Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn - Alternative View

Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn - Alternative View
Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn - Alternative View

Video: Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn - Alternative View

Video: Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn - Alternative View
Video: Русские путешественники 17 века, разбор заданий по картам 2024, September

Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn (died 1619) - commander and prominent figure of the Time of Troubles. In 1590 - a voivode on a campaign against Narva, in 1596 and 1599 - in Smolensk. In 1604, Boris Godunov was appointed to the forward regiment directed against False Dmitry I, a participant in the battle of Novgorod-Seversky. After the death of Boris, together with P. F. Basmanov, he betrayed Fyodor Borisovich near Kromy, went over to the side of the impostor, ordering himself to be tied up in order to present himself as a prisoner. In early June 1605, he was sent by False Dmitry to Moscow as governor and supervised the murder of Fyodor Godunov. In the future, he invariably was on the side of the winners in all conflicts, participated in the overthrow of both False Dmitry (one of the organizers of the conspiracy), and Vasily Shuisky. Golitsyn participated in the embassy to Sigismund III (1610), was detained in Poland as a prisoner. Despite this,his name was mentioned among the candidates for the Tsar at the Zemsky Sobor in 1613. He died in Polish captivity in 1619 (based on materials from Wikipedia).

The conspirator Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn (1643 - April 21 (May 2) 1714) - diplomat and statesman of pre-Petrine Russia; the actual head of the Russian government during the regency of Tsarevna Sophia (1682-1689) with the rank of voivode and with the title of "Royal great seal and state great ambassadorial affairs, saver, near boyar and governor of Novgorod". During the reign of Theodore Alekseevich (1676-1682), he held key posts in the state; was raised to the rank of boyar, was in charge of the Pushkar and Vladimir court orders. During the reign of Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna, since 1683, he headed the Ambassadorial Prikaz. After Peter I overthrew Sophia in 1689 and became the de facto autocratic sovereign, Golitsyn was deprived of boyars, but not princely dignity, and was exiled to Pinega, Arkhangelsk region, where shortly before his death he took monasticism.died and was buried according to his will in the Krasnogorsk monastery.

Golitsyn made broad plans for social and political reforms, thinking about the transformation of the entire state system in Russia. He thought about the destruction of serfdom with the allotment of the peasants with the amount of land that they used. Instead of an abundance of taxes, which lay a heavy burden on the population, one was introduced, and it was now collected from a certain number of households, that is, from specific individuals.

The improvement of the military power of the state is also associated with the name of Golitsyn - the number of regiments of the "new" and "foreign" order increased, Reitar, dragoon, musketeer companies began to form, which served according to a single charter and were subject to one program. He is credited with the construction of wooden pavements, as well as three thousand stone houses in Moscow, including buildings in the Kremlin, magnificent chambers for public places, the construction of the legendary Stone Bridge with twelve arches across the Moskva River.

Under Golitsyn, book printing developed - in seven years 44 books were published, which was a lot at that time. Secular painting was born, icon painting reached a new level, the architectural trend flourished, which was later called "Golitsyn Baroque". The prince also contributed to the mitigation of the criminal legislation: the conditions of servitude for debts were eased, the barbaric custom of burying husband-killers in the ground was abolished, as well as the death penalty for "outrageous words."

His knowledge of Greek, Latin, Polish and German allowed the prince to communicate freely with foreign diplomats and cultural figures. Vasily Vasilyevich acquired the glory of a true Westerner, was an adherent of Catholicism. It was during the years of his rule of the country that a stream of Europeans literally poured into Russia. It was allowed, for example, Huguenots and Jesuits to seek refuge in Moscow from confessional persecution in their homeland. Under the prince, the German settlement flourished in Moscow, where foreign soldiers, doctors, artisans, translators, artists, and others settled; the first two weaving factories were opened. He came up with a program for the free entry of foreigners into the country, intended to introduce free religion in Russia, and persuaded the boyars to send their children to study abroad. Muscovites were allowed to purchase secular books, art objects, furniture abroad,utensils that played a significant role in the cultural life of society.

Peter's reforms were largely the embodiment of the prince's plans and ideas.