Secrets of history 2024, October

Swords Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Swords Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Before the widespread use of iron and steel, swords were made from copper, and then from alloys of copper with tin or arsenic - bronze

Harmful Work. Five Stories Of Monarchs Executed By A Court Sentence - Alternative View

Harmful Work. Five Stories Of Monarchs Executed By A Court Sentence - Alternative View

On January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI of France was executed by guillotine, becoming one of those monarchs who lost their lives by court verdict. “… we, kings, should be given milk free of charge for harm

Secret Fonts Of Medieval Bestiaries - Alternative View

Secret Fonts Of Medieval Bestiaries - Alternative View

Artist Alberto Rossi was executed long and painfully

Dances Without Rules In The Middle Ages: Participants Fell Dead - Alternative View

Dances Without Rules In The Middle Ages: Participants Fell Dead - Alternative View

In July 1518, in Strasbourg, France, a woman named Frau Troffea took to the streets and began to perform dance steps, which lasted several days. By the end of the first week, 34 residents had joined her

In The Middle Ages, Dragons Were Common In Switzerland - Alternative View

In The Middle Ages, Dragons Were Common In Switzerland - Alternative View

Dragon statue near Lake Lucerne Dragons: good-natured and insidious, fetid red-green cave lizards and snow-white cleanliness, inhabitants of mountain reservoirs - in any guise have always been the desired heroes of Swiss legends

Three Hundred Years Of The Fake Middle Ages - Alternative View

Three Hundred Years Of The Fake Middle Ages - Alternative View

Photo: Palace Chapel in Aachen Some historians believe that between the reign of Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII was three hundred years less than the official history. If this is true, then we are not living in 2009, but in 1709

10 Most Terrible Medieval Tortures - Alternative View

10 Most Terrible Medieval Tortures - Alternative View

Middle Ages - the time of the heyday of sophisticated torture and devices for inflicting terrible pain. Modern "legalized" torture is designed to inflict psychological or emotional suffering, it has limited physical impact

Jacques Attali "Jews, Peace And Money" - Alternative View

Jacques Attali "Jews, Peace And Money" - Alternative View

Fragment of Jacques Attali's book "Jews, Peace and Money" - "Before the resettlement to Egypt: from barter to silver"Judaism begins with a journey. And, as often the meaning of the phenomenon is veiled by words, so the identity of the Jewish people is hidden in its name, which is associated precisely with the journey

How The Russians Accepted Islam - Alternative View

How The Russians Accepted Islam - Alternative View

What faith did Saint Vladimir accept?According to the church version, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (Prince of Novgorod from 970, Prince of Kiev in 978-1015) adopted the Orthodox, Christian faith in 988, therefore he is considered a holy prince

Why Do Muslims Believe That Jesus Was Not Crucified - Alternative View

Why Do Muslims Believe That Jesus Was Not Crucified - Alternative View

The prophet Isa ibn Maryam al-Masih, identified with Jesus Christ, is one of the greatest Islamic preachers, whose name appears dozens of times on the pages of the Holy Quran.Seeing in Isa not God and not the son of God, but only the servant of God, Muslims worship him as the Messiah who, without being crucified, will return to earth on the Day of Judgment, defeat the Dajjal (Antichrist), destroy evil on the planet and preach Islam

Muhammad As A Real Person - Alternative View

Muhammad As A Real Person - Alternative View

The creator of the youngest of the world religions of Islam was Muhammad. Unlike Buddha and Christ, his biography is generally known. It is stated in the Qur'an and hadith, although their historical reliability is sometimes questionable. Of course, the Prophet has a secret biography, but we are talking about the earthly life of the founders, which left its stamp on their teachings

Chronicle Of Protests Against The Construction Of Mosques - Alternative View

Chronicle Of Protests Against The Construction Of Mosques - Alternative View

The events in Yekaterinburg drew public attention to the protests against the construction of churches and inevitably gave rise to a question that was consonant with Elena Vaenga's seven-year-old phrase that has already become a meme: “They would try to do it in a mosque!”

Is Christ A Son Of God Or A Magician? - Alternative View

Is Christ A Son Of God Or A Magician? - Alternative View

I do not want to offend anyone's feelings, but just try to figure out whether Christ was the son of God or an ordinary person. So, if you are a convinced Christian, please do not read this "nonsense", otherwise "faith in the divinity of Christ" will be shaken

The Ancient History Of Shrovetide - Alternative View

The Ancient History Of Shrovetide - Alternative View

One of the oldest Slavic folk holidays that have survived to this day. Shrovetide - this is a ceremony dedicated to the farewell to winter and the joyful greeting of spring

Customs And Traditions Of Rome - Alternative View

Customs And Traditions Of Rome - Alternative View

Ancient Rome - it is the cradle of European culture. Despite the fact that we have already seen a lot, some traditions and customs of Ancient Rome may seem very unusual to him, or even strange

The Strange Customs Of The Ancients - Alternative View

The Strange Customs Of The Ancients - Alternative View

10th place: In Western European families it was the norm to send the youngest son or daughter to a monastery. This was done so that there were fewer disputes about inheritance or dowry

A New Version Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: A Rare Northern Disease - Alternative View

A New Version Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: A Rare Northern Disease - Alternative View

People, seized by the "little measure", run to the north, tearing their clothes. "A resident of Nizhny Tagil Vasily Mekhonoshin put forward a new hypothesis for the death of the Dyatlov group. The author presented his ideas in a letter to the editorial office

Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass Could Die, Fleeing From Their Own Hallucinations - Alternative View

Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass Could Die, Fleeing From Their Own Hallucinations - Alternative View

Igor Dyatlov's group could have died due to hallucinogenic substances, the use of which caused uncontrollable panic among tourists. This version was put forward by a prospecting specialist Vadim Brusnitsin and indirectly confirmed by toxicologist Alexander Ediger

A Mysterious Spot Was Discovered That Could Have Caused The Death Of Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

A Mysterious Spot Was Discovered That Could Have Caused The Death Of Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

The death of Dyatlov's tour group took place in 1959, but years later the mysterious death of its members haunts many. Various experts continue to express their hypotheses, documents are re-read and studied, but to this day there is no exact answer to what led to the death of tourists

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. What Is A Slope Tent For? - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. What Is A Slope Tent For? - Alternative View

An unexpected decision.I adhere to the version that tourists set up a tent near a cedar, and a tent on the slope is a fiction. Why is the tent on the slope a fiction? Because, firstly, the Dyatlov group had only one tent, it was larger than the one that stood on the slope

Unidentified Structures Found Under The Seabed Off The Coast Of Crete - Alternative View

Unidentified Structures Found Under The Seabed Off The Coast Of Crete - Alternative View

In Greece, underwater archaeologists, while conducting research off the coast of Crete, discovered the remains of the ancient city of Olundas, which was submerged by an earthquake in the 2nd century AD, as well as mysterious structures hidden by a thick layer of sand

In Antalya, They Discovered A Mosaic Depicting Medusa The Gorgon - Alternative View

In Antalya, They Discovered A Mosaic Depicting Medusa The Gorgon - Alternative View

Unique artifacts were discovered by archaeologists during excavations in the city of Perge in the Turkish province of Antalya. According to media reports, the most valuable finds should be considered mosaic images of Medusa the Gorgon, as well as the Ocean God

How Does Marxism Differ From Communism? - Alternative View

How Does Marxism Differ From Communism? - Alternative View

In fact, many people do not have the slightest idea that there is a significant difference between real communism and the teachings of Marx, which was invented under the dictation of forces that are by no means friendly to humanity. Real communism existed during the highly developed antediluvian civilizations of the "golden age", long before the appearance of Marxism, and by no means in a "primitive communal form

The Origin Of Life On Earth, For The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Origin Of Life On Earth, For The Third Reich - Alternative View

The greatest mystic of the Third Reich who literally lived in a semi-real esoteric world was, of course, Rudolf Hess. This is to him, long before the Nazis came to power, in 1926, Adolf Hitler said in confidence:- I am absolutely not satisfied with Darwin's theory of the origin of man

Some Of The Strangest Military Experiments And Developments Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Some Of The Strangest Military Experiments And Developments Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Amazing somersaults are undertaken by the human mind, in search of the possibility of destroying their own kind. Weapons were invented, improved, went down in history in order to be replaced by more formidable and effective ones. Developed by the best craftsmen and minds of their era, it fascinated, frightened

9 Most Terrifying And Daring Experiments In History - Alternative View

9 Most Terrifying And Daring Experiments In History - Alternative View

If humanity did not conduct experiments, it probably would never have gotten out of the Stone Age. But where is the line between the need to acquire new data and the morality to sacrifice for that data? For some researchers, such a line did not exist at all - and their experiments are still considered one of the most terrifying in the history of the world

The Lebensborn Legend - Alternative View

The Lebensborn Legend - Alternative View

The registered partnership "Lebensborn" is mentioned in history as an educational boarding school for racially pure youth, as an elite brothel for the brave SS men. The initiator of this SS institution was Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler.“We are all the Fuehrer's fiancés here,” said a young woman in the uniform of the Union of German Girls. The

How Did The Scientific Experiment "Biosphere-2" End - Alternative View

How Did The Scientific Experiment "Biosphere-2" End - Alternative View

In the early 1990s, several Americans voluntarily isolated themselves in a town specially built for the Biosphere-2 experiment with five landscape systems: an ocean with a coral reef, savannah, jungle, desert, and swamp. A sealed dome sheltered this splendor from the terrible world and it seemed that life there would be a real paradise

Did The Nostradamus Mirror Machine Exist? - Alternative View

Did The Nostradamus Mirror Machine Exist? - Alternative View

There are thousands of options for reading the prophecies of Nostradamus in the world and hundreds of opinions are expressed about their accuracy. Equally fierce controversy is over the methods used by the great seer

How The CIA Trained A Psychic - Alternative View

How The CIA Trained A Psychic - Alternative View

We already had an article on How American Intelligence Used Clairvoyants and Telepaths. But for example, this does not look like empty windbag, but a history, confirmed by documents.The CIA on its website opened free access to the next portion of declassified documents - to about 12 million pages, including reports on UFO research and telepathy

How The Captured Germans Deceived Their Warders In The USSR - Alternative View

How The Captured Germans Deceived Their Warders In The USSR - Alternative View

As the Red Army overpowered the Wehrmacht, German prisoners accumulated. In the USSR, more than 200 camps were created for them, in which, according to various estimates, from 3 to 3.8 million prisoners of war and internees of the Nazi coalition worked

Tattoo Artist From Auschwitz - Alternative View

Tattoo Artist From Auschwitz - Alternative View

For more than half a century, Leil Sokolov kept his terrible secret. Only shortly before his death did he tell what he had been doing in the Auschwitz death camp. His detailed story was recorded by English journalist Heather Morris

The Gift Of Foresight By Edgar Poe - Alternative View

The Gift Of Foresight By Edgar Poe - Alternative View

In 1838, the American writer Edgar Poe wrote The Adventure Tale of Arthur Gordon Pym. It tells how, after a shipwreck, four survivors ended up on the high seas

The Riddle Of Human Feet: On The Coast Of British Columbia, Already Found The 14th Leg In A Boot - Alternative View

The Riddle Of Human Feet: On The Coast Of British Columbia, Already Found The 14th Leg In A Boot - Alternative View

Over the past 11 years (since 2007), 14 human feet in boots or sneakers have been found on the shores of British Columbia (Canada)

Creepy Nazi Experiments On Twins - Alternative View

Creepy Nazi Experiments On Twins - Alternative View

The twin phenomenon has long been viewed as vital to the study of genetics and behavior, as well as a broad spectrum in other areas such as hereditary diseases, genetics of obesity, the genetic basis of common

Games Of Ancient People - Alternative View

Games Of Ancient People - Alternative View

Ancient Egypt: the first board games While excavating ancient burials, scientists found unusual "boards" with holes, lines, and various patterns. Some finds of such objects were even in the burials of great people, princesses and pharaohs

From Magic To Science: Intriguing Rituals And Experiments By Alchemists - Alternative View

From Magic To Science: Intriguing Rituals And Experiments By Alchemists - Alternative View

There have been many rituals and magical practices in history, some of which are more bizarre than others

Pharaoh's Curse: Truth Or Beautiful Fiction? - Alternative View

Pharaoh's Curse: Truth Or Beautiful Fiction? - Alternative View

The Egyptians had to prepare carefully for life on the other side of death. Especially when it comes to the pharaohs - for them the concept of the necessary was particularly wide: in addition to the mummified body, everything that ensures a comfortable existence in the kingdom of the dead was placed in the tomb

Project "Mausoleum": The Secret Of Creating A Will Suppression Machine. Part Two - Alternative View

Project "Mausoleum": The Secret Of Creating A Will Suppression Machine. Part Two - Alternative View

Read the first part here. All peoples behave in a similar way - from the Chinese to the Jews, whose friendship and solidarity has long become a parable

Project "Mausoleum": The Secret Of Creating A Will Suppression Machine. Part One - Alternative View

Project "Mausoleum": The Secret Of Creating A Will Suppression Machine. Part One - Alternative View

In January 1924, the founder and leader of the Bolshevik state, V.I. Lenin. After negotiations between V. Zbarsky and Dzerzhinsky, it was decided to start embalming. Where did this unusual idea come from?