How The British - Indians Brought Democracy - Alternative View

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How The British - Indians Brought Democracy - Alternative View
How The British - Indians Brought Democracy - Alternative View

Video: How The British - Indians Brought Democracy - Alternative View

Video: How The British - Indians Brought Democracy - Alternative View
Video: How Britain Stole $45 Trillion from India with Trains | Empires of Dirt 2024, September

A great country, an empire in its modern form, a "special nation" with special rights - all this is about the United States of America. Collected "from the world on a string", which began its journey with the resettlement of losers and a settlement for criminals of all kinds and stripes, the United States and now live according to the principle "who is stronger is right." Anyone who gets in the way of the "special nation" is destined for democratization.

The pioneers in the establishment of "democracy" were the British and French colonial troops, who succeeded and worked "to perfection", this complex process on the indigenous population of North America - the Indians.

Map of the settlement of the Indians in the United States
Map of the settlement of the Indians in the United States

Map of the settlement of the Indians in the United States.

Superfluous on their lands

American historian David Stannard states: “Hitler is a puppy compared to the 'conquerors of America'. What is not taught in American schools: As a result of the genocide of the American Indians, also known as the "five hundred year war" and "the longest genocide in the history of mankind", 95 of the 114 million indigenous people of the present US and Canada were killed."

The relations of the Indians with the colonialists, it is difficult to call simple and cloudless, there was a place for everything - for cruelty, and for scalps, and for torture, but … It was the whites who came to the house of the Indians as unknown guests, it was the whites who began to impose their own rules in “someone else's monastery”, brazenly deceive and not count the Indians as people.

Horse Comanche Warriors
Horse Comanche Warriors

Horse Comanche Warriors.

Promotional video:


The colonists exterminated the Indians by all means: they massacred entire villages, killed and scalped prisoners. Biological weapons were also used against the Indians - it is known that British agents handed out blankets to the Indians, which were deliberately infected with smallpox. This disease claimed more than one hundred thousand representatives of the tribes inhabiting the banks of the Ohio River. The US Army adopted this method and used it equally well against other tribes.

In 1825, the American authorities adopted the Doctrine of Discovery. That is, the right to land was received by the one of the colonists who "discovered" them. And the Indians on these lands, in fact, belonging to them, could only live, but were deprived of ownership of it. In 1830 the Indian Relocation Act was passed, and in 1867 the Reservations Act. From now on, all Indian tribes lost their ancestral lands and had to live on reservations located in desert and mountainous areas remote from water. Without the permission of the American authorities, not a single Indian henceforth dared to leave his reservation.

On the warpath
On the warpath

On the warpath.

The Indians naturally refused to surrender and prepared for war. The whites also had no doubt that the Indians would fight: the war plans were drawn up ahead of time. It was decided to break the Indians by hunger. In this regard, American soldiers launched a real hunt for bison, which served as the main source of food for the inhabitants of the Great Plains. Several MILLIONS of these animals have been destroyed in 30 years.

The second method of strangling the recalcitrant was by poisoning fresh water sources. The Americans poisoned the waters of rivers and lakes with strychnine on a truly industrial scale. This caused the death of several tens of thousands of Indians. However, in order to break the freedom-loving prairie dwellers, it took a lot of blood to be shed. The Indians fought back bravely. However, the forces were unequal. The colonialists stopped at nothing.

Pathfinder scouts
Pathfinder scouts

Pathfinder scouts.

Without wasting expensive lead …

Almost simultaneously with the physical destruction of the tribes, strategies of assimilation of Indian children, who were taken from their parents, were carried out. Forts were erected by the Jesuits, in which young Native Americans were imprisoned, inculcated in Christian values and exploited as cheap labor. The founder of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania, Captain Richard Pratt, in 1892 characterized his philosophy: "To kill an Indian is to save a man."

Native American health services sterilized 3,000 Native American women per year (4 to 6 percent of the population of childbearing age). Dr. Ravenhold, director of the Federal Government's Office of Population Affairs, argued that "surgical sterilization of Indians is becoming an increasingly important method of birth control."

The reservations were, in fact, self-governing concentration camps: tens of thousands of Indians died of hunger in them, froze in winter and died of thirst in summer. In 1900, the American authorities officially announced the "closure of the frontier"; thus the fact was recognized that all the lands had already been conquered.

Peace pipe
Peace pipe

Peace pipe.

Final decision

The term "final solution" was not coined by the Nazis. It was coined by Indian Administrator Duncan Campbell Scott, who, in April 1910, looked after the Indian issue like this: “We recognize that Indian children are losing their natural resistance to disease in these cramped schools, and that they die at a much faster rate than in their villages. But this in itself is not a reason for a policy change aimed at finally solving our Indian problem."

Cotton Mather, a lecturer at Harvard College, an honorary doctor at the University of Glasgow, a Puritan minister, compared the Indians with the children of Satan and considered it God's will - to kill the pagan savages who stood in the way of Christianity (now little has changed, unless they say it out loud).

Largest Battle of Little Big Horn
Largest Battle of Little Big Horn

Largest Battle of Little Big Horn.

In 1864, Colonel of the American Army John Shevinton, shooting another Indian village with howitzers, said that Indian children should not be spared, because "a louse grows out of a nit." He also said to his officers and soldiers: “I came to kill Indians, and I believe that this is a right and an honorable duty. Any means under God's heaven must be used to kill the Indians."

Europeans (and today also Americans) consider themselves (still) bearers of high culture. The colonial worldview allows them to divide people into good Europeans and bad savages. Thanks to this, the seizure of America was justified by them as a necessity, which could give the Indians high morals and correct their dense savagery (KNOWLEDGE? This doctrine is still widely used).

In the photo on the right is a mountain of buffalo skulls
In the photo on the right is a mountain of buffalo skulls

In the photo on the right is a mountain of buffalo skulls.

By the way

Hitler's conception of concentration camps owes much to his study of the history of American colonization. He admired the Indian camps in the Wild West and often praised in his inner circle the effectiveness of the destruction of the indigenous population of America, the red savages who could not be captured and tamed.

And now, when Americans or Europeans with smart faces are saying the right words about the need to support "freedom and democracy" in another oil-producing country, remember how they succeeded in this with the indigenous people of North America.