Secrets of history 2024, October

Deciphered A Love Spell On The Ancient Greek Papyrus - Alternative View

Deciphered A Love Spell On The Ancient Greek Papyrus - Alternative View

The saved picture served as a hint. Ancient Egyptian papyrus in Coptic language, about the content of which scientists have speculated for decades, is most likely a love spell

20 Oddities Of The Ancient Egyptians That Will Confuse Even Those Who Know The History - Alternative View

20 Oddities Of The Ancient Egyptians That Will Confuse Even Those Who Know The History - Alternative View

We all know from school that Ancient Egypt - country of the pyramids. Everyone has probably watched a movie about mummies and tombs of the pharaohs, and also remembers that the Egyptians invented paper

Officials Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View

Officials Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View

Ancient Egypt was located in a narrow valley of the Nile, surrounded by arid desert and bare rocks. Most of the population lived in oases and valleys of small rivers

Secrets Of The Great Queen - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Great Queen - Alternative View

For more than two thousand years, interest in the mysterious queen and the most famous odious historical personality has not diminished. Cleopatra. Many ancient classics did not ignore the queen-queens

30 Facts About Ancient Egypt That You Probably Did Not Know About - Alternative View

30 Facts About Ancient Egypt That You Probably Did Not Know About - Alternative View

Pyramids, Sphinx, Cleopatra - everyone heard about it. But in fact, the legacy of Ancient Egypt is far from limited. For the first time, antibiotics began to be widely used only in the last century

Nazis In The Service Of American Democracy - Alternative View

Nazis In The Service Of American Democracy - Alternative View

The American authorities not only deliberately harbored Nazi criminals, but also used them against the USSR

Cleopatra In Life And In Movies: What The Queen Of Egypt Really Looked Like - Alternative View

Cleopatra In Life And In Movies: What The Queen Of Egypt Really Looked Like - Alternative View

In cinema, the role of Cleopatra has always been given to the most spectacular and beautiful actresses of her time: Vivien Leigh, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Monica Bellucci. But the myth about the beauty of Cleopatra - one of the most common misconceptions

How Did LSD Become Popular - Alternative View

How Did LSD Become Popular - Alternative View

Tim Scully and his good friend Nick Sand were trying to do a big deal and popularize LSD. The most interesting thing is that they managed to create and implement not a single hundred pills, and they also managed to bypass the law

The Times When All LSD In The World Was Made By One Person - Alternative View

The Times When All LSD In The World Was Made By One Person - Alternative View

Life imprisonment, even two, was awarded to Picard for the record for stealing money into the shadows, expressed in 90% of the world production of a substance called LSD. Synthesizing this psychotropic drug is not easy

Third Reich And Drugs - Alternative View

Third Reich And Drugs - Alternative View

While the Soviet troops were using the "front-line hundred grams", methamphetamines were used on the other side of the trenches.Under the influence of drugs, the soldiers could not sleep for days on end, did not feel any fear or pain.- Salik

What Did The Soldiers Of The Third Reich Take During The Blitzkrieg In Poland In Order To Stay Awake For Two Days - Alternative View

What Did The Soldiers Of The Third Reich Take During The Blitzkrieg In Poland In Order To Stay Awake For Two Days - Alternative View

In 1939, the Nazis made an unprecedented move: they were able to occupy Poland in less than a month. In many ways, they succeeded thanks to a well-developed attack scheme. However, just a deliberate offensive was not enough. The Germans had another weapon that kept the soldiers awake for several days

Secret Patrons Of Two Revolutions And The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

Secret Patrons Of Two Revolutions And The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

In September 2008, the bells of St. Daniel's Monastery returned from the American city of Harvard to Moscow. As you know, these bells were taken out of Russia in 1930 by the American tycoon Charles Richard Crane

China And The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

China And The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

Paradoxically, for China, participation in the First World War on the side of the Entente and influence on the events of the Civil War in Russia turned out to be two sides of the same coin. The Chinese “killed two birds with one stone”

The Uprising Of The Czechoslovakians. How The Civil War Began In Russia - Alternative View

The Uprising Of The Czechoslovakians. How The Civil War Began In Russia - Alternative View

On May 17, 1918, exactly 100 years ago, the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps began in Russia, from which many historians count the beginning of the Civil War

Television In The Third Reich - Alternative View

Television In The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Third Reich - Tibet Connection The Third Reich (as Germany was called by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945) was considered a strong power driven by the force of progress. During these years, the ruling place in the country was occupied by Adolf Hitler

Black Cat: The Most Famous Gang In The USSR - Alternative View

Black Cat: The Most Famous Gang In The USSR - Alternative View

The most mysterious gang of the Stalin era, the Black Cat, haunted Muscovites with its daring raids for 3 years. Taking advantage of the difficult post-war situation and the gullibility of citizens, Mitin's gang "ripped off" large sums of money and left unharmed

Scientists Told Where The Real Vampires Actually Lived - Alternative View

Scientists Told Where The Real Vampires Actually Lived - Alternative View

Absolutely any culture has its own vampires, which, of course, cannot but alert even the most skeptical scientists. In early Babylonian demonology, blood-sucking spirits were called Leela, while even earlier Sumerians were called aksharas

A Captive Concentration Camp Doctor Saved Thousands Of People - Alternative View

A Captive Concentration Camp Doctor Saved Thousands Of People - Alternative View

Sinyakov himself never spoke of the war. The "flying witch" Anna Egorova told about his exploits.After the capture of the Reichstag, he, a teetotaler, went into a German tavern and drank a glass of beer for the victory of the Soviet people - in memory of one prisoner

The Case Of The "killer Doctors": What Happened In January 1953 In The USSR - Alternative View

The Case Of The "killer Doctors": What Happened In January 1953 In The USSR - Alternative View

"Doctors' Case" 1953 - the title of a sensational criminal case against famous doctors in the USSR, 6 of whom were Jews. Doctors accused of conspiracy against high-ranking officials of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the murder of prominent party members

Who Are You, Dr. Hippocrates? - Alternative View

Who Are You, Dr. Hippocrates? - Alternative View

Millions of modern doctors around the world solemnly pronounce the Hippocratic Oath. True, there are two small questions: was there really that same Hippocrates? And if it was, then did it not bring humanity more harm than good?

The Case Of The "Doctors-Pests" 1953 - Alternative View

The Case Of The "Doctors-Pests" 1953 - Alternative View

The "linden" trial of 1952 - 1953, known as the "Doctors' Plot", initiated by the "leader of the peoples", but never completed

Scientific Victories And Personal Dramas Of Professor Sklifosovsky - Alternative View

Scientific Victories And Personal Dramas Of Professor Sklifosovsky - Alternative View

April 6 (old style - March 25) marks 182 years since the birth of an outstanding surgeon and scientist, Professor Nikolai Vasilievich Sklifosovsky

The Most Terrible And Cruel Witches In History - Alternative View

The Most Terrible And Cruel Witches In History - Alternative View

Historically, it so happened that some evil witches are known to each of us, while for some reason there is no information about others, while the former, it turns out, were much more bloodthirsty than the latter

10 Scary Doctors Who Actually Made People Sick - Alternative View

10 Scary Doctors Who Actually Made People Sick - Alternative View

These fearsome doctors had a passion for lobotomies, blisters, and plague. Don't be surprised if after reading this article you become afraid to enter your doctor's office

About Veche Rule In Russia - Alternative View

About Veche Rule In Russia - Alternative View

Do you know why our story is completely falsified by the servants of darkness? Yes, so that we do not know about how our Vedic ancestors lived during the "golden age", when the parasitic satanic force had not yet seized power over the planet and imposed its degrading "values" on people, creating a vicious pyramid of power

How Immunity Was Increased In The Distant Past - Alternative View

How Immunity Was Increased In The Distant Past - Alternative View

Ancient people perceived the disease as a punishment sent by the gods - and were treated accordingly. A little later, with the emergence of civilization, more adequate ways of dealing with the misfortune appeared

In Azov, Archaeologists Have Discovered A Mold For Casting A Pendant With An Unusual Ornament - Alternative View

In Azov, Archaeologists Have Discovered A Mold For Casting A Pendant With An Unusual Ornament - Alternative View

Azov archaeologists made an unusual find. They analyzed the finds of the summer period and found a mold for casting a pendant with an unusual ornament.The find belongs to the Middle Ages. In the center of the pendant there is a square with mysterious symbols, and along the outline it is decorated with vignettes

And Even Darkness Will Become Light - Alternative View

And Even Darkness Will Become Light - Alternative View

House of light, lantern, navigator - these and many other meanings in translations from different languages belong to one word familiar to us - Lighthouse. The definition is clear - this is a structure at a specific position on the coast or at the highest point of the area adjacent to a body of water. Pur

How Evil Santa Claus Became Kind - Alternative View

How Evil Santa Claus Became Kind - Alternative View

Those who have not believed in Santa Claus for a long time can tell the hard-hitting story of this now fabulous character, who owes his appearance to a real person - St. Nicholas Archbishop of Lycia (the ruins of his residence are located near the village of Demre in modern Turkey)

Guanche Mystery - Alternative View

Guanche Mystery - Alternative View

When in the XIV century the dark-skinned black-haired inhabitants of the Mediterranean reached the Canary Islands on their ships, they were met on the coast by blue-eyed giants of the Guanche tribe in red-orange goat skins

"American History", Or What Do The US Think About Russia And Russia? - Alternative View

"American History", Or What Do The US Think About Russia And Russia? - Alternative View

It always seemed very funny that the United States, which was formed only two and a half centuries ago, which actually has no history of its own and consists of immigrants and their descendants, are trying to teach the whole world to reason, and assert their path as the only and correct way

America's Ghost Towns - Alternative View

America's Ghost Towns - Alternative View

It happens when cities die in wars or rot along with the country. However, when a country is developing rapidly, the appearance of certain cities dying in it contrasts sharply with the well-being of others

When The English Language Was Created - Alternative View

When The English Language Was Created - Alternative View

Basically, English is not much different from most other Western European languages. In the sense that it is the same remake as they are.It should be said right away: until 1733, Latin was the official language of the English state. http://www

Hooligan Hunters - Alternative View

Hooligan Hunters - Alternative View

There is no need to explain to the older generation what DND is. But the younger one should decipher this abbreviation - voluntary people's squad. During the days of developed socialism, the members of this organization, whose distinctive mark was a red armband on the sleeve, were very feared by hooligans of all stripes

The Stupidest Reasons For Starting A War - Alternative View

The Stupidest Reasons For Starting A War - Alternative View

Humanity has been waging continuous wars throughout its history. The reasons are usually the same: power, territory, resources. But the reasons may be the most unexpected - a killed pig, a wooden bucket, a victory in the World Cup.- Salik

Russian James Bond - Alternative View

Russian James Bond - Alternative View

Ian Fleming, the father of the legendary "agent 007", once admitted that the prototypes of his heroes were several real-life British intelligence officers

Why Were The Materials Of Y.Blumkin's Expedition To Tibet Interested In B'nai Brit? - Alternative View

Why Were The Materials Of Y.Blumkin's Expedition To Tibet Interested In B'nai Brit? - Alternative View

Many orthodox scholars question the availability of important information obtained by Blumkin's expedition to Tibet regarding the artifacts of ancient antediluvian civilizations and the technologies they use. Also, they doubt that it was most of the materials of this expedition, sold to the German intelligence service by Y

Nightmares Of An Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital In Leipzig - Alternative View

Nightmares Of An Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital In Leipzig - Alternative View

Since the article was not written by me, but the author's experience is very interesting to me, I will immediately make a reservation that there is no "Mine" tag, I leave the story and writing style in the author's version, a link to the source is placed at the end of the post. I also take photos with watermarks

The Clone Wars: The Most Famous Impostors In Russian History - Alternative View

The Clone Wars: The Most Famous Impostors In Russian History - Alternative View

All kinds of impostors have met in the history of all states in all historical periods, and our country is unlikely to be an exception here. But in terms of the number of twins, and even more so in their "quality" and variety, it will not be easy to find equal to Russia

Assassins - Myths And Reality Of The Great Order - Alternative View

Assassins - Myths And Reality Of The Great Order - Alternative View

A new Hollywood action movie "Assassin's Creed", based on the series of mega-popular computer games Assassin's Creed, has appeared on the wide Russian screen. However, now we are not talking about the artistic merits of this work, especially since they are, to put it mildly, rather controversial