Secrets of history 2024, October

"Titanic" Of The Third Reich. As The Largest Maritime Disaster Of The 20th Century, It Took The Lives Of 10 Thousand People - Alternative View

"Titanic" Of The Third Reich. As The Largest Maritime Disaster Of The 20th Century, It Took The Lives Of 10 Thousand People - Alternative View

75 years ago, on January 30, 1945, in the Danzig Gulf of the Baltic Sea, the Soviet submarine S-13 under the command of Captain 3rd Rank Alexander Marinesko sank the German transport "Wilhelm Gustloff". Together with the giant ship, according to various estimates, from 6 to 10 thousand people went to the bottom (according to the latest German studies - 9343 people), which made the death of "Wilhelm Gustloff" the largest maritime disaster of the 20th century

In Novosibirsk, A 5,000-year-old Figurine Of A Man In A Feather Headdress Was Found During Excavations - Alternative View

In Novosibirsk, A 5,000-year-old Figurine Of A Man In A Feather Headdress Was Found During Excavations - Alternative View

The unusual artifact has posed a mystery to archaeologists until they can figure out what culture created this figurine. The figurine was discovered in the ancient burial ground Tourist-2 on the eastern bank of the Ob River. Reported by The Siberian Times

The Chernobyl Accident. The Horror Story Of The Century - Alternative View

The Chernobyl Accident. The Horror Story Of The Century - Alternative View

Any event on a global scale remains in our memory for a long time, most often forever. Unfortunately, far from always, these events are joyful, expected

The Strange Story Of The Black Bird Of Chernobyl - Alternative View

The Strange Story Of The Black Bird Of Chernobyl - Alternative View

Soon after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Ukraine), which occurred on April 26, 1986, rumors spread among the people that some time before the accident, which killed about 4 thousand people in total, strange creatures were seen in the city, and people had nightmares

Chernobyl - Invisible Death - Alternative View

Chernobyl - Invisible Death - Alternative View

A man with his six senses, unfortunately, is not able to notice, see, hear, smell the mortal danger of the XX century - radiation penetrating everywhere

Three People Who Saved Millions - Alternative View

Three People Who Saved Millions - Alternative View

Chernobyl could have turned into an even more terrible disaster, if not for the self-sacrifice of these heroes, which most of us have never heard of

The Chivruay Tragedy Of 1973 On The Kola Peninsula - Alternative View

The Chivruay Tragedy Of 1973 On The Kola Peninsula - Alternative View

In January 1973, at the Chivruai pass of the Kola Peninsula, a group of 10 students from the KAI - Kuibyshev Aviation Institute was killed. Death from frostbite was named as the main version of what happened. The real reasons for the death of young people are still unknown …The Chivruay tragedy of 1973 on the Kola Peninsula-

Why Does Japan Need The Kuriles Really - Alternative View

Why Does Japan Need The Kuriles Really - Alternative View

More recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan protested to Russia in connection with the conduct of flight exercises on Iturup Island

Tragedy Or Scam Of The Century? Titanic Or Still Olympic, It Will Remain A Mystery Submerged - Alternative View

Tragedy Or Scam Of The Century? Titanic Or Still Olympic, It Will Remain A Mystery Submerged - Alternative View

In any case, the sinking of the Titanic in April 1912 is one of the saddest pages in history. But it is quite possible that the tragedy was not accidental, but planned for the sake of profit.The fact is that the Titanic had an older twin ship, the Olympic

About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

Strange things are happening in the world, progress is growing stronger. For centuries people lived, loved each other, and loved much more strongly than now. And they didn't know any “Valentine's Day” as Valentine's Day. And now they have forgotten how to love, only 10% of the families created remain, but they have learned to celebrate “Valentine's Day” en masse. Oh, how

Mysterious Disasters And Accidents - Alternative View

Mysterious Disasters And Accidents - Alternative View

There are incidents, so to speak, expected, like wildfires in Siberia. The relevant services are preparing for them for a long time and carefully, they warn the population that it is impossible to burn dry grass and throw unstuffed cigarette butts in the forest

Mystery Of The Matua Island In The Kuriles - Alternative View

Mystery Of The Matua Island In The Kuriles - Alternative View

"Matua" in translation from the Ainu language means "Small burning bays". This island is located in the middle part of the Kuril ridge between the islands of Raikoke and Rasshua

The Secret Of The Dyatlov Pass: Tourists Prepared In Advance For A Meeting With Their Executioner - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Dyatlov Pass: Tourists Prepared In Advance For A Meeting With Their Executioner - Alternative View

The version that puts everything in its place in history that took place over 60 years ago.Recently, a documentary series was shown on the NTV channel, or, as now, with someone's light hand, such films are called with an ugly term, "docudrama" about the Dyatlov pass

Kyshtym Accident: A Disaster Under The Guise Of The Northern Lights - Alternative View

Kyshtym Accident: A Disaster Under The Guise Of The Northern Lights - Alternative View

60 years ago, the Kyshtym accident occurred, in terms of the scale of radiation contamination second only to the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the tragedy at Fukushima-1. What caused the disaster and how the authorities hid it from the population, we will tell below

To What Extent Was The Accident At Chernobyl Worse Than Other Accidents At Nuclear Power Plants? - Alternative View

To What Extent Was The Accident At Chernobyl Worse Than Other Accidents At Nuclear Power Plants? - Alternative View

In history, only two cases have been labeled as “Level 7” nuclear accidents, the classification used by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to denote major events with widespread health and environmental consequences. The first accident - at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - is considered the worst nuclear accident in the world. The

Adolf's Secret Hideout In Antarctica. Why Exactly There - Alternative View

Adolf's Secret Hideout In Antarctica. Why Exactly There - Alternative View

The secret German bases in Antarctica from the very beginning seemed like something completely ridiculous. However, it turns out that there are more and more signs that Antarctica is not a boring continent and that New Swabia did exist.When Berlin fell at almost the same time, there were reports that the Nazis were evacuating the southern hemisphere

So Are We Scythians? - Alternative View

So Are We Scythians? - Alternative View

Once upon a time, a people lived in the vastness of the Black Sea steppes, this name, having become a household name for a nomad of ancient times, was included in all textbooks on the history of the ancient world. We are talking about the Scythians

Underwater "Losharik" - Alternative View

Underwater "Losharik" - Alternative View

In January 2015, correspondents of the Russian version of Top Gear conducted a planned shooting on the shores of the White Sea. And what was their surprise when they found out that the most secret of the Russian submarines - the project 10831 nuclear deep-sea station AS-31, affectionately dubbed "Losharik", had accidentally got into the lens of their camera

Samara Fire Catastrophe Of 1948 - Alternative View

Samara Fire Catastrophe Of 1948 - Alternative View

On July 4, 1948, a fire engulfed the Kuibyshev transshipment oil depot. It was the largest oil storage fire in the history of the USSR. Fighters of fire brigades saved the city from death. Many of them gave their lives in doing so.- Salik

The Titanic Did Not Sink Because Of The Iceberg: The Testimony Of The Surviving Passenger - Alternative View

The Titanic Did Not Sink Because Of The Iceberg: The Testimony Of The Surviving Passenger - Alternative View

We know from books and films that the Titanic sank because of an iceberg, but there is some recent evidence that fire and explosions were the main cause of the sinking of the ship. Consider some facts that may shed light on these new circumstances

What Led To The Death Of The Titanic - Alternative View

What Led To The Death Of The Titanic - Alternative View

More than a hundred years have passed since the sinking of the famous ocean liner "Titanic", during which more than 1,500 people died. Over the past century, many versions of the reasons for this terrible event have been expressed: from the obvious to the most incredible

The Death Of "Novorossiysk" - Alternative View

The Death Of "Novorossiysk" - Alternative View

On October 28, 1955, the Black Sea Fleet flagship, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, returned from a planned training campaign to Sevastopol and took his regular place at barrel # 3 opposite the Naval Hospital. battleship "Novorossiysk"

Kurenevsky Flood: The Most Secret Man-made Disaster Of The USSR - Alternative View

Kurenevsky Flood: The Most Secret Man-made Disaster Of The USSR - Alternative View

The so-called Kurenevsky flood, which occurred in Kiev in 1961, is considered the second largest man-made disaster in the USSR, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Despite this, few people knew about her outside of Kiev, since all information about the misfortune was strictly classified

6 Largest Disasters Of The Soviet Union - Alternative View

6 Largest Disasters Of The Soviet Union - Alternative View

Most Soviet citizens did not know about large-scale disasters, about which all the media would now talk. But there was an illusion of complete calm and order

4 Mysterious Biblical Characters, The Origin Of Which No One Can Explain - Alternative View

4 Mysterious Biblical Characters, The Origin Of Which No One Can Explain - Alternative View

There are quite a few mysterious characters in the Bible, some more mysterious, some less. And some are, well, just weird.- Salik.biz1. Simon the Canaanite (Zealot)Of the 12 disciples of Christ, none is more mysterious than Simon Zealot

Execution On The Cross: Crucifixion In The Bible And In Real Life - Alternative View

Execution On The Cross: Crucifixion In The Bible And In Real Life - Alternative View

No, perhaps, a person who does not know about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Calvary

8 Most Horrible Biblical Deaths - Alternative View

8 Most Horrible Biblical Deaths - Alternative View

The mention of the Bible evokes in our memory a large number of associations associated, first of all, with the commandments, God, sin and judgment. This book contains many vivid pictures not only of the promises of the Almighty, but also of various punishments for sins, including painful deaths, murders and suicides, which not everyone knows about

Archaeologists Have Discovered The Site Of The Biblical Battle Between David And Goliath - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered The Site Of The Biblical Battle Between David And Goliath - Alternative View

The Internet resource "New Historical" came out today with a very significant message that archaeologists from Israel confirmed the place of the battle described in the Holy Scriptures of the king and the prophet of God David with the Philistine giant Goliath

Scientists Managed To Find Confirmation Of The Ancient Biblical History - Alternative View

Scientists Managed To Find Confirmation Of The Ancient Biblical History - Alternative View

Correlating the calendars of ancient civilizations and today's is a difficult problem. To achieve the greatest accuracy, historians strive to find events that they can date accurately. Such events are solar eclipses

About Sanskrit And Its Predecessor - Alternative View

About Sanskrit And Its Predecessor - Alternative View

Part 1Sanskrit is considered the most highly developed and complexly structured language. Researchers who sought to establish the time of origin of Sanskrit from different countries believe that Sanskrit originated earlier than all other existing European languages

10 Intriguing Proofs That Biblical Stories Had A Real Foundation - Alternative View

10 Intriguing Proofs That Biblical Stories Had A Real Foundation - Alternative View

Many believe that the biblical story - pure fiction. But today there are many archaeological finds and scientific research findings proving that many of the situations described in the Bible had real reasons. 1

Buash's Mysterious Map Depicting Antarctica Without Ice: Was There A Civilization - Alternative View

Buash's Mysterious Map Depicting Antarctica Without Ice: Was There A Civilization - Alternative View

This striking 18th century cartographic document is unusual in that it flaunts Antarctica without ice. Moreover, the French cartographer captured the "icy" continent even before it was discovered by travelers. This allowed fans of unusual theories to assume that the work of the Frenchman is evidence that one of the ancient unknown civilizations painted Antarctica even before it was covered with ice

Sodom And Gomorrah Were Destroyed By An Alien Nuclear Bomb? - Alternative View

Sodom And Gomorrah Were Destroyed By An Alien Nuclear Bomb? - Alternative View

A careful study of Chapter 19 of Genesis suggests that the author was well aware of the characteristic signs of a nuclear explosion: a blinding flash, "rain of fire and brimstone", a destructive shock wave, absolute sterility of the soil for a very long time

Where Did Sodom And Gomorrah Disappear: The Mystery Of The Destruction Of The Biblical Cities - Alternative View

Where Did Sodom And Gomorrah Disappear: The Mystery Of The Destruction Of The Biblical Cities - Alternative View

Probably a biblical parable about two cities - Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed by God "fire and brimstone" for the sinful behavior of their inhabitants, is known to all

How The Cities Of Sodom And Gomorrah Perished - Mystery Of History - Alternative View

How The Cities Of Sodom And Gomorrah Perished - Mystery Of History - Alternative View

The search for the famous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which the Bible tells about, has long occupied the minds of archaeologists. According to the Biblical texts, the cities were destroyed for the high measure of the sins of their inhabitants by fire and brimstone from heaven

"Where Were Sodom And Gomorrah?" Scientists Have Come To Unexpected Conclusions - Alternative View

"Where Were Sodom And Gomorrah?" Scientists Have Come To Unexpected Conclusions - Alternative View

Scientists are close to solving the mystery, which is more than two thousand years old: where exactly were and how the famous "city of sins" were destroyed - Sodom and Gomorrah

Seven Daughters Of Eve - Alternative View

Seven Daughters Of Eve - Alternative View

Professor of genetics from Oxford, Brian Sayke, stunned everyone with his hypothesis: Europeans descended, it turns out, from seven female progenitors, and this was 45 thousand years ago. The scientist believes that our ancient ancestors arrived in Europe at different times, most likely from Africa

30 Interesting Facts About The Bible - Alternative View

30 Interesting Facts About The Bible - Alternative View

The Bible is an amazing book, if only because for over 2000 years it has been the most demanded work of mankind. Interest in her does not fade to this day.1. The Bible is the most popular book in the world.- Salik.biz2. The word “Bible” comes from the Latin “biblia” which means “book”.3. Accordin

Moses - Jewish Magician - Alternative View

Moses - Jewish Magician - Alternative View

The god Yahweh became angry and endowed Moses with the ability of a miracle worker, and made his brother Aaron an interpreter (translator) and messenger. The brothers appeared before Pharaoh, demanded from the Egyptian ruler to release their people, but the pharaoh only increased the hardships

10 Archaeological Discoveries That Support Biblical Stories - Alternative View

10 Archaeological Discoveries That Support Biblical Stories - Alternative View

Archaeologists, of course, cannot prove that the Bible is completely true, but they often make discoveries that help to better understand or interpret some biblical events