Who Funded The October Demon? - Alternative View

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Who Funded The October Demon? - Alternative View
Who Funded The October Demon? - Alternative View

Video: Who Funded The October Demon? - Alternative View

Video: Who Funded The October Demon? - Alternative View
Video: Red - Breathe Into Me (Official Video) 2024, September

A hundred years ago, people returned from political emigration to Russia, who after a while became the organizers of the October 1917 coup. Among them was Leon Trotsky, the real organizer and inspirer of the Great October Revolution.

Where does the money come from, Lyova?

For historians, the material well-being of this frantic revolutionary remains a mystery. He never needed it: neither in the years of pre-revolutionary emigration, nor during his tenure in important government posts in Soviet Russia. Even after being expelled from the country as a result of Stalin's intrigues, Lev Davidovich did not sink to the bottom of social life. It is known that his last years he lived in a Mexican villa surrounded by guards.

Several interesting facts shed light on the secret of Lev Davidovich's comfortable life …

In 1917, on the steamer Christiania, Trotsky was returning from New York to Russia, where the February Revolution had just taken place, which declared an amnesty for all political emigrants. In the port of the Canadian city of Halifax, Trotsky was detained by local authorities on suspicion of propaganda in favor of Germany - Canada was at that time a member of the Entente, a military-political union that fought against the German Empire.

When Trotsky was searched, they found 10 thousand dollars (in terms of the current exchange rate, this is 200 thousand “green”). This seemed strange to the Canadian police, because Lev Davidovich himself assured that during his years in the United States he earned no more than $ 310. However, the Canadians failed to make sense of this story. Trotsky was asked to release people from … the administration of the then US President Woodrow Wilson! It looked wild - the American "sharks" of capitalism stood up for the revolutionary who more than once threatened the "damned bourgeois" with a world revolutionary conflagration.

The request of the "sharks" was granted - Trotsky safely left Halifax for Petrograd to carry out the Red Revolution.

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This story surfaced again in 1919, after the October coup in Russia, at a meeting of a special Senate commission investigating Bolshevik activities in America. The senators managed to find out that Trotsky not only brought a large amount of money out of the United States in cash, but also pumped a lot of "non-cash" to Europe: money from New York went to one of the Swedish banks, and from there dollars went to conduct communist propaganda in Russia and for service with the units of the Red Guard.

However, here, too, the investigation was terminated under pressure from the presidential administration …

The next curious fact is connected with Trotsky's life after his expulsion from the Soviet Union.

Not so long ago, our historians in the former archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU found a report from a certain agent of the French military intelligence, intercepted by Soviet special services in the early 30s. This agent, who was following Trotsky, reported to his superiors that the red leader, expelled by Stalin, received regular money transfers of one to two thousand dollars a month. French intelligence traced the entire route of these proceeds, made through the shell banks of Europe. The final senders turned out to be the largest US banking structures - First National Bank, National City Bank and Guaranty Trust Bank.

The French made a conclusion from all this - some very influential people from the United States paid off with Trotsky for the work done.

I wonder which one?

Capture of Russia

To understand Trotsky's ties with the Americans, one must understand the specifics of the relations between the United States and Russia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

At the end of the 19th century, as a result of the rapid development of capitalism, the largest banking associations, concentrated in New York on the famous Wall Street, began to emerge at the forefront in the financial world. These associations were also strong in that they took control of not only purely financial structures, but also entire industries. For example, the famous Rockefeller family owned both Guaranty Trust Bank and the Standard Oil Oil Corporation. According to a number of American historians, it was at this time that these tycoons had the idea of mastering the world by destroying national economies and entire states.

The first step towards world domination was the special "Act of the Berlin Conference" adopted in 1884, which enshrined the principle of the so-called effective occupation. Every country that has raw material resources, but cannot process them efficiently, must allow international concerns and syndicates to exploit its natural resources. It is clear that, above all, concerns were meant that belonged either to businessmen from the City of London or from New York's Wall Street.

In these plans, a large role was assigned to the capture of Russian raw materials. However, the Russian tsars, apparently, did not want to heed the wishes of the international financial tycoons. The kings were more interested in building a national economy. So, Tsar Nicholas II issued a decree, according to which foreign capital was allowed to freely settle in Russia, but the export of raw materials and profits received in Russia was limited to 12.8 percent. That is, if you want to develop and sell our minerals, take Russian citizenship, and leave the proceeds in Russia.

As a result, the country had a lot of money, and then the rapid economic growth of Russia began. English expert Edward Thorne wrote in 1913: “If Western countries fail to hold Russia, then by 1930 it will have no rivals. Europe and the United States will be on the knees of the commodity giant."

It is not surprising that Wall Street dealers, through their henchmen in the US government, have declared a very tough war on us, albeit an unofficial one.

In December 1911, the US Ambassador to St. Petersburg handed the Russian Foreign Minister a note on the severance of the trade and navigation agreement that had existed between our countries since 1832. The American press began to persecute everything Russian. Russia was called barbaric, wild, anti-Semitic, etc. And the famous banker, owner of the Kuhn, Loeb and Company banking house, Jacob Schiff, explicitly called for "bringing vile Russia to its knees."

Schiff and his Wall Street associates staked on inciting internal unrest in the Russian Empire. And huge financial flows poured into the box office of revolutionaries of all stripes - from Socialist-Revolutionaries to Bolsheviks. Schiff alone spent $ 20 million of personal funds on this "holy cause".

Debt good turn deserves another

Trotsky came to the attention of the Americans back in the years of the first Russian revolution of 1905, when Lev Davidovich headed the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' Deputies, which was preparing an anti-government armed rebellion. Since then, Trotsky has never experienced material needs.

Before the revolutionary events of 1917, he directly arrived in New York, so to speak, for the "bride". The owners, apparently, were satisfied, the deductions for the revolutionary struggle increased sharply - as we already know, Lev Davidovich received 10 thousand "bucks" only for pocket expenses when he returned to Russia …

The bankers did not forget about their ward even after Trotsky and his associates took power. The director of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, William Thompson, personally contributed a million dollars to the Bolshevik treasury in 1919.

The hour of reckoning came after the Civil War. In the framework of the "New Economic Policy" (NEP), Comrade Trotsky gave American companies the right to unlimited exploitation of the Caucasian raw materials deposits - mainly manganese and oil. And during the 10 years of the existence of the NEP, the Americans annually exported up to 90 percent of all extracted minerals, receiving multi-billion dollar revenues.

But the main jackpot of Wall Street tore off the financial policy of the Bolsheviks. The international branch of the main financial structure of the Soviet Union - the State Bank - at the suggestion of Trotsky, included such American banks as Guaranty Trust, Kuhn Loeb, Chase National and others who had previously appeared on the financing of the October coup. In fact, these foreign institutions on behalf of our State Bank supervised all foreign monetary transactions of the Soviet government.

The currency for the export of raw materials went to the State Bank of the USSR, which, in turn, transferred money to deposit accounts in the United States in the same banks whose firms … were exporting these raw materials! Thus, the exploitation of raw materials in Russia cost nothing to Wall Street dealers, but the profit was such that until now the leading American banks refuse to provide data on their incomes relating to the 20s and early 30s. I must say that in addition to deposit accounts in the United States, the gold reserves of the Soviets were also transferred, obtained as a result of robbery of the possessing layers of the former empire, plundering of church wealth, sale of works of art …

In a word, the Americans have paid for the expenses on the Bolsheviks and personally on Trotsky with interest.

They did not forget Lev Davidovich even after the expulsion initiated by Stalin. The bankers continued to support him at their own expense and even put Trotsky in a guarded villa in Mexico. But, obviously, he was already becoming a burden to them. After all, the former Bolshevik leader could have blabbed, and the very connection with such an odious figure in the civilized world was considered the height of indecency.

Apparently, this is why the guards "missed" the OGPU employee, who came to Trotsky on Stalin's assignments with an ice ax in his hand …

The Moor did his job …