Who Was Ötzi? - Alternative View

Who Was Ötzi? - Alternative View
Who Was Ötzi? - Alternative View

Video: Who Was Ötzi? - Alternative View

Video: Who Was Ötzi? - Alternative View
Video: Museum Tour: Ötzi the Iceman 2024, July

On the border between Italy and Austria, on the eastern ridge of the Ötztal Alps, an ice mummy was found in September 1991. Our tourists from Germany are Erica and Helmut Simon. Initially, it was suggested that this is the body of a recently deceased climber or tourist, since the mummy has survived quite well. They reported their find to the local authorities. As a result, a group of specialists was sent to the place where the remains were found, who tried to extract the body using ice axes and a pneumatic drill, but their attempts were unsuccessful. The weather got worse, so they had to give up their attempts.

Only on September 23, when a group of climbers was near the body, it was removed from the ice. Remains of clothing and items that this man used during his lifetime were found next to the body. The mummy was taken to Innsbruck, to the office of a medical examiner. Konrad Spindler also arrived there and examined the found remains the next day. Based on the typology of the ax next to the mummy, the archaeologist estimated its age at about four thousand years. It is believed that the ice man lived in about 3350-3100 BC, thus, he is older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids.

According to experts, the death of the ice man, who was named Oetzi (after the place where the remains were found), was depicted on an ancient stone stele. This stone was quite consistent with the estimated age of the remains. This stone was used as an altar in the church, which was located near the site of the discovery of the mummy, in the town of Latch. One of the drawings showed an archer about to shoot in the back of an unarmed man running away.

Italian and Austrian authorities began to argue over who owns the unique find. Experts carried out a detailed study of the border, after which it was possible to determine that the remains were on Italian territory, at a distance of about 93 meters from the border established in 1919. However, the Italian authorities allowed the Austrian scientists from Innsbruck to complete the research. Then, in 1998, the mummy was moved to the Italian Archaeological Museum in Bolzano.

According to the researchers' assumptions, Oetzi at the time of his death reached 45 years of age. During his lifetime, his height did not exceed 165 centimeters, while he weighed about 60 kilograms. The mummy weighed a little less than 14 kilograms. Due to the fact that the remains were under the ice, they were well preserved. After conducting isotope analysis of tooth enamel, scientists came to the conclusion that the childhood of this ancient man passed north of the city of Bolzano, after which he moved 50 kilometers north and lived in the valley. The body showed clear signs of aging: the circulatory system showed signs of vascular disease, and the joints were quite worn out. In addition, many injuries were found on the body, received by the ancient man during his lifetime. So, in particular, the big toe was frostbitten on the left leg, the nose was broken and the rib on the left side was broken.

The study of the intestines made it possible to establish that the last time Oetzi took food about 8 hours before his death. It was venison and wheat grains, which probably replaced bread. A high content of copper and arsenic was found in the hair, which made it possible for scientists to assume that Ötzi might have been involved in copper smelting. Analysis of the bones showed that during his lifetime this man made frequent and long walks in the mountains. This led researchers to the idea that the ice man was engaged in grazing.

In addition, scientists using DNA analysis also found that Oetzi had lactose intolerance, which was quite widespread in those ancient times, despite the fact that agriculture and oil production were developing.

Numerous tattoos were found on the body of the mummy - more than 60 in total. These were black lines, the length of which ranged from 7 to 40 millimeters, and the width - 1-3 millimeters. The cruciform lines were located on the right ankle and under the right knee, and parallel lines were located along the lower back, as well as around the left wrist. Scientists have established that they were made by pouring soot or chimney ash into shallow cuts. According to experts, they were made for pain relief. However, there is no consensus among scientists regarding tattoos. Some researchers suggest that tattooing was part of the initiation rite of a young man, while other scientists are convinced that this was a sign of a shaman. Ötzi's hairstyle was restored from the strands of hair found near the remains, because the hairline was not preserved. During his lifetime, the hair of an ancient man was dark in color, slightly wavy and reached 9 centimeters in length. Ötzi wore them freely, without braiding them. In addition, he could wear a small beard, as evidenced by the curly short strands found next to the remains.

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From the clothes of the ancient man, a loincloth, shoes, a belt and a cloak have been preserved. All these things were made from the skins of different animals. In addition, Ötzi wore a bear hat. The shoes were made of tree bark, covered with deer hide, and the soles were made of bear hide. Inside, scientists discovered soft grass, which probably served as an analogue of modern socks. The cloak was made from strips of leather that were sewn together with tendons. The shoes were so expertly made and sturdy that some experts suggested that professional shoemakers existed in those distant times.

Oetzi had a stone knife with an ash handle, a yew bow, the length of which reached 82 centimeters, and a copper ax with a yew handle. In addition, there was a quiver with 14 arrows. Tinder fungi were also found near the remains. The real polypore was probably part of a flint, because pyrite and crushed were also found. And the birch tinder fungus was used for medicinal purposes.

The best preserved of all things is the ax. Its blade was about 10 centimeters long and was 99 percent copper. The carefully polished handle was 60 centimeters long. In those distant times, copper axes were considered a military weapon, so they could only belong to representatives of the upper strata of society. This enabled the researchers to make the assumption that Oetzi was not an ordinary shepherd, but had a certain social status.

After analyzing mitochondrial DNA, it was found that Oetzi belonged to European mtDNA, previously unknown. Most of all connections can be traced with southern Europe, with the Corsicans and Sardinians. In 2012, paleontologist John Hawkes suggested that the ice man was of a high degree of Neanderthal origin. And a year later, 19 Tyrolean modern men were discovered who, at the genetic level, have a connection with Ötzi. They were found among 3700 blood donors.

There was no consensus among scientists about the reasons for the death of the ice man for a long time. Some researchers assumed that he simply froze in the mountains, caught in a snowstorm. Some were inclined to think that Ötzi was the victim of a ritual sacrifice. And in 2001, after an X-ray analysis, it was found that there is an arrowhead in the left shoulder of an ancient man. Thus, another version of his death arose - a violent death, which occurred as a result of injury and loss of blood. In addition, on the body of the mummy, scientists found cuts on the hands, chest, wrists, bruises, as well as a brain injury resulting from a blow to the head. At the moment, the main hypothesis of death is that Ötzi was hit on the head.

After numerous DNA tests, it was found that there were at least three more people next to the ice man, because the blood of four different people was found. Researchers suggest that Ötzi could carry a wounded comrade on his back while he was pursued by enemies armed with bows.

Italian archaeologist Alessandro Vanzetti in 2010 suggested that this ancient man died at a lower altitude, after which he was buried high in the mountains. Stones indicate this. Which are scattered around and which previously could serve as a burial platform. The thaws caused these stones to move in different directions. However, most researchers consider this theory not very convincing. They claim that the ice man died a violent death.

However, the complete picture of those distant events has not been fully established.

Not so long ago, a conference was held in Bolzano dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the discovery of Oetzi. One of the most interesting reports was the report of researchers from Italy, who tried to reproduce the voice of this ancient man.

According to the experts themselves, they are not sure that their reconstruction accurately conveys the voice of Ötzi. The study of the larynx was carried out using computed tomography methods. Scientists did not dare to use magnetic resonance imaging for fear of damaging the remains of the mummy, despite the fact that this technology could give a more accurate result. The work of the specialists was also complicated by the pose in which Ötzi was. There was a hand on the throat, and the hyoid bone was not only dislocated, but also partially destroyed. To restore the original shape of the larynx, scientists used computer simulations. Thus, it was found that during his lifetime the ice man had a slightly trembling and rather low voice.

Oetzi's research continues for a quarter of a century. During this period of time, scientists managed to learn a lot of new facts about the Copper-Stone Age and the existence of people during that period. Writing did not exist in those distant times, so archaeological research in this case remains almost the only chance to get new data about people who lived at that period. There are still many questions awaiting their decision, and in the case of the ice man the point has not yet been put.

It should be noted that recently, you can hear more and more talk about the curse of the ice man. One of the reasons for the emergence of such rumors is the death of several people who were associated with the discovery and research of Ötzi. Allegedly, they all died under mysterious circumstances. A total of seven people have died, of whom four died in car accidents.

However, it must be borne in mind that hundreds of specialists were involved in the ice man research process. And the remains of the mummy are being studied by scientists until now. And the fact that a small part of the people involved in this have died over such a long period of time cannot testify to a curse. People die constantly, and this is a completely natural process that has nothing to do with mysticism.