Secrets of history 2024, October

The Sword In The Stone - Alternative View

The Sword In The Stone - Alternative View

Myths and legends that have come down to us from ancient times are based on some real events. Many miracles and relics described in ancient legends, to this day, excite the minds of not only scientists, but also ordinary people

Japanese Mythology - From Demons To Deities - Alternative View

Japanese Mythology - From Demons To Deities - Alternative View

Japan is an incredibly interesting country in East Asia, which is associated with many mysteries, secrets and legends. For two hundred years, Japan was isolated from the rest of the world, which led to the creation of an unusual but very interesting culture

Second Moon - The Precursor And Cause Of The Great Flood - Alternative View

Second Moon - The Precursor And Cause Of The Great Flood - Alternative View

The myths of some peoples, telling about the great flood, sometimes in passing and in hints, and sometimes in plain text, assert that there was no moon in the earthly sky before

Kitezh, Lukomorye, Buyan: Where Is Russian Paradise? - Alternative View

Kitezh, Lukomorye, Buyan: Where Is Russian Paradise? - Alternative View

Long before people set out to build heaven on earth with their own hands, their ancestors believed that such a promised land already existed. From Kitezh to Buyan - 6 promised countries in the Russian tradition

What Was In Pandora's Box? - Alternative View

What Was In Pandora's Box? - Alternative View

Philologist Hasan Huseynov about the first woman on earth, the vices of the mythological Pandora and misogyny in culture In the ancient Greek myth, as in a narrative that took shape in the pre-literary era, a special device was built with the help of which everyone

What Does Zeus Look Like - Father Of Gods And People - Alternative View

What Does Zeus Look Like - Father Of Gods And People - Alternative View

Zeus, the mythological god of ancient Greece, is known in our time for literary works, paintings by artists, statues of those times. Looks like a man of rather heavy build in adulthood

The Legend Of Pandora's Box - Alternative View

The Legend Of Pandora's Box - Alternative View

Many have heard the expression "Pandora's box", but not everyone knows what it means and who Pandora is (translated from Greek "gifted to everyone"). Ancient Greek mythology says this is a woman created by the gods

Ancient Mythical Battles - Echoes Of Battles Between People And Neanderthals? - Alternative View

Ancient Mythical Battles - Echoes Of Battles Between People And Neanderthals? - Alternative View

The theme of the great battle with others runs through the entire collective mythological history of mankind

Argonauts Shot Down A Plane? - Alternative View

Argonauts Shot Down A Plane? - Alternative View

In every fairy tale, as you know, there is some truth: in the fables - morality, and in the sacred legends (myths) of Ancient Greece - something that might interest people of the 20th century, if you look at the events taking place there from modern concepts

10 Little-known Creation Myths - Alternative View

10 Little-known Creation Myths - Alternative View

The controversy between the supporters of the theory of creationism and the theory of evolution does not subside to this day. However, unlike the theory of evolution, creationism includes not one, but hundreds of different theories (if not more)

Lost Sword Of The Great Master - Alternative View

Lost Sword Of The Great Master - Alternative View

You may have heard stories about swords with names that famous personalities once possessed (you can recall Excalibur of King Arthur, Zulfikar of the Prophet Muhammad, Durendal Roland). Japan, of course, has its own legendary swords

Six Ancient Legends Based On Real Events - Alternative View

Six Ancient Legends Based On Real Events - Alternative View

Arts and Entertainment Literature Av. People love to tell stories the most, and myths and legends only ignite our imaginations. The Lord of the Rings is a well-known modern novel - talks about a dark terrible mountain full of fire

Leonardo Da Vinci From The Future - Alternative View

Leonardo Da Vinci From The Future - Alternative View

He was born in 1452 and died in 1519. The father of the future artist, Piero of Vinci, a wealthy notary in a 200-year-old family of notaries and landowners, was the most famous person in Florence

The Mystery Of The Codex Leicester - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Codex Leicester - Alternative View

Everything associated with the name of the great Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci has always aroused great interest in society

Codex Gigas: Where Is The Book Now Written By The Devil Himself - Alternative View

Codex Gigas: Where Is The Book Now Written By The Devil Himself - Alternative View

In the first half of the 13th century, a novice of a poor Czech monastery wrote a book, which, due to its enormous size, was called Codex Gigas, which in Latin means “Giant Codex”. Later they began to call it “The Book of the Devil”, considering that the author of the book is Satan himself. And the

The Enchanting Renounced Books Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

The Enchanting Renounced Books Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Apocryphal literature in Ancient Russia was very widespread. But the apocrypha were different. Some of the apocryphal books were fully recognized by the church, used by priests for sermons, and even recommended to parishioners for reading.These books included, first of all, the Chetya of the Menaion, extremely popular in Russia, replacing the modern church calendar, in which some corresponding moralizing story was given for every day

Why The Architect Cursed His House: The Mysteries Of The Gingerbread Mansion On Yakimanka - Alternative View

Why The Architect Cursed His House: The Mysteries Of The Gingerbread Mansion On Yakimanka - Alternative View

A masterpiece misunderstood by contemporaries, the place of the ruined soul, the mint, the institute of the brain and, finally, the ambassadorial residence. Sharp turns of the fate of the owner, architect and the fate of the house itself.The guests come to Bolshaya Yakimanka, the whole world of Moscow is invited

Can Ancient Books Be The Source Of Medical Discoveries? - Alternative View

Can Ancient Books Be The Source Of Medical Discoveries? - Alternative View

Several years ago, the media reported that a mixture, created according to an Old English 9th century medicine, killed up to 90 percent of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, one of the antibiotic-resistant strains of this bacterium that causes barley in the eyes

The Found Book Of The 17th Century Will Become A Source Of Information About The Disappeared Language - Alternative View

The Found Book Of The 17th Century Will Become A Source Of Information About The Disappeared Language - Alternative View

Professor Timothy Johnson of Fledgler College in St. Augustine, Florida found a book by a Catholic missionary that turned out to be a previously unknown source of information about the Timukua Indian language, which disappeared in the second half of the 18th century

Ten Main Secrets Of La Gioconda - Alternative View

Ten Main Secrets Of La Gioconda - Alternative View

“From a medical point of view, it's not clear how this woman lived at all.” Her enigmatic smile is mesmerizing. Some see divine beauty in her, others - secret signs, third - challenge to norms and society

Mona Lisa: From Fake To Theft Of The Century - Alternative View

Mona Lisa: From Fake To Theft Of The Century - Alternative View

There have been attempts to counterfeit works of art at all times. Most often, high-quality copies of paintings or sculptures are being passed off as original for potential buyers. And sometimes deception is not revealed immediately. In the case of Mona Lisa, the scammers did not confine themselves to fakes, but decided to steal the original

10 Recently Discovered Ancient Manuscripts And Secret Codes That Forced To Rewrite History - Alternative View

10 Recently Discovered Ancient Manuscripts And Secret Codes That Forced To Rewrite History - Alternative View

People's penchant for writing down what happens to them has resulted in countless documents being preserved. Today, you can see centuries-old secret codes and oaths, unique manuscripts and caves, on the walls of which are left what people feared hundreds of thousands of years ago

Mysterious Masterpiece - Portrait Of Mona Lisa - Alternative View

Mysterious Masterpiece - Portrait Of Mona Lisa - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 16th century, Leonardo da Vinci created a unique masterpiece - portrait of Mona Lisa. Since the time of its writing, the portrait of a beautiful woman with an enigmatic smile is shrouded in a train of mystery that no one has been able to solve for several centuries

Alien On The Canvas By Leonardo Da Vinci - Alternative View

Alien On The Canvas By Leonardo Da Vinci - Alternative View

Leonardo da Vinci left many secrets. That there is only one of his mysterious "Mona Lisa". But earlier the mysteries of his work were purely earthly. Now the situation has changed

The Version That Leonardo Da Vinci Drew Two Mon Lises Caused A Heated Debate In The Art World - Alternative View

The Version That Leonardo Da Vinci Drew Two Mon Lises Caused A Heated Debate In The Art World - Alternative View

A group of art historians from the Swiss Mona Lisa Foundation claims that the portrait of a young woman, known as the Mona Lisa of Isleworth, was by Leonardo da Vinci and is an earlier version of the Mona Lisa now hanging in the Louvre

"Mona Lisa" Is A Man! - Alternative View

"Mona Lisa" Is A Man! - Alternative View

The famous La Gioconda Leonardo da Vinci turned out to be a man! This sensational version was put forward by a number of Italian researchers

The Secret Of The Mysterious Smile Of Mona Lisa Was Revealed By Doctors - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Mysterious Smile Of Mona Lisa Was Revealed By Doctors - Alternative View

According to the diagnosis, Lisa suffered from a hormonal disease. The woman depicted in the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci smiles. This is no longer argued with

A Drawing Of A Nude Mona Lisa Has Been Discovered - Alternative View

A Drawing Of A Nude Mona Lisa Has Been Discovered - Alternative View

Experts from the Louvre Museum believe that the drawing of a nude woman called Monna Vanna may have been created by Leonardo da Vinci or his students. The sketch has been in the collection of the Condé Museum since 1862. It is created by coal

Scientists From Oxford Have Uncovered The Mystery Of Mona Lisa's Smile - Alternative View

Scientists From Oxford Have Uncovered The Mystery Of Mona Lisa's Smile - Alternative View

Scientists from Oxford have published a book called "Mona Lisa: People and Pictures", where they tried to reveal the secret of the mysterious smile of Lisa Gherardina, depicted in the popular painting of the artist Leonardo da Vinci

The Riddle Of Mona Lisa. Who Is Depicted In The Picture? - Alternative View

The Riddle Of Mona Lisa. Who Is Depicted In The Picture? - Alternative View

People have intuitively felt for a long time that in this portrait, created by the genius Leonardo, some kind of mystery is hidden. After all, it is not for nothing that the controversy about whose portrait the artist actually painted does not subside to this day. In 1502 - 1506

Ufologists Have Found In The Painting "Mona Lisa" The Encrypted Appearance Of An Alien - Alternative View

Ufologists Have Found In The Painting "Mona Lisa" The Encrypted Appearance Of An Alien - Alternative View

One of the most mysterious paintings in the history of painting has recently haunted conspiracy theorists. Ufologists believe that Leonardo da Vinci encrypted the appearance of an alien in his work "Mona Lisa"

A Cyborg From The Past - Alternative View

A Cyborg From The Past - Alternative View

For archaeologists, the most interesting, perhaps, are the ancient burials. Since there you can find not only the remains of a person, but also objects from his daily life.I recently discovered an article in a foreign source. It told about the finds in the burial of the Longobard necropolis in northern Italy

Is The Story Of Moses Real? Scientists Have Found Confirmation In The Red Sea - Alternative View

Is The Story Of Moses Real? Scientists Have Found Confirmation In The Red Sea - Alternative View

In the ancient scriptures there are many legends about people who may not have existed at all, but scientists continue to search for evidence that Noah, Adam, Moses and other people could actually live on Earth. Moreover, there is evidence that the Great Flood took place on our planet, as described in ancient sources

Secrets Of Leonardo Da Vinci - Alternative View

Secrets Of Leonardo Da Vinci - Alternative View

British Library experts report the discovery of an unknown sketch in Leonardo da Vinci's notebook

Scientists May Have Discovered The Grave Of The Richest Pirate In History - Alternative View

Scientists May Have Discovered The Grave Of The Richest Pirate In History - Alternative View

Captain Black Sam Bellamy was one of the most famous outlaws of the "seven seas"

Scientists Have Found Out What Kind Of Wine Jesus Christ Could Drink During The Last Supper - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out What Kind Of Wine Jesus Christ Could Drink During The Last Supper - Alternative View

A scientist from the United States Patrick McGovern told what kind of wine Jesus Christ could have drunk during the Last Supper. According to him, during the time of Jesus, concentrated wine was often used in Jerusalem

The Secret Of The "Last Supper" Was Revealed By The Italian Scientist - Alternative View

The Secret Of The "Last Supper" Was Revealed By The Italian Scientist - Alternative View

All the characters in The Last Supper are depicted without halos, and in this the Italian scientist Mario Taddei saw the clue to Leonardo da Vinci's painting

Christian Anubis Is A Martyr With A Dog's Head. Was He Really? - Alternative View

Christian Anubis Is A Martyr With A Dog's Head. Was He Really? - Alternative View

Have you seen the icons of St. Christopher? Perhaps the most unusual sight for a Christian. And this is indeed a holy martyr who is venerated in both Orthodoxy and Catholicism. He is still popular in Spain, and in Lithuania a monument was erected to him

At The "Last Supper" Leonardo Found A Prediction Of The End Of The World - Alternative View

At The "Last Supper" Leonardo Found A Prediction Of The End Of The World - Alternative View

Italian researcher Sabrina Sforza Galitzia claims that she was able to read the prediction of the end of the world, which Leonardo da Vinci left in his "Last Supper". Writes about it La Repubblica

Rebus And Riddles Of Leonardo Da Vinci - "The Last Supper" And The Secrets That It Hides - Alternative View

Rebus And Riddles Of Leonardo Da Vinci - "The Last Supper" And The Secrets That It Hides - Alternative View

Jesus on the fresco by Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper 1. According to historians, the hardest thing for Leonardo da Vinci was to write two characters: Jesus and Judas