Mystical Wars Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Mystical Wars Of The Third Reich - Alternative View
Mystical Wars Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Wars Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Wars Of The Third Reich - Alternative View
Video: Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich 2024, May

Passion for the occult, mysticism, the creation of secret occult centers and institutions that worked out various problems, always had a purely applied meaning in the Third Reich. With all his mystical attitude, faith in his own messianism and the magical abilities of a seer, marked by higher powers, and the leader of the nation, Adolf Hitler was an utterly pragmatist and a great realist. Especially when it comes to finance.

Financing of classified occult projects was carried out taking into account the receipt of practical benefits from them. Let not momentary, but significant for achieving the goals set by the National Socialists of Germany. For example, secret centers were working on the creation of psychotronic weapons of mass destruction or were looking for ways to effectively protect super important state facilities using magic.

In a number of cases, the mystical calculations that were made by secret Nazi "scientific laboratories" resulted in concrete actions of entire armies and fronts, which are sometimes difficult to explain logically from a military-strategic point of view.

Goebbels specially convened a meeting of astrologers in Thuringia to predict the possible course of World War II, already ready to break out. In response, SS Reichsfuehrer Himmler found a professor of occult sciences, who unexpectedly submitted a rather sensible - from the point of view of the Nazis - the idea of dividing Poland with Soviet Russia and substantiated it with calculations from magic and astrology. Then Hitler was able to convince that the English magicians, who had gathered on the shores of the English Channel, with their spells prevented the operation "Sea Lion", which involved the invasion of the Wehrmacht into the British Isles.

Having developed plans for an attack on the USSR, Hitler himself personally decided on the timing of the invasion and postponed them more than once. He wanted to start and end the war in the warm season, before the famous Russian winter came. Although, he repeatedly convinced those close to him that the cold is not terrible - they are subject to his gift sent from above! In addition, the warm season was also the lightest, with a longer day and shorter nights - the troops could conduct military operations for quite a long time during daylight hours. For the "blitzkrieg" idea appropriated by the Hitlerite generals and Hitler personally, this factor played a significant role.

Why was the idea appropriated? Long before the Fuehrer, many advanced military personnel of different countries understood well that the wars of the future would lose their positional character and the maneuverable forces of armored formations and aviation would come first. The war will become rapid both in its dynamics and in terms of duration. This, in particular, was repeatedly said and written by Soviet Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky and French Colonel Charles de Gaulle.

In the end, to decide when to strike the Soviet Union, Hitler decided to get "scientific advice" from specialists from the secret occult structures of the SS.

- We need to decide on the timing, - said Hitler. “I want the higher powers to patronize us in the war with Russia, so let them show the way and its starting point.

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“Yes, of course,” the Reichsfuehrer SS agreed immediately. - Much depends on how correctly the timing of the start of hostilities is determined.

“I wanted to schedule an offensive for May,” the Fuhrer admitted. - But then I changed my mind. Let it become finally clear: am I wrong or not?

The Reichsfuehrer SS immediately involved all the secret occult institutions that were part of his department to carry out Hitler's assignments. As a person with a rather sober and cold mind, he was well aware: you just need to deftly "adjust" any mystical date or holiday to the time of the start of a large-scale attack on the Soviet Union. This will help Hitler to be confident in his strength, and Himmler to strengthen his authority. Everything is ready to get ahead of Stalin if he decides to attack first, which, by and large, cannot be ruled out. The Wehrmacht has already moved tank shock units and motorized infantry to the starting lines, reconnaissance has indicated all the targets, the pilots know the routes, clarified the landmarks, and even saboteurs dressed in the uniform of the Red Army are ready to be thrown behind enemy lines to create panic and disrupt troop control:German troops will enter Russia like a red-hot knife in butter.

About a week later, pleased with the results obtained from secret laboratories, Himmler was again in Hitler's office in the Reich Chancellery.

“I think we should start the offensive in the second half of June,” Hitler told him.

- Absolutely right, my Fuhrer, - the SS Reichsfuehrer smiled obsequiously, - the experts calculated: it is best to move the troops against the enemy on June 22, on the ancient German solstice holiday.

- June, 22? - asked the Fuhrer and thoughtfully half-closed his eyes. - The mystical ancient Germanic circle … it can determine the fate of civilizations and life on earth. June 22 shows us the real path to victory: two runes after it comes the "zig" rune, which means victory!

- Will we decide everything in two months? - specified Himmler.

- Undoubtedly, - Hitler answered confidently …

In 1941, the Fuhrer finally determined the date of June 22 as the date of the attack on the Soviet Union, but two months later the Third Reich was far from ending the war, but was waging heavy battles near Smolensk and in other directions. Having lost a huge amount of equipment and aircraft, leaving many cities and towns, suffering incalculable losses in manpower killed, wounded and captured, the Red Army, nevertheless, continued to fight fiercely.

In the end, the Germans reached the approaches to Moscow, and some motorcyclists even broke into the city limits. The Fuhrer was jubilant - albeit belatedly, but nevertheless it turned out as he had foreseen and predicted: the war would end before winter and Moscow would fall! But Moscow did not fall, and even more fierce battles began, and then terrible frosts hit. In the German army, only scarves and gloves were given in advance - at one time Hitler hoped for his mystical gift and promised to cope with the frost, and therefore banned the purchase of sheepskin for army sheepskin coats in South America. It's too late to regret this now: not only people were freezing, but even the vaunted German technology refused! The Wehrmacht offensive near Moscow ended in the complete defeat of the Germans.

In 1942, German troops managed to somewhat stabilize the situation, and on March 15, the Fuhrer publicly announced the victorious end of the Russian campaign by the summer of this year. Hitler chose the Caucasus as a new direction of attack - there is oil, an exit through the passes to Baku and Grozny, there is a stone's throw to Iran, Iraq and even fabulous India.

“The hotbeds of extinct civilizations have a profound impact on the modern world,” the Fuhrer said to his associates at the beginning of the summer of 1942. - Here is a point that will affect the course of history.

His finger jabbed into a circle on a large-scale map, and Goering read: "Stalingrad." And next to it is a thick blue ribbon with the words "Volga".

- There is a city named after the Bolshevik leader.

“No,” the Fuhrer laughed predatory. - At this place, the capital of the Khazar Kaganate, which tormented the Slavs for hundreds of years, was once located. There the Russians will find their grave.

“The Khazars were Jews,” Reichsfuehrer SS Himmler, who had a certain knowledge of history, reminded him quietly, coughing.

“It doesn't matter now,” the Fuhrer said casually. - We will move there past the Elbrus! And Elbrus is a place to calm the souls of Nordic heroes! We will send them a call for help in winning!

The call has indeed been sent. In the course of a large-scale offensive, the Nazi units reached Ordzhonikidze, and on August 21, 1942, a group of German climbers climbed Elbrus and planted an imperial military flag on the top of the mountain. Goebbels immediately trumpeted this all over the world.

And then the Fuhrer was cunning: hiding true feelings, he declared that the honor of his army was in victories over the Russians, and not in conquering peaks. But he decided that the heroes' call had already been heard, and on August 23, the Third Reich launched a massive offensive against Stalingrad, where, according to Hitler, the capital of the Khazar Kaganate was located almost 1000 years ago. But he did not take into account one thing - the kaganate was completely destroyed by the ancient Slavic prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. On November 19-22 of the same year, after long grueling and extremely fierce battles in a completely destroyed city, where only two or three houses remained, an uncontrollable counteroffensive of the Red Army began. Magic and occult sciences even failed - the battle of Stalingrad ended in a gigantic defeat for the Wehrmacht. On February 2, the remnants of the once strong 6th Army of Paulus capitulated.

Even Hitler's death was not without mystical mystery: he married Eva Braun, and then committed suicide on the night of May 1, 1945, on a pagan holiday. According to the mystical belief of the ancient Germans, after him the Valkyries take the souls of the Germanic warriors to Valhalla. Perhaps Hitler knew something that was inaccessible to others, but Providence turned away from him?

V. Vedeneev