Secrets of history 2024, October

Celts Are A Mysterious People - Alternative View

Celts Are A Mysterious People - Alternative View

Early European literature, or rather folklore, learned a lot from the monuments of the work of this ancient people

Otherworldly And Death Of A Druid - Alternative View

Otherworldly And Death Of A Druid - Alternative View

Previous Part: Immortality of the Soul and the Metempsychosis of the Druids If, as the ancient authors say or are prompted to think, the privilege of metempsychosis should also be attributed to simple, real people, we could add to our research a very extensive one "

Celts: Bounty Hunters In Ancient Europe - Alternative View

Celts: Bounty Hunters In Ancient Europe - Alternative View

Celts - an ancient and mysterious people who once inhabited a vast territory from the British Isles to Asia Minor. We will tell you what they looked like, why they were called bounty hunters and why they rushed into battle naked

Crimea Passed, Port Arthur Passed Brief Chronicles Of Khrushchev - Alternative View

Crimea Passed, Port Arthur Passed Brief Chronicles Of Khrushchev - Alternative View

Colorful personalityOur country's history has had enough extraordinary leaders. However, Nikita Sergeevich surpassed (at least in recent history) everyone. Nobody allowed so many nonsense and outright rudeness.- Salik.bizSome (in the West) considered him a scumbag (not without reason), others (official media) as a charismatic proletarian leader, and still others (the opinion of most of the Union) - a clown

"Omphal" And "Nemeton" - Alternative View

"Omphal" And "Nemeton" - Alternative View

Previous part: The prediction and satire of the druid The individual fragments of the methods of sacred rite that we were able to notice and discern among the legendary exaggerations, of course, relied on a systematic and harmonious worldview, on a coherent

Druid Time And Calendar - Alternative View

Druid Time And Calendar - Alternative View

Previous part: Festivals of the Celts of the Druids Human time and mythical time were very different from each other, and the druids, of course, did not accept to know and learn how to manage human time according to its strict laws, that is, with the help of ka

Druid Power Over The Land - Alternative View

Druid Power Over The Land - Alternative View

Previous Part: The Wind of the Druids The Druid is equally subject to the earth

The Doctrine And Origins Of Druidism. Writing - Alternative View

The Doctrine And Origins Of Druidism. Writing - Alternative View

Previous Part: Time and Calendar of the Druids The doctrine of the Druids, the subject of this teaching, which has been preserved for so many years, is almost completely unknown to us: those who possessed knowledge did not write down what they knew

Druidic Wind - Alternative View

Druidic Wind - Alternative View

Previous part: Druid - lord of fire "Wind of the Druids" - another aspect of their influence on the elements. It was by this means that the Druids of the Tuatha de Given tried to prevent the sons of Mile from landing on the Irish coast

Celtic Horde - "God's Judgment" - Alternative View

Celtic Horde - "God's Judgment" - Alternative View

Previous Part: The Witchcraft of the Druids In The Adventures of Cormac in the Promised Land, ten famous hordes are listed, the main of which are described in an exhaustive way

Druid And Funeral Rite - Alternative View

Druid And Funeral Rite - Alternative View

Previous Part: Celtic Horde - "God's judgment" "Cetal" - song, spell; "Cantalon" - pillar The erased and seemingly mechanical form of these various techniques should not prevent us from recognizing in them an intellectual and religious basis: judges who

King Arthur - Cimmerians And Scythians - Alternative View

King Arthur - Cimmerians And Scythians - Alternative View

The early history of Wales was created by the Celts - the Welsh, they arrived in this territory in the 1st century BC

Druid Bans - Alternative View

Druid Bans - Alternative View

Previous Section: The “Baptism” of the Druids Wasn't the geasa, or “prohibitions,” primarily dependent on the circumstances of birth or giving a name?

The Power Of The Druids Over Water - Alternative View

The Power Of The Druids Over Water - Alternative View

Previous Part: Yew, Blindness of the Druids Druid or Philid is the lord of water, like fire, and we can give more than one example that testifies to such power

Druidic Spell - Alternative View

Druidic Spell - Alternative View

Part One: Power of the Druids over the Land In connection with the description of the tumultuous events around the arrival of the sons of Mile in Ireland, The Book of Conquests leads, - which in itself is very rare and valuable for our research, - the text of the spell uttered by the fili

Ritual And Magical Techniques Of Druids - Alternative View

Ritual And Magical Techniques Of Druids - Alternative View

Previous Part: The Druid and the King From our earlier comments, it follows that the cult and magic were basically the work of the druids

"Baptism" Of The Druids - Alternative View

"Baptism" Of The Druids - Alternative View

Previous Part: Ritual and Magical Techniques of the Druids The Druids who were in charge of the affairs of death, equally intervened in the affairs of birth and life

Yew, Druid Blindness - Alternative View

Yew, Druid Blindness - Alternative View

Previous Part: Elixir of Oblivion Returning to the magic of plants, it should be noted one of its varieties of a completely different kind, which, as we can see, the druid uses when searching for a queen kidnapped by an inhabitant of the Seeds, one of those gods

Druid And War - Alternative View

Druid And War - Alternative View

Previous Part: Druid Healer Druid is not only a priest, he is equally a warrior: this combination may seem strange, but it is easy to explain

Druid Healer - Alternative View

Druid Healer - Alternative View

Previous Part: Druid, Diviner, and Judge As a druid healer or vata healer (faith-liaigh) we can cite the example of Fingen, the healer of King Ulster (Ulad; Irl. Ulaidh - Ulster) Conchobar

Druid Specialization. Sacrifice - Alternative View

Druid Specialization. Sacrifice - Alternative View

Previous Part: The Place of the Druid in Society It will not be difficult for us to select a specialization

Druid, Soothsayer And Judge - Alternative View

Druid, Soothsayer And Judge - Alternative View

Previous Part: Druid Specialization

Agriculture And Economics Among The Druids - Alternative View

Agriculture And Economics Among The Druids - Alternative View

Plants and animals, wild and domestic, provided food and other products. The main crops of prehistoric Europe from the 6th millennium BC. eh

The Meaning And Meaning Of The Word "druid" - Alternative View

The Meaning And Meaning Of The Word "druid" - Alternative View

Previous Section: The Druid Classical writers unanimously attribute many functions to druids. Religion, justice, education, medicine, etc

Druids - Priests And Educators Of The Celtic Society - Alternative View

Druids - Priests And Educators Of The Celtic Society - Alternative View

Previous part: Reconstruction of the image of the druid Françoise Leroux is an extraordinary approach to considering one of the most important social and ideological functions of druids - functions for the upbringing and training of young people, which with this approach turns out to be cramped

Druid Hierarchy And Training - Alternative View

Druid Hierarchy And Training - Alternative View

Previous Section: Druid, Wattes and Bards Having defined a druid, or rather the entire druid community, we can begin to explore how the corporation of druids and, in a sense, - functioned. to consider the life of a druid in society

Cyclic Time In The Druid Triad - Alternative View

Cyclic Time In The Druid Triad - Alternative View

Previous part: Sacred Center of the Druidic World The central section of the last fifth chapter in the book of Françoise Leroux is devoted to the Celtic belief in the immortality of the soul, which was almost the only feature of the Druidic doctrine known to ancient authors, but through

Celtic Druids - Ancestors Of The Slavic Magi? - Alternative View

Celtic Druids - Ancestors Of The Slavic Magi? - Alternative View

The topic of the ancient relationship of the Celts and Slavs has become very popular for some time now, sometimes acquiring a smack of some pseudo-historical scandal. One of the supporters of the closeness and interconnection of the ancient priests of different tribes, S. V

Ancient Celts - Alternative View

Ancient Celts - Alternative View

Normanists believe that the Celts belong to the Germanic tribes. Let us analyze how the term "Celts" originated. Neither the Romans nor the Greeks indicate this. For the first time the Romans mention them and call the Celts "Celts"

Celtic Sorceresses - Alternative View

Celtic Sorceresses - Alternative View

Morgana Fairy Morgana Sorceress (Morgana Fairy, Morgana witch) is the heroine of English legends about King Arthur. The main gift of the Morgana fairy was healing. Morgana is described in early works as a sorceress, sister and friend of Arthur

Druid - Alternative View

Druid - Alternative View

Previous part: Cyclical time in the triad of druids In history textbooks, the most often reproduced picture depicting a Gallic druid cutting a mistletoe: “A priest dressed in white - says Pliny, - climbing a tree, with a golden sickle compartment

Celts In China Or The Unsolved Mystery Of The Mummies From Takla - Makan. - Alternative View

Celts In China Or The Unsolved Mystery Of The Mummies From Takla - Makan. - Alternative View


The Legend Of A Medieval Witch Who Gave Birth To A Cat - Alternative View

The Legend Of A Medieval Witch Who Gave Birth To A Cat - Alternative View

The Middle Ages were an amazing time when a huge number of people believed in magic, demons and other supernatural powers

Archeology Of Celtic Burials - Alternative View

Archeology Of Celtic Burials - Alternative View

Previous Part: Spiritual Power of Druids

The Legend Of The Witch Moll Dyer And Her Curse - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Witch Moll Dyer And Her Curse - Alternative View

The story of a witch named Moll Dyer is one of Maryland's horror stories on Halloween

5 Legendary Graves Of Witches, To Which People Are Afraid To Approach Even Today - Alternative View

5 Legendary Graves Of Witches, To Which People Are Afraid To Approach Even Today - Alternative View

Bury them as deep as you can so the witches never rise from their graves

Kate Batts - The Legendary "Bell Witch" - Alternative View

Kate Batts - The Legendary "Bell Witch" - Alternative View

Many are skeptical about stories of the paranormal. But what if they are described in historical documents? In the summer of 1817, strange things began to happen with the Bell family from Adams, Tennessee

Mysteries Of History. Celts - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Celts - Alternative View

The ancient Greeks called this mysterious people Celts, Gauls - Romans. Settling in the territories, they gave their names to the places: Gaul in France, Galicia in Spain, Belgium, Bohemia, the cities of London and Lyon

The Vikings Were Not Afraid Of Their Gods - Alternative View

The Vikings Were Not Afraid Of Their Gods - Alternative View

The Vikings did not see their formidable gods as the most important factor in success or failure. In their forays, they relied more on themselves and on fate. And the gods were revered just in case

Polish Cannibals In The Kremlin - Alternative View

Polish Cannibals In The Kremlin - Alternative View

For many years, Europeans have called Russia a semi-savage country where barbarians live. It was believed that the norms of civilization were not suitable for Muscovites, because their brains were incapable of progress. But all these myths were dispelled as soon as the European "liberators" invaded Russia