Why Were The Materials Of Y.Blumkin's Expedition To Tibet Interested In B'nai Brit? - Alternative View

Why Were The Materials Of Y.Blumkin's Expedition To Tibet Interested In B'nai Brit? - Alternative View
Why Were The Materials Of Y.Blumkin's Expedition To Tibet Interested In B'nai Brit? - Alternative View

Video: Why Were The Materials Of Y.Blumkin's Expedition To Tibet Interested In B'nai Brit? - Alternative View

Video: Why Were The Materials Of Y.Blumkin's Expedition To Tibet Interested In B'nai Brit? - Alternative View

Many orthodox scholars question the availability of important information obtained by Blumkin's expedition to Tibet regarding the artifacts of ancient antediluvian civilizations and the technologies they use. Also, they doubt that it was most of the materials of this expedition, sold to the German intelligence service by Y. Blumkin, that, along with the information obtained by the occult research institute "Ahnenerbe", contributed to a significant breakthrough in the creation of many new technologies in Nazi Germany. But only the rapid advance of the Soviet army prevented the Nazis from modifying and using these technical innovations.

The importance of the materials of Blumkin's expedition is evidenced, for example, by the fact that during the reign of the pro-American regime of B. Yeltsin, such a secret occult organization of the world "elite" as "B'nai Brit" was closely interested in these materials. And only the honesty and patriotism of the secret service workers did not allow these secret documents to go abroad. Why secret? Yes, because, apparently, it was no coincidence that they were kept for many decades under the heading "Secret" in the archives first of the NKVD, and then of the KGB. And, apparently, the one who classified them, unlike the orthodox scientists, knew how important they are.

Here, for example, what a well-known expert in the field of geopolitics and military history, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Colonel-General L. Ivashov testified about this during an interview in the TV program "Human Upgrade"

Now any person can get acquainted with these materials after reading the book of L. Ivashov. But the conclusion that can be drawn from this whole story is. that German intelligence would not have paid Blumkin 2 million pre-war US dollars, and the NKVD would not have classified the materials of this expedition at its disposal if the information contained in them about the artifacts and technologies of ancient antediluvian civilizations were not reliable. And, of course, if these artifacts and technologies were just the fantasies of Blumkin and the Tibetan lamas, they would not have aroused such keen interest in the secret occult organization "B'nai Brit" even after more than 60 years.

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Anticipating the screams of some "fighters against pseudoscience" and their minions, whose task is to conceal the true knowledge of ancient antediluvian civilizations from ordinary people at any cost, here are photocopies of fragments of some of these secret documents from the USSR KGB archive.

As you can see, it follows from these documents that one of the main goals of Blumkin's expedition to Tibet was the search for the "city of the gods" in order to obtain the technology of previously unknown weapons. And this once again proves that while scientists “hang” ordinary people “on their ears” from the myths of “official history”, claiming that there have never been any antediluvian civilizations, the secret services of various countries and secret occult societies are hunting for artifacts of these civilizations throughout the world.

This means that no matter what the "official" historians lied to us there by order of their masters from the world "elite", the real history of mankind is very different from that collection of fantastic works known to us from history textbooks and only people can blindly believe in them, not capable of independent thinking.