Secrets of history 2024, October

The Man Before Whom Stalin Himself Trembled - Alternative View

The Man Before Whom Stalin Himself Trembled - Alternative View

No, this is not some kind of security officer ("silovik", as they like to say now) or a foreign scarecrow. This is a completely intelligent Bolshevik, who himself rarely spoke a rude word to anyone. He didn't need it. His power was great enough to command without resorting to external affectation

Stalin And Cybernetics - Alternative View

Stalin And Cybernetics - Alternative View

Hardly a hundredth of the fools crying about the "persecution of cybernetics" even vaguely guesses what cybernetics is and is sure that if not the accounting system in the kibbutz, then most likely the wife of the innocently repressed prominent Jewish professor Kiber, who is no longer there - because of the persecution by Stalin, of course

Declassified Secret Report: Why Did Stalin Not Believe In The Death Of Hitler - Alternative View

Declassified Secret Report: Why Did Stalin Not Believe In The Death Of Hitler - Alternative View

The Russian Military Historical Society declassified the report of Marshal Zhukov to Stalin, how they were looking for traces of Hitler in the defeated Berlin. And why didn't Smersh take him alive.It is always pleasant to touch an authentic historical document, especially concerning people and events about which everyone knows something

About "Stalin's Repressions" - Alternative View

About "Stalin's Repressions" - Alternative View

One of the most popular pseudo-historical myths, widely advertised by liberoid falsifiers of history, is the myth of "Stalinist repressions", which began to unfold since the next seizure of power in our country by the Trotskyist-Zionist clique led by Perlmutter-Khrushchev

Megaprojects Of Stalin Buried By Khrushchev - Alternative View

Megaprojects Of Stalin Buried By Khrushchev - Alternative View

The Red Emperor . After the death of Joseph Stalin, several grandiose projects were curtailed that could turn the USSR-Russia into an advanced civilization that overtook the whole world for many generations. Projects that could create a society of the "golden age" and forever bury predatory Western capitalism, a consumer and extermination society that kills man and nature, as well as bring great economic benefits to the country, contribute to its spatial development, developmen

Stalin's Secret Cruises - Alternative View

Stalin's Secret Cruises - Alternative View

As a result of one of them, a decree was signed on the restoration of SevastopolOn September 9, 1947, millions of Pravda readers learned that Comrade Stalin had visited the Black Sea sailors on the Molotov cruiser. But in the conditions of increased secrecy since the beginning of the Cold War, no one understood why the generalissimo ended up on a warship

Alexander The Great: The Great Commander Who Did Not Exist - Alternative View

Alexander The Great: The Great Commander Who Did Not Exist - Alternative View

It is, of course, the hero of Alexander the Great, but why break the chairs? N.V. Gogol, "The Inspector General" Antiquity gave mankind many great personalities who had a huge impact on the subsequent history of mankind

Why Is Persia Now Called Iran? - Alternative View

Why Is Persia Now Called Iran? - Alternative View

People living in this country, since antiquity, have called it Iran, that is, the country where the Aryans live

Arias In Persia - Alternative View

Arias In Persia - Alternative View

The modern population of Iran and India for the most part ethnically comes from a special branch of Indo-Europeans - native speakers of the so-called Indo-Iranian group of Indo-European languages, which, in turn, is divided into two subgroups - Iranian and Indo-Ary

Stalin's Last Blow - Stalin's Plan For The Transformation Of Nature - Alternative View

Stalin's Last Blow - Stalin's Plan For The Transformation Of Nature - Alternative View

In modern agriculture, it is customary to often criticize nature, the climate does not allow for high yields of grain and vegetables. For some reason they say that spring is cold or late, and summer is hot and without rain. In short, it turns out to be a one-sided game: the weather has failed again

The Fall Of The Persian Empire At The Battle Of Gaugamela - Alternative View

The Fall Of The Persian Empire At The Battle Of Gaugamela - Alternative View

The Battle of Gaugamela took place on October 1, 331 BC. e. - the decisive battle between the armies of Alexander the Great and the Persian king Darius III, after which the Achaemenid empire ceased to exist. 336 BC eh

Xerxes I - Persian King - Alternative View

Xerxes I - Persian King - Alternative View

Persian king Xerxes I (born about 519 BC - death 465 BC) King of the Achaemenid state (486 BC). Led the Persian campaign to Greece (480 - 479 BC

Fury Of The Persian Amazons: Women Of War - Alternative View

Fury Of The Persian Amazons: Women Of War - Alternative View

The power of the Persian Empire covered almost all of Asia. The neighboring states simply had nothing to oppose to the Ahmenids, who backed up every word with a huge army under the command of experienced military leaders

What Was Done In Russia Under The Leadership Of Stalin. Statistics - Alternative View

What Was Done In Russia Under The Leadership Of Stalin. Statistics - Alternative View

During the Stalinist leadership, for 30 years, an agrarian, impoverished country dependent on foreign capital turned into a powerful military-industrial power on a world scale, into the center of a new socialist civilization

Wars Of Ancient Greece With Persia - Alternative View

Wars Of Ancient Greece With Persia - Alternative View

Wars between the Persian Empire and the Greek city states (city states) lasted from 500 BC. e. to 449 BC e. They went down in history under the name of the Greco-Persian Wars

Ancient Persia. From Tribe To Empire - Alternative View

Ancient Persia. From Tribe To Empire - Alternative View

In the middle of the VI century. BC e. the Persians entered the arena of world history - a mysterious tribe that the previously civilized peoples of the Middle East knew only by hearsay

Where Did The Fleet Of Alexander The Great Sailed - - Alternative View

Where Did The Fleet Of Alexander The Great Sailed - - Alternative View

Among the great mysteries of the past millennia, this one remains one of the most intriguing. American archaeologists put forward a very bold version, which contradicts the established views on the history of geographical discoveries

Vedic Orthodoxy - Alternative View

Vedic Orthodoxy - Alternative View

All the selfless activities of Sergius of Radonezh were aimed at preserving the spirituality of Russia, as opposed to the ideological Western reform of the subordination of the Russian lands to the slave complex of economic and spiritual dependence

Vedas Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Vedas Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Today, many researchers know that the ancient sacred Vedic knowledge is encoded in our language. The Russian people were initiated into these secrets of the language by wizards and sorceresses-vestals, whom the Christian tradition calls witches

The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 1. Ancestral Curse - Alternative View

The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 1. Ancestral Curse - Alternative View

Behind the scenes of a German technological miracleI don’t know if you have noticed that recently, a lot of materials on the history of Nazi Germany have appeared on TV. And in them no one condemns the fascists with the generally accepted (and well-deserved) cliches in our country. T

The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 2. Preemptive Strike - Alternative View

The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 2. Preemptive Strike - Alternative View

Continued, read the beginning: The main secret of the Third Reich (part 1). Ancestral curse.- Salik.bizOn the edge of the abyssThe Anglo-Saxons, having financed the "revolutions" in Russia (1917) and Germany (1919), resulted in two regimes different in ideology, but similar in approaches and goals: the Soviet and the Nazi

The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 3. Secret Well-wishers - Alternative View

The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 3. Secret Well-wishers - Alternative View

Continuation, the beginning of the series read: The main secret of the Third Reich (part 1). Ancestral curse. / The main secret of the Third Reich (part 2). Preemptive strike.This article is a completely private opinion of the author and does not claim to be historical

Cherdyn - Secrets Of The Ancient City - Alternative View

Cherdyn - Secrets Of The Ancient City - Alternative View

One of the greatest Russian poets of the 20th century, Osip Emilievich Mandelstam, as you know, was arrested by the NKVD in May 1934 and sent into exile in Cherdyn (Perm Territory).For reference: the city of Cherdyn, the date of foundation is unknown

The Wrath Of The Lord Or Natural Disasters: What Struck Egypt In The 13th Century BC? - Alternative View

The Wrath Of The Lord Or Natural Disasters: What Struck Egypt In The 13th Century BC? - Alternative View

"Ten executions of the Egyptians: the death of the firstborn of Pharaoh", painting by Alma-Tadema Almost everyone who at least once held the Bible in their hands, probably remembered the story of the massacre of the Egyptians, who did not want to release the people of God from slavery

The Pirate Myths Everyone Believes In - Alternative View

The Pirate Myths Everyone Believes In - Alternative View

Close your eyes and imagine the pirate. Does he wear an eye patch, bury the gold and misbehave with the letter "R"?

Phantom Time Hypothesis. Are We Actually Living In The 18th Century? - Alternative View

Phantom Time Hypothesis. Are We Actually Living In The 18th Century? - Alternative View

Could it be that many years ago, several influential people conceived the largest adventure in the history of mankind, which ultimately turned out to be a success? And we are not talking about distortion of certain events like wars or reigns, but about … adding several centuries to the historical chronology

Hello, I'm Your Mom. The Terrible Story Of The "Family" Sect - Alternative View

Hello, I'm Your Mom. The Terrible Story Of The "Family" Sect - Alternative View

More than twenty years of children - pupils of the sect were prepared for the New era - beatings, hunger and drugs In November 2016, the book "Family" and the documentary of the same name will be released in English, both - by Australian journalist Chris

Russian Gold Rush - Alternative View

Russian Gold Rush - Alternative View

The era of gold rushes in Russia began in the 19th century, after the Senate passed a law in 1812 that allowed Russian citizens to search for and develop gold ores with the payment of taxes to the state. Until that time, they were looking for gold anyway

The Riddle Of The "Russian Nostradamus": Where Did The Monk Abel Get A Huge Fortune From - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The "Russian Nostradamus": Where Did The Monk Abel Get A Huge Fortune From - Alternative View

For more than two centuries, rumors about the mysterious prophecies of the monk Abel, allegedly exactly fulfilled, have not been interrupted. Abel allegedly predicted the deaths of Catherine II and Paul I, the fire of Moscow in 1812, the Decembrist uprising, the main events of the reigns of all Russian autocrats in the 19th century, both world wars, the revolution in Russia, etc

Legends About The "Black Prince" - Alternative View

Legends About The "Black Prince" - Alternative View

In 1854, one of the most terrible disasters on the Black Sea happened. According to the preserved historical data, more than 70 ships from different countries died in this storm

The Egyptians Discovered Australia 4500 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Egyptians Discovered Australia 4500 Years Ago - Alternative View

It is believed that the Dutch explorer Willem Janz, who reached the coast of Australia in 1606, was the discoverer of the Australian continent

The Mystery Of The Missing Gold - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Missing Gold - Alternative View

By the end of perestroika, in 1990, the overwhelming majority of Soviet people sincerely believed in the kind and caring Uncle Sam

Sonya The Golden Handle: Who Was The Queen Of Thieves - Alternative View

Sonya The Golden Handle: Who Was The Queen Of Thieves - Alternative View

In the second half of the 19th century, a real thieves' queen appeared in St. Petersburg, which could not be stopped by either strong constipations or gentlemen detective investigators

The Mystery Of "The Lay Of Igor's Regiment": The Scientist Indicated The Exact Place Of The Last Battle Between The Russians And The Polovtsi - Alternative View

The Mystery Of "The Lay Of Igor's Regiment": The Scientist Indicated The Exact Place Of The Last Battle Between The Russians And The Polovtsi - Alternative View

A long time ago, in the army, the political officer invited each of us to tell us what his small homeland is famous for. Next to me were my colleagues from Tver, Mozhaisk, Moscow, Togliatti, Nizhny Novgorod. It is clear that they were filled with nightingales

Biography Of Revolutionary Lev Trotsky - Alternative View

Biography Of Revolutionary Lev Trotsky - Alternative View

Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein) (born on November 7, 1879 - death on 08/21/1940) - revolutionary, ideologist of Trotskyism. One of the organizers of the 1917 revolution, Member of the Bolshevik Party from August 1917 to 11/14/1927

Spahn Ranch - Habitat Of The Charles Manson Family - Alternative View

Spahn Ranch - Habitat Of The Charles Manson Family - Alternative View

In the plot of the film "Once Upon a Time in … Hollywood" - a real story that took place in Los Angeles, California. This story is about Charles Mills Manson, an American criminal, the founder of the "Family" sect, whose members committed a series of murders in 1969. O

The Last Journey Of Leo Tolstoy - Alternative View

The Last Journey Of Leo Tolstoy - Alternative View

On the night of October 28 (November 10), 1910, an event happened in Yasnaya Polyana that shocked the world. Count L.N. Tolstoy secretly fled from his home in an unknown direction. He made the decision to live his last years according to his views

The Five Most Amazing Finds With Ancient Texts - Alternative View

The Five Most Amazing Finds With Ancient Texts - Alternative View

Sumerian epic and the legend of the FloodOn December 3, 1872, an employee of the British Museum, George Smith, spoke to the scientific community with a statement that he had managed to read an excerpt from the Sumerian epic of the 3rd millennium BC

Pine Ridge Uprising: The Last Battle Of The Indians With The US Army - Alternative View

Pine Ridge Uprising: The Last Battle Of The Indians With The US Army - Alternative View

The last seventy-one days of armed conflict between the government and the Aborigines in US history began on the morning of February 27, 1973. On this day, the village of Wounded Knee on the territory of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota was captured by the American Indian Movement, an organization fighting for the rights of the native population of America

Europe Has Brought "universal Values" To The American Indians - Alternative View

Europe Has Brought "universal Values" To The American Indians - Alternative View

Columbus ordered all residents over the age of 14 to hand over a thimble of golden sand or 25 pounds of cotton to the Spaniards every three months (in areas where there was no gold). Those who fulfilled this quota were hung around their necks with a copper token indicating the date of receipt of the last tribute