About The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

About The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View
About The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Video: About The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Video: About The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View
Video: Ivan the Terrible - The First Tsar of Russia 2024, October

One of the main treasuries of ancient Russian culture, which the falsifiers of history could not reach, is undoubtedly the library of Ivan the Terrible, which was hidden by the tsar, who foresaw the attempts of the Jesuits to get to it. Therefore, it still poses a great danger to the entire "official" history, which was rewritten over several centuries under the direct leadership of the Vatican. That is why this library is a real heritage of our culture, a repository of authentic Old Russian (and not only Old Russian) written sources, including pre-Christian ones.

Here is what the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov writes about this library in his book "The Leader's Secret Project":

In order to take possession of this library, the Masons even substituted Peter I during his trip with the embassy in Western Europe. But the servants of darkness could not find out anything about her whereabouts from the members of the embassy, and the false Peter did not stop looking for her on the territory of Russia until the end of his life. And although the crabs managed to collect many ancient books from the monasteries and transport many of them to the Vatican, they still have not been able to get to the king's library.

Even now, the time for the opening of the library has not yet come, since the servants of darkness still represent a real force in our country, controlling part of the government and law enforcement agencies. Of course, keepers know better when to begin the disclosure process. But personally, I think that this will happen within the next 10 years. Moreover, even without the help of this library, an increasing number of independent researchers and even professional historians (from among those who do not serve the parasitic system) are beginning to reveal to us pieces of knowledge about our true history. And, someday from these separate puzzles we will be able to recreate a complete picture of our past.

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