Secrets of history 2024, October

Mysterious Orthodox Warrior Of All Russia - Alternative View

Mysterious Orthodox Warrior Of All Russia - Alternative View

Every self-respecting religion can boast of its saints. Usually saints are credited with various miracles, acts of self-sacrifice, severity and humility. Let's remember the biblical commandment: Thou shalt not kill! The saints were so white and fluffy

Ancient Aryans Came From Siberia And Were The Elite Of Society - Alternative View

Ancient Aryans Came From Siberia And Were The Elite Of Society - Alternative View

An international group of scientists from 19 countries, including geneticists, anthropologists and archaeologists, conducted a large-scale study of the DNA of ancient people, the results of which were presented in the scientific journal Science

People's - Means Mine! - Alternative View

People's - Means Mine! - Alternative View

Remember how the cat Matroskin from the beloved cartoon "Prostokvashino" told Comrade Pechkin about the parcel? “This is my uncle sent. He works at a shoe polish factory, he has this shoe polish - well, it's just heaps of …”Not a single censor saw anything criminal in this phrase.Now

Pre-revolutionary Advertising In Russia - Alternative View

Pre-revolutionary Advertising In Russia - Alternative View

"Lord, how much can you ?!" - who among us did not exclaim in this way, when at the most interesting place our favorite film or interesting program was interrupted by an ad unit. "It used to be good - no advertising for you!" - we think and … we are mistaken. I

Ancient Chinese Inventions - Alternative View

Ancient Chinese Inventions - Alternative View

It is known that China has a very ancient history - from the period of feudalism, which ended in 222 BC, to our time, through three eras of emperors - almost 4000 years of diverse events and scientific research

Chinese "jiaozi": The History Of The World's First Paper Money - Alternative View

Chinese "jiaozi": The History Of The World's First Paper Money - Alternative View

It is widely known that the Chinese gave mankind many useful things - gunpowder, porcelain, a compass, and it was in the Middle Kingdom that the first paper money appeared. And the fact that contributed to the appearance of the first paper money, how they were made and thanks to whom the first bills got to Europe, will be discussed in this review

Secrets Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View

Secrets Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View

Today, April 12, on Cosmonautics Day, one cannot but recall a man who was one of the first representatives of this unusual profession. This is Yuri Gagarin

Why Were Left-handers Retrained In The Soviet Union, And What Did This Lead To - - Alternative View

Why Were Left-handers Retrained In The Soviet Union, And What Did This Lead To - - Alternative View

Those who studied in Soviet schools until the mid-1980s are familiar with one of the quirks of the system of this era - the retraining of left-handers. The methods, as well as the reasons, were different. For our contemporaries, some of them still remain strange and incomprehensible

When The Norwegian Language Was Created - Alternative View

When The Norwegian Language Was Created - Alternative View

There are now two official Norwegian languages in use in Norway: Bokmål ("book language") and Nynoshk ("New Norwegian"). In addition, two more unofficial ones are used: Riksmol ("sovereign speech") and Hugnorks ("high Norwegian"). In addition, there are many local "vulgar" dialects. The

Lower German - Alternative View

Lower German - Alternative View

Lower German (Plattdeutsch or Niederdeutsch) is now spoken only in some areas of Northern Germany and northeastern Holland. It differs significantly from Hochdeutsch (the official language of Germany) and Upper German dialects. They are essentially different languages

Marilyn Monroe: The Mystification Of The Death Of An Actress - Alternative View

Marilyn Monroe: The Mystification Of The Death Of An Actress - Alternative View

If an idol dies young, fans always hope that he just faked his funeral and quietly lives out his days away from the press. Moreover, in the case of Marilyn Monroe, a lot speaks in favor of this version …Marilyn Monroe is a master of performance and a PR genius. M

Tin Plague - What Is It? Was She The Reason For The Death Of Napoleon's Army In Russia - Alternative View

Tin Plague - What Is It? Was She The Reason For The Death Of Napoleon's Army In Russia - Alternative View

Tin is easily processed due to its ductility and malleability, and gives anti-corrosion properties to alloys. However, it is almost never used in its pure form. The reason for this is the so-called "tin plague". Metal literally "gets sick" in the cold and turns into powder

Deprived Of Hope. How Did Napoleon Bonaparte End His Days - Alternative View

Deprived Of Hope. How Did Napoleon Bonaparte End His Days - Alternative View

On May 5, 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte's life ended on a small island in the Atlantic.Saint Helena Island in the Atlantic Ocean, discovered by the Portuguese navigator João da Nova on Saint Helena's Day in 1502, before the construction of the Suez Canal was a strategic point on the route of ships to the Indian Ocean

The Mystery Of The Death Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

On April 5, 1970, by decision of the leadership of the Soviet Union, the remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were exhumed and destroyed 11 kilometers from Magdeburg.Deadly virus - Hitler's last revenge on humanity! Don't believe me? Five years ago, one of the Russian TV channels released the film "The Exhumation of Hitler" from the series "New Russian Sensations"

The Discovery Of A 14,000-year-old Settlement In Canada Could Rewrite The History Of North America - Alternative View

The Discovery Of A 14,000-year-old Settlement In Canada Could Rewrite The History Of North America - Alternative View

Ancient Heiltsuk Indigenous Tales say that their ancestors lived on a mysterious strip of coastline in Canada during the last ice age

Russian Solar Idiocy Of Hitler And Napoleon - Alternative View

Russian Solar Idiocy Of Hitler And Napoleon - Alternative View

There have been two big wars in the history of our country. They were called Patriotic to distinguish them from other wars and conflicts. Everyone understands what events the conversation is about. These are the Patriotic War of 1812, and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Samovar - Origin Story - Alternative View

Samovar - Origin Story - Alternative View

Today the samovar is not in vogue. However, some families still have a wonderful tradition of tea drinking, when the whole family gathers at the samovar. True, now samovars are electric. And some 50 years ago, almost every family had this amazing household item

Great Mystics: Juan De La Cruz - Alternative View

Great Mystics: Juan De La Cruz - Alternative View

The Catholic Saint John of the Cross, or Juan de la Cruz, numbered among the Teachers of the Church, was one of the greatest Christian mystic teachers who showed the way to perfection. He was also an outstanding Spanish poet, although he left only 10 poems

Death Trains Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

Death Trains Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

In any country, railways and trains running along them are a symbol of economic development and scientific and technological progress. But in the Third Reich, they became weapons of war and symbols of death.After coming to power, Hitler linked economic development with the expansion of transport infrastructure

10 Crazy Unsolved Mysteries Of America - Alternative View

10 Crazy Unsolved Mysteries Of America - Alternative View

Most of the events that are mysterious in nature are considered "nonsense and nonsense." And it is right. However, there are exceptions that confuse people so much that they cannot stop talking about it online and with their friends.Recent examples include the disappearance of flight MH370

How The USSR "hooked" The USA On "magic Pills" For Cosmonauts - Alternative View

How The USSR "hooked" The USA On "magic Pills" For Cosmonauts - Alternative View

The secret services of the USSR deceived American intelligence officers who were trying to get hold of the secret of Soviet pills, which supposedly helped astronauts to increase their endurance and stay in orbit for a long time. Nikolay Rybkin, the first head of the Star City, told about this funny fact

Ancient Russia: What Questions Do Historians Still Have No Answer To - Alternative View

Ancient Russia: What Questions Do Historians Still Have No Answer To - Alternative View

The beginning of Russian history is lost in the darkness of centuries, in the silence of sources, in the ambiguity of archaeological finds and in endless debates about the interpretation of facts. Its dominant, "mainstream" reconstruction dates back to Nikolai Karamzin's History of the Russian State, written two centuries ago

Mysterious Egyptian Mummy From Ivanovo - Alternative View

Mysterious Egyptian Mummy From Ivanovo - Alternative View

An old dungeon located under the "Museum of Industry and Art" in the city of Ivanovo, frightens visitors with a ghost in the form of an ancient Egyptian mummy

Was The Titanic Killed By An Egyptian Mummy? - Alternative View

Was The Titanic Killed By An Egyptian Mummy? - Alternative View

There are no different versions regarding the death of the legendary "Titanic", starting from the most ordinary - and ndash; this is a collision with an iceberg through the inattention of the ship's captain, to a purely fantastic - aliens involved in the crash, secret world government

What The Egyptian "mummy Of A Falcon" Actually Hides In Itself - Alternative View

What The Egyptian "mummy Of A Falcon" Actually Hides In Itself - Alternative View

For a very long time this museum piece from Egypt was in the British Maidstone Museum, signed as “Mummy of a falcon, the era of the Ptolemies (IV - I centuries BC)

"They Filled Up The Germans With Corpses," They Say? They Lie, With Dogs! - Alternative View

"They Filled Up The Germans With Corpses," They Say? They Lie, With Dogs! - Alternative View

Tell me, where did some of our citizens get such a fierce desire to spoil and defame everything that relates to their country?

Payback For Sex With Nazis - Alternative View

Payback For Sex With Nazis - Alternative View

In life, very rarely everything is simple and clear. As a rule, there is always at least one other side (opinion) of any event. Moreover, such a tragic one as war. Someone loses, someone gains

Pancake Allies . With Such "friends" And Enemies Are Not Needed - Alternative View

Pancake Allies . With Such "friends" And Enemies Are Not Needed - Alternative View

Operation "Unthinkable" How many years have passed since the end of the Second World War, and the blatant meanness of the Anglo-Saxons, everything never ceases to amaze us

Black Myths Of War. Detachments - Alternative View

Black Myths Of War. Detachments - Alternative View

We continue to debunk the myths about the Second World War that have developed recently, thanks to the efforts of the "liberals": 1 - World War II. A successful business project of the West? 2 - "They filled up the Germans with corpses," they say? They lie, with … dogs

Black Myths Of War. Penalties - Alternative View

Black Myths Of War. Penalties - Alternative View

Previous publications of the channel from the cycle about the Second World War: 1 - World War II. A successful business project of the West? 2 - "Filled the Germans with corpses", - say? They lie, with dogs! 3 - Allies, damn it With such "friends" and enemies are not needed

Vikings Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Vikings Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

We continue to explore the topic of VM and WWII. Previous publications: "Filled the Germans with corpses" - they say? They lie, with … dogs! / The Second World War. A successful business project of the West? / Allies, damn With such "friends" and enemies are not needed

Poles Are Still Warriors . - Alternative View

Poles Are Still Warriors . - Alternative View

The gentry again rages on Over and over the news feeds are full of messages about the Russophobic activity of the Poles. For people who have not studied history, this is strange: why such fierce hatred?

This Is How The War Began - Alternative View

This Is How The War Began - Alternative View

Continuation of the series of articles about the Second World War / WWII, previous materials: 1) "They filled up the Germans with corpses," they say? They lie, with … dogs! 2) Allies, damn With such "friends" and enemies are not needed! 3) Black myths of war. Detachments

4 Secret Projects Of The USA And Great Britain Against The USSR - Alternative View

4 Secret Projects Of The USA And Great Britain Against The USSR - Alternative View

Since its inception and settling on the world map, the USSR has become a real bone in the throat of Western capitalists. The young Soviet state with an alien and dangerous outlook for the gentlemen of the United States and the British Empire very quickly began to gain points and influence around the world, causing painful itching among world tycoons, and also threatening a world revolution

The Real Story Of Balto, A Sled Dog Who Saved The City From An Epidemic At The Beginning Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

The Real Story Of Balto, A Sled Dog Who Saved The City From An Epidemic At The Beginning Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Perhaps many have seen a cartoon about a brave dog named Balto. The plot is based on a real story that happened in 1925. The dog, who was at the head of the team, managed not to get lost in a blizzard and took the medicine for diphtheria to its destination

Ancient Slavs. Only Historical Facts - Alternative View

Ancient Slavs. Only Historical Facts - Alternative View

Based on the testimony of Latin writers already in the 1st century. n. e. we can talk about the presence of Slavs in the southern Russian steppes and the Black Sea region. Pliny the Elder, Tacitus and Ptolemy retained the names of tribes, which later disappeared into the Slavic tribes

Cleopatra: Everything About The Queen Of Egypt - Alternative View

Cleopatra: Everything About The Queen Of Egypt - Alternative View

Cleopatra, whose name has become a household name, the last great queen of Egypt, a beauty and a wise ruler, is known to us, first of all, from films and books. Her image excites the imagination of writers and artists to this day

Party Gold: How The Money Of The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union Became The Money Of Russian Oligarchs - Alternative View

Party Gold: How The Money Of The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union Became The Money Of Russian Oligarchs - Alternative View

KGB veteran Mikhail Petrovich Lyubimov is an interesting personality. In 1960, being a graduate of MGIMO, he came to work in Soviet intelligence. As Mikhail Petrovich himself said to the author of these lines, he was then guided by a number of motives: "Belief in the victory of socialism throughout the world, the desire to know the capitalist West and, finally, to assess its capabilities and ambitions

What Was Supposed For A Deviation From Orthodoxy In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

What Was Supposed For A Deviation From Orthodoxy In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

Source section of the Criminal Code of Tsarist Russia "Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishments" 1845. A facsimile copy of this text, as well as texts of later editions, can be downloaded from the website of the Russian State Library rsl

Food Counterfeit In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

Food Counterfeit In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

In the 19th century, sellers of coffee made from plaster and clay were arrested in Nizhny Novgorod. Only a label on which was written "Coffee beans" was saved from the harsh punishment of fraudsters, and below in small print - "Toy, do not eat"