Secrets of history 2024, October

Myths About The NKVD Detachments - Alternative View

Myths About The NKVD Detachments - Alternative View

During the period of exposure of the "personality cult" among the Soviet intelligentsia, it became fashionable to spread rumors about the executioners of the NKVD, who shot in the backs of the Red Army men who were trying to escape from the battlefield

The Feat Of The Soldiers Of The 10th Division Of The NKVD - Alternative View

The Feat Of The Soldiers Of The 10th Division Of The NKVD - Alternative View

Of the non-combat forces, a special role during the period of the defense of Stalingrad was played by the NKVD troops, usually intended only to protect important facilities, maintain public order and state security in our territories, as well as for convoys

The Rise And Fall Of The "favorite Executioner". Who And Why Slandered Beria? - Alternative View

The Rise And Fall Of The "favorite Executioner". Who And Why Slandered Beria? - Alternative View

The historian of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Zhukov analyzed an article in a Spanish newspaper about Lavrentiy Beria and separated the historical truth from journalistic fiction. March 29 (O.S

The Amazing Secrets Of The "Golden Man" - Alternative View

The Amazing Secrets Of The "Golden Man" - Alternative View

"The Golden Man" - the most famous archaeological discovery in the history of Kazakhstan, which has become an integral part of the symbolism of our country, - over the past 45 years continues to excite the minds of scientists and ordinary people

Mysterious Ahnenerbe - The Third Reich In Search Of The Unexplained - Alternative View

Mysterious Ahnenerbe - The Third Reich In Search Of The Unexplained - Alternative View

Back in 1933, prof. Hermann Wirth organized a large exhibition called "Deutche Ananerbe" or "German Heritage", the professor at that time was a famous archaeologist and publicist, a scandalous article was published that someone other than Hermann Wirth discovered Atlantis itself, between Europe and America, on north of the Atlantic Ocean, roughly where Scandinavia and Canada diverge on the map

People's Commissar Yezhov - Biography. NKVD - "Yezhovschina" - Alternative View

People's Commissar Yezhov - Biography. NKVD - "Yezhovschina" - Alternative View

Nikolay Ivanovich Yezhov (born April 19 (May 1) 1895 - February 4, 1940

How "Ahnenerbe" Searched For Sannikov's Land - Alternative View

How "Ahnenerbe" Searched For Sannikov's Land - Alternative View

About a hundred years ago, archivists discovered ancient maps, from which it followed that they knew about Antarctica long before its discovery by Russian sailors.The map of Antarctica, compiled in 1513 by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, was shown to the public in 1929

Ahnenerbe: Secret Institute Of The Occult Sciences, Super Soldiers And Zombies Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Ahnenerbe: Secret Institute Of The Occult Sciences, Super Soldiers And Zombies Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Ahnenerbe is a secret institute of occult sciences, which united many scientists of fascist Germany, who, along with the ruling elite of the country, were remembered in history as great villains.The philosophy of the Second World War twisted into blood, the ruthlessness, the numerous secret projects of the organization with an ominous look at the same time bear the stamp of incomprehensible mystery and inexhaustible mystery

The Riddle Of Shambhala: Why Were The Occultists Of Ahnenerbe Interested In Its Secrets? - Alternative View

The Riddle Of Shambhala: Why Were The Occultists Of Ahnenerbe Interested In Its Secrets? - Alternative View

Dozens of expeditions were sent in search of the legendary country. It is believed that Shambhala has remained an impregnable mystical citadel. But some facts indicate that the members of Ernst Schaeffer's expedition managed to establish contact with the Great Mahatmas

Witches Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Witches Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Himmler, the founder of the SS and patron of the Ahnenerbe, believed in all seriousness that the woman who was the founder of his family was a witch who was burned at the stake. And the trials of witches, which very seriously affected Germany in the Middle Ages, he called nothing other than genocide of the German people

What Information Did Anenerbe Get And Where Did They Go? - Alternative View

What Information Did Anenerbe Get And Where Did They Go? - Alternative View

This organization existed in Germany for 10 years, starting in 1935. It was originally created to study German history with a serious consideration of alternative versions of history.I'm not sure exactly, but this is probably the only and largest government organization with a similar bias of all time

Written On The Board. Who And Why Is Trying To Unravel The Secrets Of The Nonexistent "Veles Book" - Alternative View

Written On The Board. Who And Why Is Trying To Unravel The Secrets Of The Nonexistent "Veles Book" - Alternative View

On December 29, the Russian film "Viking", which tells about the coming to power of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, is released on the screens of cinemas. "Veles's book" - allegedly the oldest written monument of the Slavs, created by the ancient wise men

Stalin Saved The Royal Family From Being Shot - Alternative View

Stalin Saved The Royal Family From Being Shot - Alternative View

The historian of the royal family Sergei Zhelenkov shed light on the facts that he found over a quarter of a century in closed and open archives, as told by the descendants of those who at the turn of the twentieth century were in the thick of events around the Romanovs

7 Most High-profile Hoaxes In History - Alternative View

7 Most High-profile Hoaxes In History - Alternative View

In the history of mankind, it happened more than once that grandiose discoveries that were praised by the scientific community turned out to be nothing more than dummies, and bright soap bubbles

Ethnographic Overview - Russia In The Second Half Of The 19th Century - Alternative View

Ethnographic Overview - Russia In The Second Half Of The 19th Century - Alternative View

The growth of industry in Russia began in the 1830s and 60s. After a slight decline in the 70s and 80s, in the 90s, industrial production began to rise especially intensively

Archaeologists Of Karelia Have Found A Settlement From The Times Of Ancient Egypt And A Stone Labyrinth - Alternative View

Archaeologists Of Karelia Have Found A Settlement From The Times Of Ancient Egypt And A Stone Labyrinth - Alternative View

The expedition of archaeologists of the KarRC RAS and Chupa local historians to the Louhsky district of Karelia has ended with a real scientific sensation

5 Most Scandalous Hoaxes In History - Alternative View

5 Most Scandalous Hoaxes In History - Alternative View

The most famous hoaxes in history. All people are divided into perhaps two groups. Some people love a wide variety of scandals and sensations, while others make money on this human weakness

Occult Wars Of The Kremlin. The Leader Joined The Secret Knowledge Through George Gurdjieff? - Alternative View

Occult Wars Of The Kremlin. The Leader Joined The Secret Knowledge Through George Gurdjieff? - Alternative View

The duration of Stalin's rule, which lasted nearly thirty years, is usually explained by material factors - - economic success, party unity, dictatorship of punitive bodies

The Mysterious Testament Of The Soviet Intelligence Agent Yakov Faivush - Alternative View

The Mysterious Testament Of The Soviet Intelligence Agent Yakov Faivush - Alternative View

In the fall of 1928, when the radio echo phenomenon was discovered in Europe, the first unidentified signal from space was received in the secret laboratory of the Intelligence Directorate of the Red Army of the USSR

Biography Of Anna Ioannovna - Alternative View

Biography Of Anna Ioannovna - Alternative View

The mystical secrets of Gurdjieff. Part Ten: Philosophy of Gurdjieff Anna Ioannovna (born January 28 (February 7) 1693 - death October 17 (28) 1740) Empress and Autocrat of All Russia from the Romanov dynasty

The Mystical Secrets Of Gogol - Alternative View

The Mystical Secrets Of Gogol - Alternative View

There are many brilliant names in the history of mankind, among which the great Russian writer of the 19th century Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809-1852) occupies a prominent place

The Secret Of The Origin Of The Snow Maiden. The Story Of The Snow Maiden. Who Is She And Where Did She Come From? - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Origin Of The Snow Maiden. The Story Of The Snow Maiden. Who Is She And Where Did She Come From? - Alternative View

Of course, our most beloved characters of the New Year's holiday are - this is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Mysterious And Mystical Dargavs - Alternative View

Mysterious And Mystical Dargavs - Alternative View

Not so long ago, the Armavir local branch of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) visited a strange and mysterious place in the North Caucasus called Dargavs, which is located in the Prigorodny region of North Ossetia-Alania

How The Germans Were Persuaded To Surrender - - Alternative View

How The Germans Were Persuaded To Surrender - - Alternative View

As you know, the war - it is not only about fighting. The tasks of psychological treatment of the enemy, his demoralization can lead to the desired results no worse than shelling or bombing

Zero Visibility - Alternative View

Zero Visibility - Alternative View

On the afternoon of August 11, 1979, two Tu-134A passenger airliners collided in dense clouds near the Ukrainian city of Dneprodzerzhinsk through the fault of dispatchers, killing 178 people, including the football players of the Tashkent Pakhtakor team

How Saltychikha Sat In Captivity - Alternative View

How Saltychikha Sat In Captivity - Alternative View

Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova - one of the most ruthless serial killers in Russian history. Given the scale of the deed, even life imprisonment, to which the criminal was sentenced, seems too lenient

Standartenfuehrer SS In Soviet Science - Alternative View

Standartenfuehrer SS In Soviet Science - Alternative View

A talented physicist. F. Ardenne was the favorite physicist of the Fuhrer. He had his own private laboratory near Berlin, which was generously funded by the Post Office for the German "Uranium-project" (Kerwaffenprojekt) 1938-1945. It is Manfred f

Visigoths - Alternative View

Visigoths - Alternative View

The political arena of the late 4th century The Western Roman Empire was literally torn apart by barbarian tribes

Dyatlov Pass. Do I Need A New Investigation - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass. Do I Need A New Investigation - Alternative View

Relatives of those killed at the Dyatlov pass are trying to get the ICR to initiate a criminal case. This topic was discussed by the guests and hosts of the information show “Events. Results of the Day”on OTV.- Salik.bizEverything is very difficultYuri Kuntsevich, President of the Dyatlov Group Memory Foundation: The materials that we have in our hands are not a case - the case is always registered in some kind of register, it has a clear number on it. If

What Did The Mansi Say About The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

What Did The Mansi Say About The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

The tragedy that happened over 60 years ago at the Dyatlov Pass continues to worry Russians. Professional investigators, historians, and public activists offer more and more new versions of the deaths of nine young people

"Kirzachi" Victory - Alternative View

"Kirzachi" Victory - Alternative View

Kirz boots - one of the symbols of the past

I Am Ready To Believe In Mysticism: Experts Are Shocked By The New Details Of The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

I Am Ready To Believe In Mysticism: Experts Are Shocked By The New Details Of The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

The researchers received new details in the investigation of the death of a group of tourists in the mountains of the Northern Urals after the exhumation of the bodies of one of the expedition members

Secret In The Clear. The Cultural Construction Of Mystery And Modernity - Alternative View

Secret In The Clear. The Cultural Construction Of Mystery And Modernity - Alternative View

We are used to thinking that we live in an “unenchanted world” where there are no secrets, but only secrets - information that someone is hiding from someone

Dyatlov Pass And "Maria Celeste": What Connects Them - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass And "Maria Celeste": What Connects Them - Alternative View

Two tragedies, which happened almost 90 years apart, seemed to develop according to the same scenario. Enthusiasts suspect aliens were involved in both tragedies

Mysticism And Secrets Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

Mysticism And Secrets Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

In the winter of 1959, nine tourists disappeared in the mountains of the Northern Urals under the leadership of Igor Dyatlov. A month later, rescuers found their tent cut open. And within a radius of one and a half kilometers from it - five frozen bodies. The corpses of the rest were found only in May

Clue: How The Death Of Tourists Occurred At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

Clue: How The Death Of Tourists Occurred At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

I think this version is final. It is based only on the materials of the criminal case, as well as on some conclusions and guesses. However, this is also a version, albeit quite sensational

Riddles In Photographs Taken By Igor Dyatlov's Group In 1959 - Alternative View

Riddles In Photographs Taken By Igor Dyatlov's Group In 1959 - Alternative View

The tragedy of Igor Dyatlov's group arouses deep interest even after 59 years. Entire communities have been created around this topic, there are various foundations and social groups. All of them are trying to solve the mystery of the tragic death of a group of Ural tourists

Photos Of A Nuclear Explosion Over Dyatlov Mountain In 1959! - Alternative View

Photos Of A Nuclear Explosion Over Dyatlov Mountain In 1959! - Alternative View

In the work on this material, I used photos from the site: I would like to express my warm gratitude to them for the informational support of the researchers of this topic. I found an incredible photo on the site

The Answer To The Strange Tattoo Of Semyon Zolotarev - Alternative View

The Answer To The Strange Tattoo Of Semyon Zolotarev - Alternative View

In the materials of the autopsy of the eldest of the group of tourists, it was said: "The fingers of the hands are bent. On the back of the right hand, at the base of the thumb, there is a tattoo of" Gena "

The Secret Archive Of The Investigator Of The Prosecutor's Office Korotaev, Sensational Photos Of Those Killed At The Dyatlov Pass! - Alternative View

The Secret Archive Of The Investigator Of The Prosecutor's Office Korotaev, Sensational Photos Of Those Killed At The Dyatlov Pass! - Alternative View

The tragedy that happened at the Dyatlov pass in 1959 can be disclosed. Moreover, I think that the investigators initially knew much more than they reflected in the criminal case