Information About The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass Was Called Classified - Alternative View

Information About The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass Was Called Classified - Alternative View
Information About The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass Was Called Classified - Alternative View

The ex-governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Senator Eduard Rossel said that he has great respect for the attempts of scientists to understand the tragedy at the Dyatlov pass, but noted that these events are classified information at the federal level.

A friend of Igor Dyatlov and a participant in the search for Dyatlovites, academician Pyotr Bartolomey, told the media about his attempt to involve Rossel in the solution to the tragedy. The scientist planned to contact the archives of the Ministry of Defense.

“Unfortunately, the events of that time are still strictly classified information, a matter not of the regional, but of the federal level, and only the federal authorities and the security services of the Russian Federation can deal with the issue of access to archival documents,” Rossel told RIA Novosti on Thursday …

He also stressed that he has great respect for Peter Bartholomew and his associates, who have been trying for many years to shed light on the events associated with the death of people at the Dyatlov Pass. “Of course, as a true Uralian who devoted his life to the creation of the Middle Urals, I myself am deeply interested in the topic of an objective investigation of the tragedy,” the senator noted.

He said that indeed two years ago he received a request from Bartholomew for assistance in obtaining access to this information, “but precisely because such an opportunity lies outside his competence as a senator,” Rossel could not help, “about which Pyotr Ivanovich was an exhaustive answer has been given."

The pass got its name in memory of the tourist group of Igor Dyatlov, who died here in the winter of 1959. The cause of the death of the tourists was never found out, more than 100 versions are being put forward - from an accident to paranormal phenomena and tests of military equipment.