Secrets of history 2024, October

L. Grotto About The Settlements Of The Ancient Rus In The Kama Region - Alternative View

L. Grotto About The Settlements Of The Ancient Rus In The Kama Region - Alternative View

Our true history is hidden from us by many pseudo-historical myths, the main task of which is to hide behind a bunch of fictional states and civilizations of the ancient world the presence of a single Vedic civilization, in which our distant ancestors played a leading role

Lost Russia: Traces Of The Terrible Tragedy Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View

Lost Russia: Traces Of The Terrible Tragedy Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View

Few of the modern Russian people have heard that their direct ancestors the Russians inhabited all of Central Europe relatively recently, by historical standards, only 600-700 years ago. The lands of today's Germany, Austria, Northern Italy

Sixteen Million Descendants Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

Sixteen Million Descendants Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

Although it is officially believed that the great conqueror Genghis Khan had only 3 sons, there is an opinion about his extraordinary fertility. So, according to some Persian chronicles, the founder of the Golden Horde had more than 2,000 children

Who Are The Scythians And Where Did They Disappear? - Alternative View

Who Are The Scythians And Where Did They Disappear? - Alternative View

The Scythians are an ancient people who lived on the territory of modern Russia. They were strong fighters - neither the Persians nor the Roman Empire managed to conquer them. Where did the Scythians disappear and who are now the descendants of this famous people?

Lake Baikal - The Burial Place Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

Lake Baikal - The Burial Place Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

In the center of the largest continent of our planet, the handsome Baikal is located in the form of a giant crescent 620 kilometers long. The lake is located in a kind of hollow, surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges and hills. At the same time, the western coast is rocky and steep, and the relief of the eastern coast is more gentle, in some places the mountains recede from the coast for tens of kilometers

What Was Genghis Khan's Real Name - Alternative View

What Was Genghis Khan's Real Name - Alternative View

We do not know who Genghis Khan was by nationality. Some scholars suggest that he was a Turkic Aryan from Kashgar, others (such a majority) consider him a Mongol

Why In The Soviet Union All People Drank Drinks From A Common Glass And Did Not Get Sick - Alternative View

Why In The Soviet Union All People Drank Drinks From A Common Glass And Did Not Get Sick - Alternative View

Everyone who lived in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics remembers the vending machines that sold delicious soda with and without syrup. Whole queues always lined up in front of them, but the glasses from which these drinks were drunk were few - one, maximum two

Scythian Gold - History Of Counterfeiting - Alternative View

Scythian Gold - History Of Counterfeiting - Alternative View

Hills of various heights are scattered all over the Black Sea region, on the banks of the Dnieper and its tributaries. Some are of natural origin, while others keep the memory of the ancient owners of these lands - the Cimmerians, Sards, Scythians - and hide the ancient burials of the leaders, who were seen off on their last journey with rich gifts

Was The Center Of A Powerful Civilization Located On The Territory Of Buryatia? - Alternative View

Was The Center Of A Powerful Civilization Located On The Territory Of Buryatia? - Alternative View

For Buryatia, the mysterious "tilers" whom we mentioned last time have become a real "ghost" people for Buryatia. Local historians do not talk about these people who lived on the territory of the republic before our era, historians almost do not speak

What The Russians Took Over From The Scythians - Alternative View

What The Russians Took Over From The Scythians - Alternative View

"Yes, we are Scythians, yes, we are Asians, with slanted and greedy eyes!" - Blok exclaimed and was wrong. First of all, because the Scythians are not at all Mongoloids with "slanting eyes" and are not the direct ancestors of the Russian people

The Unstoppable Scythians - Alternative View

The Unstoppable Scythians - Alternative View

If you try to say something about the Scythians, Blok's immortal poem will first come to mind: “Yes, the Scythians - we! Yes, Asians - we!". But how "slanted and greedy eyes" did the real Scythians look at the world?

Essay On The History Of The Rus Before The Nativity Of Christ - Alternative View

Essay On The History Of The Rus Before The Nativity Of Christ - Alternative View

Almost all peoples, except for the people of God, begin their history with some kind of fairy tale, putting in the head of it the ancestor who gave the people his name.But Russian history began from a period when Russia was a huge link, a strong people, already inhabiting several hundred thousand square miles; rich in trade and industry and divided into two main states, except for several small ones, of which one - the southern or Kiev - a thunderstorm for Byzantium - became o

Found The Richest Burial Of Scythians-Saks In Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Found The Richest Burial Of Scythians-Saks In Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Archaeologists recently discovered more than 3000 gold jewelry in an ancient Scythian burial in Kazakhstan

Why Scythia And Siberia? - Alternative View

Why Scythia And Siberia? - Alternative View

An important milestone in the history of the development of the peoples of the East was the 18th century BC, when a grandiose war took place in the territory from the Indian to the Northern Oceans and from Africa and the Urals to Malaysia and Yakutia

Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

Once upon a time, since the second half of VIII - early VII century BC e., in the vast expanses of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia from the Black Sea coast to the Sayan-Altai, mysterious peoples roamed. Ancient writers and historians called them "Scythians"

In The Slobodzeya Region, The Tomb Of A Female Warrior Was Found - Alternative View

In The Slobodzeya Region, The Tomb Of A Female Warrior Was Found - Alternative View

"Not a single girl gets married until she kills the enemy," wrote Herodotus, traveling around the ancient world, about the women warriors of the mysterious people of the Savromats in the 5th century BC

There Were No Scythians? - Alternative View

There Were No Scythians? - Alternative View

Once upon a time there were Scythians in the south of today's Russia. Some say that they were farmers, sowing bread for sale. Others - that the Scythians were warlike nomad herders

Mystery Map - Alternative View

Mystery Map - Alternative View

In the middle of the last century, a myth appeared related to the discovery of America. A map of Vinland was found, which excited the minds of scientists, and traces of this myth fell into the present century. The map contains the outlines of North America, and it was made even 500 years before this continent was discovered by Christopher Columbus

Strange 19th Century Map - Alternative View

Strange 19th Century Map - Alternative View

An unusual 19th-century map has recently caught my eye. This map of Asiatic Russia, compiled by Lieutenant Colonel Ilyin, contains the latest changes for 1866. It was printed in 1871, in St. Petersburg.Scale in English inches to versts.- Salik

The Mysterious World Map Of Urbano Monte - Alternative View

The Mysterious World Map Of Urbano Monte - Alternative View

The color atlas of the world, created by the cartographer Urbano Monte (years 1544-1613) 430 years ago (in 1587), was recently scanned and restored and made available to the public.An old map shows the world as it was 430 years ago. Researchers have restored 60 pages of the Urbano Monte world atlas, which features mysterious creatures such as the unicorn Sibirin, an ambirant ship, and terrible giant birds

Bullish Bubbles On The Windows. Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Bullish Bubbles On The Windows. Myths And Reality - Alternative View

If you read the history of Russia, you can find there a lot of interesting things about the life and life of our ancestors.How they built houses without a single nail. At the same time, they did not know that a pipe was laid to the stove, so they sat in soot and with torches

9 UK Universities That Look More Like Magic Castles - Alternative View

9 UK Universities That Look More Like Magic Castles - Alternative View

It is good when the atmosphere of the institution stimulates students to achieve their goals and helps them feel confident and comfortable. Agree, when your lecture room is more like a throne room from some historical film, you are involuntarily filled with pride in your institute, and there is a determination to perform scientific feats

The Capture And Sale Of Wild Animals Proved To Be Commonplace In Ancient Mesoamerica - Alternative View

The Capture And Sale Of Wild Animals Proved To Be Commonplace In Ancient Mesoamerica - Alternative View

Archaeologists have found evidence of wild animals being trapped and kept in captivity, including predators sacrificed, sold and used in tool making by the inhabitants of ancient Mesoamerican communities

Khrushchev And Architects - Alternative View

Khrushchev And Architects - Alternative View

A chronological event that took place on July 31, 1957 gives us a reason to talk about architecture, its tasks, goals and intentions. On this day, a resolution "On the development of housing construction in the USSR" was adopted, reminding us of the birthday of "Khrushchev"

Historical Facts About The Fight Against Bribes - Alternative View

Historical Facts About The Fight Against Bribes - Alternative View

The tradition of receiving illegal remuneration for the performance by officials of their official duties (that is, bribes) is rooted in the “feeding” system that practically all countries have gone through. Since the governors of the sovereign did not receive salaries from the treasury then, their entire service life was supported by the population of the region.10t

Who Are The Slavs. Part 3 - Alternative View

Who Are The Slavs. Part 3 - Alternative View

Part 1 - Part 2 -GREAT TATARIA- Salik.bizWhen the process of the so-called Christianization gained strength in Russia, all the lands outside the influence of the Christian Church, that is, basically, the vast Asian expanses controlled by the Slavs-Aryans, were declared "pagan", "Pagan", "Basurman", etc

Amazing Map Of Russia, Muscovy And Tartaria - Alternative View

Amazing Map Of Russia, Muscovy And Tartaria - Alternative View

Traditional historians begin to get confused in the testimony when they see maps where Russia is called the Great Tartary, and its ruler is the emperor of the world. Where hordes (large military units) exist centuries after the Tatar-Mongol yoke

You Are Great, The State Of Tartar - Alternative View

You Are Great, The State Of Tartar - Alternative View

The past can also be stolen and hidden, can be appropriated and distorted. But the truth always finds its way to people. The past of our Motherland is so amazing, great and amazing that one can only dream of something like this

Seven Names Of Russia - Alternative View

Seven Names Of Russia - Alternative View

"Russia" - the name is relatively new. Before that, our territory was recorded in the historical annals and put on geographical maps under completely different names. 1. Hyperborea Legendary country of ancient Greek mythology

Is The “Battle” Union Real? - Alternative View

Is The “Battle” Union Real? - Alternative View

The object of our conversation was first mentioned almost a century ago, in 1927, in the archives of the city of Cardiff (Great Britain), as a "resistance society" (Firior), which was quite relevant in the interwar years

Dark Forces And Dreams Of A Messiah: Secret Facts From The Life Of Hitler Have Become Known - Alternative View

Dark Forces And Dreams Of A Messiah: Secret Facts From The Life Of Hitler Have Become Known - Alternative View

The author of the book on the rise of Hitler has revealed several secrets of the leader of the Nazis. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler did his best to hide the "inconvenient" facts of his biography as much as possible, writes the British tabloid Daily Mail

Battle Of Salnitsa: The Progenitor Of All The Victories Of Russian Weapons - Alternative View

Battle Of Salnitsa: The Progenitor Of All The Victories Of Russian Weapons - Alternative View

On March 27, 1111, the Pereyaslavl prince Vladimir Monomakh achieved the first global military leader's success in the history of Ancient Rus.For a long time in the history of Russian military victories, the battle on Lake Peipsi, won by Alexander Nevsky, was considered the first and most famous

The Magical Battle For The Caucasus - Alternative View

The Magical Battle For The Caucasus - Alternative View

The Nazis lost this battle, because in that bloody confrontation between light and darkness, higher forces were not at all on their side. Strangeness of the "blitzkrieg" It has long been no secret that the ideology of the Third Reich was largely involved in occultism

Women Of The Soviet Era Look Much Older Than Modern Women Of The Same Age - Alternative View

Women Of The Soviet Era Look Much Older Than Modern Women Of The Same Age - Alternative View

Many people believe that life was very good during the Soviet Union: there was order everywhere and in everything, people were striving for a "bright future." However, in this whole idyll there is one small trick: the women of those times grew old extremely quickly

The Mystery Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Unique research by scientists has discovered the true cause of the mysterious death of the 53-year-old Russian monarch. For almost three centuries, the true cause of the death of Peter the Great remained a mystery

Submarine "K-219" Drowned By An Underwater UFO? - Alternative View

Submarine "K-219" Drowned By An Underwater UFO? - Alternative View

The speaker suddenly leaned back on the headrest and began to scream: they say, remove it! Who needs to be removed, none of the crew of the nuclear submarine, including the author of these lines, knew. Something was really croaking in the earpiece, leaning against my ear

Death At The Equator - Alternative View

Death At The Equator - Alternative View

In the history of the German submarine fleet, there is only one submarine commander (U-852) who was tried for his military crimes during World War II. This is Lieutenant Commander Heinz-Wilhelm Eck.By mid-January 1943, the Anglo-American naval blockade of Germany was gradually reducing the stocks of those strategic materials that Germany no longer had enough (namely rubber, tungsten, molybdenum, copper, vegetable substances, quinine and some types of oils) and which were absol

Disappeared Under Unclear Circumstances - Alternative View

Disappeared Under Unclear Circumstances - Alternative View

Thousands of people disappear in the world every year. In most cases, after some time, it becomes known about their fate: some return on their own, others report themselves, and others become victims of crimes. But individual disappearances remained a mystery

Submarine B-36 In Operation "Kama" - Alternative View

Submarine B-36 In Operation "Kama" - Alternative View

Hundreds of documentary works, journalistic articles and even works of art have been written about the "Cuban missile crisis" of October - November 1962, which brought our planet to the brink of an atomic catastrophe

The Secret Submarine Base, Which Was Built For The Last War Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Secret Submarine Base, Which Was Built For The Last War Of Mankind - Alternative View

The underground submarine base at Balaklava is one of the most famous relics of the Cold War from the Soviet Union. Once upon a time, this top-secret complex was created in the event of the last war of mankind - the Third World War, with the widespread use of nuclear weapons