Secrets of history 2024, October

Four Unknown Exploits Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Four Unknown Exploits Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The Soviet people suffered trials never seen before in history. And as always, the great people showed that there is no such enemy that could not be defeated

What "treasures Of The Aryans" Hitler Was Looking For On The Territory Of The USSR - Alternative View

What "treasures Of The Aryans" Hitler Was Looking For On The Territory Of The USSR - Alternative View

Hitler, as you know, was "turned" on various pseudoscientific and mystical theories, while being obsessed with ancient Germanic mythology. Some of his comrades-in-arms, like the leader of the SS Himmler, also matched him

Western Historians Expose The Ideology Of The Holodomor - Alternative View

Western Historians Expose The Ideology Of The Holodomor - Alternative View

The first victim of the propaganda of the Holodomor of 1933 as the genocide of the Ukrainian people by the Soviet government was the real truth about the famine of the 1930s.Ukrainian historians are least of all interested in facts. They were given a political order from above to rivet hastily an anti-Russian ideologue about the Holodomor, which allowed each Ukrainian government to solve two tactical tasks at once: to enlist the support of a violent nationalist electorate and

Information About The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass Was Called Classified - Alternative View

Information About The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass Was Called Classified - Alternative View

The ex-governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Senator Eduard Rossel said that he has great respect for the attempts of scientists to understand the tragedy at the Dyatlov pass, but noted that these events are classified information of the federal level

A Classified Tragedy: A Plane Crashed Into A Kindergarten - Alternative View

A Classified Tragedy: A Plane Crashed Into A Kindergarten - Alternative View

Relatively not so long ago, I learned about an unusual tragedy - a pilot on a military plane rammed a five-story building

Malta: What Secrets Hide The Thousand-year Megaliths Of The Island - Alternative View

Malta: What Secrets Hide The Thousand-year Megaliths Of The Island - Alternative View

Weirdo IslandThis piece of land less than a hundred kilometers south of Sicily consists of just a few islands, of which only two are inhabited. It was as if he was deliberately raised from the bottom of the sea to test a person for stress resistance and an ineradicable desire to survive at any cost

Why Is The Tragedy Of The "Night Of The Bloody Tiger" Hidden In The United States - Alternative View

Why Is The Tragedy Of The "Night Of The Bloody Tiger" Hidden In The United States - Alternative View

In America, the secrecy classification has not yet been officially removed from the events associated with the "Tiger" exercise to prepare the allied forces for the landing in Normandy in 1944

The Mystery Of The Abandoned Boat And The Missing Crew On The Lost Island Of Bouvet - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Abandoned Boat And The Missing Crew On The Lost Island Of Bouvet - Alternative View

There are places on our planet that lie far beyond the boundaries of civilization and generally far from human eyes.Even in our time, these places still remain essentially unexplored wastelands, where nothing seems to have changed over the millennia

Mysterious Islands Known From Folklore - Alternative View

Mysterious Islands Known From Folklore - Alternative View

The islands seem to be somewhere between two worlds. This is also land, but surrounded by the sea. The isolation they envision has become fertile ground for fiction and has also inspired folk tales around the world.How many sailors noticed the island on the horizon and wondered if this meant salvation for them or some kind of supernatural threat?

11.5 Thousand Years. A Resident Of The Stone-on-Obi Found An Ancient Tooth In The Garden - - Alternative View

11.5 Thousand Years. A Resident Of The Stone-on-Obi Found An Ancient Tooth In The Garden - - Alternative View

Scientists have already studied the find and determined to whom it belonged.Alexey Shepetkin, a resident of Stone-on-Ob, accidentally found an ancient artifact. It turned out to be a huge canine tooth of a wild animal, nine centimeters long

What Secrets Are Kept At The Walls Of The Transfiguration Church In Polotsk? - Alternative View

What Secrets Are Kept At The Walls Of The Transfiguration Church In Polotsk? - Alternative View

Riddles and secrets at every step, more precisely, even on every centimeter of the earth. Large-scale archaeological excavations are underway at the walls of the Transfiguration Church in Polotsk. The territory near the 12th century temple is to be explored

An Unusual Skull Was Found In The Astrakhan Region - Alternative View

An Unusual Skull Was Found In The Astrakhan Region - Alternative View

Astrakhan archaeologists continue to share unique footage from the excavation site near the village of Nikolskoye. They recently showed a deformed skull found in one of the burials.“Skull with artificial deformation. The Sarmatian tribes had a tradition of skull modification. A

The Most Famous Cases Of Germans Going Over To The Side Of The Red Army - Alternative View

The Most Famous Cases Of Germans Going Over To The Side Of The Red Army - Alternative View

The topic of the transfer of the Red Army soldiers to the service of Nazi Germany has been worked out in detail and well covered. But the situations when the Nazis worked for the Soviet side remain in the shadows. We'll shed some light

A Monumental Hero - Alternative View

A Monumental Hero - Alternative View

Hannibal is one of the most interesting personalities in ancient history. First of all, he was a talented strategist, whose name is on a par with such geniuses of military art as Alexander the Great or Napoleon Bonaparte

Famous Personalities Who May Never Have Existed - Alternative View

Famous Personalities Who May Never Have Existed - Alternative View

Our society is so informative that today it is not difficult for us to find biographies of the persons of interest to us. Currently, each of us can contribute to history by becoming someone's chronicler

Pythagoras, King Arthur And Other Famous Personalities Whose Existence Has Not Been Proven - Alternative View

Pythagoras, King Arthur And Other Famous Personalities Whose Existence Has Not Been Proven - Alternative View

Where would our society be now if it were not for famous historical figures and their and their influence on the modern world? Pythagoras, King Arthur, William Shakespeare, Jack the Ripper - they all still appear in our books, textbooks and films

9 Chilling Stories About The Disappearance Of Famous People, Most Of Whom Have Never Been Found - Alternative View

9 Chilling Stories About The Disappearance Of Famous People, Most Of Whom Have Never Been Found - Alternative View

Each of these people left a mark: one - outstanding books, the other - great works of painting, the third - the music that many generations of people listen to, the fourth is spoken of as a hero of our time who managed to convey the spirit of a whole generation in his film images

Beethoven's Deafness Turned Out To Be A Myth - Alternative View

Beethoven's Deafness Turned Out To Be A Myth - Alternative View

Ludwig van Beethoven began to lose his hearing at the age of 26, and at the time of writing the last major works he was already completely deaf - this fact is considered proven and undeniable. But in fact, according to some researchers, the famous composer continued to partially hear with his left ear almost until his death, according to The Guardian

What Did The Nazis Consider Aryan Appearance - Alternative View

What Did The Nazis Consider Aryan Appearance - Alternative View

According to the Germanic racial theory, the carriers of the Aryan blood had biological superiority over the rest of the nations. The reference Aryan is practically different from others: height, color of skin, hair and eyes, and even body proportions

Is Human History Cyclical? - Alternative View

Is Human History Cyclical? - Alternative View

The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel once said: “History repeats itself twice. The first time in the form of a tragedy, the second - in the form of a farce. " In our time, this statement seems more relevant than ever. But can we draw at least some conclusions from the past centuries? O

Sponsors Of The October Revolution Of 1917 - Alternative View

Sponsors Of The October Revolution Of 1917 - Alternative View

In addition to the German General Staff, the real sponsors of the Great Russian Revolution were … US bankers.Two attempts to revolt against the Provisional Government in 1917 were undertaken by the Bolshevik conspirators, before the third attempt, later called the Socialist Revolution, succeeded. A

October Revolution - Alternative View

October Revolution - Alternative View

Now the October Revolution is not called "Great". Celebrations on this matter have long been canceled, even for the 100th anniversary, indulgences are not expected

Unfamiliar October Revolution - Alternative View

Unfamiliar October Revolution - Alternative View

The seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in the country, scheduled for October 20, had to be postponed for several days - not everything was ready yet

Lapsus In French - Alternative View

Lapsus In French - Alternative View

We ourselves are often glad to be deceived, but we will try to dispel delusions and restore the truth.-"Champagne in lilies is holy wine!"Champagne lovers will be surprised (or maybe disappointed) to learn that his homeland is not France, that the Benedictine monk Dom Pérignon (the house is a monastic title) did not invent this amusing drink

How The British - Indians Brought Democracy - Alternative View

How The British - Indians Brought Democracy - Alternative View

A great country, an empire in its modern form, a "special nation" with special rights - all this is about the United States of America

Falsification Of History. Part Two. Falsification Of Historical Monuments Of Architecture - Alternative View

Falsification Of History. Part Two. Falsification Of Historical Monuments Of Architecture - Alternative View

Global falsification of history. Part one - - Falsification of history. Part three. Falsification of archaeological finds. Counterfeiting of antiquities - In 1939, the museum's management acquired an allegedly ancient Scythian product - drinking horn

Royston Mysterious Cave. What Secrets Does She Keep? - Alternative View

Royston Mysterious Cave. What Secrets Does She Keep? - Alternative View

Royston Cave is located in Royston, Hertfordshire, 42 miles north of London, at the junction of the A10 and A505 motorways and, if not for its accidental discovery, could remain a hidden treasure in the real meaning of the term.It is one of the least known but most mysterious places in the UK and possibly hides the location of the lost Templar treasure

The Mystery Of The Star Of Bethlehem - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Star Of Bethlehem - Alternative View

On Christmas, in the homes of believers (and not only) people, you can see a Christmas tree with a star at the top. Believers sing songs about an amazing star that led the Magi to a manger in the small town of Bethlehem, where, according to legend, Jesus was born

Conspiracy Against Alexander The Great - Alternative View

Conspiracy Against Alexander The Great - Alternative View

The conspiracy against Alexander the Great took place in 330 BC, he set as his goal the assassination of the famous commander

Roger Bacon's Tools - Alternative View

Roger Bacon's Tools - Alternative View

In the manuscript of the 13th century philosopher Roger Bacon, you can read about many wonderful instruments of antiquity and even the submarine of Alexander the Great! The Amazing Doctor Roger Bacon was nicknamed the Amazing Doctor for a reason

9 Company - Real Events In Afghanistan - Alternative View

9 Company - Real Events In Afghanistan - Alternative View

On January 7, 1988, the famous battle of the 9th company of the 345th separate guards parachute regiment (OPDP) took place. He gained particular fame after the release of the film "9th Company" in 2005. The director of the tape, Fyodor Bondarchuk, presented this story as an example of senseless heroism in a war that was not particularly needed by the country

What If The USSR Had Not Sent Troops To Afghanistan? - Alternative View

What If The USSR Had Not Sent Troops To Afghanistan? - Alternative View

The Afghan war lasted ten years and, according to many historians, hastened the collapse of the USSR and the Communist Party. Let's see what would have happened if the troops had not entered Afghanistan.- Salik.bizWhat happened?Until the mid-1970s, Afghanistan was a peaceful, but completely backward country, where an absolute monarchy existed for many years

What Benefit Did The War In Afghanistan Bring To The USSR - Alternative View

What Benefit Did The War In Afghanistan Bring To The USSR - Alternative View

A number of domestic and foreign historians and economists regard participation in the Afghan war as a key factor contributing to the collapse of the USSR - the war required a lot of resources, especially against the backdrop of a multiple drop in oil prices

The First Sled And Tractor Trip To Antarctica - Alternative View

The First Sled And Tractor Trip To Antarctica - Alternative View

It is known that the first Antarctic expedition to the USSR was carried out in 1956. The task of the first Antarctic expedition of the USSR in 1956-1957 was to base on the coast of Antarctica, to build the settlement of Mirny - the base of the Soviet expedition

Spear Of Achilles - Alternative View

Spear Of Achilles - Alternative View

World history is full of stories about sacred weapons, revered for their strength, and most importantly - for sacred properties

The Mystery Of The Death Of Alexander The Great Unraveled - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Alexander The Great Unraveled - Alternative View

Modern doctors called the disease, as a result of which the great commander of the ancient world was put in the grave while still alive

A New Explanation For The Death Of Alexander The Great Has Been Proposed - Alternative View

A New Explanation For The Death Of Alexander The Great Has Been Proposed - Alternative View

According to the latest version, the cause of death of the commander was Guillain's syndrome - Barre. Dr. Katherine Hall from the University of Otago, New Zealand has proposed her own theory to explain the unusual death of Alexander the Great

The Secret Of The "Sacred Casket Of Alexander The Great" - Alternative View

The Secret Of The "Sacred Casket Of Alexander The Great" - Alternative View

It is generally accepted that the father of the Greek king Alexander, known as the Macedonian, was Philip II, nicknamed the Barbarian. Meanwhile, Alexander's contemporaries had a different point of view on this matter