A "smiling Man" Can Also Be A Woman - Alternative View

A "smiling Man" Can Also Be A Woman - Alternative View
A "smiling Man" Can Also Be A Woman - Alternative View

Video: A "smiling Man" Can Also Be A Woman - Alternative View

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Video: What To Do When A Girl Looks At You 2024, July

We recently published an article about a phenomenon called "Smiling Man". This phenomenon is akin to the "Men in Black", who look like strange lifeless mannequins with plastic skin, blank eyes and unusual behavior. Only "Smiling Man" with all this set still has an unnaturally large and frightening smile on his face.

The cases listed in that article featured Smiling Men, but sometimes people have encountered strange Smiling Women. One such case was described in detail by Nick Redfern from the paranormal site Mysterious Universe. He personally met with an elderly woman named Gloria, who told him about the incident.


“Gloria lives in Decatur, Texas. I met with her in November 2014, having previously discussed the purpose of the visit by phone. I came to her old house, which was probably built back in the 1940s. Gloria immediately opened the door for me and seemed like a friendly and sincere woman. We sat down to drink coffee with lemon cake and she began to tell me her story, which began two years earlier - on July 19, 2012.

It all started when Gloria caught a glimpse of what looked like a disc-shaped UFO over the house. At this time, she was sitting in the yard in an armchair and reading a book. Nearby were two of her dogs and it was the barking of the dogs that distracted her from the book and made her look up where the dogs were looking. The strange object was above her house and it hung there for only a couple of seconds, and then instantly disappeared somewhere.

The next day, July 20, someone knocked on the front door. Gloria opened it and saw an unfamiliar thin woman who looked about thirty. She had a very pale face and her scalp hair was most likely a wig. Her clothes consisted of a black straight skirt, a white blouse and a black jacket.

Gloria immediately felt uncomfortable, and the next moment the woman came close to her and began to tell Gloria not to tell anyone about the UFO she had seen, while saying that "the government is concerned about this." What exactly, she did not say, but then she began to smile broadly and unnaturally. At the same time, her gaze was completely insane.

Obviously, this was not a government envoy. More precisely, not an envoy of the official government. According to Gloria, the woman did not even look quite human, she had a strange physique, a strange skeleton.

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After that, the woman asked how long it was, Gloria answered her and the woman turned, walked down the path from Gloria's house and disappeared. Gloria never saw this woman again. It was all very similar to the scenario of a standard Men in Black visit, even the way they ask “What time is it”. I often read stories like this.

I thanked Gloria for her story and asked to stay in touch if something else happened. We still keep in touch with her, but I am glad that none of the “Men in Black” came to her again."
