Secrets of history 2024, October

An Image Of A Smartphone Was Found In A 1937 Painting - Alternative View

An Image Of A Smartphone Was Found In A 1937 Painting - Alternative View

An iPhone-like gadget held in his hand by a half-naked Indian A picture of an iPhone-like object was painted by the Italian artist Umberto Romano in 1937. At that time, there was no question of anything like that

Sinful Priests. Truth Through The Eyes Of Georges Kreugaert - Alternative View

Sinful Priests. Truth Through The Eyes Of Georges Kreugaert - Alternative View

Belgian artist Georges Kreugaert (1848-1923) is best known for creating a series of exposing works of art depicting Catholic priests engaged in sinful deeds far from selfless service

Myths And Truth In "Barge Haulers On The Volga" - Alternative View

Myths And Truth In "Barge Haulers On The Volga" - Alternative View

The painting "Barge Haulers on the Volga", which glorified Ilya Repin, has received mixed reviews since its inception. Someone admired the artist's skill, someone accused him of deviating from the truth of life

What Did Children Play 150 Years Ago - Alternative View

What Did Children Play 150 Years Ago - Alternative View

Historically, the game has come into our lives from the depths of centuries. Moreover, there are games that are played in the same way according to the same rules all over the world. And, probably, it is impossible to find a person who did not play hide and seek, classics, catch-up (tag) or football in childhood, regardless of which country, on which continent he lives and what language he speaks

Who Is Aphrodite Anadiomene And Why Is She Portrayed Naked - Alternative View

Who Is Aphrodite Anadiomene And Why Is She Portrayed Naked - Alternative View

One of the most iconic representations of the goddess Aphrodite, known as Aphrodite Anadiomene, was a highly popular subject for classic paintings of the Renaissance and modern times

10 Mysteries In The Greatest Paintings - Alternative View

10 Mysteries In The Greatest Paintings - Alternative View

Pictures of eminent artists are considered masterpieces of world painting for a reason. They not only give aesthetic pleasure, but also give energy to the mind. In many compositions, the authors left messages for their descendants

The Tragic Fate Of "Moonlit Night On The Dnieper" - Alternative View

The Tragic Fate Of "Moonlit Night On The Dnieper" - Alternative View

"Moonlit Night on the Dnieper" (1880) - one of the most famous paintings by Arkhip Kuindzhi. This work made a splash and gained mystical fame

Who Is Andromeda And Why Is She Portrayed Naked - Alternative View

Who Is Andromeda And Why Is She Portrayed Naked - Alternative View

It was painted by Titian and Rubens, as well as many other famous artists (from Antiquity to Modern times). As a rule, Andromeda is depicted exactly naked and chained to a rock, and this is rightfully considered a classic

How Misplaced Fantasies Of A Catholic Cardinal Became An Outright Work Of Art - Alternative View

How Misplaced Fantasies Of A Catholic Cardinal Became An Outright Work Of Art - Alternative View

The series of paintings "Danae" created between 1544 and 1560 in the workshop of the Italian painter Vecellio Titian includes six fairly frank and world famous works

Do Masterpieces Of Painting Carry A Secret Code? - Alternative View

Do Masterpieces Of Painting Carry A Secret Code? - Alternative View

Some researchers are convinced that the paintings of the great masters contain secret symbols, which, upon close examination, can be seen and sometimes even deciphered their meaning … In particular, this applies to the works of Leonardo da Vinci and other

Allegories And Prototypes Of Vasnetsov's "Heroes" - Alternative View

Allegories And Prototypes Of Vasnetsov's "Heroes" - Alternative View

Everyone knows this picture. And surely many will not hesitate to name its author - Victor Vasnetsov. But the name may be mistaken. After all, it asks for the language - "Three heroes". But - no, the picture is simply called "Heroes"

Where Did The Beauty Come From - Mitanni, The Forgotten Homeland Of Queen Nefertiti - Alternative View

Where Did The Beauty Come From - Mitanni, The Forgotten Homeland Of Queen Nefertiti - Alternative View

"The beauty has come" - this is how the name of Nefertiti is translated. But where did she come from? What kind of country and people gave birth to such a beauty who became the queen of Egypt?Yes, Nefertiti was not Egyptian. Most researchers have concluded that she is the daughter of the king of the state of Mitanni Tushratta and this was a dynastic marriage

Peipsi Mines - Alternative View

Peipsi Mines - Alternative View

Peipsi mines are called ancient geological mines that are found everywhere in the Urals. Some of the Chud workings are several millennia old. In one of his first stories, P.P. Bazhov. The story was called "Dear name", where chud or "old people" were presented in the form of a people living secretly in the interior of the Ural mountains

Prophets In The Service Of Intelligence Services - Alternative View

Prophets In The Service Of Intelligence Services - Alternative View

How intelligence agencies use oracles, mediums and other people with supernormal abilities Magicians, mediums and predictors of the future. Interest in them fades out, then flares up with renewed vigor

The Secret Of Embalming The First Egyptian Mummies Is Revealed - Alternative View

The Secret Of Embalming The First Egyptian Mummies Is Revealed - Alternative View

Mummification was carried out five and a half thousand years ago. An international team of researchers has conducted a chemical analysis of the mummy, whose age is estimated at 5.5-5.7 thousand years

Doctor Faust - Who Is He? - Alternative View

Doctor Faust - Who Is He? - Alternative View

Despite the fact that the name of Faust was overgrown with a huge number of legends and myths, both oral and literary, such a person existed in real life. Was Faust a powerful sorcerer who sold his soul to the devil, or just a charlatan?

The Mysterious Vasnetsov Code - Alternative View

The Mysterious Vasnetsov Code - Alternative View

The history of world painting knows not so many paintings, the creation of which the artist would devote a significant part of his creative life. These canvases include "Heroes" ("Three Bogatyrs") by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov

Prehistoric Painters And Doctors - Alternative View

Prehistoric Painters And Doctors - Alternative View

It is impossible to determine exactly when a person first got fire, when he wrapped himself in the skin of an animal, fleeing the cold, or when he first took a piece of charcoal and began to paint on the walls of a cave

Neuroscientists Have Found The Solution To Michelangelo's Fresco - Alternative View

Neuroscientists Have Found The Solution To Michelangelo's Fresco - Alternative View

Neuroscientists from the USA saw in the murals of the Sistine Chapel in Rome an encrypted neuroanatomical message left by the great artist of the High Renaissance Michelangelo

Michelangelo's Frescoes Contain A Hint Of Female Anatomy - Alternative View

Michelangelo's Frescoes Contain A Hint Of Female Anatomy - Alternative View

Researchers from Brazil have found hints of a female body in the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel. Scientists provide arguments in favor of their assumption in an article published in the journal Clinical Anatomy

What Secrets Did The Classics Of Painting Encrypt In Their Canvases - Alternative View

What Secrets Did The Classics Of Painting Encrypt In Their Canvases - Alternative View

Artists, poets and musicians - people are creative, and who knows what they really mean? 1

10 Curious Facts That Led To The Creation Of Famous Works Of Art - Alternative View

10 Curious Facts That Led To The Creation Of Famous Works Of Art - Alternative View

When it comes to art, most people remember the heyday of a genius of a certain period, often forgetting that it was the environment that shaped the style and vision of the artist's world

A Painter Of Majestic Ruins - Robert Hubert - Alternative View

A Painter Of Majestic Ruins - Robert Hubert - Alternative View

The work of the eighteenth-century French painter Robert Hubert has not been fully appreciated until now, although during his lifetime this artist was a recognized genius and, one might even say, turned out to be a darling of fate

How Did They Sell Alaska - Alternative View

How Did They Sell Alaska - Alternative View

All my adult life I came across articles about Alaska. In them two versions were intricately intertwined. The first - the rotten tsarist regime, criminally spending "national property", sold Alaska for a pittance. And the other - America rented Alaska and was obliged to return it

Mystics In Reality: Aldous Huxley - Alternative View

Mystics In Reality: Aldous Huxley - Alternative View

The author of the famous dystopian novel "Brave New World" Aldous Huxley devoted part of his life to mystical searches and searches for means of expanding consciousness. He believed that one must be able to "come to reality without a magic wand and witchcraft spells

Novgorod Rus - Alternative View

Novgorod Rus - Alternative View

The Novgorod land was one of the centers of the formation of the Old Russian state. It was in the Novgorod land that the Rurik dynasty began to reign, and a state formation arose, which received in historiography the names Novgorod Rus, Upper Rus, Povolkhov Rus, from which it is customary to begin the history of Russian statehood

Popular Misconceptions About The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

Popular Misconceptions About The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

In the Civil War of 1918-1922, as well as in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the question was decided whether or not to be Russia, to live or not to live for the peoples inhabiting its vast expanses.Unfortunately, at present, society is imposed on the view of the events of the Civil War of the defeated side: the White armies, the interventionists of the USA, England, France, Germany and other Western countries, which tried to crush Russia at all times

Filibusters Under The St. Andrew's Flag - Alternative View

Filibusters Under The St. Andrew's Flag - Alternative View

Long before Emperor Peter I ascended the Russian throne, his predecessors showed an increased interest in a distant exotic country - India, whose innumerable treasures were legendary. Therefore, from time to time, enterprising people, most often of the merchant class, equipped expeditions there

Cuckoo - Deadly Game Of Bored Russian Officers - Alternative View

Cuckoo - Deadly Game Of Bored Russian Officers - Alternative View

"Cuckoo" - extremely risky game of officers of the Russian Imperial Army, which, nevertheless, was widespread in all remote garrisons, from Merv to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

A Terrible Find Of Archaeologists: Alexander Yannay Was A Bloody King - Alternative View

A Terrible Find Of Archaeologists: Alexander Yannay Was A Bloody King - Alternative View

Evidence of massacres, including brutal beheadings, committed during the bloody reign of the Hasmonean king Alexander Yannai (103-76 BC

Shocking Finds Of The Pre-Columbian Era - Alternative View

Shocking Finds Of The Pre-Columbian Era - Alternative View

Amazing finds obtained during archaeological excavations completely change the usual ideas about history and cast doubt that Christopher Columbus discovered America.So who actually discovered America? Did Columbus have predecessors? There are a lot of candidates - these are the ancient Egyptians, and the ancient Romans, and the Greeks, Arabs and Phoenicians, Vikings, Chinese and Japanese

10 Exciting And Little-known Facts About The Titanic - Alternative View

10 Exciting And Little-known Facts About The Titanic - Alternative View

The most incredible stories and assumptions are connected with the legendary sinking ship "Titanic". Many moments of the crash still remain a mystery. We bring you amazing little things and facts about the Titanic that you have never heard

What Secrets Does The Shah Diamond Hide? - Alternative View

What Secrets Does The Shah Diamond Hide? - Alternative View

The Russian diamond fund contains one beautiful and unusual stone - an octahedron-shaped diamond engraved in Persian. The 88.7-carat Shah diamond is not cut, but simply polished, completely transparent and has a slight yellowish tint.This is an unusual diamond with an unusual fate

Did Snow White Actually Die At The Hands Of Her Stepmother - Who Was The Prototype Of The Fairytale Heroine - Alternative View

Did Snow White Actually Die At The Hands Of Her Stepmother - Who Was The Prototype Of The Fairytale Heroine - Alternative View

Surely everyone knows the story of Snow White from the stories of the Grimmily brothers of the Walt Disney cartoon. The evil stepmother envied the beauty of the young stepdaughter and poisoned her with a poisonous apple

Baba Yaga Or Baba Yoga? - Alternative View

Baba Yaga Or Baba Yoga? - Alternative View

Baba Yaga is a fairy-tale character, known to everyone from childhood, and that is not without reason. Modern children have an idea that Baba Yaga is an old, terrible old woman who feeds on small children and walks on a bone leg and "Baba Yaga is a bone leg"

Throughout Her Life She Tried To Tell Her Story, But No One Believed Her - Alternative View

Throughout Her Life She Tried To Tell Her Story, But No One Believed Her - Alternative View

Bertha Antonin Meine is a passenger of the ill-fated Titanic, which drowned in the waters of the Atlantic. Everyone knows that the ship was never able to complete its maiden voyage, having split in two after colliding with an iceberg. The huge liner sank to the ocean floor on April 15, 1912

Bible Code: Ivan Panin Code. Is The Bible Written In Numerology? - Alternative View

Bible Code: Ivan Panin Code. Is The Bible Written In Numerology? - Alternative View

From agnostics to theologians, Ivan Panin was born almost at the very end of the unsuccessful Crimean war for Russia - December 12, 1855

The Search Engines Have Put Forward Their Version Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

The Search Engines Have Put Forward Their Version Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Familiar tourists from the Dyatlov group, who participated in the search for the group, put forward their own version of the death of nine students in 1959.Master of Sports in Tourism, participant in the search for Dyatlovites Vladislav Karelin spoke about the signs of a man-made phenomenon, which he personally recorded during his trip two weeks later and 50 kilometers south of the hike of the deceased tourist group

Our Antarctica. Does Russia Have Special Rights And Interests On The Sixth Continent? - Alternative View

Our Antarctica. Does Russia Have Special Rights And Interests On The Sixth Continent? - Alternative View

Antarctica, the southernmost continent, can rightfully be considered one of the largest geographical discoveries made by Russian seafarers. Today Antarctica is a territory of international importance that does not belong to any country, but arouses keen interest at once from a number of states

Games Of Destiny: The Incredible Rescue Of 15 People In Nebraska - Alternative View

Games Of Destiny: The Incredible Rescue Of 15 People In Nebraska - Alternative View

On March 1, 1950, at 7:25 pm, a quiet and calm evening in Beatrice, Nebraska was disrupted by a powerful explosion. The force of the explosion was such that windows were shattered in many houses throughout the town, and the broadcast of the local radio station was interrupted