Secrets of history 2024, October

Witch Hunt: True Stories About Witch Women - Alternative View

Witch Hunt: True Stories About Witch Women - Alternative View

Some witches are known for their black deeds, while others made it to this list for libel and unfair accusations

Nazis Who Did Not End Up In Nuremberg - Alternative View

Nazis Who Did Not End Up In Nuremberg - Alternative View

On October 16, 1946, in the gymnasium of the Nuremberg prison, by the verdict of the International Military Tribunal, 10 Nazi criminals were executed by hanging "from the first clip" (Hermann Goering escaped shameful execution, who shortly before

Queen Of England Lady Jane Gray. The History Of Life. Execution - Alternative View

Queen Of England Lady Jane Gray. The History Of Life. Execution - Alternative View

This queen of England, who is not even mentioned in most history books, was one of the most educated women of her time. Executed at the age of 17. England at that time England. XVI century. Tudor time

Suite Road Is The Oldest In The World - Alternative View

Suite Road Is The Oldest In The World - Alternative View

England is an amazing destination for archaeologists. Here, under the layers of earth and sand, are hidden evidence of the life of many eras and peoples … And on the famous English peat bogs, unique scientific discoveries can be made …-

World Surveyor - Alternative View

World Surveyor - Alternative View

The great German traveler Alexander Humboldt was a weak, sickly child as a child, and instead of playing with his peers, he spent hours over books about adventures and travel

Science Fiction As An Engine Of Progress - Alternative View

Science Fiction As An Engine Of Progress - Alternative View

Crowds of people move along the busy streets of megalopolises - someone is in a hurry to get to work, someone is leisurely strolling with a mobile phone at their ear, an iPad in their hand, a smart watch on the wrist that counts steps, and other gadgets

The Role Of Vodka In The History Of Russia: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

The Role Of Vodka In The History Of Russia: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

There is a luxurious summer outside - the time for vacations, picnics and all kinds of other types of recreation. On such days, it is somehow not even with the hand to write about revolutions, unrest and wars, thought by itself turns into something more peaceful and, preferably, pleasant

6 Unsolved Secrets In Russian History - Alternative View

6 Unsolved Secrets In Russian History - Alternative View

Atlantis in RussiaAccording to ancient Russian legend, after the crushing defeat of the army of Prince Vladimir, Khan Baty brutally tortured the prisoners and under these tortures one of the warriors pointed out the location of the city of Kitezh, which was located near Lake Svetloyar

The Magic Of The Word In The Ancient Russian Tradition - Alternative View

The Magic Of The Word In The Ancient Russian Tradition - Alternative View

Our distant ancestors knew very well about the power of words, it was on the art of using words that the entire Old Russian tradition of oral tales and epics was tied, to which the filthy hands of the falsifiers of our history could not reach

Barbarian Power: What Marx And Engels Wrote About Russia - Alternative View

Barbarian Power: What Marx And Engels Wrote About Russia - Alternative View

In online battles around the USSR, fake quotes from the works of the classics of Soviet ideology: Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin are often used. The "record holder" in terms of invented and shocking cruelty statements is Leon Trotsky

An Ideal Russian Garden City Of The Early Twentieth Century - Alternative View

An Ideal Russian Garden City Of The Early Twentieth Century - Alternative View

At the beginning of the twentieth century, several projects of "ideal cities" began to be implemented in Russia - near Moscow, Riga and Warsaw. Basically they were based on the ideas of the English urbanist Howard, his "garden city". The population of such a city, which grew up in an open field, should not exceed 32 thousand people

Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova (Saltychikha) - Bloody Lady - Alternative View

Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova (Saltychikha) - Bloody Lady - Alternative View

Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova, nicknamed Saltychikha, before marriage - Ivanova (b. 11 (22) March 1730 - d. 27 November (9 December) 1801) - Russian landowner. Night of October 7, 1768

Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History - Alternative View

In terms of paranormal phenomena and urban legends, Kuzbass is not exactly ahead of the rest of the planet, but certainly not in the outsiders

Biography Of Empress Maria Theresa - Alternative View

Biography Of Empress Maria Theresa - Alternative View

Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina (born May 13, 1717 - death November 29, 1780) - Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary, Queen of Bohemia. From the Habsburg dynasty. Origin

Evidence Has Been Obtained That A Settlement Existed On The Territory Of The Moscow Kremlin Even Before The Slavs - Alternative View

Evidence Has Been Obtained That A Settlement Existed On The Territory Of The Moscow Kremlin Even Before The Slavs - Alternative View

Evidence has been obtained that a settlement existed on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin even before the arrival of the Slavs: during excavations in the Great Kremlin Square, fragments of ceramics related to the Dyakovo culture were found

The Mystery Of Ancient Sailors - Who Discovered America Before Columbus? - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Ancient Sailors - Who Discovered America Before Columbus? - Alternative View

It is generally accepted that the era of sailing across the Atlantic Ocean began at the very end of the 15th century, after the discovery of the New World by Columbus. But there are facts that allow us to doubt this. Perhaps transatlantic travel began much earlier?

Scientists Have Deciphered An Ancient Text About The First Trojan War - Alternative View

Scientists Have Deciphered An Ancient Text About The First Trojan War - Alternative View

A group of archaeologists and linguists deciphered a mysterious inscription on an ancient stone tablet that Turkish peasants found in the late 19th century. The text deals with the fall of the Hittite Empire and the first Trojan War

Legless Skeletons Of Children In Peru Have Revealed To The World An Eerie Ancient Custom - Alternative View

Legless Skeletons Of Children In Peru Have Revealed To The World An Eerie Ancient Custom - Alternative View

In early December, archaeologists unearthed 32 skeletons of pre-Hispanic Moche and Lambayeque cultures in the Pomalka region of Peru

Did Oleg Go To Constantinople? - Alternative View

Did Oleg Go To Constantinople? - Alternative View

The Tale of Bygone Years tells us about the campaigns of the Prophetic Oleg to Constantinople. In 907, he gathered a huge army, defeated the Byzantines and nailed his shield to the gates of their capital. But the Greek sources are silent about this for some reason

The Mystical Loss Of The L-8 Crew - Alternative View

The Mystical Loss Of The L-8 Crew - Alternative View

During the Second World War, many people disappeared without a trace. In bloody battles on the front lines, such facts could not surprise anyone.It is another matter when soldiers disappear in an incomprehensible way in the deep rear in front of hundreds of people, for example, as happened with the crew of an American airship

Riddle Of "Link 19" - Alternative View

Riddle Of "Link 19" - Alternative View

On December 5, 1945, Flight 19, consisting of five torpedo bombers, received a training mission to fly from the naval air base in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to the east, drop bombs near Bimini Island, then fly

Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History. Part Two - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History. Part Two - Alternative View

Disappearance of Frederick Valentich 1978, coast of Australia, excellent weather, bright sun, ocean - in general, beauty and excellent flight conditions

The Scientist Who Discovered The Titanic Made A Statement About The Disappearance Of Amelia Earhart - Alternative View

The Scientist Who Discovered The Titanic Made A Statement About The Disappearance Of Amelia Earhart - Alternative View

The famous American Amelia Earhart was an aviation pioneer. She became the first female pilot to fly over the Atlantic Ocean. In 1937, Earhart with navigator Fred Noonan, while trying to make a round-the-world flight in a twin-engine light aircraft, disappeared in the central part of the Pacific Ocean

Divers Have Come Close To Solving The Mysterious Disappearance Of Amelia Earhart - Alternative View

Divers Have Come Close To Solving The Mysterious Disappearance Of Amelia Earhart - Alternative View

Divers found near an island in Papua - New Guinea a wreck that may have belonged to the plane of the American writer and aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart. Reported by the Daily Mail

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Pilot Amelia Earhart Has Been Revealed! - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Pilot Amelia Earhart Has Been Revealed! - Alternative View

The Americans resumed their search for the pilot Amelia Earhart, who disappeared 82 years ago while flying over the Pacific Ocean. On June 24, 2017, another research expedition left for Nikumaroro Island

Mysteriously Disappeared Planes - Alternative View

Mysteriously Disappeared Planes - Alternative View

Mysterious disappearances do not occur only on earth. There are a lot of stories about how aircraft disappeared without ever touching the runway.- Salik.bizGoodnight Malaysian Three Seven Zero: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370It was a regular scheduled passenger flight on the route Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) - Beijing (PRC)

Dunnottar - Dungeon Witches - Alternative View

Dunnottar - Dungeon Witches - Alternative View

Dunnottar Castle has long been considered the safest place in Scotland. At all times, the royals, in the event of a misunderstanding on the part of the people, fled here together, and sighed with relief when the gates of Dunnottar were closed behind their backs

Fyodor Kuzmich: The Main Mystery Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

Fyodor Kuzmich: The Main Mystery Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

For almost two centuries, the legend about Emperor Alexander I has lived in the people's memory: as if he did not die in 1825 in Taganrog, but abdicated and went to wander around Russia in the guise of the righteous elder Fyodor Kuzmich. In the autumn of 1836

The Riddle Of "airplanes" From The Graves Of The Indians. - Alternative View

The Riddle Of "airplanes" From The Graves Of The Indians. - Alternative View

Modern supersonic aircraft are exactly the shape of ancient figures. These figures, made in the form of airplanes, were created about 1,500 years ago

The Mystery Of A Ship With A Dead Crew, Found In The Same Place Where The Malaysian Liner Went Missing - Alternative View

The Mystery Of A Ship With A Dead Crew, Found In The Same Place Where The Malaysian Liner Went Missing - Alternative View

"Ourang Medan" is the name of a Dutch cargo ship allegedly found drifting in the Straits of Malacca (off the coast of Sumatra) in early February 1948

The Death Of The Crew Of The Soyuz-11 Spacecraft - Alternative View

The Death Of The Crew Of The Soyuz-11 Spacecraft - Alternative View

1971, June 30 - In the upper layers of the atmosphere, the Soyuz-11 descent vehicle depressurized. All crew members - Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov, Victor Patsaev - perished

The Riddle Of The Green Children From Woolpit - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Green Children From Woolpit - Alternative View

The name of a mysterious and allegedly reality episode in the history of England in the 12th century - possibly during the reign of King Stephen: in the village of Woolpit, in Suffolk County, peasants discovered children, a brother and sister, who had a generally normal appearance in the field except for their skin color, which was green

The Green Kids Riddle From Woolpit: Dozens Of Versions And More Convincing - Alternative View

The Green Kids Riddle From Woolpit: Dozens Of Versions And More Convincing - Alternative View

In the British county of Suffolk, there is an unremarkable village of Woolpit. Its name comes from the Old English wulf-pytt, which means "wolf pit". It was here in the 12th century that the last English wolf was caught using such a pit

Tulunbek-khanum. The Only Khansha Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

Tulunbek-khanum. The Only Khansha Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

Since 1359, the Horde has entered a period of internal strife. Khans and impostors replace each other with amazing speed. And the departure of the previous one was invariably accompanied by a bloody massacre. Naturally, against the background of this discord and turmoil, numerous regions (uluses) of the once united empire are increasingly declaring their independence

The Entire Collection Of The Dead Sea Scrolls Turned Out To Be A Modern Forgery - Alternative View

The Entire Collection Of The Dead Sea Scrolls Turned Out To Be A Modern Forgery - Alternative View

The entire collection of the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Washington DC Bible Museum turned out to be fake. This was stated by independent researchers from the Art Fraud Insights company.The administration of the Bible Museum in Washington said that all 16 fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were called "some of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century," turned out to be a modern forgery

Secrets And Mysteries Of The Tombstone Of The Grave Of Tamerlane - Alternative View

Secrets And Mysteries Of The Tombstone Of The Grave Of Tamerlane - Alternative View

Who today does not know the name of the formidable Timur or Timur-Leng (Lame Timur). Europeans know him under the name of Tamerlane, and in the Muslim world he is also known as Sahiba Kirana, the lord of favorable planets.He was a formidable and merciless conqueror who made everyone around him tremble

Marine Archaeological Finds - Alternative View

Marine Archaeological Finds - Alternative View

This information will be of interest primarily to those who are engaged in archeology and treasure hunting. It turns out that truly unique finds can be made where gas and oil pipelines will soon lay, and in a couple of decades these finds will be worth their weight in gold

Unidentified Underwater Something - Alternative View

Unidentified Underwater Something - Alternative View

On October 17, 2014, a Dutch-Swedish naval exercise ended off the coast of Sweden. The next day, world agencies detonated an information bomb - an emergency Russian submarine was found in the nearby fjords

On The Sources Of Financing For Soviet Industrialization - Alternative View

On The Sources Of Financing For Soviet Industrialization - Alternative View

Beginning: "Soviet industrialization - to the 90th anniversary of the beginning."Exotic versions and some statistics- Salik.bizOne of the most mysterious aspects of industrialization in the USSR, which began 90 years ago, is the sources of its funding

St. Petersburg. The History Of The Pulkovo Meridian - Alternative View

St. Petersburg. The History Of The Pulkovo Meridian - Alternative View

Reference:Before the conference, the countries themselves decided from what point to count on their territory. So, the USA and Great Britain used the Greenwich meridian, France - the Paris one, the Russian Empire - Pulkovo, etc. At different times in different states, the meridians passing through the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar), Alexandria, Toledo, Konigsberg, Copenhagen, Cape Verde, Jerusalem and the Cheops pyramids were also considered zero