The Answer To The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. She Turned Out To Be A Sensational - Alternative View

The Answer To The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. She Turned Out To Be A Sensational - Alternative View
The Answer To The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. She Turned Out To Be A Sensational - Alternative View

Video: The Answer To The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. She Turned Out To Be A Sensational - Alternative View

Video: The Answer To The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. She Turned Out To Be A Sensational - Alternative View
Video: Two theories for an unsolved Soviet mystery 2024, July

Lately, I have hardly spoken about the 1959 tragedy. The reason for this was the incredible amount of nonsense published in the media, a huge number of researchers with different theories appeared, useless experiments were carried out by the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region, made by them together with journalists from federal TV channels.

After observing all this, I decided to resume my investigation. Moreover, now I have very serious evidence. So:

The main result of the expedition of prosecutors and journalists to the Dyatlov Pass, for me personally, was expected. It turned out that even in March, none of the researchers dared to go down the slope. Especially in socks and without shoes. It turned out (interestingly, did they think otherwise?) That you can go down only by breaking all your legs. Moreover, it was impossible to do this in a group of people, as indicated in the materials of the criminal case. Therefore, the natural experiment was transferred to Nizhny Tagil, on the slope of Belaya Mountain (this is a well-known sports complex). It turned out that the experiment of the prosecutor's office completely failed. So, it is possible not to take into account its results, regardless of what will be published by them in the final investigation.

Experts who were on the expedition, together with journalists from one federal publication, came to the conclusion that the wounded people could not move independently. In addition, they agreed that people from Dyatlov's group were severely beaten, tortured, and then simply finished off. Of course, they did not publicly disclose the fact that these conclusions were drawn by me a year ago. However, this was expected of them.

A married couple of famous journalists, after these conclusions, very quickly "disappeared" from the information space of the Runet. Personally, I think it happened due to the fact that their "conclusions" were not liked by the prosecutors, who wanted to attribute the deaths to natural factors.

It is now clear to me that the 1959 criminal case was initially falsified. If someone thinks that the second case was "secret" then he is mistaken, there was not. Why did I decide that? I just looked closely at the criminal case without a number.

And I began to study with these photos: they are well described in the criminal case. “Having used the daylight hours to climb to the top of“1079”, in conditions of strong wind, which is common in this area, and a low temperature of about 25-30 ° C, Dyatlov found himself in unfavorable conditions for spending the night and decided to pitch a tent on the slope of the summit“1079 "so that in the morning of the next day, without losing altitude, go to Mount Otorten, to which it was about 10 km in a straight line. One of the cameras preserved a frame (taken by the last), which depicts the moment of excavation of snow to set up a tent. Considering that this frame was taken with a shutter speed of I / 25 sec., With an aperture of 5.6 with a film sensitivity of 65 U. GOST, and also taking into account the density of the frame, it can be assumed that the tourists started setting up the tent at about 5 pm on I. II.59. A similar picture was taken with another camera."

Now let's look at these photos. We will not consider people, as it is not interesting. It is impossible to describe them, since they are wrapped in clothes, in addition, they are wearing masks. We will not read the studies of academic woodpeckers from different forums, in view of their obvious delusionalism. I will even say that in these figures they see some specific people, but, as it seems to me, this is already a clinic. Nobody knows the people in the photo. Maybe it's the Dyatlovites themselves, or maybe not them.

Promotional video:

Another thing is interesting in the picture. The photo shows skis, backpacks and ski poles. Pay attention to two wide skis, a ski pole next to them, and a backpack with felt boots. Now let's move on to the photographs of the search work. The moment the tent was discovered. This event is mentioned in the criminal case. “On 28.02.59, the prosecutor of Ivdel, junior counselor of justice Tempalov in the presence of attesting witnesses: Comrade Maslennikov and Brusnitsin Vadim Dmitrievich, having lived, Sverdlovsk, Sheinkman st., No. III, apt. 31, Mikhail Petrovich Sharavin, lived. Sverdlovsk, Vtuzgorodok, building 9, room number 201, Kurikov Stepan Nikolaevich, lived. Ivdel district, Suevat Paun settlement, drew up this protocol on the discovery of the overnight place of the Dyatlov group of tourists. The place to stay for the night is on the North-Eastern slope of height 1079 at the headwaters of the Auspiya river. The overnight place is 300 m.from the top of the mountain 1079 with a slope of 30 °. The place to stay for the night is a snow-leveled area with 8 pairs of skis at the bottom. The tent is stretched out on ski poles, fixed with ropes, 9 backpacks with various personal belongings of the group members were sent out at the bottom of the tent, quilted jackets, storm boots were sent from above, 9 pairs of boots in their heads, men's trousers, also three pairs of felt boots were found, warm fur jackets were also found, socks, hat, ski caps, dishes, buckets, stove, axes, saw, blankets, food: crackers in two bags, condensed milk, sugar, concentrates, notebooks, a route plan and many other small things and documents and a camera and accessories the camera ".fixed with ropes, 9 backpacks with various personal belongings of the group members were sent out at the bottom of the tent, quilted jackets, storm-troopers were sent from above, 9 pairs of boots in their heads, men's trousers were also found, also three pairs of felt boots, warm fur jackets, socks, a hat, ski hats were also found, dishes, buckets, stove, axes, saw, blankets, food: crackers in two bags, condensed milk, sugar, concentrates, notebooks, a route plan and many other small things and documents and a camera and camera accessories. "fixed with ropes, 9 backpacks with various personal belongings of the group members were sent out at the bottom of the tent, quilted jackets, storm-troopers were sent from above, 9 pairs of boots in their heads, men's trousers were also found, also three pairs of felt boots, warm fur jackets, socks, a hat, ski hats were also found, dishes, buckets, stove, axes, saw, blankets, food: crackers in two bags, condensed milk, sugar, concentrates, notebooks, a route plan and many other small things and documents and a camera and camera accessories. "blankets, food: crackers in two bags, condensed milk, sugar, concentrates, notebooks, a route plan and many other small things and documents, and a camera and camera accessories. "blankets, food: crackers in two bags, condensed milk, sugar, concentrates, notebooks, a route plan and many other small things and documents, and a camera and camera accessories."

There are only two skis in the photo of the tent itself. In other pictures, the tent is removed, and things and skis from under it are placed. And here we are in for a surprise. The skis and poles are arranged in almost the same way as it was in the photograph of Dyatlov's group (where they are digging snow). In particular, there are two wide skis, a ski pole and a backpack with felt boots in the same place. True, the boots are no longer visible in it. How so ?! The skis lay under the tent, the backpack was pulled out and thrown out of the tent. Why are they in the same order? I will talk about this a little later.

Now about the ski poles. In Igor Dyatlov's group there were only bamboo sticks. The cheapest, but quite durable. The photographs in the criminal case show that a pair of aluminum ski poles are standing in the snow. Very rare, usually they were brought from the GDR or Poland. The Dyatlovites did not have such. Where are they from? And everything turned out to be very simple. Some of them definitely belong to Prosecutor Tempalov. He leans against them in the photo. Then these very sticks, in the same position, will appear in the criminal case together with things from the tent.

Now let's go back to the photo of digging a hole under the tent. In the very corner, you can clearly see that there is a metal probe with a handle (it was with this probe that they were looking for corpses in the snow). Igor Dyatlov's group definitely could not have them. Then where is he from in the photo?

Everything is very simple. There has never been a tent on the side of the mountain. The photo of the digging hole was taken with the group's camera, obviously. But the Dyatlovites did not make it. And they weren't in the pictures either. These photographs recorded the digging of a hole, then a tent was laid out there, apparently without even setting it up on stretchers. Since in the photo, in a criminal case, she just lies in the snow. Although, and this was proven during the 2019 experiment, the tent would be covered with snow and it would have to be dug out. But none of this happened, which in itself is incredible.

The skis were there as they were at the tent. Therefore, in the pictures they stand exactly where they were recorded in the photograph, allegedly taken by the Dyatlov group. I cannot prove it documented, since too much time has passed, but it seems to me that we are dealing with a banal falsification. And even today, those who were initially aware of this are still alive. Well, or, perhaps, arrived there after all the photos were taken. The photographs, both attributed to Dyatlov's group and those in the criminal case, were taken by the same people. Made for the purpose of falsifying the location of the tent. The very same tent, by the way, many researchers say about this, stood at the place where the so-called. "Flooring" from branches. Why it was moved, I will tell you tomorrow, as I found some evidence on this topic.

The most important thing. There was no fight on the side of the mountain. Since no one would have been able to stay there under the yoke of a strong, winter wind. The Dyatlovites set up a tent in the right place, they even made a fire. It was here that they were completely attacked. Those who moved the tent simply covered up a felony. I will tell you the reasons for this a little later.

My findings. What did the prosecutor not do (did)?

1) Did not compile mandatory photos of the location of the incident. All the photos were taken by him after the tent was dismantled, and the things were taken out of it.

2) I left my ski poles in the place where the tent was found. Which is unacceptable.

3) Has something to do with falsification (this is just my guess) of a photograph taken by Dyatlov's group while digging a hole in the snow.

4) Perhaps an attempt to open a tent was filmed on the camera of the Dyatlovites. Then this was done already during the search. By the way, then it will be clear why the skis are in the same place. It is unclear why this photograph is attributed to tourists. What for?

In general, there are more questions than answers. But it is obvious that there is an obvious falsification in the criminal case.


Valentin Degterev
