Secrets of history 2024, October

Humans May Have Reached South America More Than 20 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Humans May Have Reached South America More Than 20 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

The age of stone tools found in a Brazilian rock shelter is estimated at 22 thousand years. This again suggests that ancient people reached America long before the famous hunters of the North American Clovis culture, which existed about 13 thousand

The Myth Of Compulsory Primary Education In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

The Myth Of Compulsory Primary Education In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

In tsarist Russia, compulsory universal primary education was introduced. The myth is used to belittle the merits of the Soviet government in eliminating illiteracy.- Salik.bizExamples of usingOn the Web, you can often find statements that universal primary education was introduced by law back in tsarist Russia

Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov. The First Engineer Of Russia - Alternative View

Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov. The First Engineer Of Russia - Alternative View

VLADIMIR GRIGORIEVICH SHUKHOV, perhaps, the first architect and engineer-inventor of the Russian Empire and the young Soviet Republic in terms of merits and inventions. In the world history of engineering, there is hardly a more talented and multifaceted person, a scientist who has made an undeniable contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry, architecture and construction

The Rulers Of Russia What They Were - Alternative View

The Rulers Of Russia What They Were - Alternative View

In October 1891, the harvest across Russia, in 17 provinces of the European part, was 26% less than the average yield over the past decade. A ban on grain exports is introduced

How Much Money Did Wars Cost Russia In The 19th Century - Alternative View

How Much Money Did Wars Cost Russia In The 19th Century - Alternative View

After each of the three big wars of the 19th century - with Napoleon, the Crimean and the Balkans - the restoration of Russian finances and economy took 20-25 years. At the same time, Russia in the course of the two won wars did not receive any preferences from the defeated opponents

Gold Of The Ustasha - Alternative View

Gold Of The Ustasha - Alternative View

As in Ukraine, the Banderaites, so on the territory of the former Yugoslavia during the Second World War, the Ustashi committed atrocities

Ivan Tsarevich: Who He Was In Life - Alternative View

Ivan Tsarevich: Who He Was In Life - Alternative View

At the beginning of 1458, the firstborn was born to Ivan III, who was also named Ivan. He will not be destined to become John IV: he will enter the history textbooks as Ivan the Young. We know him from childhood under a completely different nickname - Ivan Tsarevich

The Two-headed Eagle Is The Most Ancient Solar Symbol - Alternative View

The Two-headed Eagle Is The Most Ancient Solar Symbol - Alternative View

The double-headed eagle in the culture of different peoples The double-headed eagle is one of the most ancient symbols. It was widespread in Sumerian culture

How A Soviet Pilot Became The Leader Of An Indian Tribe - Alternative View

How A Soviet Pilot Became The Leader Of An Indian Tribe - Alternative View

The story of the Soviet pilot Ivan Datsenko, at first glance, may seem fantastic, there are too many mysteries in it

Belarusians - People Of The Russian Root - Alternative View

Belarusians - People Of The Russian Root - Alternative View

Recently, the activity of those forces has become noticeable in the Republic of Belarus that would like to destroy the ethnocultural unity of Belarusians with the Russian people, to resort to falsifying history with quite specific goals

The Mystery Of The "screaming Mummy" Is Close To Being Solved. - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The "screaming Mummy" Is Close To Being Solved. - Alternative View

In the beginning there was a chilling discovery. The mummy of a young man with his hands and feet tied, his face frozen in an eternal cry of pain. But who is he and why did he scream while dying

A Giant 5000-year-old Cemetery Was Discovered In Kenya - Alternative View

A Giant 5000-year-old Cemetery Was Discovered In Kenya - Alternative View

Archaeologists have discovered a 5,000-year-old cemetery in Kenya, in the lands of which at least 580 deceased rest

The Mystery Of The Archimedes Manuscript - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Archimedes Manuscript - Alternative View

Archimedes' law, "Eureka!", Archimedes screw, "Give me a fulcrum and I will turn the Earth!" And finally: "Don't touch my blueprints!" These words and expressions exhaust almost everything that we learn about the famous Syracuse in high school

Bird Of Paradise Alkonost: Born Due To A Mistake - Alternative View

Bird Of Paradise Alkonost: Born Due To A Mistake - Alternative View

The birds Sirin and Alkonost are clearly not Russian names, but for some reason popular rumor attributes them to living in a Slavic paradise.For centuries in Russia there has been an unshakable faith in these creatures.- Salik.bizSuch an authoritative religious leader as Archpriest Avvakum, obviously, was on a short foot with the Sirin bird, because he gives quite accurate geographical coordinates of its habitat:Well, with the "bird of sorrow" everything is more or less cle

How  Survived The Russian Soldier, Who For 9  Years  Stood In  Guard - Alternative View

How Survived The Russian Soldier, Who For 9 Years Stood In Guard - Alternative View

During World War I, the tsarist army left the Osovets fortress in eastern Poland, leaving it in a dilapidated state

How Russian Alcohol Broke Napoleon's Soldiers In The Patriotic War - Alternative View

How Russian Alcohol Broke Napoleon's Soldiers In The Patriotic War - Alternative View

"&Hellip; They say smarter they are But what do you hear from anyone? Jomini da Jomini And about vodka - not half a word

Bulgarian Russian Soldier - Alternative View

Bulgarian Russian Soldier - Alternative View

Plovdiv was remembered most of all. In the early seventies, as a young journalist, the Komsomol district committee awarded me with a tourist ticket to Bulgaria. Almost five decades have passed since then, and I still remember all the details of that journey

Secrets Of The Underground: How Treasures Are Found In Belarus - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Underground: How Treasures Are Found In Belarus - Alternative View

According to archaeologists, in the world during the entire existence of mankind, about 300 thousand tons of gold and more than 2.5 million tons of silver have been buried in the earth. Among the countries of the Commonwealth, Belarus holds the lead in the number of treasures found on its territory

Fredegonda, The Black Queen Of The Franks - Alternative View

Fredegonda, The Black Queen Of The Franks - Alternative View

During the early Middle Ages, when the Frankish kingdom was just emerging, and the France we were used to simply did not exist, an atmosphere of cruelty and tribal relations reigned

Mikhail Suslov: The Gray Cardinal Of The Kremlin - Alternative View

Mikhail Suslov: The Gray Cardinal Of The Kremlin - Alternative View

Anyone who has read the novel by Alexandre Dumas "The Three Musketeers" knows the concept of "gray cardinal". In this famous book, there are arguments that all affairs in France are not controlled by the king, but by Cardinal Richelieu. It was rumored that there was a more powerful man in Paris - Father Joseph, but he preferred to be in the shadows

Biography Of Catherine Medici - Alternative View

Biography Of Catherine Medici - Alternative View

Catherine Maria Romola di Lorenzo de Medici (born April 13, 1519 - d. January 5, 1589) Queen of France from 1547 to 1559

Where Did The "scourges" Come From In The USSR - Alternative View

Where Did The "scourges" Come From In The USSR - Alternative View

I knew about “BOMZHA” that it was “Without a Defined Place of Residence”. But I didn't even know about the "WHIP".But we actually …-… this term, denoting representatives of certain social categories, has had several meanings throughout the history of its existence. In particul

Alternative History Of Science Fiction Writers And The Multiverse Hypothesis - Alternative View

Alternative History Of Science Fiction Writers And The Multiverse Hypothesis - Alternative View

Recently, more and more fantastic works and popular works have appeared, which describe alternative options for the development of human history

Why Catherine De Medici Was Called "the Black Queen", Or The Secrets Of St. Bartholomew's Night - Alternative View

Why Catherine De Medici Was Called "the Black Queen", Or The Secrets Of St. Bartholomew's Night - Alternative View

April 13, 1519 was born one of the most controversial and sinister figures in French history - - Queen Catherine de 'Medici, consort of King Henry II of France

Where Did The Buffoons Come From In Russia, What They Were Forbidden To Do, And How They Were Destroyed - Alternative View

Where Did The Buffoons Come From In Russia, What They Were Forbidden To Do, And How They Were Destroyed - Alternative View

Since pagan times, cheerful people in bright outfits wandered through Russian villages and cities. The buffoons made the common people and noble people laugh, enjoyed their love, and suddenly disappeared, leaving behind only proverbs and sayings

How A Solar Flare Nearly Caused A Nuclear War - Alternative View

How A Solar Flare Nearly Caused A Nuclear War - Alternative View

May 23, 1967 could be the day of the start of a nuclear war. On this day, the American Air Force was ready to start up the loaded tactical nuclear bombers

12 Floors Of The Largest Soviet Bunker In Belarus - Alternative View

12 Floors Of The Largest Soviet Bunker In Belarus - Alternative View

Until now, this place is shrouded in many secrets, which can only be partially unraveled by being inside.The construction of a command post in the Grodno region of Belarus began in 1985. It is known for certain about the parallel creation of two similar objects in Moldova and Azerbaijan

Carthage Must Be Destroyed! - Alternative View

Carthage Must Be Destroyed! - Alternative View

Famous Latin phrase Carthago delenda est! known to every diligent student. As you know from the course of ancient history, the Roman commander and statesman Cato the Elder ended all his speeches in the Senate with her

The Tragic Fate Of The Dion Fives: Even The Famous Can Be Unhappy - Alternative View

The Tragic Fate Of The Dion Fives: Even The Famous Can Be Unhappy - Alternative View

Today's article will focus on children who at one time were incredibly popular in Canada. They were literally the symbol of this country. Even during their lifetime, dolls similar to them and other souvenirs were produced. The whole world knew about these children, but at what cost did they get it all …The Dion Five are children who have made huge amounts of money for the government of Canada. T

Joyeuse - A Sword Considered A Legendary Relic - Alternative View

Joyeuse - A Sword Considered A Legendary Relic - Alternative View

This legendary sword most likely belonged to Charlemagne. Many call this sword the holy grail, or at least refer to it.- Salik.bizThis artifact has undergone numerous changes during its time. The handle, scabbard and much more changed in it

Lost Ancient Artifacts From The Collection Of Padre Crespi - Alternative View

Lost Ancient Artifacts From The Collection Of Padre Crespi - Alternative View

Padre Crespi has been collecting ancient artifacts for over 50 years. It contained mysterious gold plates with drawings that could contain information from the “mysterious metal library. After Crespi's death, traces of the collection are lost

Project Bluebird: How Did The CIA Try To Control People's Thoughts? - Alternative View

Project Bluebird: How Did The CIA Try To Control People's Thoughts? - Alternative View

Behind the beautiful name "BLUEBIRD", which in English means "Bluebird" or "Bluebird", hid a secret CIA project dedicated to the control of the human mind. His goal was to create a controlled individual with a modified consciousness

Where Did The Crew Disappear From The Ship "Maria Celeste"? New Versions Of - Alternative View

Where Did The Crew Disappear From The Ship "Maria Celeste"? New Versions Of - Alternative View

Want to know what really happened to the American brigantine Maria Celeste? The ghost ship was found in 1872 in the Atlantic Ocean near the Azores. On December 5, 1872, the British brig "Dei Grazia" discovered a ship drifting in Atlantic waters 1,000 miles west of Portugal

Who Eradicated Slavic Antiquity, Or When And Why Non-Christian Names Disappeared - Alternative View

Who Eradicated Slavic Antiquity, Or When And Why Non-Christian Names Disappeared - Alternative View

What we are proud of and what distinguishes us is our name. When did our names appear?The compiler of the collection "Dictionary of modern Russian surnames" I.М. Ganzhina writes:-“… A significant part of modern Russian surnames are derived from the names of the church calendar. Thes

The Story Of The Origin Of The Star Of David - Alternative View

The Story Of The Origin Of The Star Of David - Alternative View

Magen David, the so-called "shield of David" - a six-pointed star, a hexagram, adorns ancient books and objects of Jewish ritual. It was worn by inhabitants of medieval ghettos and victims of Nazism

The Lost Roanoke Colony - Alternative View

The Lost Roanoke Colony - Alternative View

Of the huge number of mysterious incidents that exist in the biography of North America, one of the first and most mystical is the mystery of the disappeared colony of Roanoke Island.In 1587, the first group of English settlers came to this small piece of land

The Missing Treasury - Alternative View

The Missing Treasury - Alternative View

For almost a century in the Masurian Lakes region, in Poland, they have been looking for the gold of the Russian General Samsonov

The Lost Land Of Sannikov - Alternative View

The Lost Land Of Sannikov - Alternative View

40 years ago, the popular film "Sannikov Land" was released, based on the science fiction novel by Vladimir Obruchev

The Lost Expedition Of Percy Fossett - Alternative View

The Lost Expedition Of Percy Fossett - Alternative View

Percival Harrison Fawcett (born 18 August 1867 - death 1925?), English traveler to South America. Explored the Amazon, border regions of Peru and Bolivia

The Voynich Manuscript: A Mysterious Book In An Unknown Language - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript: A Mysterious Book In An Unknown Language - Alternative View

Modern science is already able to prove that the content of the book makes sense, but is not yet able to decipher what was written by the mad medieval alchemist.Throughout the 20th century, linguists, historians and cryptographers have been wondering what is written in a mysterious book called the Voynich Manuscript after the antique dealer Wilfried Voynich, who rediscovered the manuscript in 1912