Secrets of history 2024, October

"Longtime Friend Of India". How Spiritualism Brought Helena Roerich To The Himalayas - Alternative View

"Longtime Friend Of India". How Spiritualism Brought Helena Roerich To The Himalayas - Alternative View

On October 5, 1955, Helena Roerich, a writer, brave traveler and life companion of the mystic and artist Nicholas Roerich, passed away in the Indian Kalimpong. We recall interesting facts from the life of an amazing woman

As A Designer, Alexander Morozov Forged The Tank Power Of The Soviet Union - Alternative View

As A Designer, Alexander Morozov Forged The Tank Power Of The Soviet Union - Alternative View

115 years ago, Alexander Morozov was born - one of the creators of the legendary T-34 and a number of other Soviet tanks. He went from a copyist of technical documents to the head of one of the leading design bureaus of the USSR. Experts call several types of tanks, the development and production of which Morozov had a hand in, the best armored vehicles of his time

Shoe Print From Nevada - One Of The Biggest Mysteries Of Archeology - Alternative View

Shoe Print From Nevada - One Of The Biggest Mysteries Of Archeology - Alternative View

Man could appear on Earth much earlier than modern science believes …It is generally accepted that the first upright mammals - Australopithecines - appeared on Earth about 4.2 million years ago. Then they gave way to a skilled man (homo habilis), and those were replaced by a homo erectus. F

Unknown Ermak - Alternative View

Unknown Ermak - Alternative View

Ermak Timofeevich - Russian Cossack chieftain. National hero of Russia. The campaign in 1582-85 marked the beginning of the development of Siberia by the Russian state

The Eunuchs Sect In Siberia - Alternative View

The Eunuchs Sect In Siberia - Alternative View

Who would have thought that in the distant 18th century a sect would arise in the Russian Empire, whose members would emasculate themselves, and also force other people to do this. And all because of a certain interpretation of faith

Jacob Bruce: The Most Shocking Biography Facts - Alternative View

Jacob Bruce: The Most Shocking Biography Facts - Alternative View

Whoever they called the famous associate of Peter the Great, Count Jacob Bruce - and a magician, and an astrologer, and an alchemist, and a warlock … There were many shocking rumors about this man, and today it is not so easy to find out which of them are

Linguists Discovered A Language Unknown To Science In Malaysia - Alternative View

Linguists Discovered A Language Unknown To Science In Malaysia - Alternative View

Residents of one of the villages in the north of the Malaysian Peninsula communicate with each other in a previously unknown language from the Austro-Asian language family, which has no analogues of the words "buy" and "sell", Swedish scientists say in an article published in the journal

The Journey Of Vasco Da Gama - Alternative View

The Journey Of Vasco Da Gama - Alternative View

Vasco da Gama (born September 3, 1469 - death December 23, 1524), Portuguese navigator, was the first to route from Lisbon to India and back. Like most of his colleagues, he was engaged in the pirate trade. Count Vidigueira (from 1519

Who And Why Erases Russian Names From Maps - Alternative View

Who And Why Erases Russian Names From Maps - Alternative View

The Russ River became the Neman, and the Porussie - Prussia.Until recently, in the West, the first mention of the Slavs in general was fashionable to attribute no earlier than the 5th century. n. e. Later, the Slavs made a "concession" - III or even II century

Mysterious Cherokee Texts In Manitou Cave Deciphered - Alternative View

Mysterious Cherokee Texts In Manitou Cave Deciphered - Alternative View

In the United States, anthropologists and archaeologists have jointly deciphered Cherokee texts found in Manitou Cave in Alabama. The inscriptions indicate a secret ceremony during the crisis.According to the website of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, it is about the crisis of the 1830s, when the Cherokee were expelled from their ancestral lands and sent west along the "trail of tears

Lost Expeditions In World History - Alternative View

Lost Expeditions In World History - Alternative View

The loss of an entire expedition - always a mystery. Trained people, polar explorers, explorers of the tropics, pioneers - disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Traces of some groups have never been found

Soviet Industrialization - To The 90th Anniversary Of The Beginning Of - Alternative View

Soviet Industrialization - To The 90th Anniversary Of The Beginning Of - Alternative View

The main economic miracle of the twentieth century - industrialization in the USSRThe tasks outlined in the May 2018 presidential decree ("On national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation until 2024") boil down to ensuring an economic breakthrough and overcoming Russia's lagging behind many other countries of the world, reducing its role in the world economy

The Power Of Chastity - Alternative View

The Power Of Chastity - Alternative View

About twenty years ago, I had the opportunity to study interesting materials. They said that during World War II, Adolf Hitler received a memo from his assistant in charge of the concentration camps

What Peoples Are The Direct Descendants Of The Scythians - Alternative View

What Peoples Are The Direct Descendants Of The Scythians - Alternative View

Representatives of many modern peoples want to call themselves the descendants of the Scythians. The legendary Iranian-speaking tribe that lived in the Northern Black Sea region from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD created a vast empire

Church Under The Water Of Lake Peipsi. Myths, Reality And Secrets Of Other Russian Atlantis - Alternative View

Church Under The Water Of Lake Peipsi. Myths, Reality And Secrets Of Other Russian Atlantis - Alternative View

At the bottom of Lake Peipsi, 1.5 kilometers from the shore, a group of scientists from the research expedition made a discovery.“The foundation of the church was discovered, which is now at a depth of about 1 meter. The age, according to the chronicles, is the 15th century, 1450,”said the dean of the Faculty of Geography of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I

Koenigsberg - Homeland Of "restless Old Man Immanuel" - Alternative View

Koenigsberg - Homeland Of "restless Old Man Immanuel" - Alternative View

German philosopher Immanuel Kant was born, died and buried in Germany, and his grave is in Russia, isn't it a paradox!Monument to Immanuel Kant near the Russian State University named after Kant, the heir to the Königsberg Academy "Albertina"

Extremism In The USA - Alternative View

Extremism In The USA - Alternative View

Americans love to teach the whole world about freedom and democracy. But is everything so well in this sense for them? Moreover, not only with regard to the actions of the government, but also the sentiments of those who in the old days were called the broad masses

How Christians Changed The Rules Of The Sign Of The Cross And Why It Caused So Many Problems - Alternative View

How Christians Changed The Rules Of The Sign Of The Cross And Why It Caused So Many Problems - Alternative View

When entering and leaving the temple, after prayer, during the service, Christians make the sign of the cross - they reproduce the cross with a movement of their hand. Usually, in this case, three fingers are connected - the thumb, forefinger and middle, this is the method of finger-making adopted among Orthodox Christians

Omsk 1940s - 1950s: Streets And Equipment - Alternative View

Omsk 1940s - 1950s: Streets And Equipment - Alternative View

Thanks to some Omsk history lovers who know how to work in archives, more and more photos of old Omsk are being born. This selection contains photographs of the famous Omsk master M.V

The War Changed The Geography Of Russia - Alternative View

The War Changed The Geography Of Russia - Alternative View

To the west of Moscow there are almost no old villages, roads and residentsThe Second World War was the most devastating for Russia in its entire history. “Throughout the land, there was no plowman behind the plow, but only crows were playing at the corpses of the fallen” - a steady phrase from The Lay of Igor's Campaign quite adequately describes the post-war situation in Russian villages west of Moscow. The

How Russia Bought Kiev For 146 Thousand Rubles - Alternative View

How Russia Bought Kiev For 146 Thousand Rubles - Alternative View

On May 6, 1686, exactly 330 years ago, Russia and Poland concluded the Eternal Peace, which put an end to the military strife of 1654 - 1667

How The Teutons Of Prussia Mastered - Alternative View

How The Teutons Of Prussia Mastered - Alternative View

The assimilation of Prussia by the Teutonic Order in the 13th century evoked a variety of assessments by contemporaries and descendants: from the heroic epic to the history of the bloody massacre.- Salik.bizDrang Nach Osten: a natural process?

Rosenberg's Plan For "rebuilding" Russia - Alternative View

Rosenberg's Plan For "rebuilding" Russia - Alternative View

In 1941, the Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg outlined a plan to dismember the USSR-Russia to Hitler. The essence of Rosenberg's plan was to divide Russia forever, so that the Russian world and the Russian people would lose unity.- Salik.bizRosenberg's planIn January 1941, Alfred Ernst Rosenberg, one of the most influential members and ideologue of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), head of the NSDAP Foreign Office, presented to Hitler several reports in

Mysterious Treasures Of The Zhiguli Mountains - Alternative View

Mysterious Treasures Of The Zhiguli Mountains - Alternative View

We hardly know when the first treasure was buried on Earth. But, apparently, this happened already in those days when a person had just begun to use gold and precious stones as a measure of value

Secrets Of The Swamp People Of Europe - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Swamp People Of Europe - Alternative View

Human remains have been found in peat bogs in European countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark and Sweden, some of which are fairly well preserved

Why Did The Ancient Egyptians Wear Beeswax Hats? - Alternative View

Why Did The Ancient Egyptians Wear Beeswax Hats? - Alternative View

Historians already know quite well what the ancient Egyptians wore. Thanks to the drawings on the walls and the mummified remains, it is known that most of them wore tight-fitting clothing, the quality of the material of which depended on the social status of each person

The Mysterious Death Of Frunze - Alternative View

The Mysterious Death Of Frunze - Alternative View

Many secrets of the 20th century are still waiting to be revealed. One of them - death of the talented commander Mikhail Frunze. His fate is very similar to that of another extraordinary person - Sergey Kirov

The Mysterious Death Of The Biggest Fan Of Sherlock Holmes - Alternative View

The Mysterious Death Of The Biggest Fan Of Sherlock Holmes - Alternative View

The mysterious death of the most prominent admirer and researcher of the fictional literary character Sherlock Holmes seems to have left the pages of a detective novel.The Englishman Richard Lancelin Green (1953-2004) devoted his entire life to the work of Arthur Conan Doyle, and especially the stories about Sherlock Holmes

The Riddle Of The Amber Room - A Magnet Attracting Tourists To The Russian Kaliningrad - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Amber Room - A Magnet Attracting Tourists To The Russian Kaliningrad - Alternative View

Local enthusiasts are convinced that the legendary treasure is still in the region. For the world production of amber Amber - the same as Paris for high fashion, and Los Angeles - for the world of commercial cinema

Secrets Of The Secret Laboratory Königsberg-13 - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Secret Laboratory Königsberg-13 - Alternative View

Kaliningrad today is a city of paradoxes, mystical mysteries and secrets. At the end of the war, the secrets of the Konigsberg dungeons attracted the intelligence services of all countries - members of the anti-Hitler coalition

The Mysterious Death Of The "Isdale Woman" - Alternative View

The Mysterious Death Of The "Isdale Woman" - Alternative View

The mysterious death of the still unidentified "Isdalene Woman" has haunted Norway for almost 50 years.The story began on the afternoon of November 29, 1970. A man and his two daughters walked through the Isdalen Valley to Bergen, Norway, in an area known as Death Valley

Remember The Saved World? - Alternative View

Remember The Saved World? - Alternative View

Today, I thought about something, but are people familiar with such a concept as gratitude? Just ordinary human gratitude. Or Leo Tolstoy is right when he said, "If you became bad for someone, then you did too much good for him." If you look at relations with other countries, then yes, he was right

In Kaliningrad, Archaeologists Have Found Ancient "graffiti" With Mysterious Creatures - Alternative View

In Kaliningrad, Archaeologists Have Found Ancient "graffiti" With Mysterious Creatures - Alternative View

What kind of mysterious "animals" are depicted on some wall plates - not even experts can understand yet

In 1950, Residents Of The Village Of Rastess Abruptly Left Their Homes, What Exactly Happened Is Still Unknown - - Alternative View

In 1950, Residents Of The Village Of Rastess Abruptly Left Their Homes, What Exactly Happened Is Still Unknown - - Alternative View

In 1950, in the Sverdlovsk region, in the village of Rastess. The villagers left Rastess abruptly in 1950, leaving all their belongings and utensils abandoned in open houses

Published "secret Documents" That The Prosecutor's Office Of The Sverdlovsk Region Wants To Show - Alternative View

Published "secret Documents" That The Prosecutor's Office Of The Sverdlovsk Region Wants To Show - Alternative View

Journalist Andrei Guselnikov said on the pages of Ura.Ru the following: “The special correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda Natalya Varsegova said in more detail about what the prosecutor will tell you, speaking at the annual Dyatlov conference held on February 2 in Yekaterinburg

Kanozero Petroglyphs - Alternative View

Kanozero Petroglyphs - Alternative View

Kanozero petroglyphs - a group of rock carvings discovered by Yuri Ivanov on July 5, 1997 on the islands of Lake Kanozero in the southwestern part of the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region of Russia. The drawings were dated back to 3-2 millennia BC

A Cult Of Personality For Dummies - Alternative View

A Cult Of Personality For Dummies - Alternative View

As a rule, there is no public consensus on the question of Stalin's personality cult. Stalin is either thoughtlessly exalted or desperately hated, but in order to approach this objectively - this is the real problem with this.Do you know what is the easiest way to find out the truth about this or that era?

Hitler's Agent: CIA Archival Documents About Bandera Published - Alternative View

Hitler's Agent: CIA Archival Documents About Bandera Published - Alternative View

Who was Stepan Bandera really? Special Reporting reporters examined the US intelligence report.The US Central Intelligence Agency has released over 13 million pages of archival documents to the public. More than 300 of them are about Stepan Bandera

Mysteries Of History - Wonders Of The Jansenites - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History - Wonders Of The Jansenites - Alternative View

This strange story took place in Paris in the early 18th century. What happened so shocked everyone that rumors did not subside for a long hundred years

Secret KGB Expedition To The Kola Peninsula! - Alternative View

Secret KGB Expedition To The Kola Peninsula! - Alternative View

Traces of a civilization much older than the Sumerian and Egyptian ones have been found on the Kola Peninsula and in most of the Russian North