How Immunity Was Increased In The Distant Past - Alternative View

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How Immunity Was Increased In The Distant Past - Alternative View
How Immunity Was Increased In The Distant Past - Alternative View

Video: How Immunity Was Increased In The Distant Past - Alternative View

Video: How Immunity Was Increased In The Distant Past - Alternative View
Video: TRUE Limits Of Humanity – The Final Border We Will Never Cross 2024, October

Ancient people perceived the disease as a punishment sent by the gods - and were treated accordingly. A little later, with the emergence of civilization, more adequate ways of dealing with the scourge appeared. People began to use the surrounding nature to their advantage, experimentally figuring out what herbs could help in an accident. Ancient thinkers in China, India and Greece wrote detailed treatises on medicine and described in particular the means to help prevent disease. Even now, some people practice exactly the methods of health promotion that our ancestors left us.

Here, for example, are some of the most interesting ways to increase immunity, practiced around the world.


The history of Europe is more like a medical reference book: plague, epidemics of cholera and other diseases mowed down the population of entire cities. The crusader warriors, whose health was aggravated by the hardships of the marching life, were more susceptible to diseases. At that time, a drink based on borago leaves and flowers spread: the crusaders drank it, fleeing scurvy and saturating the body with vitamins.


Ancient China

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Chinese medicine has been around longer than some civilizations. It was here that the methods were invented with which we, sometimes, are still treated. The hibiscus plant is mentioned in many old Chinese tracts. Hibiscus petals were brewed into tea and drunk as a prophylaxis against many diseases.


Egypt and Rome

Contrary to popular myth, slaves in ancient Egypt were highly valued - simply because they were quite expensive. For the slaves to last longer, garlic was included in the diet of the pyramid builder. He maintained physical strength and protected from many diseases, including cancer. The Roman generals were guided by about the same: every soldier in active service was obliged to eat a clove of garlic every day, which helped the body to cope with the hardships of military service.


Ancient Greece

The ancient Greeks did not call olive oil "liquid gold" for nothing, used it as currency and added it to almost all dishes. In addition to vitamins of groups A, D, E and K, olive oil contains various phenols that slow down the aging process and strengthen the immune system.


Ancient Russia

In Russia, medicine was developed quite well. Doctors were well aware of the relationship between food and human health. The self-written medical guides contained detailed guidelines for the fall and spring to consume more fresh vegetables than at other times. Our ancestors used honey and lard to maintain immunity, and doctors were able not only to look for medicinal herbs, but also to use them correctly. In the 15th century, the arsenal of doctors was replenished with saffron, ginger and cinnamon - information about them was brought by the merchant-traveler Afanasy Nikitin.


Ancient india

In ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda, there was a whole section devoted to the study of immunity - Vyadhiksamatva. It was based on yoga, which in the East seems to be considered a panacea for all ills, and a kind of diet that includes rice, water and ghee. For the prevention of colds used the plant echinocea.


Pre-Columbian America

Tropical America is home to hot red peppers or chili peppers. The indigenous people consumed it in huge quantities, and often also used it as a war poisoning agent. It's all about the substance capsaicin, which gives the pepper a pungency, it was thanks to him that the Indians rarely suffered from colds.


Ancient arabs

In ancient times, amazing properties were attributed to the fruits of the date palm. Allegedly, a person could live without food for several years, eating only dates and drinking them with water. How much truth in this is unknown, but dates were and are one of the best sources of salts, vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Not only fruits were used for food, but also leaves, seeds and even the trunk of a palm tree.