Secrets of history 2024, October

"Unknown" Russian Heroes - Alternative View

"Unknown" Russian Heroes - Alternative View

If you ask the average person in our country to name the names of Russian heroes, you will almost certainly be named Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. But then - hitch

Stepan Razin: The Life And Death Of The Brave Chieftain - Alternative View

Stepan Razin: The Life And Death Of The Brave Chieftain - Alternative View

Stenka Razin is the hero of the song, a violent robber who drowned the Persian princess in a fit of jealousy. Here's everything most people know about him. And all this is not true, myth

Stepan Razin - Uprising Or War Against Invaders - Alternative View

Stepan Razin - Uprising Or War Against Invaders - Alternative View

Under Alexei Mikhailovich, a rebellion broke out in Russia in 1667, which was later called the uprising of Stepan Razin. This rebellion is also called the peasant war. The official version is as follows

Daugavpils, She Is The Dinaburg Fortress - Alternative View

Daugavpils, She Is The Dinaburg Fortress - Alternative View

Daugavpils, the second largest city in Latvia, is located on the Daugava (Western Dvina) river in the southeastern part of the republic, 232 km from the capital city of Riga. The city has repeatedly changed its name Dinaburg (1275), Borisoglebsk (1656-1667), Dvinsk (1893-1920), Daugavpils (since 1920)

Pig Island, Visited By Stepan Razin: The Unsolved Mystery Of The Caspian, Which Is Still Being Argued About Today - Alternative View

Pig Island, Visited By Stepan Razin: The Unsolved Mystery Of The Caspian, Which Is Still Being Argued About Today - Alternative View

This small island in the Caspian Sea, part of the Baku archipelago, is located 20 kilometers from Cape Byandovan, south of Baku. At first glance, there is nothing remarkable about this island

Homo Sapiens - The Result Of Evolution, Or An Inhabitant Of The Space Zoo? - Alternative View

Homo Sapiens - The Result Of Evolution, Or An Inhabitant Of The Space Zoo? - Alternative View

Who are our ancestors? Extinct Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons officially recognized by science, biblical Adam and Eve, or the so-called brothers in mind

Charles De Gaulle: Avoiding The Use Of The Dollar - Alternative View

Charles De Gaulle: Avoiding The Use Of The Dollar - Alternative View

In April 1969, amid student unrest that escalated into major strikes, President de Gaulle was forced to resign. The situation looks more than strange, since these "popular indignations" began during the period of economic growth in France. Who and how did the founder of the Fifth Republic interfere?

Who Are The Russians? Where Did The Russian Land Come From? - Alternative View

Who Are The Russians? Where Did The Russian Land Come From? - Alternative View

Rus was revived a hundred times, and a hundred times was defeated from midnight to noon (from north to south) …- Salik.bizAnd then we came to this place and settled in the Russian Lands as firemen. And so two darkness passed, twenty thousand years …"Book of Veles", Genus I, 1 Where are we from? How

Small League Terrorist - Alternative View

Small League Terrorist - Alternative View

In world history, there were many mentally ill people who shed someone else's blood for wild ideas that were born in their unhealthy heads, but even among them, Peter Volynsky looks like an original. Peter Volynsky was born in Krasnodar in 1939

$ 100,000 Banknote - Alternative View

$ 100,000 Banknote - Alternative View

This is not a fake, but quite real banknote

The Novgorod Magi Quote The Bible: 6 Oddities Of The Veles Book - Alternative View

The Novgorod Magi Quote The Bible: 6 Oddities Of The Veles Book - Alternative View

Let us analyze today very briefly the oddities of the B (e) forest book (for short - VK), which has many fans, although the official science is not taken seriously.I'll start from afar, with The Lay of Igor's Host. This text, on the contrary, attracted close attention of scientists

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Mansi's Revenge Version - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Mansi's Revenge Version - Alternative View

In this article, I want to start considering the versions of who could have killed the guys from the Dyatlov group. And let's start with the Mansi related version

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: There Is One Plausible Version - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: There Is One Plausible Version - Alternative View

Famous psychologist Anna Kiryanova on the solution to the incident 60 years ago. It would seem that in the mysterious death of the legendary Dyatlov group, there is not a single free version

Dyatlov Group. A Few Words About Zolotarev - Alternative View

Dyatlov Group. A Few Words About Zolotarev - Alternative View

Studying the case of the death of the Dyatlov group, you come across many incomprehensible moments. But, perhaps, most of all the mysteries are associated with the personality of Zolotarev. Already starting with his name. In the protocol of the examination of the body, he was named Alexander, although in reality he was Semyon

Dyatlov Group. And Again Everything About Him, About Zolotarev - Alternative View

Dyatlov Group. And Again Everything About Him, About Zolotarev - Alternative View

The figure of Zolotarev in the death of the Dyatlov group causes a lot of controversy. And this is easy to explain. It is with him that many incomprehensible moments are associated, starting with the biography and the strange desire to go on a hike with the Dyatlov group, ending with the presence of incomprehensible tattoos

A New Version Of The Death Of The Group At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

A New Version Of The Death Of The Group At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

Chemical precipitation as the cause of death of students in the Northern Urals.In February 1959, a group of ski tourists, consisting of nine students and graduates of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, died in the Northern Urals.- Salik.bizSearch and rescue teams found a tent of tourists on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl

The Prosecutor General's Office Will Sort Out The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

The Prosecutor General's Office Will Sort Out The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation intends to check the most likely versions of the death of a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov, which occurred on the night of February 1 to 2, 1959

New Details In The Case Of The Tragedy Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

New Details In The Case Of The Tragedy Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

In the studio of the talk show "Let the Talk" presented new details of the investigation of the mysterious death of tourists at the Dyatlov Pass in 1959

The Prosecutor General's Office Of Russia Resumes Investigation Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

The Prosecutor General's Office Of Russia Resumes Investigation Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation resumes investigation into the circumstances of the death of a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov in the mountains of the Northern Urals in 1959

The Secret Of A Photograph From The Archive Of Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

The Secret Of A Photograph From The Archive Of Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

I found this photo in an archive with posthumous photographs of tourists. All photographs were taken in the morgue where the autopsy was performed. The photo was placed in this archive by accident, initially it was on the camera of one of the participants in the ill-fated campaign

The Answer To The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. She Turned Out To Be A Sensational - Alternative View

The Answer To The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. She Turned Out To Be A Sensational - Alternative View

Lately, I have hardly spoken about the 1959 tragedy. The reason for this was the incredible amount of nonsense published in the media, a huge number of researchers with different theories appeared, useless experiments were carried out by the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region, made by them together with journalists from federal TV channels

Found Mysterious Balls In Photographs Taken By Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

Found Mysterious Balls In Photographs Taken By Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

The death of the Dyatlov group can be unraveled all your life. As did, for example, the late Maya Piskareva, who wrote on the site But even then life will not be enough, something to prove or learn

The Story Of One Stone - Alternative View

The Story Of One Stone - Alternative View

In the 70s, geologists found a huge stone in Kazakhstan, barely sticking out of the ground, entirely covered with ancient runic letters. The news was sensational, the local scientific community was jubilant! Still - there was found indisputable evidence of the presence of ancient writing among the Kazakhs

Ernesto Che Guevara - Biography Of The Revolutionary - Alternative View

Ernesto Che Guevara - Biography Of The Revolutionary - Alternative View

When the body of the executed Che Guevara was put on public display, the peasants, who considered the revolutionary an almost fantastic creature, tried to tear off pieces from his clothes and cut off the locks of hair for talismans. And to the executioners, the figure of the murdered Che reminded the crucified Christ

Treasures That Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

Treasures That Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

Everyone dreams of finding a treasure and getting rich overnight. This is supported by numerous stories of lost treasures that have not yet been found

How People Were Treated In The 19th Century. 12 Illustrations That Are Truly Shocking! - Alternative View

How People Were Treated In The 19th Century. 12 Illustrations That Are Truly Shocking! - Alternative View

I don’t know about you, but I have always admired doctors. If, of course, these are the same doctors who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the health of others, and not people in white coats who want to enrich themselves at the expense of other people's problems

The English Ship "Miranda" Destroys The City Of Kola, The Capital Of Russian Lapland On August 23, 1854 - Alternative View

The English Ship "Miranda" Destroys The City Of Kola, The Capital Of Russian Lapland On August 23, 1854 - Alternative View

During the attack of the British frigate "Miranda" in 1854 during the Crimean War, the city of Kola was almost completely destroyed. The destruction of an outstanding monument of Russian wooden architecture - the Resurrection Cathedral - was a particularly heavy loss

How And Why Did The Americans In 1947 Drown Equipment Worth Millions Of Dollars In The Pacific Ocean - - Alternative View

How And Why Did The Americans In 1947 Drown Equipment Worth Millions Of Dollars In The Pacific Ocean - - Alternative View

This place is often referred to as a monument to political greed. More than 70 years have passed since the events described took place.The New Hebrides Archipelago, on the 83 islands of which the state of Vanuatu is currently located, has been jointly owned by England and France since 1906

The Origin Of The Russian People - Alternative View

The Origin Of The Russian People - Alternative View

Versions about the origin of the Russian people and the hypothesis of what our history was like at the very beginning are still striking in their diversity and unexpected assumptions

On The Origins Of Betrayal And Corruption In The Russian "elite" - Alternative View

On The Origins Of Betrayal And Corruption In The Russian "elite" - Alternative View

With the creation of the Romanov Empire, Russia was flooded with "specialists" of all ranks from "civilized" Europe, from scientists to military mercenaries. Part of the current pro-Western "elite" are the descendants of those foreigners who settled in our country at that time

The Holy Grail And The Bowl Of Buddha. The Roerich Family - Alternative View

The Holy Grail And The Bowl Of Buddha. The Roerich Family - Alternative View

In many legends about the Treasure of the World, the Stone is identified with the Holy Grail. According to some ideas, the Grail is the sacred Chalice, from which Christ, together with his disciples, received Holy Communion during the Last Supper

The Frozen Secrets Of The Reich: What The Nazis Were Looking For In The Soviet Arctic - Alternative View

The Frozen Secrets Of The Reich: What The Nazis Were Looking For In The Soviet Arctic - Alternative View

Several wooden piles sticking out of the snow, half-rotted tarpaulin of tents, cans and rusty parts of scientific equipment - for today, this is all that remains of the German meteorological station "Kladoiskatel" (German

The Story Of The First Black Samurai - Alternative View

The Story Of The First Black Samurai - Alternative View

In Japanese historical chronicles, there is a lot of information about a dark-skinned warrior named Yasuke. He was described as a formidable giant with a strength equal to ten. This man managed to go through a difficult path from an African slave to a respected samurai

A Soldier's Flask Told An Amazing Love Story Of A Russian Prisoner Of War - Alternative View

A Soldier's Flask Told An Amazing Love Story Of A Russian Prisoner Of War - Alternative View

This soldier's flask was discovered in 2006 by Polish search engines at the site of a German concentration camp in the city of Czersk (during the First World War it was the territory of Prussia)

The Historical Roots Of The Russian People - Alternative View

The Historical Roots Of The Russian People - Alternative View

School textbooks on the history of the ancient world are hopelessly outdated. Today all professionals admit it. And, first of all, archaeologists. However, even Mikhailo Lomonosov wrote that the history of Russia has the greatest roots

Dyatlov Pass: A New Investigation By The First Channel - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass: A New Investigation By The First Channel - Alternative View

Historian and archival researcher Yevgeniy Karpuk took part in the show "Let Them Talk" on Channel One. On the air of the program, the scientist presented his book "There is no evidence of a crime", which tells about the tragedy at the Dyatlov pass

Bikini Atoll. Genocide In White Gloves. Deportation - Alternative View

Bikini Atoll. Genocide In White Gloves. Deportation - Alternative View

Bikini Atoll is known for two things: nuclear testing and the women's swimsuit of the same name. However, few people know that Bikini was the site of one of the most cynical acts of genocide of the mid-20th century. After all, the Bikini atoll was not uninhabited, a tribe of Bikinians lived on it safely and peacefully, who from ancient times were engaged in copra and fishing

Ignatievskaya Cave - Stone Age Art Gallery - Alternative View

Ignatievskaya Cave - Stone Age Art Gallery - Alternative View

In the south of the Ural Mountains in the Chelyabinsk region, seven kilometers from the village of Serpievka, there is one of the three most famous caves in Russia

Blood And Death: The Vague History Of The Russian Adventurer - Alternative View

Blood And Death: The Vague History Of The Russian Adventurer - Alternative View

Ivan Isaevich Bolotnikov - quite a mysterious person in Russian history. His life is like an adventure romance. And he was, apparently, a thawed adventurer

Arabs About The Slavs - Alternative View

Arabs About The Slavs - Alternative View

The ancient Muslim East attached great importance to the purity of the body. The more interesting is the testimony of the Arabs authoritative in this regard: "The country of the Slavs is flat and wooded, and they live in it. And they have no vineyards and arable fields