Secrets of history 2024, October

In The 10th Century AD, The Vikings Brought Leprosy To Ireland - Alternative View

In The 10th Century AD, The Vikings Brought Leprosy To Ireland - Alternative View

Archaeologists have discovered skeletons of five 10th century warriors with traces of leprosy on their bones during excavations in Ireland. Three of them belonged to immigrants from Scandinavia, that is, the Vikings

Who Lies In The Mausoleum: A Doll, A Mummy Or A Wax Figure? - Alternative View

Who Lies In The Mausoleum: A Doll, A Mummy Or A Wax Figure? - Alternative View

I never got to Mavolei. It was closed during my arrival in Moscow, then I didn't want to stand in a huge queue (especially before).There are many rumors circulating on the Internet that as such Lenin's body is no longer left and a wax doll is in the Mausoleum

Birth, Life And Death Of The Prophet Zarathustra. As Zarathustra Said - Alternative View

Birth, Life And Death Of The Prophet Zarathustra. As Zarathustra Said - Alternative View

What come to mind when we speak the name Zarathustra? Any more or less humanitarian-savvy person will name Nietzsche, and if he thinks about it, add Hitler. Is this true? Partially - Yes

Islands Of The Immortals In Ancient China - Alternative View

Islands Of The Immortals In Ancient China - Alternative View

The islands of the immortals, where rivers with the water of resurrection flow, unprecedented flowers bloom and the earth provides food all year round, where there are no diseases and death, and everyone who gets there gains eternal life, they were looking for both in ancient times and in medieval Europe

From Time Immemorial. In Irkutsk, Under The Market, An Old Building Was Discovered - Alternative View

From Time Immemorial. In Irkutsk, Under The Market, An Old Building Was Discovered - Alternative View

Experts have already determined that under the trading square on Timiryazeva Street in Irkutsk, a stone building of the 18-19th century was discovered. In the resulting gap, window openings and vaults are clearly visible.It will require the intervention of archaeologists and historians to determine exactly what kind of building rests under the foundation of the roar

Riddles Of Batu's Golden Arrow - Alternative View

Riddles Of Batu's Golden Arrow - Alternative View

In the Penza region, during archaeological excavations, traces of an unknown battle dating back to the 13th century and the ruins of a fortress dating from the same time were found. There is not a single mention of the battle in these places in the chronicles

Why Did Hitler Decide To Exterminate All The Jews Of Europe - Alternative View

Why Did Hitler Decide To Exterminate All The Jews Of Europe - Alternative View

With the rise to power of the Nazis, many anti-Jewish laws were introduced. As a result of the adoption of these bills, it was decided to oust all Jews from Germany. First, the Nazis tried in every possible way to expel Jews from the countries under their control

Operation Bussard: What The Nazis Were Preparing Soviet Saboteur Children For - Alternative View

Operation Bussard: What The Nazis Were Preparing Soviet Saboteur Children For - Alternative View

During the war, the German intelligence service of the Third Reich (Abwehr) turned hundreds of Soviet children into saboteurs - from juvenile prisoners they made criminals who hate their country

Europe Is Ungrateful. What Would Have Happened If We Had Thrown Hitler Exactly To Our Borders - Alternative View

Europe Is Ungrateful. What Would Have Happened If We Had Thrown Hitler Exactly To Our Borders - Alternative View

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, we tried to imagine what the map of Europe would have become if the USSR had not given thousands of kilometers of territory to the very countries that now call us the occupiers. And will they give up these lands?

The Secret Of Consciousness Of An Artificial Person - Alternative View

The Secret Of Consciousness Of An Artificial Person - Alternative View

From the Hebrew word "golem" is translated as "something unprepared"

Klaus Stauffenberg: Friend Or Foe. The German Colonel Was Preparing An Attempt On Hitler's Life - Alternative View

Klaus Stauffenberg: Friend Or Foe. The German Colonel Was Preparing An Attempt On Hitler's Life - Alternative View

Coming from the German nobility, Count Klaus von Stauffenberg considered it his duty to protect the nation from external and internal threats. At first, he believed that Hitler was a man capable of restoring the country's power

The Myth Of Cultural European Nations - Alternative View

The Myth Of Cultural European Nations - Alternative View

Attention in this article, photographs are used and facts are given that are not recommended to be viewed and read by children, pregnant women and people with a weak nervous system.I continue my series of articles about the true face of the West

Why Did They Want To Expose The Most Mysterious Psychic Of The USSR - Alternative View

Why Did They Want To Expose The Most Mysterious Psychic Of The USSR - Alternative View

In the 60s and 70s of the last century, the phenomenon of Rosa Kuleshova, a girl who could read ordinary books, only by touching the pages with her hands, was heatedly discussed in the USSR.Rose discovered amazing abilities in herself after she decided to master the Braille alphabet

Unyielding Isaiah. The Life And Death Of The Prophet Isaiah - Alternative View

Unyielding Isaiah. The Life And Death Of The Prophet Isaiah - Alternative View

The reader has the right not to believe us, and, nevertheless, we declare: the prophet Isaiah was known to every Soviet schoolchild. Without getting acquainted specifically with the history of ancient Judea, without studying the Old Testament, remaining a vigorous pioneer, activist and Timurian - I knew

Revealed The Real Cause Of The Chernobyl Disaster - Alternative View

Revealed The Real Cause Of The Chernobyl Disaster - Alternative View

Swedish scientists have come to the conclusion that during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant there was a weak nuclear explosion

Western Scientists Talked About The "creepy Bird" That Appeared In The Sky Before The Chernobyl Disaster - Alternative View

Western Scientists Talked About The "creepy Bird" That Appeared In The Sky Before The Chernobyl Disaster - Alternative View

In the sky over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, shortly before the destruction of the fourth power unit of the plant, "a large dark headless creature with giant wings and bright red eyes" appeared. This is reported by the information portal News

Did The Leaders Of The USSR Know When The War Would Start - Alternative View

Did The Leaders Of The USSR Know When The War Would Start - Alternative View

Every June 22, on the tragic date of the start of the Great Patriotic War, fierce disputes erupt over who is to blame for the fact that the USSR was ill-prepared for Hitler's attack.After the Victory, in the years of the debunking of the personality cult, Marshal Zhukov wrote a report blaming all the failures of the first years of the war on Stalin … But he did not read it to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU. W

Dark-eyed Horror, Or Why Were The Slavs Afraid Of People With Brown Eyes? - Alternative View

Dark-eyed Horror, Or Why Were The Slavs Afraid Of People With Brown Eyes? - Alternative View

It seems strange to a modern person that the Slavs were afraid of people with brown eyes, especially since now about a quarter of the population of Russia is dark-eyed. Since this is a dominant feature, every year there are more and more of them in the world

Death Of Tamerlane, Genghis Khan's Treasure And Underground Library. Fate And Legends Of Ancient Otrar - Alternative View

Death Of Tamerlane, Genghis Khan's Treasure And Underground Library. Fate And Legends Of Ancient Otrar - Alternative View

Ancient Otrar is a city located in the endless southern steppe off the banks of the Syr Darya. For travelers who first come here, a majestic picture opens up - the Syr Darya and a huge hill - the remains of ancient Otrar

The Famous Viking Of The 10th Century Turned Out To Be A Woman - Alternative View

The Famous Viking Of The 10th Century Turned Out To Be A Woman - Alternative View

Genetic analysis of the remains, buried along with many military attributes, indicated a female warrior. A mid-10th century burial of a warrior, numbered Bj 581, was first discovered in the late 1880s

New Victims Of The Famous Killers Of The 19th Century - Alternative View

New Victims Of The Famous Killers Of The 19th Century - Alternative View

Archaeologists managed to connect the remains of people found in one of the private gardens of Edinburgh with the famous serial killers of the nineteenth century. Traces of anatomical studies were found on the bones

In The Center Of The Swiss City, Neolithic Stone Slabs Were Found - Alternative View

In The Center Of The Swiss City, Neolithic Stone Slabs Were Found - Alternative View

Before the construction of a residential building in the center of the city of Sion in Switzerland, archaeologists found six stone slabs made in the 3rd millennium BC. The slabs bear carved images and were probably intended for an ancient necropolis

Nikolai Subbotin On The Secret Nazi Base In Antarctica - Alternative View

Nikolai Subbotin On The Secret Nazi Base In Antarctica - Alternative View

Nikolai Subbotin, coordinator of the Russian UFO Research Station, shared with the readers of the Hour of Discovery magazine some of the secrets of his exploration of the mythical Nazi base under the ice of Antarctica

How Did The Fate Of Hitler's Sisters Develop - Alternative View

How Did The Fate Of Hitler's Sisters Develop - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler promised greatness to his people, which put him on the brink of destruction. The Fuhrer and his faithful Eva Braun ingloriously committed suicide in April 1945, leaving no offspring

The Whole Truth About Pearl Harbor - Alternative View

The Whole Truth About Pearl Harbor - Alternative View

In December 1941, Japanese aircraft attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, killing more than 2,400 American civilians and sinking nearly twenty warships. This was seen as a major blow to the Japanese, who at the time dominated the sea and had an outreach extending far beyond the relatively small island

United Europe In Slavic Style - Alternative View

United Europe In Slavic Style - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, "Rus", "Germany", "Lithuania" spoke the same language.Who do we mean by Germans now? First of all - the inhabitants of Germany, as well as Austria, German-speaking Switzerland and other countries who speak the current German language, meaning also a certain conditional "Aryan" anthropological type of the German-speaking population

Blue Blood Rules. What Was Taught In Noble Families - Alternative View

Blue Blood Rules. What Was Taught In Noble Families - Alternative View

Outings, balls, salon conversations and personal correspondence The everyday life of the nobles was like a ritual, for participation in which separate skills were required - they were learned with the family

Who Was The Real Prototype Of Doctor Faust, And Why In The 16th Century It Was Believed That He Sold His Soul To The Devil - Alternative View

Who Was The Real Prototype Of Doctor Faust, And Why In The 16th Century It Was Believed That He Sold His Soul To The Devil - Alternative View

The story of an alchemist and scientist who sold his soul to the devil is known all over the world. Despite clearly mystical motives, Doctor Faust has a real prototype that lived in the 16th century. It is not known whether he had a relationship with otherworldly forces, but he received the glory of a warlock and necromancer during his lifetime

Tibet Was Settled Much Earlier Than Previously Thought - Alternative View

Tibet Was Settled Much Earlier Than Previously Thought - Alternative View

Alpine places such as the Tibetan Plateau were considered one of the last areas of settlement. However, archaeologists have discovered ancient stone blades in northern Tibet that are at least 30,000 years old. This find is the earliest evidence of the presence of people at such a high altitude

The First Hacker In The USSR - Alternative View

The First Hacker In The USSR - Alternative View

I just read this story on the Internet and immediately remembered the famous Russian film "Genius" with Abdulov. Now you yourself will understand everything.In 1983, in the USSR, there was the very first crime in the history of high technologies - the software at AVTOVAZ was hacked, as a result of which the assembly line stopped for three days

This People Can, Without Exaggeration, Be Called One Of The Most Interesting In North America - Alternative View

This People Can, Without Exaggeration, Be Called One Of The Most Interesting In North America - Alternative View

There has always been something alluring in archeology, it's like watching Sherlock Holmes solve another riddle. The clues are all there, underground, you just need to find them and identify them correctly.At the same time, archeology is often reproached for "stealing attention" from the work of historians

Falsification Of History. Part Three. Falsification Of Archaeological Finds. Antiquities Forgeries - Alternative View

Falsification Of History. Part Three. Falsification Of Archaeological Finds. Antiquities Forgeries - Alternative View

Global falsification of history. Part one - - Falsification of history. Part two. Falsification of historical architectural monuments - As a rule, arriving in a country, tourists visit at least one museum there

Golden Sandals In Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Golden Sandals In Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

If you are fascinated by the history of Ancient Egypt, then you may have come across images of golden sandals that are skillfully crafted from gold leaf. Some of these sandals even have fingertips. Gold sandals belonged not only to the Pharaohs, they were also found in the tombs of the wives of the rulers of Egypt

Why Did The Savior Of The Fatherland Pozharsky Not Become The Russian Tsar - Alternative View

Why Did The Savior Of The Fatherland Pozharsky Not Become The Russian Tsar - Alternative View

Those good fellows have risen,Those faithful Rus rose,- Salik.bizThat the Pozharsky prince with the merchant Minin,Here are two falcons, here are two clear ones,nHere are two doves, here are two faithful ones,They got up suddenly, started up,Having helped the host, the last host …folk songPromotional video:441 years ago, on November 1, 1578, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was born, who later became a national hero of Russia. D

"But You Will Accept Death From Your Horse " The Mysterious Death Of The Most Mysterious Prince Of Russian History - Alternative View

"But You Will Accept Death From Your Horse " The Mysterious Death Of The Most Mysterious Prince Of Russian History - Alternative View

Prince Oleg is probably the most mysterious person in the history of the state. His death was also mysterious.The chronicler Nestor, in the tale of bygone years, writes a rather entertaining story in the famous chronicle novella, marked in 912: “And Oleg lived in peace with all countries, the prince in Kiev. A

10 Mysterious Deaths That Historians Have Not Been Able To Explain - Alternative View

10 Mysterious Deaths That Historians Have Not Been Able To Explain - Alternative View

Sometimes during archaeological excavations, scientists find such unexpected and mysterious artifacts that not only confuse them, but force them to completely rethink the course of history

Under Luxor Found The Tomb Of The Nobleman Of The Pharaoh Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Under Luxor Found The Tomb Of The Nobleman Of The Pharaoh Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

In the south of Egypt, near the modern city of Luxor, archaeologists have discovered the tomb of a high-ranking nobleman of the XVIII dynasty of the pharaohs who ruled the country from 1550 to 1292 BC

"Russian Robinson" - Nobleman Sergei Lisitsyn - Alternative View

"Russian Robinson" - Nobleman Sergei Lisitsyn - Alternative View

People with an absurd, complex character are often taught and even punished by life. Although, in the end, this punishment can be a boon for such a bad guy. So it happened with the young nobleman Sergei Lisitsyn.- Salik.bizThe young man was 24 years old when in 1847 he stepped on the deck of a ship heading for Alaska

Herodotus Wrote The Truth - The Boat "baris" Really Existed - Alternative View

Herodotus Wrote The Truth - The Boat "baris" Really Existed - Alternative View

The ancient Greek scientist Herodotus, telling in his "History" about a visit to Ancient Egypt, mentioned a boat - "baris", which was distinguished by a special design

Sexy Apocrypha Of Ancient Egypt! - Alternative View

Sexy Apocrypha Of Ancient Egypt! - Alternative View

Having studied the Turin papyrus, historians came to the conclusion that the cult of sex flourished in Ancient Egypt. This artifact is one of the most mysterious archaeological finds. The scroll dates from the 12th century BC