Secrets of history 2024, October

Grave Diggers: Dealers In Dead Bodies - Alternative View

Grave Diggers: Dealers In Dead Bodies - Alternative View

Until the end of the 19th century, due to government and church prohibitions, physicians around the world were in dire need of dead bodies that would serve as material for research and teaching aids. Demand made the criminal profession of body snatcher profitable

Tuti-Bike, Warrior Of Derbent - Alternative View

Tuti-Bike, Warrior Of Derbent - Alternative View

At the beginning of the second half of the 18th century, Fatali Khan (Fat Ali Khan), the son of the deceased Khan Huseyn Ali, ascends to the throne of the Cuban Khanate with its capital in Cuba (now Guba, Azerbaijan). Soon his khanate was raided by the Shirvan Khan Aga-Razi-bek, sensing the weakness of the once idle young ruler

Boeotian War - Alternative View

Boeotian War - Alternative View

By 378, Sparta was trying unsuccessfully to take over the entire harbor of Athens, Piraeus. For this, Athens enter into an alliance with Thebes and create the Second Athenian Union

Going To Death - Alternative View

Going To Death - Alternative View

The medieval military culture of Japan managed to completely enchant the civilized world at the end of XX - early XXI century

Polyanitsa: Warrior Maidens - Alternative View

Polyanitsa: Warrior Maidens - Alternative View

Amazon - heroines of ancient Greek myths - probably known to every contemporary

Ninja: Unusual Warriors Of The Land Of Shadows - Alternative View

Ninja: Unusual Warriors Of The Land Of Shadows - Alternative View

Despite the thousand-year history of settling the Japanese islands, the unification of people into tribes there took place only in the second century BC

The Most Warlike Peoples In The World - Alternative View

The Most Warlike Peoples In The World - Alternative View

Any nation is going through a time of active wars and expansion. But there are tribes that have militancy and cruelty - an integral part of their culture. They are ideal warriors without fear and morality

Russian Amazons - Alternative View

Russian Amazons - Alternative View

World history is full of examples when women took up arms and performed feats

Dahomey Amazons Are The Most Formidable Women In History - Alternative View

Dahomey Amazons Are The Most Formidable Women In History - Alternative View

Dahomey Amazons - unique in world history as it is the only documented female military unit

How The Spartans Made The Best Warriors On The Planet - Alternative View

How The Spartans Made The Best Warriors On The Planet - Alternative View

Legends about the harsh Spartans still go on. The army of this tribe was really so strong that the rulers decided to abandon the city walls - they say, the shield wall will be more reliable

Chukchi - Greatest Warriors Of The North - Alternative View

Chukchi - Greatest Warriors Of The North - Alternative View

In our everyday folklore, the image of the Chukchi as a character from anecdotes has long been entrenched. In fact, at one time the Chukchi were the greatest warriors of the north

Jeanne D ' Arc: Two Lives Of The Maid Of Orleans - Alternative View

Jeanne D ' Arc: Two Lives Of The Maid Of Orleans - Alternative View

In the official history, it would seem, thoroughly, literally to the smallest details, the biography of the national heroine of France Joan of Arc is recorded. They wrote books about her, made films, she was canonized by the Vatican. But few people know the life story of the Virgin of Orleans, or Jeanne the Virgin, which is so unlike the textbook

Jeanne D &Rsquo; Arc - The Mystery Of The Maid Of Orleans - Alternative View

Jeanne D &Rsquo; Arc - The Mystery Of The Maid Of Orleans - Alternative View

Many have heard of Joan of Arc. The Maid of Orleans, the winner of the British, burned by the church at the stake for intercourse with the devil and canonized by her … For almost 600 years, the mystery of her origin and ascent to the European military-political Olympus has caused fierce controversy, and official science bypasses facts that she cannot explain in condition.D

Hereditary Sorcerer About The Ancient Russian Martial Art - Alternative View

Hereditary Sorcerer About The Ancient Russian Martial Art - Alternative View

Russian martial art has been known since ancient times, since its origins are located on the legendary arctic continent of Arktida-Hyperborea. Later, it was owned by the tribes of the Aryans who settled in the north of Eurasia, and then the ancient Russians

Bersaglier - The Flying Italians - Alternative View

Bersaglier - The Flying Italians - Alternative View

This is how the local press refers to the country's elite highly mobile infantry units. The name "bersaglio" comes from the Italian word bersaglio ("target"), because shooting training in this unit has always had a special place

Mysterious Disappearance Of The Nanjing Army - Alternative View

Mysterious Disappearance Of The Nanjing Army - Alternative View

This story is interpreted as a myth or urban legend, since there are no official sources that would allow it to be considered true. Nevertheless, there are many classified things related to the military history of China, so in this case it is difficult to say for sure that this is a fake

Why Did The Military Wear Breeches Before? - Alternative View

Why Did The Military Wear Breeches Before? - Alternative View

The appearance of trousers of this "eccentric" look is attributed to the French cavalry general, the Marquis Gaston Ghalifa. General Ghalifa went down in history as a participant in many military battles in Africa, America and Europe, including, he participated in the storming of Sevastopol in 1855, for which he was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor

Ladies With A Shield And A Sword - Alternative View

Ladies With A Shield And A Sword - Alternative View

The standard female image of the Middle Ages is a gentle beauty, plucking the strings of a lute and accepting the courtship of noble knights

What Happened On The Vaz? - Alternative View

What Happened On The Vaz? - Alternative View

An enviable fate was in store for him. She was to become the flagship of the Swedish Royal Navy. Therefore, he got the majestic, dynastic name "Vase" - in honor of the surname of the grandfather of the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf

Mysterious Amazons: 5 Myths About Female Warriors - Alternative View

Mysterious Amazons: 5 Myths About Female Warriors - Alternative View

In history, these women are depicted as scary, belligerent man-haters who killed male babies

Pompey The Great - Life Story Of The Great Commander - Alternative View

Pompey The Great - Life Story Of The Great Commander - Alternative View

Gneus Pompey the Great or Gneus Pompey Magnus (Born September 29, 106 BC - died September 29, 48 BC (58 years old)) - Roman general, statesman, consul of the Roman Republic

10 Women Warriors From Ancient Times - Alternative View

10 Women Warriors From Ancient Times - Alternative View

The ancient world was ruled by men. Strong warriors, who knew how to oppose the enemy with steel and dexterity, looked with contempt at women who could only bear children and cook food

What Was Judas Iscariot Really - Alternative View

What Was Judas Iscariot Really - Alternative View

There is probably no more controversial New Testament character than Judas Iscariot. In the canonical tradition, the betrayer of Christ is the undoubted personification of evil, in the Apocrypha his image is more complex, but in the eyes of scientists, Judas is; victim of circumstance

Warrior Women: 12 Most Famous Warriors In Our History - Alternative View

Warrior Women: 12 Most Famous Warriors In Our History - Alternative View

Throughout the history of mankind, in different cultures, there have been female warriors who are able not only to personally demonstrate their skills on the battlefield, but also capable of leading an entire army. Fu Hao (XIII century BC

What Was The "chief Engineer" Of The Soviet Union Alexei Kosygin Actually Like - Alternative View

What Was The "chief Engineer" Of The Soviet Union Alexei Kosygin Actually Like - Alternative View

The second half of the 1960s was perhaps the best period in the history of the USSR: peace on external fronts, rising living standards, stability. In many ways, this is the merit of Alexei Kosygin, who called himself the chief engineer of the Soviet Union

Northern Amazons - Alternative View

Northern Amazons - Alternative View

Legends about the Amazons are spread all over the world. Naturally, in different countries they are called differently. But the legends that have come down to us and, fortunately, recorded legends - an undoubted echo of an ancient era when women ruled the world

How The Slavs Colonized Russia - Alternative View

How The Slavs Colonized Russia - Alternative View

Disputes about what Russia is and who should be considered Slavs in the historical sense have been going on for more than one hundred years

Amazon - Alternative View

Amazon - Alternative View

Amazons … Who hasn't heard of them? Beautiful female warriors who bravely fought and often defeated troops of men. There are many legends about the incredible feats of the Amazons

The Banking System Of Ancient Greece - Alternative View

The Banking System Of Ancient Greece - Alternative View

It is difficult to imagine that the usual, "modern" financial institutions and operations existed for many centuries before our era. About how the system of debt relations appeared and developed in Ancient Greece, in the material of the journal "Budget"

History Of Ancient Greece: Major Misconceptions - Alternative View

History Of Ancient Greece: Major Misconceptions - Alternative View

It would seem that a subject known to everyone from the school desk. But the fact of the matter is that it is at school that students learn many distorted views on the history of ancient Greece, which arose in the 19th century

What Can We Learn From The Story Of Hercules? - Alternative View

What Can We Learn From The Story Of Hercules? - Alternative View

776 l. BC first description of the Olympic Games. The end of the Olympic Games is associated with the collapse of the Mycenaean culture. During the "Dorian resettlement", when they created "Sparta" on the lands of Loconia, many cultural centers were destroyed

Temple Decorations Of The Ancient Slavs - Chronology, Typology, Symbolism - Alternative View

Temple Decorations Of The Ancient Slavs - Chronology, Typology, Symbolism - Alternative View

There are many versions of the appearance of ancient female temporal jewelry. According to one of them, the most ancient female head adornments were flowers. Wreaths were woven of them, woven into braids. When she got married, a Slavic woman put her hair under her headdress

Crypt Of Hercules - Alternative View

Crypt Of Hercules - Alternative View

Several years ago, on the Anapa embankment, archaeologists uncovered one of the sections of an ancient Greek settlement

The Discovery Of Egyptian Scientists Confirmed A New Version Of The Death Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

The Discovery Of Egyptian Scientists Confirmed A New Version Of The Death Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

Egyptian archaeologists excavating in the province of Al-Minya have discovered a unique artifact that speaks in favor of a new version of the death of the pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, Tutankhamun, who ruled the state in 1332-1323 BC

Why Money Is Called "money". All Versions Of - Alternative View

Why Money Is Called "money". All Versions Of - Alternative View

The origin of the slang word "money" is explained in different ways. Most often, you can hear the version that such a designation for money appeared due to the appearance of some banknotes of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries

Labyrinth Of The Minotaur - Alternative View

Labyrinth Of The Minotaur - Alternative View

Scientists rank Cretan culture as one of the most mysterious in world history. Up to the 30s of XX century

Acquaintance With Ancient Greek Mythology: All The Exploits Of Hercules In Order - Alternative View

Acquaintance With Ancient Greek Mythology: All The Exploits Of Hercules In Order - Alternative View

Zeus - the main god of a group of higher mythical creatures who sat after their deeds on Mount Olympus. He was the father of the famous Greek heroes - Hercules, Apollo, Perseus and others

Padmanabhaswamy's Gold. In India, They Cannot Share A Treasure That Is More Expensive Than The Budget Of Croatia - Alternative View

Padmanabhaswamy's Gold. In India, They Cannot Share A Treasure That Is More Expensive Than The Budget Of Croatia - Alternative View

The Supreme Court of India is now trying to decide the fate of the enormous wealth stored in the basements of a Vishnu temple in the city of Thiruvananthapuram. We are talking about treasures, whose value, according to the most conservative estimates, is $ 22 billion

Legends And Myths - Our Heritage For Our Ancestors - Alternative View

Legends And Myths - Our Heritage For Our Ancestors - Alternative View

What are legends and myths - it is, first of all, the cultural heritage of the people, which has been collected over the centuries. The myths describe not only the heroes and rulers of their people, but also the life of ordinary people

Murder Of Katarzyna Zovada: One Of The Most Horrible Unsolved Crimes - Alternative View

Murder Of Katarzyna Zovada: One Of The Most Horrible Unsolved Crimes - Alternative View

In the Krakow police, the case of the murder of 23-year-old Polish woman Katarzyna Zovada is codenamed "Kozha". Because this is practically all that remains of her. In 1998, Katarzyna entered the Jagiellonian University (Krakow)