great Army leaves Russia

The Great Army leaves Russia.

10) Kutuzov did not attack the leaving army in order to save his soldiers (though this did not help him - the losses of the Russian army were comparable to the French - official version) / Alexander betraying Napoleon (as before his father Pavel), tried to save his “tarnished reputation and ordered not to touch the former ally (and it did not help him - he was despised in Europe) (alt. version).

11) Along the entire route of the military campaign, there are monuments of the Great Army, medals and things are issued depicting Napoleon as an ally - due to the kindness of the soul of the Russian people, who does not remember evil (as well as hundreds of thousands of Russian souls ruined by the war - official version) / French eagles over the monuments, banners and memorials, medals and rave reviews - all this is the gratitude of the authorities for their help in the conquest of Moscow Tartary (alt. version).

Which version most logically explains the intricate events of that time, it is up to everyone to decide for himself. But for completeness, I recommend using the links to previous articles on this topic given above in the text.


In Europe, in the public domain there are many maps of that time, on which the territory of the Russian Empire in its classical form does not exist. Many of them show two countries: Russia - in the north / west and Muscovy in the central part, as well as several different Tartaries in the south and southeast. But there are also maps in the form in which we are used to seeing the Russian Empire. We can talk about falsification or incompetence of cartographers, compilers of atlases, books and encyclopedias, both from one point of view and from another. In my opinion, this is a matter of personal perception.

German map of Russia 1863 - the eastern border runs clearly along the Urals
German map of Russia 1863 - the eastern border runs clearly along the Urals

German map of Russia 1863 - the eastern border runs clearly along the Urals.

Only one thing can be said unequivocally - the history of our country is distorted and requires an honest, unbiased approach. True, we always have problems with this, and in Russia there is always a moment that is not suitable: either turmoil, or war, or perestroika / reform, or the enemies around are stirring - not up to history yet (not to the truth). We "digest" what is given, while it is still being given ….

The alternative version of events set out in the article is a private, personal opinion and does not represent a claim for the only correct one.