Secrets of history 2024, October

Maybe The Vikings Went Into A Rage, Gorged On Henbane? - Alternative View

Maybe The Vikings Went Into A Rage, Gorged On Henbane? - Alternative View

Berserkers were described as "mad as dogs" and "strong as bears." They say that they gnawed shields, swallowed coals, walked on fire and could kill the enemy with one blow, they did not feel at all in pain. Scientists have long been trying to understand what gave them such superpowers, and recently a new theory has emerged

Nine Cities-utopias - Alternative View

Nine Cities-utopias - Alternative View

The growth of urbanization in the First World also caused the opposite process - the desire of large groups of people to move back to nature, as well as the creation of "specialized" and "ideal" cities - without the grimaces of urbanism. Garden city, plantation city, Nazi city, drunken city and other utopian cities in the selection below

Warriors Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Warriors Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Berserker - effective and quite consciously evoked combat fury, as an extraordinary manifestation of human strength of mind, in ancient Germanic and Old Norse society, a warrior who devoted himself to the god Odin

Ancient Wolf Magic Or Where Did The Legends About Werewolves Come From - Alternative View

Ancient Wolf Magic Or Where Did The Legends About Werewolves Come From - Alternative View

To understand the werewolf phenomenon, it is very important to trace how the image of the wolf-man has changed over time

Who Are Berserkers - Alternative View

Who Are Berserkers - Alternative View

What do we know about berserkers? That they fought like animals, bit shields and almost went into battle with their bare hands. So we were told about them. Meanwhile, scientists still argue about who the berserkers really were

Berserkers Viking Strike Force - Alternative View

Berserkers Viking Strike Force - Alternative View

The word "berserkr" in Old Norse had several meanings and translations. The root "ber" can be translated as both "bear" and "naked", "serkr" meant skin

The Mystery Of The Greenlandic Civilization - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Greenlandic Civilization - Alternative View

Medieval Scandinavians, better known as Varangians, Vikings or Normans, left a huge mark on our history. The warlike tribes roaming the sea left behind not only destruction, but, at times, even quite decent states, as was the case with the Duchy of Normandy

Viking Rage: What Made The Northern Demons Invincible - Alternative View

Viking Rage: What Made The Northern Demons Invincible - Alternative View

Cruel, strong, hardy - the Vikings used weapons and tactics that made them fearful. The first attack on England occurred in 793. From that moment on, the Normans became a real horror of medieval Europe for many years

Were There Really Female Warriors Among The Vikings? What Do History, Mythology And Archeology Say? - Alternative View

Were There Really Female Warriors Among The Vikings? What Do History, Mythology And Archeology Say? - Alternative View

If you watched the modern TV series "Vikings", then along with the male warriors, you could see female warriors there. It should be noted that the presence of such warlike women in modern films and TV series is just a tribute to "fashion", namely, to the processes of emancipation

Where Did The Vikings Go? What Could Have Happened To Them? - Alternative View

Where Did The Vikings Go? What Could Have Happened To Them? - Alternative View

You've probably heard about the Vikings - ancient Scandinavian warriors who terrorize the entire territory of Northern Europe. Some researchers believe that the Vikings managed to swim even to America, and could have discovered it much earlier than Columbus

In A 5000-year-old Grave, Traces Of The Earliest And Unknown Strain Of Plague Were Found - Alternative View

In A 5000-year-old Grave, Traces Of The Earliest And Unknown Strain Of Plague Were Found - Alternative View

In rural Sweden, 20 years ago, archaeologists discovered an ancient mass grave with many bone remains

In Sweden, Found A Gold Venetian Ducat Of The XIV Century - Alternative View

In Sweden, Found A Gold Venetian Ducat Of The XIV Century - Alternative View

Swedish archaeologists excavated the medieval port city of Elleholm and found a gold Venetian ducat from the 14th century. This is the first such find in Sweden

In Denmark, The Bones Of Hundreds Of Murdered People Were Found - Alternative View

In Denmark, The Bones Of Hundreds Of Murdered People Were Found - Alternative View

Archaeologists from Aarhus University (Denmark) found 2,095 bones in the Alken-Enge wetlands in the Illerup river valley

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Four People Without A Trace In Sweden - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Four People Without A Trace In Sweden - Alternative View

Mysterious disappearances of people are found all over the world in different forms, but the strangest kind is when suddenly it is not clear where not one person disappears (what else can be attributed to the activities of maniacs, accidents or something else), but immediately

At The University Of Denmark, They Found Three Poisonous Books - Alternative View

At The University Of Denmark, They Found Three Poisonous Books - Alternative View

Books that are deadly to humans have often appeared in works of fiction. Connoisseurs, for example, may recall the poisonous book of Aristotle, which played a vital role in the plot of Umberto Eco's novel "The Name of the Rose"

An Ancient Treasure Was Found In Denmark - Alternative View

An Ancient Treasure Was Found In Denmark - Alternative View

Archaeologists have found an exceptional coin treasure in a swamp near the Danish city of Ribe

Corsairs, Buccaneers, Filibusters: How Did Pirates Differ From Each Other? - Alternative View

Corsairs, Buccaneers, Filibusters: How Did Pirates Differ From Each Other? - Alternative View

How corsairs differed from pirates and how buccaneers hunted on land and at seaFilibusters, corsairs, buccaneers, pirates - these concepts are often used interchangeably in fiction and cinema. But in reality, each of these words had its own meanings, which were transformed over time and acquired new semantic shades

Anne Bonnie - Pirate Of The Caribbean - Alternative View

Anne Bonnie - Pirate Of The Caribbean - Alternative View

The pirate Anne Bonnie was one of the few women who participated in the hijacking and robbery of merchant ships in the Caribbean on an equal basis with men. Since childhood, Anne wore men's clothes, was excellent with a saber and a pistol, and was famous for her indomitable disposition

Jolly Roger: A History Of Piracy - Alternative View

Jolly Roger: A History Of Piracy - Alternative View

Maritime piracy dates back to ancient times. It also existed in the Middle Ages, but the pirates "inherited" it most vividly in the XVII-XVIII centuries. It is no accident that at the word "pirate" a colorful picture involuntarily appears in the mind's eye: white sails under the "Jolly Roger" and desperate thugs boarding Spanish galleons stuffed with gold; blue sea, white sand and wind of distant wanderings

The Pirates Were Not Only Brave People, But Also Very Superstitious - Alternative View

The Pirates Were Not Only Brave People, But Also Very Superstitious - Alternative View

Despite the fact that the pirates were brave people, but like any sailors, they believed in a lot of superstitions. The life of a pirate was short, which means that they had to somehow try to prolong it and not anger the otherworldly forces

Pirates Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Pirates Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Peter I is considered the creator of our navy. However, Russian warships appeared in the Baltic even under Ivan the Terrible. True, these were pirate ships

Christian VII: In A Whirlpool Of Madness And Fatal Ties - Alternative View

Christian VII: In A Whirlpool Of Madness And Fatal Ties - Alternative View

The future king of Denmark was born into a not very prosperous family (despite the royal origin)

How In The USSR They Taught Pirates To Rob Soviet Ships - Alternative View

How In The USSR They Taught Pirates To Rob Soviet Ships - Alternative View

In ancient times, there were pirates and filibusters. if the former robbed everyone, the latter were in the service of some state and robbed not only for their own profit, but also for political purposes.- Salik.bizCenturies have passed since then, but pirates are still active, and they are also dependent on the official authorities: after all, there is no longer any undeveloped land for their bases

Archaeologists Have Unearthed One Of The Oldest Burials Of The Sarmatians In The Orenburg Region - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Unearthed One Of The Oldest Burials Of The Sarmatians In The Orenburg Region - Alternative View

When carrying out a historical and cultural examination on the territory of the Northern site subsoil of the Ozernoye deposit of building sand in the Novoorsk district of the Orenburg region, Orsk archaeologists discovered a previously unknown archaeological monument "One

Where To Find Pirate Treasures - Alternative View

Where To Find Pirate Treasures - Alternative View

Brave sea robbers, seizing prey, hid it until quiet times in the most remote and secluded corners of the planet

Mysterious Relatives Of The Persians - Alternative View

Mysterious Relatives Of The Persians - Alternative View

Media was a historical region in the northwestern part of the Iranian Highlands. This country has long been no longer on the world map, but scholars are still arguing about the role it played in the political history of the Ancient East

Gods Named Mau. Thanks To The "human Shield" Of Cats, The Persians Conquered Egypt - Alternative View

Gods Named Mau. Thanks To The "human Shield" Of Cats, The Persians Conquered Egypt - Alternative View

Legend has it that the first cats were brought to Egypt from Abyssinia five thousand years ago. The Egyptians considered these fluffy four-legged an earthly manifestation of the sun god Ra

Alans - The First Knights In World History - Alternative View

Alans - The First Knights In World History - Alternative View

The Huns did not end the Roman Empire. She fell under the hooves of the Alanian cavalry. Oriental people with long skulls brought a new cult of war to Europe, laying the foundations for medieval knighthood

In The Astrakhan Region, Archaeologists Dug Up A Sensational Find - Sarmatian Gold With Turquoise - Alternative View

In The Astrakhan Region, Archaeologists Dug Up A Sensational Find - Sarmatian Gold With Turquoise - Alternative View

A treasure of two thousand years ago and a burial of the 6th century BC were found near the village of Nikolskoye.In the Astrakhan region, near the village of Nikolskoye, archaeologists discovered a royal burial mound, and in it several burials of the 6th century BC, presumably belonging to representatives of the Sarmatian nobility

The Cultural Heritage Of The Great People Of The Alans - Alternative View

The Cultural Heritage Of The Great People Of The Alans - Alternative View

Alana - nomadic tribes that appeared in the 1st century AD in the Azov and Ciscaucasia

Alans - Riders In Red Tunics - Alternative View

Alans - Riders In Red Tunics - Alternative View

“Almost all of them are tall and handsome, with moderately blond hair; they are frightening with a restrained, menacing gaze of their eyes, very mobile due to the ease of armament … They enjoy danger and war

Origin And Genetic Connections Alans - Alternative View

Origin And Genetic Connections Alans - Alternative View

S. Yatsenko came to the opinion that there are seven concepts of the origin of the Alans. These are the Scythian, Aorian, Massagetan, Alanian, Yuechzhian-Tocharian, Usun, and the seventh, which considers Alans to be an interethnic squad organization

Sarmatians: Who Is This? - Alternative View

Sarmatians: Who Is This? - Alternative View

Herodotus called the Sarmatians "lizard-headed". Lomonosov believed that the Slavs originated from them, and the Polish gentry called themselves their direct descendants. Russian girls inherited kokoshniki from the Sarmatians

Pirates Versus Medicine: How Was Blackbeard Treated? - Alternative View

Pirates Versus Medicine: How Was Blackbeard Treated? - Alternative View

Fifteen men for a dead man's chest, yohoho and a bottle of rum,And the devil will bring you to the end, yohoho and a bottle of rum …- Salik.bizThis is a familiar phrase, isn't it? Mmm … the smell of gunpowder, strong alcohol, sweat, jerky and adventure … Did you know what was in the real chest? No, n

What Did The Soldiers Eat During The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

What Did The Soldiers Eat During The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

It seems to me that soon we will begin to regret very much that at one time we recorded little, talked little and preserved eyewitness accounts of the Great Patriotic War. The further, the more there will be all sorts of notions and fantasies in this regard

Plague Tamer And Tyrant. Count Orlov Saved Moscow When 1000 People Per Day Were Killed There - Alternative View

Plague Tamer And Tyrant. Count Orlov Saved Moscow When 1000 People Per Day Were Killed There - Alternative View

Grigory Grigorievich Orlov was a well-known favorite of the Empress Catherine the Second "the Great". She showered him with honors, titles, donated an estate and land.In 1771, a present from Turkey was brought to Moscow - a deadly infection called the plague

Could Stalin Change The Beginning Of The Great Patriotic War? - Alternative View

Could Stalin Change The Beginning Of The Great Patriotic War? - Alternative View

Somehow we got into a conversation with a comrade about how much Stalin was to blame for the fact that this is how the Great Patriotic War began. They tell me that he did not take into account the report of the scouts, did not saturate the defense before the start of the war

How Did The Plague Doctor Mask Come About - Alternative View

How Did The Plague Doctor Mask Come About - Alternative View

Who does not know that this is the mask of the plague doctor. Plague doctors never really had that name. This term appeared much later and is used to refer to medieval doctors, as well as doctors of the Renaissance, who were involved in the implementation of a set of measures to counter the plague

Why Did The Soldiers Of The Second World War Not Wear Camouflage On The Battlefields - Alternative View

Why Did The Soldiers Of The Second World War Not Wear Camouflage On The Battlefields - Alternative View

If you look at the soldiers of different armies of World War II, for example, the soldiers of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht, you get the impression that in those days there was no camouflage

How Finland Became Part Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

How Finland Became Part Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

A common misconception: Finland was part of Russia. No, Finland belonged to the Russian Emperor. But she was at the same time a separate state from Russia