Secrets of history 2024, October

Saltychikha: "exculpatory" Facts - Alternative View

Saltychikha: "exculpatory" Facts - Alternative View

One of the bloodiest women in Russian and world history is the landowner Daria Saltykova, who was nicknamed Saltychikha for the brutal murders of serfs

Saltychikha: How The High-ranking Noblewoman Committed Atrocities - Alternative View

Saltychikha: How The High-ranking Noblewoman Committed Atrocities - Alternative View

The pillar noblewoman Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova, forever remembered as Saltychikha, can be called the first known serial killer in Russia

Found The Oldest Sea Astrolabe That Belonged To The Sailors Vasco Da Gama - Alternative View

Found The Oldest Sea Astrolabe That Belonged To The Sailors Vasco Da Gama - Alternative View

The metal disc found on the sunken ship turned out to be a navigation device. According to scientists, this is one of the oldest instruments of this type

In The Grave Of The Ancient Meotca, Archaeologists Have Found Unique Artifacts - Alternative View

In The Grave Of The Ancient Meotca, Archaeologists Have Found Unique Artifacts - Alternative View

In Rostov, on Stanislavsky Street, archaeologists continue excavations. Scientists work in the area between Sokolov Avenue and Chekhov Street. Already found 22 graves here

An Unusual Burial Found In Siberia Has Left Archaeologists At A Standstill - - Alternative View

An Unusual Burial Found In Siberia Has Left Archaeologists At A Standstill - - Alternative View

Archaeologists are at a loss: in the famous Pazyryk burial ground on the bank of the river, the remains of two bodies were found - child and adult - with heads separated from bodies. The Pazyryk culture existed in the VI - III centuries BC

Scientists Managed To Describe The Real Appearance Of St. Nicholas The Wonderworker By His Relics - Alternative View

Scientists Managed To Describe The Real Appearance Of St. Nicholas The Wonderworker By His Relics - Alternative View

Scientists managed to describe the real appearance of St. Nicholas of Mirliki - his height, complexion, facial features and diseases that the Wonderworker suffered from. The description was built on the basis of archaeological, anatomical and anthropological research

"Special" Brigade Commanders - Alternative View

"Special" Brigade Commanders - Alternative View

We wrote about the Russian troops on the allied fronts during the First World War (see Russian troops on the allied fronts). Now let's take a look at some of the brigade commanders of the Special Infantry Brigades who found themselves on the French and Macedonian fronts

An Unusual Bronze Age Burial Was Found In Siberia - Alternative View

An Unusual Bronze Age Burial Was Found In Siberia - Alternative View

Russian scientists from the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have discovered a mysterious burial in a mound in Siberia during the Bronze Age

Found The Grave Of Aristotle - Alternative View

Found The Grave Of Aristotle - Alternative View

Greek archaeologist Konstantinos Sismanides at a conference in Thessaloniki announced the discovery of the alleged tomb of Aristotle. Reported by The New York Times

Vampire Graves Tell Of Ancient Superstitions - Alternative View

Vampire Graves Tell Of Ancient Superstitions - Alternative View

In 1846, in Griswold, Connecticut, a certain Horace Ray died of tuberculosis. Over the next six years, two of his adult sons also died - and from the same disease

The Grave Of A 13-year-old Witch Girl Was Found In Italy - Alternative View

The Grave Of A 13-year-old Witch Girl Was Found In Italy - Alternative View

The girl was buried in a strange way: her body was burned and laid in the grave face down. In Italy, archaeologists have discovered the skeleton of a 13-year-old girl who was buried in the Middle Ages as a witch

In Italy, Archaeologists Have Discovered The Tomb Of A Wealthy Etruscan Princess - Alternative View

In Italy, Archaeologists Have Discovered The Tomb Of A Wealthy Etruscan Princess - Alternative View

Archaeologists from Italy during the last excavations in the city of Vulci have discovered the tomb of a wealthy Etruscan princess. Considered to be one of the most valuable finds in the area, it contained exclusive ancient items

The Man Who Flew Into Space On A Makeshift Ship - Alternative View

The Man Who Flew Into Space On A Makeshift Ship - Alternative View

In 1980, the then thirty-two-year-old Granger Taylor from Canada left a note to his relatives in which he said that he was going on a journey through the Universe on a makeshift intergalactic ship, and disappeared

Where Did The Hands Of Venus De Milo Go? - Alternative View

Where Did The Hands Of Venus De Milo Go? - Alternative View

In art, Venus de Milo is called a real standard of female beauty. In addition, this sculpture is called one of the most famous. Nevertheless, Venus is surrounded by a lot of mysteries and myths, especially when it comes to her hands

Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele Created A "city Of Twins" In Brazil, Says The Historian - Alternative View

Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele Created A "city Of Twins" In Brazil, Says The Historian - Alternative View

Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who killed thousands of prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II, continued experiments on people after he escaped from justice to Latin America

The Fate Of Trubetskoy. The Life And Adventures Of The Last Boyar Of Russia - Alternative View

The Fate Of Trubetskoy. The Life And Adventures Of The Last Boyar Of Russia - Alternative View

On June 18, 1667, Prince Ivan Trubetskoy, an associate of Peter the Great, was born. The era of Peter the Great was a time of fundamental changes in Russia, from the very bottom to the elite. The boyar nobility was replaced by new people, elevated by Peter I

Venus De Milo: 15 Little-known Facts About One Of The Most Famous Statues In The Louvre - Alternative View

Venus De Milo: 15 Little-known Facts About One Of The Most Famous Statues In The Louvre - Alternative View

The vast majority of people know Venus de Milo primarily as a statue without arms. And this, as many believe, is its main mystery. But in fact, there are many more mysteries and secrets associated with this statue. 1

Not All That Is Gold - Alternative View

Not All That Is Gold - Alternative View

The second half of the 19th century can deservedly be considered the golden era of secret mystical organizations. The aristocracy and intelligentsia of all sorts happily immersed themselves in a thick soup of mystical rites, ritual gatherings and endless intrigues

75 Years Of The Poster "Motherland Calls!" How Agitation Became A Masterpiece And Changed The World - Alternative View

75 Years Of The Poster "Motherland Calls!" How Agitation Became A Masterpiece And Changed The World - Alternative View

The poster "Motherland Calls" was painted by the artist Irakli Toidze in June 1941. The meaning of the image on the poster was that a woman (Motherland is a mother, a collective image of a mother) calls her sons for help, to defend their native land

Mysterious Drawings By Afanasy Kircher - Alternative View

Mysterious Drawings By Afanasy Kircher - Alternative View

Athanasius Kircher is an outstanding and now almost forgotten scientist, Jesuit monk who lived in the 17th century. It is known that, among other things, he was engaged in archeology, traveled a lot, looking for rare ancient manuscripts and artifacts

Who Was Ötzi? - Alternative View

Who Was Ötzi? - Alternative View

On the border between Italy and Austria, on the eastern ridge of the Ötztal Alps, an ice mummy was found in September 1991. Our tourists from Germany Erica and Helmut Simon

Famous Animals That Changed The World - Alternative View

Famous Animals That Changed The World - Alternative View

We all love exciting stories about pioneers and discoverers - people who for the first time did what humanity could only dream of before. However, not all pioneers are human

The Capture Of Ishmael. The Assault On The Fortress By Suvorov - Alternative View

The Capture Of Ishmael. The Assault On The Fortress By Suvorov - Alternative View

In the era of the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. Ishmael was a powerful, modern Turkish fortress. The capture of Izmail by the Russian army took place on December 11 (22), 1790. One of the significant victories of A.V

Cassius Guy And Others - Alternative View

Cassius Guy And Others - Alternative View

For the inhabitants of Jerusalem, it remained a mystery how the retired legionnaire Guy Cassius made his living, because of cataracts of his eyes he was written off from military service and his days seemed to be spent in idle wandering through the squares, streets and markets

The Holy Grail Or Secret Bases: What Hitler Really Forgotten In The Arctic - Alternative View

The Holy Grail Or Secret Bases: What Hitler Really Forgotten In The Arctic - Alternative View

This summer, on the island of Alexandra Land in the Arctic archipelago of Franz Josef Land, about 500 objects were discovered from the German weather station "Treasure Hunt", which worked here during World War II

The Legend Of The Grail By Chrétien De Trois - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Grail By Chrétien De Trois - Alternative View

If you want to understand what the Grail is, or rather, what was meant by the Grail a millennium ago, then there is nothing more reasonable than to look into the era of the Grail. This is what we will do

Sacred Harlots - Alternative View

Sacred Harlots - Alternative View

The concept of shame came to humanity through the development of civilization and morality

Fire At The Baku Oil Field - Alternative View

Fire At The Baku Oil Field - Alternative View

Fuel oil, like many other cheap waste from oil refining, is an excellent heating medium

"Moses Left Us With A Big Riddle." Archaeologists Are Rediscovering The Bible - Alternative View

"Moses Left Us With A Big Riddle." Archaeologists Are Rediscovering The Bible - Alternative View

In recent years, sensational discoveries by archaeologists have been increasingly reported, confirming the reality of the events described in the Bible. Many such "biblical finds" were made in Jordan

Where Did The Polovtsians Come From And Where Did They Disappear - Alternative View

Where Did The Polovtsians Come From And Where Did They Disappear - Alternative View

Where did the Polovtsians come from, how did they become an instrument in the internecine feud in Russia, and where did they eventually go? Where did the Polovtsians come from? The formation of the Polovtsian ethnos took place according to the same laws for all peoples of the Middle Ages and antiquity

How Did The Ancestors Raise The Bell? - Alternative View

How Did The Ancestors Raise The Bell? - Alternative View

Even during the reign of Boris Godunov, Russian craftsmen cast a bell in Moscow, the diameter of the lower part of which was about five and a half meters with a total weight of the bell over 35 tons. More than twenty people were required for the solemn evangelism

Voice From Sirius - Alternative View

Voice From Sirius - Alternative View

On March 23, 1979, a man came to the Harrisburg police station (Pennsylvania, USA) and demanded to be connected to the special services, to whom he wants to inform about the planned explosion

Mystery Of The Country Of Meotida - Alternative View

Mystery Of The Country Of Meotida - Alternative View

Until now, scientists and ordinary people interested in ancient history are interested in the question: did the mysterious Atlantis exist? And if such a country existed, then where did it disappear without a trace along with its inhabitants?

Biography Of Ivan Kruzenshtern - Alternative View

Biography Of Ivan Kruzenshtern - Alternative View

Kruzenshtern Ivan (Adam) Fedorovich (born November 19, 1770 - death on August 24, 1846) Russian navigator, admiral, corresponding member, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences

Biography Of Columbus - A History Of Riddles Without Clues Alternative View

Biography Of Columbus - A History Of Riddles Without Clues Alternative View

Christopher Columbus - one of the most mysterious personalities of the Age of Geographical Discoveries in particular, and among historical personalities in general

The Most Interesting Thing About Mummies - Alternative View

The Most Interesting Thing About Mummies - Alternative View

When we talk about mummies, we imagine a revived dead man, all in bandages, from some horror movie. However, mummies were once quite real, living people, just after their death their bodies were mummified

How Many Sculptures Can People Be Walled Up In? - Alternative View

How Many Sculptures Can People Be Walled Up In? - Alternative View

A completely random scientific study showed that a 1000-year-old ancient Buddhist statue contains the perfectly preserved remains of a mummified monk, which is currently considered the only such example in the world.The researchers who conducted the study suggest that in China or Tibet in the 10th century, a monk sitting in a lotus position died of hunger as a result of an act of prolonged meditation

Mummies Of Babies From Kovda - Alternative View

Mummies Of Babies From Kovda - Alternative View

Twenty years ago, the mummified bodies of many babies were found under the floor of an Orthodox church in Kovda, Murmansk region. This church was built 300 years ago. Without a single nail, a typical monument of Russian wooden architecture

The Remains Of Strange Mummies From Peru Are Recognized As Human - Alternative View

The Remains Of Strange Mummies From Peru Are Recognized As Human - Alternative View

In November, the world media was stirred up by "another sensation" - this time from faraway Peru. As it became known, two years ago in the southeast of the country, two mummies were found covered with blankets

In The Crimea, Found The Burial Of A Child With An Elongated Skull - Alternative View

In The Crimea, Found The Burial Of A Child With An Elongated Skull - Alternative View

The burial of a child of the 2nd century AD was found by archaeologists in July 2017 at the ancient necropolis of Kyz-Aul in the east of Crimea: the members of the expedition dubbed it "the grave of an alien"