Secrets of history 2024, October

"Possessed By Demons" King Of France Charles VI - Alternative View

"Possessed By Demons" King Of France Charles VI - Alternative View

At twelve he became King of France, and at twenty-four he showed clear signs of insanity. His reign led the country to a double crisis

Wonderful Sword Of Jeanne D ' Ark - Alternative View

Wonderful Sword Of Jeanne D ' Ark - Alternative View

Much has been written about the exploits of the national heroine of France, Jeanne d'Arc. But about the weapons with which she fought, almost nothing is known. She had several swords. One was presented to her by the commandant of Vaucouleurs, the other she obtained in battle, two swords and a dagger were presented by the Comte de Clermont

The Children Of The Highest Elite Of The USSR Decided To Create The Fourth Reich - Alternative View

The Children Of The Highest Elite Of The USSR Decided To Create The Fourth Reich - Alternative View

This story with the creation of the Fourth Reich by the "Kremlin children" in 1943 was opened by accident.On June 3, 1943, on Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge in the center of Moscow, police officers found two bodies: a boy and a girl, with bullet holes in their heads

The Eerie Secrets Of The Ocean - Alternative View

The Eerie Secrets Of The Ocean - Alternative View

More than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by the ocean. Until 2020, people managed to research only about 5% of them. Imagine what might be beyond our reach: depths we have never encountered before, or a lost megalodon from prehistoric times

Fruit Machine: The Peak Of Gay Persecution In Canada - Alternative View

Fruit Machine: The Peak Of Gay Persecution In Canada - Alternative View

In the 1960s, the Canadian government decided to identify all homosexual officials. To recognize them, a "fruit machine" was invented - an apparatus that shows the subject erotic pictures. The violent persecution of gay men in Canada did not end until the late 1980s

What States And Peoples Were Located In Eastern Europe Before The X Century - Alternative View

What States And Peoples Were Located In Eastern Europe Before The X Century - Alternative View

The history of Russia is rooted in the history of many states and peoples who have ever lived in the territory from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean

"Black Death" Over Europe - Alternative View

"Black Death" Over Europe - Alternative View

In 1347, the second and most terrible plague invasion of Europe began. For three hundred years, this disease raged in the countries of the Old World and took with it to the grave a total of 75 million human lives

Black Death Of The Wehrmacht - Alternative View

Black Death Of The Wehrmacht - Alternative View

During the Great Patriotic War, the Germans called Tuvans "Der Schwarze Tod" - “Black Death” Tuvinians fought to the death even with the obvious superiority of the enemy, they did not take prisoners. “This is our war

The Long Roots Of European (German) Democracy - Alternative View

The Long Roots Of European (German) Democracy - Alternative View

For reference: "In 623-658 Luzhitsa was part of the Slavic state of Samo."The first settlements of the Lusatian Serbs were recorded around the 6th century. Before the Slavs, these lands were inhabited by Celtic tribes, so some authors associate the origin of the Lusatian Serbs with the Celtic tribe of Lugia, named after the Celtic god Luga

How The United States Prevented The USSR From Joining NATO - Alternative View

How The United States Prevented The USSR From Joining NATO - Alternative View

In April 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, also known as the North Atlantic Alliance) was founded. For many years, this military-political structure became the main military bloc opposing the USSR, and then post-Soviet Russia

Note To Western Puppets - Alternative View

Note To Western Puppets - Alternative View

After the collapse of the Warsaw Pact organization, and then the collapse of the Soviet Union, the countries of Eastern Europe and some former Soviet republics reoriented themselves to joining NATO and to fully comply with commands from Washington

How The Creepy Tombstones Of The Transit Appeared In Europe, And Why They Depicted Decaying Corpses - Alternative View

How The Creepy Tombstones Of The Transit Appeared In Europe, And Why They Depicted Decaying Corpses - Alternative View

Since prehistoric times, mankind has always respected the deceased by its relatives and all that

Liventsovskaya Fortress, The Oldest In Europe - Alternative View

Liventsovskaya Fortress, The Oldest In Europe - Alternative View

One of the most interesting, from an archaeological point of view, places on the Don is located in Rostov itself

Plague In Europe Spread Through Dirty People, Not Rats - Alternative View

Plague In Europe Spread Through Dirty People, Not Rats - Alternative View

It seems that the rodents were rehabilitated, and fleas and lice were recognized as the main culprits of the pestilence

Why Did They Eat Mummies In Europe? - Alternative View

Why Did They Eat Mummies In Europe? - Alternative View

Amazing information. Of course I read a lot about Europe, terrible and unusual, but this! If the curse of the pharaohs existed, European civilization would have died out long ago

Sharp Travel: How Oriental Spices Discovered America - Alternative View

Sharp Travel: How Oriental Spices Discovered America - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, spices became a direct replacement for gold in Europe. A successful expedition to the East could bring the merchant so much money that he could do nothing else for the rest of his life

How To Wash In Medieval Europe - Alternative View

How To Wash In Medieval Europe - Alternative View

There are stereotypes in the minds of many people about the hygiene of the European Middle Ages

Did You Communicate In The Slavic Language In Medieval Europe? - Alternative View

Did You Communicate In The Slavic Language In Medieval Europe? - Alternative View

How did people communicate with each other, for example, in Western Europe in the XI-XV centuries? What language or languages? The overwhelming majority of the population of Western Europe did not know Greek or Hebrew. Latin was the property of an insignificant minority of scribes

Catholic Queen - Alternative View

Catholic Queen - Alternative View

The woman who created the “ empire that never set the sun ”, - Queen Isabella I Catholic. She unified Spain, expelled the Moors from Europe, sent Columbus on his famous expedition

When Life Was Worst In Europe - Alternative View

When Life Was Worst In Europe - Alternative View

After the warming of the Roman era, a long winter comes to Europe, which scientists call the climatic pessimum of the era of the Great Migration

Order Of Saint Lazarus: Lepers Guarding Europe - Alternative View

Order Of Saint Lazarus: Lepers Guarding Europe - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, leprosy plagued all of Europe. The unfortunate patients were forced to live out their sad days in complete isolation - it was very easy to get infected

Half Of Europeans Are Descendants Of Egyptians - Alternative View

Half Of Europeans Are Descendants Of Egyptians - Alternative View

In the photo: Tutankhamun. Biologists from the center for genealogical research iGENEA, located in Zurich, where their Egyptian colleagues transferred part of the DNA extracted from the mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, received sensational results

More Recently, Europeans Were Cannibals - Alternative View

More Recently, Europeans Were Cannibals - Alternative View

A little more than two hundred years ago - until the end of the 18th century - European physicians were using both human meat and preparations made from corpses with might and main

The Main Mysteries Of The History Of Europe - Alternative View

The Main Mysteries Of The History Of Europe - Alternative View

European history is full of mysteries. What is the secret of the "European miracle"? Why did the Renaissance turn to antiquity? How did England become "the ruler of the seas"? What goals did the Inquisition set for itself? How did the Freemasons appear?

The First Bulgarian Awakeners - Alternative View

The First Bulgarian Awakeners - Alternative View

From the book by Afanasy Selishchev “Polog and its Bulgarian population. Historical, ethnographic and dialectological sketches of northwestern Macedonia. " Published by the Macedonian Scientific Institute, Sofia 1929.“The enlightening and people-loving ideas proclaimed in the 18th century by English and French thinkers found a response in Germany and in the Slavic countries. The

The Traditions Of Skull Deformation In Europe - Alternative View

The Traditions Of Skull Deformation In Europe - Alternative View

Maria Mednikova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, an employee of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, talks about the ancient tradition of deliberate deformation of the skull: Europeans first encountered this tradition in the 4th century AD, when on the territory of the West

Knights Of The Light Image - Alternative View

Knights Of The Light Image - Alternative View

There are events in history that excite the imagination of people either by their drama, or by perfect feats and examples of unheard-of self-sacrifice, or by the extraordinary mystery surrounding them

What Knightly Orders Fought On The Side Of Hitler - Alternative View

What Knightly Orders Fought On The Side Of Hitler - Alternative View

During the era of the Crusades in Europe, 12 large and many small orders of knighthood were created, which over time turned into large supranational formations that ruled the life of the old continent

First Knight. Bertrand De Born Surpassed Everyone In War And Poetry! - Alternative View

First Knight. Bertrand De Born Surpassed Everyone In War And Poetry! - Alternative View

Initially, the word "knight" did not have any romantic halo and translated from German meant "horseman"

Mechanical Prosthetic Hand Of A German Knight - Alternative View

Mechanical Prosthetic Hand Of A German Knight - Alternative View

The brutal German mercenary knight Getz von Berlichingen loved good civil strife

9 Curious Facts About The Mysterious Order Of The Knights Templar - Alternative View

9 Curious Facts About The Mysterious Order Of The Knights Templar - Alternative View

The history of the Knights Templar is surrounded by many secrets and conspiracy theories. We offer you to find out 9 curious facts about the soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, as the Templars called themselves. 1

Knights: 9 Fun Facts That Will Help You Look At Them From A Different Angle - Alternative View

Knights: 9 Fun Facts That Will Help You Look At Them From A Different Angle - Alternative View

When they talk about the Middle Ages, the first thing they remember is the knights. In world history, no other era has such a vivid attribute and symbol. Only the pirates of the New Time can compete with the knights in popularity. Unfortunately, the true image of the knight has been rather distorted by romantic literature, as well as by modern mass culture

The Unknown History Of The Slavs In The Writings Of The Medieval Historian - Alternative View

The Unknown History Of The Slavs In The Writings Of The Medieval Historian - Alternative View

Confirmation of the claims that the history of Europe was rewritten in the interests of the Vatican and the ruling Romano-Germanic elites is the work of the Dalmatian historian Mavro Orbini (1563 (?) - 1610) "Slavic Kingdom"

Knightly Orders Of Europe XI - XIII Centuries - Alternative View

Knightly Orders Of Europe XI - XIII Centuries - Alternative View

In XI - XIII centuries the Catholic Church was the organizer of the crusades, the purpose of which she declared the liberation of the Muslims of Palestine and the "Holy Sepulcher", which, according to legend, was in Jerusalem

Knightly Orders That Ruled The World - Alternative View

Knightly Orders That Ruled The World - Alternative View

They founded states and dictated their will to European monarchs. The history of the knightly orders began in the Middle Ages and has not yet been completed. Order of the Templars Date of foundation of the Order: 1119 year

Battle Of Saul: "brothers In Arms" - Crusaders And Pskovs - Alternative View

Battle Of Saul: "brothers In Arms" - Crusaders And Pskovs - Alternative View

“If there is among you man or woman who will go and serve other gods, and worship them, or the sun, or the moon, or all the heavenly host … then stone them to death "(Deuteronomy 17: 2-5)

Chivalry Without Myths - Alternative View

Chivalry Without Myths - Alternative View

“Yes, modern peasants were crushing, - women say

How A Ballistic Missile Was Created In The USSR - Alternative View

How A Ballistic Missile Was Created In The USSR - Alternative View

Almost immediately after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, American strategists began to prepare plans for an attack on the USSR using a new, monstrous weapon. Already in 1953, the United States was armed with about 2,000 nuclear charges, which could deliver over 1,200 strategic bombers to the territory of the Soviet Union, concentrated at military bases near the borders of our country

Treasures Of The Order Of The Poor Knights - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Order Of The Poor Knights - Alternative View

Sliding ghosts of the Templars - proud and fearless Knights of the Temple surface in the waters of history. Once great and wise, they forever left a whole heap of mysteries about how they lived and why they left the visible horizons of the universe

The US Air Force Pilots Threw Their Fighters Only When They Saw The Missile Launch Of The Soviet Air Defense Systems - Alternative View

The US Air Force Pilots Threw Their Fighters Only When They Saw The Missile Launch Of The Soviet Air Defense Systems - Alternative View

Recently, in the media and in various forums, talk has become popular that Russian anti-aircraft missile systems are unlikely to cause any harm to American stealth fighters