Secrets of history 2024, October

Cannibal Butterfly. The Real Killer Of Students At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

Cannibal Butterfly. The Real Killer Of Students At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

The secrets of the Dyatlov pass are no more! Man-eating butterflies were spotted in Ukraine in 1989. One even managed to be shot in Odessa. 2 butterflies attacked the family, tried to drag the child away, but the attack was repulsed by the father with a 12 gauge hunting rifle

Dyatlov's Group Died Because Of An Avalanche From Mount Otorten ?! The Answer To The Last Photo - Alternative View

Dyatlov's Group Died Because Of An Avalanche From Mount Otorten ?! The Answer To The Last Photo - Alternative View

Now that the journalists have arranged the exhumation of the ashes of Semyon Zolotarev, you can talk about the mystery of the 1959 tragedy, talk in more detail. First of all, talk about which photo was last taken by the group

Catacombs Of The Capuchins - Alternative View

Catacombs Of The Capuchins - Alternative View

The Capuchin catacombs are under the Convento dei Cappuccini monastery in Palermo, Italy

Monomakh's Hat - Khan's Gift - Alternative View

Monomakh's Hat - Khan's Gift - Alternative View

There is hardly a person who has not heard of Monomakh's hat - a sacred relic of the Russian tsars. However, historians have found that its antiquity is greatly exaggerated.- Salik.bizAutocracy symbolMonomakh's cap was crowned with the kingdom of Russian rulers starting with Ivan the Terrible

A Crown As A Gift - Alternative View

A Crown As A Gift - Alternative View

Catherine II spared nothing for her lovers, generously distributing titles and money to them. And Stanislav Poniatowski was given a Polish crown by the empress. True, as I gave it, I took it away

Secrets Of The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

There are legends about the lost library of Ivan the Terrible.Some believe that it contained the largest collection of various manuscripts and books at that time, others say that the library is nothing more than a myth created in order to raise the prestige of the king

About The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

About The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

One of the main treasuries of ancient Russian culture, which the falsifiers of history could not reach, is undoubtedly the library of Ivan the Terrible, which was hidden by the tsar, who foresaw the attempts of the Jesuits to get to it. Therefore, it still poses a great danger to the entire "official" history, which was rewritten over several centuries under the direct leadership of the Vatican

Where To Find The Library Of Ivan The Terrible? - Alternative View

Where To Find The Library Of Ivan The Terrible? - Alternative View

It is difficult to find such a person who has not heard about the famous library of Ivan the Terrible. However, all information about it exists only at the level of rumors and legends

Where Is The Ivan The Terrible Library Located? - Alternative View

Where Is The Ivan The Terrible Library Located? - Alternative View

One of the main mysteries of Russian history for several centuries haunts scientists and seekers of ancient treasures - "Liberia", the famous library of Ivan the Terrible

The Lost Masterpieces Of The Library Of Alexandria - Alternative View

The Lost Masterpieces Of The Library Of Alexandria - Alternative View

The famous Egyptian Alexandria, as you know, was built by Alexander the Great, who wanted it to become a scientific center, a city in which all the greatest minds would gather.And for these ancient geniuses, a magnificent library was created, with large halls and rooms for the work of scientists

The Fate Of The Legendary Liberia - Alternative View

The Fate Of The Legendary Liberia - Alternative View

The library, which belonged to Ivan the Terrible, the legendary Liberia, has been unsuccessfully searched for by scientists for over 400 years. It is believed that most of the valuable folios that fell into the hands of Ivan the Terrible were originally in the library of Constantinople (now Istanbul), which was taken out of the city in 1453 and given to the Pope for safekeeping

Excavations In The Moscow Kremlin In 2019: First Results - Alternative View

Excavations In The Moscow Kremlin In 2019: First Results - Alternative View

Excavations in the Great Kremlin Square were started by the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in May 2019 with the aim of studying cultural strata on the high root terrace of the Moskva River, in the immediate vicinity of Cathedral Square

Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Ivan the Terrible possessed a truly unique library in which there were thousands of the rarest books, even for that time, among which were the works of ancient Roman and ancient Greek scientists and the most advanced minds of those times

Interesting Facts About The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The legend is widely known that the Russian tsars had a huge library, which for many years was made up of books acquired in different countries of the world and received as a gift from foreign ambassadors

Is It Possible To Find The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Is It Possible To Find The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

For several centuries, enthusiasts and adventurers have been unsuccessfully searching for the library of Ivan the Terrible - the mysterious "liber è yu". Serious scientists are convincing that searches are meaningless. But hope still remains

Liberation: Is There A Secret Library Of Ivan The Terrible, Which Everyone Has Been Looking For For 400 Years? - Alternative View

Liberation: Is There A Secret Library Of Ivan The Terrible, Which Everyone Has Been Looking For For 400 Years? - Alternative View

For more than 500 years, there have been rumors about the existence of a certain lost library, which consists of unique ancient texts. It belonged to Ivan the Terrible and bore the name of Liberia

Underground Base At The Bottom Of The Well - Alternative View

Underground Base At The Bottom Of The Well - Alternative View

In a dilapidated church that stands in one of the "bear corners" of Estonia, there is a fresco depicting a "flying saucer"

The Amber Room And Other Lost Relics Of Russia - Alternative View

The Amber Room And Other Lost Relics Of Russia - Alternative View

The disappearances of Russia's great relics are shrouded in secrets

In Kazakhstan, Archaeologists Have Found Gold Of The Saka Period - Alternative View

In Kazakhstan, Archaeologists Have Found Gold Of The Saka Period - Alternative View

Gold jewelry of the Saka period was discovered by archaeologists in the Akmola region of Kazakhstan. A group of archaeological students under the guidance of a senior lecturer of the department of ENU named after

"The Little Prince" Peter II: Fatal Facts - Alternative View

"The Little Prince" Peter II: Fatal Facts - Alternative View

Peter II, born October 23, 1715, was not the fruit of the happy love of his parents - Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and the German princess Sophia-Charlotte of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. Hence all the troubles of the life of the "little prince"

Killers From The Fourth Dimension - Alternative View

Killers From The Fourth Dimension - Alternative View

This story began in August 2003. The criminal pages of almost all leading American newspapers were occupied for more than a week by the more than mysterious death of Wilhelm Herder

Shot From The Fourth Dimension - Alternative View

Shot From The Fourth Dimension - Alternative View

This happened in 2003, in his office, a wealthy and influential US citizen, ninety-two-year-old Wilhelm Herder, was killed with two shots

What Do The Colors Of The Russian Flag Mean? - Alternative View

What Do The Colors Of The Russian Flag Mean? - Alternative View

If you probably have some idea about the history of the flag (well, like Peter the first decided to use it), then you still know why there are three colors and why are the colors exactly like that? Can you answer clearly? If not, then I suggest you find out

In Search Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

In Search Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

But here is the Grail the cup of the grail In what way could you, a sinner, learn about him? Only in heaven was it determined who dares to know about the Grail. Why would you be so honored to know that the Holy Grail is ?

In Search Of The Legendary King Arthur - Alternative View

In Search Of The Legendary King Arthur - Alternative View

Archaeologists are getting closer and closer to unraveling the true story of King Arthur - hero of numerous legends. When will historians be able to answer the question whether such a monarch really lived?

Scientists Have Found Out The Origin Of The Legendary King Arthur - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out The Origin Of The Legendary King Arthur - Alternative View

A Latin chronicle of the 9th century has opened the veil of secrecy over the existence of the legendary King Arthur

An Artifact From Ancient Babylon Contains A More Accurate Trigonometric Table - Alternative View

An Artifact From Ancient Babylon Contains A More Accurate Trigonometric Table - Alternative View

The Babylonian clay tablet, created 3,700 years ago, contains a more accurate trigonometric table than modern mathematicians use today

The Legendary Sword Of King Arthur - Alternative View

The Legendary Sword Of King Arthur - Alternative View

Excalibur is the sword of King Arthur, which has often been credited with amazing and magical properties. Today we will tell the legend about him in the words of Thomas Malory, the author of the famous "Death of Arthur"

The Mystery Of The Death Of The "smiling Pope" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of The "smiling Pope" - Alternative View

When Albino Luciani, a modest, shy man who could not boast of a successful career in the Vatican, was elected head of the Roman Catholic Church on August 26, 1978, the cardinals in the papal conclave were as surprised as he was

Forgotten Riddle Of The Arctic - Alternative View

Forgotten Riddle Of The Arctic - Alternative View

At the beginning of the twentieth century, there were many "blank spots" on the world's geographical maps. One of the "whitest" was the Arctic, into whose possession travelers were not eagerly eager as in the tropics hung with bananas

So Who Started World War II? Only Facts - Alternative View

So Who Started World War II? Only Facts - Alternative View

Come on, let's figure out who started the Second World War, huh?But now, absolutely serious.- Salik.bizThe points.1) 03/17/1938, the Soviet Union officially announced that it was ready to defend Czechoslovakia from German aggression.nThe statement was made to the Ambassador of Czechoslovakia, as well as in Paris and London

The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Aircraft L-1049 57 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Aircraft L-1049 57 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Bermuda Triangle is considered an anomalous place where equipment breaks down and sometimes planes and ships disappear, but this is difficult to explain from the point of view of science

10 Famous Prison Escapes - Alternative View

10 Famous Prison Escapes - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 20th century, prisoners' shoots became common. Although, of course, prisons have never been 100 percent reliable. Introducing the top ten loudest escapes

The Inexplicable Disappearance Of Frederic Valentich - Alternative View

The Inexplicable Disappearance Of Frederic Valentich - Alternative View

A 20-year-old pilot, named Frederic Valentich, was flying time to obtain a pilot's license. He took off in his single-engine Cessna 182 from Kingfield airfield (Australia), but unfortunately did not return. Melbourne ATC received a series of messages from the pilot, after which his plane mysteriously disappeared from all radars

A Strange War That Destroyed Almost The Entire Male Population Of The Country - Alternative View

A Strange War That Destroyed Almost The Entire Male Population Of The Country - Alternative View

War has always been among the bloody and most serious pursuits. And all the same, history knows conflicts in which some of the events cause, if not a smile, then some bewilderment, since the main participants commit the most ridiculous, inexplicable acts, which makes the campaign turn into a farce, into a cruel parody

150 Years Of The Ku Klux Klan - Alternative View

150 Years Of The Ku Klux Klan - Alternative View

The Ku Klux Klan (Ku - Klux - Klan) has always been associated with something sinister and menacing, responding to the intentions of its creators

Ideas Of Nikola Tesla Were Appropriated By Contemporaries, And Employers Refused To Pay - Alternative View

Ideas Of Nikola Tesla Were Appropriated By Contemporaries, And Employers Refused To Pay - Alternative View

Probably everyone has heard about who Nikola Tesla is. The name of the scientist, inventor and "master of electricity" during his lifetime was overgrown with various rumors and details. And there were reasons for that. Tesla lived in solitude, did not communicate with women, preferred pigeons to people and spent most of his time in laboratories

Why In The 19th Century In Russia, Instead Of Stone Roads, They Began To Make Wooden - Alternative View

Why In The 19th Century In Russia, Instead Of Stone Roads, They Began To Make Wooden - Alternative View

Roads in Russia have always been difficult, as well as logistics in general. Providing the country with quality roads was considered a challenge for a variety of reasons. Until the 19th century, the road surface in the empire was made mainly of cobblestones

How "Count Cagliostro" Helped Popov Radio Invent - Alternative View

How "Count Cagliostro" Helped Popov Radio Invent - Alternative View

Spy, magician and magician: for whom the greatest medium in the history of mankind worked.The bright sun floods the room. Only a narrow window is open in the window. There are dozens of people in the room. They surrounded a man in strange clothes, reminiscent of a medieval troubadour, in a semicircle

About Jacob's Stone - Alternative View

About Jacob's Stone - Alternative View

This series is about the stone on which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for seven centuries. In 1296 he was kidnapped from the Scots by Edward I. Even earlier, the Scots brought him from Ireland to their capital Skun