Secrets of history 2024, October

Impostors In The Historical Arena - Alternative View

Impostors In The Historical Arena - Alternative View

At all times and in all states, persons emerged from oblivion, assigning themselves someone else's name, someone else's rights and someone else's privileges

The Cruelty Of Monarchs - Evidence - Alternative View

The Cruelty Of Monarchs - Evidence - Alternative View

Psychologists say that a person is addicted to bloody tragedies and dramas terrifying the imagination. Numerous stories about world wars, deadly epidemics, brutal massacres and fires become the source of such negative information

Asians Sailed To America 1500 Years Ago - Alternative View

Asians Sailed To America 1500 Years Ago - Alternative View

New finds at Cape Espenberg near the Rising Whale settlement provide evidence of trade ties between China, Japan, Yakutia and Alaska residents

The Cold War Incident In Portsmouth, England - Alternative View

The Cold War Incident In Portsmouth, England - Alternative View

In early June 1957, in the small seaside town of Chichester, West Sussex in South East England, fishermen fished out the headless body of a scuba diver. The news of the terrible find shook the whole of England

What Are The Archives Silent About? Part 1 - Alternative View

What Are The Archives Silent About? Part 1 - Alternative View

Part 2 We draw historical information, as already mentioned, from historical sources. Among them, a special place is occupied by archival documents and books

In Tuva, A 2200-year-old Mummy Was Unearthed - Alternative View

In Tuva, A 2200-year-old Mummy Was Unearthed - Alternative View

Archaeologists of the St. Petersburg Institute for the History of Material Culture discovered a unique mummy in Tuva

The Very First Letter In Saudi Arabia Was Written By A Christian - Alternative View

The Very First Letter In Saudi Arabia Was Written By A Christian - Alternative View

Scientists have concluded that the oldest Arabic inscription found in Saudi Arabia is dated to 470 AD. e., refers to the Christian context and predates the arrival of Islam

Professor Barchenko's Discoveries. "The Black Old Man", And The Sanctuaries Of The Northern Peoples - Alternative View

Professor Barchenko's Discoveries. "The Black Old Man", And The Sanctuaries Of The Northern Peoples - Alternative View

Occultist, palmist, astrologer, science fiction writer, professor Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko is one of the most mysterious figures of alternative science at the beginning of the 20th century. For many years his tragic fate and teachings were forgotten, but in the early 90s they started talking about him, a burning interest in his search and teaching arose again

Stalin Sent Aliens To The USA On Hitler's "flying Saucer" - Alternative View

Stalin Sent Aliens To The USA On Hitler's "flying Saucer" - Alternative View

Western media are spreading the version from which follows: the famous Roswell incident - the crash in 1947 in the state of New Mexico of a UFO - was organized by the "leader of the peoples" Soviet-Nazi conspiracy Everyone is told about the mysterious disaster bli

Why Didn't Hitler Invade England? - Alternative View

Why Didn't Hitler Invade England? - Alternative View

The European continent could have turned into a solid radioactive Hiroshima exactly 70 years ago. An alternate version of the story that almost became reality

Released By The Revolution - Alternative View

Released By The Revolution - Alternative View

In 1917, the Bolsheviks who came to power, along with the main slogans "All power to the Soviets!" and “Down with the war!”, there was one more, which later they tried to forget. It sounded like this: "Free women from family slavery"

Deuce In Physical Education - Alternative View

Deuce In Physical Education - Alternative View

The winners write history. However, often victories, discoveries and defeats are overgrown with myths that can be dispelled. - Salik.bizEdison invented the light bulb?More than one generation is convinced of this! Nevertheless, the light bulb was invented long before Thomas Alva Edison

Light Image Of Russia - Alternative View

Light Image Of Russia - Alternative View

The bright image of Russia was in everything, in every slightest and inconspicuous life activity of the Russians. Families were strong, children were born healthy, cheerful, cheerful; brought up so that there were no diseases

The Forbidden History Of Humanity - Alternative View

The Forbidden History Of Humanity - Alternative View

A History That Is Forbidden The Unknown History of Humanity by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson provides amazing data that the scientific world was once aware of

5 Falsifications Of History - Alternative View

5 Falsifications Of History - Alternative View

History is written by people, but people tend to make mistakes, as well as fantasize and make forgeries. Hence, historical falsifications arise, which for a while even become "mainstream" in the perception of history

"Octavius" - Ice Ship Ghost. A Terrible Picture Opened To The Eyes Of Eyewitnesses - - Alternative View

"Octavius" - Ice Ship Ghost. A Terrible Picture Opened To The Eyes Of Eyewitnesses - - Alternative View

The waters around Greenland are teeming with huge icebergs and ice fields. Under these conditions, the whaling ship "Herald" slowly moved across the ocean. It was mid-August 1775. The strongest storm started unexpectedly

News From The Past - Alternative View

News From The Past - Alternative View

Recently, scientists have to revise not only the established ideas about the physics of space and the Earth, but also about how life developed on Earth, what evolutionary stages it overcame, what forms it acquired on the way to the modern state

Why Did Vladimir Ulyanov Choose The Pseudonym Lenin - Alternative View

Why Did Vladimir Ulyanov Choose The Pseudonym Lenin - Alternative View

Until 1917, the leader of the world proletariat, V. I. Ulyanov, like other professional revolutionaries, had to live in the strictest secrecy. It was impossible for him to sign his articles and other works with his own name. Therefore, V.I

The Murder Of Lenin: Death In Gorki. Was Vladimir Lenin Killed On Stalin's Orders? - Alternative View

The Murder Of Lenin: Death In Gorki. Was Vladimir Lenin Killed On Stalin's Orders? - Alternative View

On January 21, 1924, the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, passed away. Despite the fact that his biography has been studied literally by the minute, the circumstances of the death of the leader of the revolution remain a mystery to this day

Princess Maria: Who Got Ivan III's First Wife Out Of The Way? - Alternative View

Princess Maria: Who Got Ivan III's First Wife Out Of The Way? - Alternative View

Speaking about the ruler of Moscow Ivan III, we first of all recall his efforts to unite the Russian principalities around Moscow, the end of the Horde yoke and his second wife, Sophia Palaeologus. But before her there was another woman in the life of the Grand Duke

Dresden, For What? - Alternative View

Dresden, For What? - Alternative View

On the Internet there are a huge number of photographs of the bombed Dresden. According to the agreement of the Yalta Conference, the city of Dresden was to move into the zone of influence of the Soviet Union

Gilgamesh. How Rulers Enter Legends - Alternative View

Gilgamesh. How Rulers Enter Legends - Alternative View

I, for example, remember that Simon Bolivar built the pyramids, defeated the invincible Armada and made the first flight to the Moon. - You didn't mention that he married Cleopatra. - Ah, this. Oh sure. R

“From A Russian Pig, I Turned Into A German Litter” - Alternative View

“From A Russian Pig, I Turned Into A German Litter” - Alternative View

In October 1944, the Office of the Commissioner of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR for the repatriation of USSR citizens from Germany and the countries occupied by it was created

Riddles And Secrets Of Ancient Japan - Alternative View

Riddles And Secrets Of Ancient Japan - Alternative View

The times when corded ceramics were used in Japan are called - Corded Ware era (Jomon). From the pre-pottery Paleolithic times, Jomon differs in the fact that pottery and a bow for shooting appeared

Following The Example Of Saltychikha - Alternative View

Following The Example Of Saltychikha - Alternative View

Much has been said about what a nightmare serfdom sometimes turned into for the peasants who were completely in the power of their landowner. In the Russian Empire, there was not only the textbook Saltychikha, who tortured her serfs

Devilish Coup In Russia - Alternative View

Devilish Coup In Russia - Alternative View

The most efficient way to manage us is - substitution of the head. I never thought that I would have to write on this topic, so I did not try to specifically remember all the sources of information that I had to come across as a collector of rare books

How The Belgian King Leopold II Killed 10 Million Africans - Alternative View

How The Belgian King Leopold II Killed 10 Million Africans - Alternative View

I started working in Congo for the benefit of civilization and for the good of Belgium

LA Times: "Russian Trace" In The Kennedy Assassination - The Same Nonsense As Before - Alternative View

LA Times: "Russian Trace" In The Kennedy Assassination - The Same Nonsense As Before - Alternative View

Recently approved by the American authorities, the publication of part of the documents on the assassination of John F. Kennedy has revived the conspiracy theory that this "greatest crime of the 20th century" was organized by Moscow, the political scientist and writer writes in his article for La Times

Who Killed Stalin? - Alternative View

Who Killed Stalin? - Alternative View

“On the morning of March 5th, Stalin suddenly began to vomit blood: this vomiting led to a drop in his pulse, his blood pressure dropped. And this phenomenon puzzled us a little - how to explain it?

Murder Of Grand Duke Andrey Bogolyubsky: Old Russian Thriller - Alternative View

Murder Of Grand Duke Andrey Bogolyubsky: Old Russian Thriller - Alternative View

On the night of June 29, 1174, Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky was brutally murdered at his residence. A huge number of historical disputes and mysteries are connected with the tragedy, as, indeed, with the name of the prince, which to this day remain unresolved

Why Was Alexander II Killed - Alternative View

Why Was Alexander II Killed - Alternative View

Land and Freedom was superbly thought out and structured. It was based on the principle of centralization and the strictest secrecy

CIA: The Perfect Assassination - Alternative View

CIA: The Perfect Assassination - Alternative View

On November 28, 1953, US Army scientist Dr. Frank Olson crashed out of his room on the tenth floor of the Statler Hotel in New York and crashed to his death. According to the results of the investigation, it was suicide

The Assassination Of Rasputin. Conspiracy History - Alternative View

The Assassination Of Rasputin. Conspiracy History - Alternative View

The death of Rasputin was a major event in the history of the Russian Empire. According to the official version, Felix Yusupov, using a trick, fed Rasputin poisoned food, but the poison did not work

New Details Of The Assassination Of Pharaoh Ramses III - Alternative View

New Details Of The Assassination Of Pharaoh Ramses III - Alternative View

Almost 3200 years ago, Pharaoh Ramses III died at the hands of conspirators. The criminals were quickly found, tried and punished according to all the ancient Egyptian rules. Case seemingly closed

The True Story Of Grand Duchess Helena - Alternative View

The True Story Of Grand Duchess Helena - Alternative View

The mother of Ivan IV (the Terrible) Elena Glinskaya is rarely mentioned today. But her life story is inextricably linked with Russia. Thanks to the efforts of this woman ruler, the state was able to survive the time of turmoil and revolts without irreversible damage

Details Of Hitler's Personal Life Have Been Disclosed - Alternative View

Details Of Hitler's Personal Life Have Been Disclosed - Alternative View

Eva Braun never had sex with Adolf Hitler because of a rare gynecological disease, according to Professor Thomas Lundmark, who wrote the book about her biography. Writes about this Daily Mail

Who Hunts For The Skulls Of The Greats - Alternative View

Who Hunts For The Skulls Of The Greats - Alternative View

The grave diggers grabbed the heads of Shakespeare and Mozart. And not only them! A very curious message came from England. On May 3 the world celebrates the 400th anniversary of the great playwright William Shakespeare

Middle Name - Alternative View

Middle Name - Alternative View

Why Moscow - this is the Third Rome, and Rome - is it the Eternal City? Which city is called the Mother of the World, and which is - A city of kings? We talk about where cities get their nicknames. Moscow

The Myth Of The "Tisul Princess" - Alternative View

The Myth Of The "Tisul Princess" - Alternative View

Readers with experience will probably remember this sensational story. In 2002, a journalist from Abakan, Oleg Kulishkin, published an amazing article in the local press, which was reprinted a year later in the Tisul regional newspaper Novaya Zhizn

How The Young Ladies Lived In The Institutes Of Noble Maidens - Alternative View

How The Young Ladies Lived In The Institutes Of Noble Maidens - Alternative View

They were called schoolgirls, gentile white-handed girls and sentimental young ladies, who believe that "rolls grow on trees" and "after the mazurka tour, the gentleman must marry," and the word "schoolgirl" became synonymous with excessive sentimentality, impressionable