Stalin Secretly Lived Out His Days In Tibet? - Alternative View

Stalin Secretly Lived Out His Days In Tibet? - Alternative View
Stalin Secretly Lived Out His Days In Tibet? - Alternative View

Video: Stalin Secretly Lived Out His Days In Tibet? - Alternative View

Video: Stalin Secretly Lived Out His Days In Tibet? - Alternative View
Video: THROUGH THE RED GATE Documentary 2024, September

Not so long ago, the testimonies of doctors who allegedly courted Stalin in the last years of his life turned out to be declassified.

Why supposedly? The fact is that when pathologists described the generalissimo's body in detail, for some reason they did not drop a word either about his damaged elbow joint, or about two fused toes, or about many other details that such authoritative doctors simply could not ignore …

This prompted numerous conspiracy theorists to think that the autopsy body did not belong to Joseph Vissarionovich, but to his double. Supporters of this conspiracy theory have long believed that on March 9, 1953, unsuspecting associates of the former leader of the Soviet state buried a completely different person.

Some historians have previously assumed that the leader of the peoples could, in old age, develop a plan for leaving the world political arena. The country's main communist, they say, understood that his "loyal companions-in-arms" would destroy him when he weakened morally and physically. As a former seminarian, Stalin knew that according to one ancient manuscript, Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, but was saved by his followers and secretly sent to India, where he later died of old age.

It is possible that Joseph Vissarionovich wished to repeat this trick and in 1950 gave Lavrenty Beria the task of sending Boris Arapetov, the leader's double, to Madras. The understudy who settled in the foothills of the Himalayas was soon eliminated, and Stalin took his place, who then calmly lived out his days in Tibet.

Of course, there are a great many other, no less amazing, versions of the death of one of the greatest personalities of modern history.