Secrets of history 2024, October

Intimate Life Of The Vatican. How Roman Mothers Ruled The World - Alternative View

Intimate Life Of The Vatican. How Roman Mothers Ruled The World - Alternative View

In the first centuries of Christianity, this word was applied to all bishops, and initially to all priests who enjoyed the right of blessing. Until the 6th century, some bishops were still called popes

Vestals: Keepers Of The Roman Flame - Alternative View

Vestals: Keepers Of The Roman Flame - Alternative View

Salve, quirites! As you know, since ancient times, women have been considered the keepers of the hearth, albeit now symbolically

The Battle Of The Chinese With The Romans - Alternative View

The Battle Of The Chinese With The Romans - Alternative View

This case, if we agree with some of the arguments, is really unique. The uniqueness lies in the only recorded case in history when Roman soldiers clashed with Chinese during the Battle of Talas in 36 BC

Death Of Romulus - Alternative View

Death Of Romulus - Alternative View

Founder of Rome - a victim of a patrician conspiracy? Everyone knows that the twins Romulus and Remus were to be killed. Because they were illegitimate. Their mother served as a vestal and had to keep her virginity

Shocking Facts Of The History Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Shocking Facts Of The History Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

What do we know about life in Ancient Rome? Ancient Rome is covered with glory and legends … the Empire that stood for so long under the pressure of the sands of time. Whose legacy is so great. Whose roads and buildings amaze to this day

Thermes: Places Where The Romans Soaked - Alternative View

Thermes: Places Where The Romans Soaked - Alternative View

Cleanliness - the greatest benefit of modern civilization

The 1600-year-old Roman Cup Was Created Using Nanotechnology - Alternative View

The 1600-year-old Roman Cup Was Created Using Nanotechnology - Alternative View

The Roman Cup, made 1,600 years ago, could be an example of nanotechnology, experts say. The mysterious Lycurgus Cup, made of dichroic glass, is able to change color from green to red, depending on the lighting

Black Magician On The Papal Throne - Alternative View

Black Magician On The Papal Throne - Alternative View

Pope Sylvester II (950-1003), called Herbert in the world, had a reputation as a wizard for two reasons

Cimmerians - Legend Or History? - Alternative View

Cimmerians - Legend Or History? - Alternative View

American writer Robert Howard, creating a cycle of his fantasy novels about Conan the Barbarian, by some whim of fate gave him a Cimmerian origin

Pope John - Alternative View

Pope John - Alternative View

Whether it's true or not, legend has it that a woman once took over as Pope

The Ancient Scythians Could Have Been The Precivilization Of Buryatia - Alternative View

The Ancient Scythians Could Have Been The Precivilization Of Buryatia - Alternative View

Sometimes, in order to discover the most real sensation, you do not need to go into the taiga jungle or climb mountain ridges. Amazing finds can be made, as they say, "right outside the outskirts." You just have to be very careful. This truth was once again convinced by the journalists of "Inform Polis", who left for the Ivolginskaya steppe

Why Were The Nobles Called Pillars? - Alternative View

Why Were The Nobles Called Pillars? - Alternative View

Many words in the Russian language that have already fallen out of use sometimes cause confusion. Often they can be found in history textbooks or in classical literature. However, the various names were not invented for nothing - there is always some source

War Dogs Of The Roman Empire - Alternative View

War Dogs Of The Roman Empire - Alternative View

The troops of Ancient Rome in their battles willingly used a very original "weapon". These are the famous fighting dogs of the Roman legions. The tasks of these animals did not include delivering mail or taking out the wounded

How Beria Was Killed - Alternative View

How Beria Was Killed - Alternative View

From the moment of his arrest and for about half a century, Lavrenty Beria was considered the main villain of Soviet history. Today he is perceived rather as a technocrat and a failed reformer. The facts of his biography are also evaluated differently

There Was No Death Of The Roman Empire? - Alternative View

There Was No Death Of The Roman Empire? - Alternative View

If you follow exclusively numbers and count the events from the time of Julius Caesar to the invasion of the Eternal City of the Visigoths under the leadership of Alaric I, then the Roman Empire lasted a little less than five centuries

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus - The Mad Emperor Of The Roman Empire - Alternative View

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus - The Mad Emperor Of The Roman Empire - Alternative View

Remember: nothing but the soul is worthy of admiration, and for a great soul it is less and less. Seneca Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus birth name Lucius Domitius (Born December 15, 37 - died June 9, 68 (30 years old); reign 54 - 68

What Happened After The Explosion At The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant? - Alternative View

What Happened After The Explosion At The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant? - Alternative View

On April 26, 1986, 130 km from Kiev, an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and a huge amount of radioactive substances got into the environment. At that moment, no one realized the scale of the tragedy. The next day schools were open, people were walking in the street

The Worst Popes In The History Of Peter's Successors - Alternative View

The Worst Popes In The History Of Peter's Successors - Alternative View

"Dad can, Dad can do anything"According to official documents, the Pope is an exceptional person. However, even among the great pontiffs, from time to time, there are those who are not alien to human weaknesses. Our material is about unholy saints - the successors of Peter, who went down in history as sinners and degraded

An Ancient Artifact Was Found At The Birthplace Of Christ - Alternative View

An Ancient Artifact Was Found At The Birthplace Of Christ - Alternative View

During renovations in the Basilica of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, a baptismal font of 1,500 years old was discovered. This is reported by Fox News.The artifact was found during restoration in the south wing of the building. The font was inside a larger vessel, which was filled with holy water during services

Ancient Coins Were Found In The American Desert, Which Should Not Be - Alternative View

Ancient Coins Were Found In The American Desert, Which Should Not Be - Alternative View

A man walked among the deserted rocks and accidentally saw on the ground a strange, almost fossilized object, similar to a coin. Nearby among the stones, he spotted another. The tourist put the finds in a backpack, and on his return from the hike showed the coins to archaeologists

15 Little-known Historical Facts About The Byzantine Empire, Which Became The Cradle Of Modern Europe - Alternative View

15 Little-known Historical Facts About The Byzantine Empire, Which Became The Cradle Of Modern Europe - Alternative View

The Byzantine Empire was the predominantly Greek-speaking eastern half of the Roman Empire during late antiquity and the Middle Ages

How Stupidity, Greed, And Racism Led To The First Plague In The United States - Alternative View

How Stupidity, Greed, And Racism Led To The First Plague In The United States - Alternative View

March 6 is the anniversary of two events that look like an evil irony against the backdrop of the coronavirus outbreak. Exactly 210 years ago, in 1810, Illinois became the first American state to introduce mandatory vaccinations. And 120 years ago, in 1900, the first American epidemic of bubonic plague began in San Francisco

Galley Slaves - Alternative View

Galley Slaves - Alternative View

The Russian word "hard labor" comes from the Turkish "kaderg". So the Turks called their rowing ships - galleys. Often Russian slaves became rowers on galleys. But not all of them resigned themselves to their bitter lot.- Salik.bizAt the lowest priceEvery year, units of the Crimean Tatars raided the border lands of the Russian Kingdom and the Commonwealth, taking thousands of people to the full

White Slaves In  America: Why They Cost  10  Times  Cheaper Than Black - Alternative View

White Slaves In America: Why They Cost 10 Times Cheaper Than Black - Alternative View

We all know perfectly well that today's black Americans are the descendants of slaves who were once brought from Africa. But not only African blacks became slaves. Whites could have become them. Moreover, they were valued much cheaper.- Salik

Forgotten Irish Slaves - Alternative View

Forgotten Irish Slaves - Alternative View

They were brought in as slaves. English ships transported many human goods to both America. They were transported by hundreds of thousands: men, women and even small children.When they rebelled or simply did not obey orders, they were severely punished

White Slavery - Alternative View

White Slavery - Alternative View

If you believe some theories proclaiming that life on planet Earth - this is a difficult test that you need to go through in order to find yourself in a better world, then, by and large, everything falls into place

Features Of Slavery In Tibet - Alternative View

Features Of Slavery In Tibet - Alternative View

The Dalai Lama introduced a tax on almost everything, even the ears. That is, those who wanted his ears to remain had to pay a tax, otherwise they would be chopped off

Empire On Blood - Alternative View

Empire On Blood - Alternative View

England is perhaps the most bloodthirsty state in the history of mankind: just remember the invasion of Cromwell's troops in Ireland in 1649

Forgotten Irish Slave Trade - Alternative View

Forgotten Irish Slave Trade - Alternative View

The translation is a bit clumsy, but nevertheless it was new and interesting information for me The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World

The Slave Trade In Ancient Rus: How It Was - Alternative View

The Slave Trade In Ancient Rus: How It Was - Alternative View

Probably, many of us since school times have affirmed that serfdom in Russia was abolished back in 1861. But in fact, the traditions of the slave trade have existed throughout the world for a long time. Ancient Russia was no exception

Galley Slaves Or Trained Soldiers? - Alternative View

Galley Slaves Or Trained Soldiers? - Alternative View

The life of galley rowers became synonymous with hard labor. But no one seriously thinks: were the rowers on the galleys forced? Or were the galley slave myths just military disinformation? Homer also described ships that had 20, 50, 118 oars

The Rise And Fall Of The Slave Trade On The Black Sea Coast Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

The Rise And Fall Of The Slave Trade On The Black Sea Coast Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

A black spot on the reputation of the Northwestern Caucasus is still the colossal experience of the slave trade, which both some specific historians and Western propagandists, who cultivate the role of the Caucasus as a region that fell victim to the colonial aggression of the Russian Empire, are desperately trying to forget

Why Does The Master Lick The Slave? - Alternative View

Why Does The Master Lick The Slave? - Alternative View

Why do you think? The answer is under the cut. So are other curious facts about slavery. For example, about slavery in Russia and Russia. The slave cost a lot of money, and the slave owner had to make sure that he was healthy and did not infect the rest of the slaves in transit

America's First Slave Owner - Alternative View

America's First Slave Owner - Alternative View

As you know, history is the servant of those in power. But even if the historian is completely sincere in trying to be objective, he still distorts the real history. Well, it's like studying the area on a map: on paper - a green lowland, but in fact - bumps and holes

Bloody Inscription. The Mystery Of The Death Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

Bloody Inscription. The Mystery Of The Death Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

On July 17, 1918, the Bolsheviks shot the entire family of the last Russian autocrat. Until now, a lot of mysterious and unclear remains in this story

Charles Dickens On Slavery In The USA - Alternative View

Charles Dickens On Slavery In The USA - Alternative View

The Supreme Court is currently considering an interesting case based on the following facts. An American gentleman living in Maryland gave his elderly couple of slaves actual, but not legalized, freedom for several years. So they lived for some time, and their daughter was born, who also grew up free

We Danced, They Died. America's War Crimes - Alternative View

We Danced, They Died. America's War Crimes - Alternative View

American politicians, showing off against the background of the stars and stripes, are very fond of declaring with pathos that America has always stood and is on guard of universal and democratic values

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Russian Emperor Peter III - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Russian Emperor Peter III - Alternative View

Peter III was a very extraordinary emperor. He did not know Russian, loved to play soldiers and wanted to baptize Russia according to the Protestant rite. His mysterious death led to the emergence of a whole galaxy of impostors

What Ancient Legends And Myths Have Been Proven By Scientists? - Alternative View

What Ancient Legends And Myths Have Been Proven By Scientists? - Alternative View

Who doesn't love fun stories? When the world is in a state of excitement, it is good to have a little distraction with fiction, cinematography, or video games

Caligula - Emperor Of Madness - Alternative View

Caligula - Emperor Of Madness - Alternative View

Caligula was the third Roman emperor. And the four (almost) years of reign allotted to him by fate were enough for his very name to become a household name. It was according to him that the atrocities of other Roman tyrants were subsequently measured