Secrets of history 2024, October

A Few Clarifications To The Question Of The History Of The Word "Ukrainians" - Alternative View

A Few Clarifications To The Question Of The History Of The Word "Ukrainians" - Alternative View

In an earlier published article: "Historical information on the origin and use of the word" Ukrainians "

Secrets Of The Disappeared German Submarines And German Settlers In South America - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Disappeared German Submarines And German Settlers In South America - Alternative View

On April 17, 2018, a curious article appeared in the British newspaper Express, which once again proves that the British media are currently the leader in revealing some sensational secrets that cannot be ignored

Slavic Tradition Of Easy Death - Alternative View

Slavic Tradition Of Easy Death - Alternative View

“The Russian peasant is dying amazingly! His constancy before his death cannot be called indifference or stupidity; he dies as if he is performing a ritual; cold and simple.”And. FROM

"Chronicles Of Wonderful Events" And 3 More Mystical Books, Whose Secrets Have Not Been Solved - Alternative View

"Chronicles Of Wonderful Events" And 3 More Mystical Books, Whose Secrets Have Not Been Solved - Alternative View

Books play a huge role in human history. This is not just a paper carrier of information, but also interesting thoughts, facts or fantasies of the author related to each other. An ordinary book at first glance can transfer historical and scientific experience from generation to generation

Roads Of Influence - Alternative View

Roads Of Influence - Alternative View

Ancient Egypt could not withstand the blows of fate that Ancient China withstood. In the first case, a grandiose cult center (the Valley of the Pyramids), in the second - the territory partially "outlined" by the Great Wall, the best network of land roads, and then also a water road from north to south of the country - the Great Canal

Brünnhilde And Fredegond: The Real Story Of The "Ring Of The Nibelungs" - Alternative View

Brünnhilde And Fredegond: The Real Story Of The "Ring Of The Nibelungs" - Alternative View

Insidious seductress and cruel rulerLet's start with Fredegonda (the one that was beautiful). She really looks great in old portraits, and her life path proves that Fredegond's beauty was perfectly used.- Salik.bizShe began her life as a humble servant in the retinue of Queen Odovera, wife of Chilperic I, King of the Franks from the Merovingian dynasty

Is The Bible A Collection Of Myths Or A Series Of Real Historical Events? - Alternative View

Is The Bible A Collection Of Myths Or A Series Of Real Historical Events? - Alternative View

What book do you think has attracted and continues to attract the maximum attention of the entire scientific world? It is easy to guess that this is the famous Bible. However, despite the fact that the Bible has been sold around the world in millions and, possibly, billions of copies, there are many people who doubt its truth

How The Legacy Of Ancient Egypt Was Treated In Enlightened Europe - Alternative View

How The Legacy Of Ancient Egypt Was Treated In Enlightened Europe - Alternative View

There is a popular myth that the Europeans were very careful about Egyptian antiquities, and the Arabs and Copts, on the contrary, and therefore there is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that the Europeans took out mummies, statues and treasures from Egypt

Sorcerers From Konigsberg - Alternative View

Sorcerers From Konigsberg - Alternative View

In the laboratory "Konigsberg-13" the Germans created psychotropic weapons in order to enslave the world … The historian from Kaliningrad Sergey Trifonov devoted his life to the study of extraordinary phenomena and events in the life of Konigsberg-Kaliningrad

An Order From The Sky - Alternative View

An Order From The Sky - Alternative View

Almost in the center of the city, among the ruins, stood a strange quadrangle of completely intact houses - four quarters in length and width. Houses built in the 1930s, four to five floors, which have survived to this day

The Mystery Of The Königsberg Castle Dungeons - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Königsberg Castle Dungeons - Alternative View

At the beginning of 1945, it was already quite clear that the war was drawing to a close. The majority of the leaders of the Third Reich also became extremely clear what this end would be for them

Women-heroes In Russian Epics - Alternative View

Women-heroes In Russian Epics - Alternative View

The image of the warrior maidens is a popular subject in world literature. Amazons, Valkyries, female gladiators in Ancient Rome and Russian “glades” are heroes. The word itself comes from the verb "Pole" - to go to the field on a military mission, look for soldiers and engage in duels with them

The Last Battle Of Hannibal - Battle Of Zama - Alternative View

The Last Battle Of Hannibal - Battle Of Zama - Alternative View

The truce that was concluded with Scipio in the fall of 203 lasted for several months, until in the early spring of 202 Carthage broke it

“On The Kulikovo Field”: Why Scientists Are Still Arguing About The Place Of The Legendary Battle - Alternative View

“On The Kulikovo Field”: Why Scientists Are Still Arguing About The Place Of The Legendary Battle - Alternative View

From childhood, we know that the famous Battle of Kulikovo took place "on the Kulikovo field"

Battle Of Kulikovo. Version - Alternative View

Battle Of Kulikovo. Version - Alternative View

Here is the usual interpretation of Mamaev's massacre from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia: "… On the Kulikovo field, a strong blow was struck against the domination of the Golden Horde, which accelerated its subsequent disintegration" (Vol. 13, p. 587)

At The Origins Of Russia. Battle Of Kulikovo - Alternative View

At The Origins Of Russia. Battle Of Kulikovo - Alternative View

Once in one of the universities I had a chance to hear a comic student song, which began with the words “How sandpipers gathered on the Kulikovo Field, and shelves were quickly built in a stupid manner. How did they die of fumes - it smacks a mile away. Let's push up guys

Dyatlov Group. False Storage - Alternative View

Dyatlov Group. False Storage - Alternative View

Considering the tragedy associated with the death of the Dyatlov group, one cannot pass by the so-called storage facility. Why the so-called? Because I consider it a blatant fake.Firstly, a pit in a snowdrift cannot be considered a storage shed

Legendary Wizards Of Antiquity - Alternative View

Legendary Wizards Of Antiquity - Alternative View

The word "wizard" acquired its modern meaning (a person with magical abilities) around the middle of the 16th century. Until then, the line between magic and philosophy was blurred. Wizards are described in the legends of different nations

The Military Elite Of Antiquity: The Most Courageous Fighters, About Whom The Legends Were Laid - - Alternative View

The Military Elite Of Antiquity: The Most Courageous Fighters, About Whom The Legends Were Laid - - Alternative View

Perhaps wars and battles originate from the creation of the world. Some troops died due to insufficient training, others developed entire strategies

Dracula Sailed To England On A Russian Schooner. She Existed In Reality - Alternative View

Dracula Sailed To England On A Russian Schooner. She Existed In Reality - Alternative View

“The other day a terrible storm broke out here unexpectedly with strange and unique consequences.… a schooner appeared between the breakwaters and, jumping from wave to wave, with dizzying speed, in full sail, entered the safe harbor. The searchlight brightly illuminated it, and horror seized everyone, for it turned out that a corpse was tied to the steering wheel, whose head dangled from side to side with every movement of the ship. The

A Good Deed Would Not Be Called Marriage - Alternative View

A Good Deed Would Not Be Called Marriage - Alternative View

Dear bride and groom! So this long-awaited and very exciting day has come … These words are heard by every couple who dreams of becoming a social unit

In  Athens, The "well Of Curses" Was Excavated For  Communication With  The Underworld - Alternative View

In Athens, The "well Of Curses" Was Excavated For Communication With The Underworld - Alternative View

In Greece, German archaeologists have discovered more than 30 lead tablets with curses engraved on them, which were located at the bottom of a 2,500-year-old well in Athens and were intended for the gods of the underworld.Haaretz talks about the discovery

Who Was The Snow Maiden Among The Ancient Slavs? - Alternative View

Who Was The Snow Maiden Among The Ancient Slavs? - Alternative View

According to a common misconception, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden emerged recently, in the 19th century. Father Frost was first mentioned in the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" by Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky, written in 1840.The Snow Maiden appears in Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl's fairy tale “The Snow Maiden Girl” (1861), here she is a girl made of snow. But

10 Little-known Facts About Marriage And Gender Relations In Ancient Times - Alternative View

10 Little-known Facts About Marriage And Gender Relations In Ancient Times - Alternative View

People - slaves to their own habits and traditions adopted in society. Traditions related to gender relations and family foundations are no exception

Greece Was The Birthplace Of Prostitution! - Alternative View

Greece Was The Birthplace Of Prostitution! - Alternative View

Historians believe that Greece could be the homeland of the oldest profession on Earth. Among the best minds of antiquity, sex for money was considered a sign of good form

Linothorax - Polymer Body Armor Of The Ancient Greeks - Alternative View

Linothorax - Polymer Body Armor Of The Ancient Greeks - Alternative View

In history, fragmentary information has been preserved that the ancient Greeks, long before our era, had special protective armor-shells, which were called linothorax. It is known that they were light, did not restrict movement, but at the same time they were particularly durable - they could not be pierced by spears and arrows

Lost City Of Shadow - Alternative View

Lost City Of Shadow - Alternative View

The Greek Ministry of Culture announced that the ancient settlement, which is being excavated in the Peloponnese, is the ancient city of Tenea, the exact location of which has long remained unknown, reports Associated Press

Where Did The Ancient Greeks Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did The Ancient Greeks Come From? - Alternative View

A large team of archaeologists, geneticists and historians from the USA, Germany, Greece and Turkey decided to finally understand the complex relationships of the Mediterranean peoples. Max Planck Institute for History researchers examining genomes carefully

Tavrida: How The Ancient Greeks Lived In Crimea - Alternative View

Tavrida: How The Ancient Greeks Lived In Crimea - Alternative View

Ancient Hellenes brought civilization to Crimea. They named the peninsula Taurida after the Taurian tribe who lived there. Great colonization The Greeks apparently knew about the existence of the Crimea even in the era of the Mycenaean culture (XV-XII centuries BC)

Macedonian Versus Greek Phalanx - 3 Main Differences - Alternative View

Macedonian Versus Greek Phalanx - 3 Main Differences - Alternative View

The Greek phalanx, as a combat formation and tactical technique, existed for a very long time - from the 7th century BC to … Up to the 2nd or 1st century. The Roman legions also tested it hard. For example, in the first Punic War, the North African expeditionary corps of the consul Attilia Regulus was defeated by the Spartan phalanx under the command of the mercenary strategist in the Carthaginian service Xanthippus. B

How The Ancient Greeks Colonized The Black Sea - Alternative View

How The Ancient Greeks Colonized The Black Sea - Alternative View

The ancient society with its achievements in the field of science, culture and philosophy occupies an outstanding place in the history of mankind. Without the foundation laid by the Greeks and Romans, there would be no modern civilization in the form that we are now seeing

What Did The Drunken Ancient Greeks Like To Play - Alternative View

What Did The Drunken Ancient Greeks Like To Play - Alternative View

Ritualized feasts, accompanied by exuberant fun and lots of wine, were an important part of the male pastime in ancient Greece

Harems Among The Eastern Slavs: What They Were - Alternative View

Harems Among The Eastern Slavs: What They Were - Alternative View

Contrary to popular belief, polygamy is not unique to the Muslim world. Our ancestors, the Slavs, also had harems, sometimes quite crowded. Of course, this was still in the pagan era, before the adoption of Christianity

Vatican - Repository Of Secret Human Knowledge - Alternative View

Vatican - Repository Of Secret Human Knowledge - Alternative View

The Vatican Apostolic Library contains 1,600,000 prints (both modern and old), 8,300 early printed books (of which 65 are printed on parchment), 150,000 manuscripts and archival volumes, 300,000 medals and coins, and 100,000 engravings

Slavic Faith: The Myth Of Paganism - Alternative View

Slavic Faith: The Myth Of Paganism - Alternative View

In our time, it is customary to indiscriminately call the Slavic faith paganism, and in itself “paganism” appears to many, like the childhood of the people, a certain stage in its development, which sooner or later ends, and some of the so-called “world "religions - Christianity or Islam.Howev

The Mystical Properties And Religious Significance Of Birch Among The Slavs And Other Peoples Of The World - Alternative View

The Mystical Properties And Religious Significance Of Birch Among The Slavs And Other Peoples Of The World - Alternative View

Our ancestors - the Slavs believed that with the help of a birch broom, you can expel evil spirits from a person in a bath. But, it should be noted that witches in Slavic legends also flew on birch brooms

Where Did The Russian Land Come From - Alternative View

Where Did The Russian Land Come From - Alternative View

Great VeneaThe official history does not contain even the slightest mention of that period of European history when the Slavic peoples dominated here. But even ten thousand years ago, the civilization created by representatives of the Slavic-Aryan clans was a huge social system

Who Are The Slavic Magi - Alternative View

Who Are The Slavic Magi - Alternative View

At all times in human communities, there were people who served as intermediaries between ordinary mortals and divine entities, who conveyed the will of heaven to their fellow tribesmen. As a rule, they also engaged in predictions, fortune-telling, made sacrifices in the name of the gods, tried to influence the world around them with the help of spells and, often, enjoyed no less respect than the leaders who performed feats in battles or hunting

Monk Julian: A Hike Through The Volga Bulgaria In Search Of Great Hungary - Alternative View

Monk Julian: A Hike Through The Volga Bulgaria In Search Of Great Hungary - Alternative View

The first trip of a European to the Volga region in the XIII century, right on the eve of the Mongol invasion, entered the top 100 greatest adventures in world history.“In 1234, an extremely exhausted and sick man returned from a long, dangerous journey to the Hungarian capital Esztergom. H

The Great Silk Road. The Impoverished West And The Richer East - Alternative View

The Great Silk Road. The Impoverished West And The Richer East - Alternative View

It is known that trade with the East was a matter of exceptional importance for Western Europe. It is also known that trade with the East permeated the entire "antique" era, including the Roman. And until the 19th century, this was one of the most "sore spots" in Western European foreign policy relations