6 Cows Of An Australian Farmer Died At Once Under Mysterious Circumstances - Alternative View

6 Cows Of An Australian Farmer Died At Once Under Mysterious Circumstances - Alternative View
6 Cows Of An Australian Farmer Died At Once Under Mysterious Circumstances - Alternative View

Video: 6 Cows Of An Australian Farmer Died At Once Under Mysterious Circumstances - Alternative View

Video: 6 Cows Of An Australian Farmer Died At Once Under Mysterious Circumstances - Alternative View
Video: Top Gear Vs 4,000 Cows | Top Gear 2024, September

A farmer from the Australian city of Bodesert was amazed when he saw 6 of his cows lying in a straight line near the fence. All the animals were dead, and most likely, they instantly died all at once. Derek Shirley claims that he has never met anything like it. At first, the man thought that his cattle died from a lightning strike, but did not find any traces of electrical shock on the bodies of the animals.

In total, 4 cows and 2 calves died under mysterious circumstances. The owner of the farm estimates his loss at AU $ 10,000. Local expert, Dr. Karl Krushelnitsky, also cannot find a rational explanation for the incident. Most of all, the specialist is surprised by the fact that the heads of the dead cows were pushed through the wire fence. Maybe the aliens are to blame, scaring away the animals and forcing them to run all together to the fence, and then simply remotely killing the artiodactyls?

However, the doctor did not find traces of interference in the bodies of animals, which makes this anomaly a very strange mystery, the answer to which, most likely, neither the scientist nor the farmer himself will receive. It's good that the cattle were insured, but insurance companies will also require proof of the real, not mythical death of cows …

Daniil Myslinsky