Secret Patrons Of Two Revolutions And The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

Secret Patrons Of Two Revolutions And The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View
Secret Patrons Of Two Revolutions And The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Secret Patrons Of Two Revolutions And The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Secret Patrons Of Two Revolutions And The Civil War In Russia - Alternative View
Video: The Russian Civil War: Every Day 2024, September

In September 2008, the bells of St. Daniel's Monastery returned from the American city of Harvard to Moscow. As you know, these bells were taken out of Russia in 1930 by the American magnate Charles Richard Crane. Commenting on the return home of the monastery bells, the Russian media emphasized that Crane "saved the bells from being melted down." Who is Charles Richard Crane? Crane is a hereditary industrialist, diplomat, philanthropist, a generous sponsor of the White movement, the author of a strange plan to "save the Tsar Family" from the Ipatiev House, and for one thing a financier and patron of Leon Trotsky and his supporters

In September 2008, the bells of St. Daniel's Monastery returned from the American city of Harvard to Moscow. As you know, these bells were taken out of Russia in 1930 by the American magnate Charles Richard Crane. Commenting on the return home of the monastery bells, the Russian media emphasized that Crane "saved the bells from being melted down." Thus, the image of Crane appeared before the Russian public as the image of a noble patron of the arts. In fact, Crane was one of the most sinister and mysterious figures of the early twentieth century, playing one of the leading roles in the Russian revolution.

As you know, the beginning of this long history with the acquisition of the bells of St. Danilov Monastery and their export from Bolshevik Russia falls on the distant 20s of the last century, when both Russian revolutions had already taken place, the First World War and the Civil War died down, the Leninist NEP was living out its last days and the whole world has already become known for the house of engineer Ipatiev in Yekaterinburg. Instead of private property, socialist property prevailed in the USSR. Churches and monasteries were closed everywhere, and many were even destroyed, clergy were arrested en masse, church utensils were confiscated, bells were melted down for scrap.

It is against this background that Crane purchases the bells of the Danilov Monastery. These bells were already ready to be melted down.

Who is Charles Richard Crane? Crane is a hereditary industrialist, diplomat, philanthropist, a generous sponsor of the White movement, the author of a strange plan to "save the Royal Family" from the Ipatiev House, and for one thing, the financier and patron of Leon Trotsky and his supporters.

It was Crane, the owner of the Westinghouse, Metropolian, Vickers companies, who stood behind both phases of the 1917 revolution, it was he who patronized Trotsky during his stay in New York and it was with Crane's money that Trotsky and his supporter were able in March 1917 return to Russia.

It was with the participation of Crane that the actions of groups of American, Canadian, British and Norwegian industrialists were coordinated with representatives of the intelligence services of England and the United States, operating under the auspices of the Anglo-American trade mission, in an attempt to so-called rescue of Nicholas II and his Family from the Bolshevik arrest in spring and summer 1918. We all know how this so-called coordination ended on the night of July 16-17, 1918.

Along with other representatives of the world behind the scenes, Crane was also involved in unleashing a bloody Civil War in Russia. The purpose of this massacre was to finally destroy the Russian statehood and cause a real genocide of the Russian people. This was to be accompanied by total plunder and division of the territory of the former Russian Empire. All this would lead to the fulfillment of the main goal of the world behind the scenes - the destruction of Russia as a dangerous geopolitical competitor and gaining control over its natural and material resources.

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It was for this purpose that the so-called "mutiny" of the Czechoslovak corps was organized in the spring and summer of 1918. The Czechoslovak Corps was formed from Czech and Slovak soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Army who were captured by Russian during the First World War. This rebellion was organized precisely at the moment when the fate of Nicholas II, members of his family and the fate of other Romanovs could still be the subject of bargaining between the Bolsheviks and the Germans, and accordingly there was a possibility of their salvation. The revolt of the Czechoslovakians was actively supported, among other things, by the administration of US President Woodrow Wilson, and the main inspirer of this support was the same Charles Crane. Crane convinced the chairman of the Czech National Committee of the Freemason Thomas Massarik, who fought for the independence of Czechoslovakia from the Austro-Hungarian Empire,support the revolt of the Czechoslovak corps and formally lead it as the "president" of an independent Czech Republic (while Massarik himself did not leave Paris). In 1918, Thomas Massarik received a $ 10 million loan from Wall Street bankers.

It was the performance of the Czechoslovak Legion at the end of May 1918 that triggered the terrible Civil War, and when approaching Yekaterinburg, the official reason for the Bolshevik version of the execution of the Tsar's family in the basement of the Ipatiev House.

Subsequently, Massarik will become the first president of independent Czechoslovakia and become related to Crane, marrying his sister.

It is interesting to note that in the spring and summer of 1918, Lenin did not benefit from the death of members of the House of Romanov, especially the Tsar's Family. On the contrary, the preservation of the life of the deposed Emperor, Empress and August Children, as well as other great princes and princesses, would increase the authority of such a shaky Bolshevik power at that time.

But the leaders of the Bolsheviks were not united and were not independent as a political force, they were sponsored by various foreign forces, such as the Fabian Society, American financial circles, German, French and English business structures and special services, and therefore, as they say in modern office work, it was ripe conflict of interest. Moreover, it was the spring-summer of 1918 that became the apogee of sponsorship demands for the division of Russia, torn by the World War and revolutions, and the decision of the fate of the Romanovs.

It was in the summer of 1918 that a conflict between the so-called allies of Russia in the First World War matured, and it was then, in the summer of 1918, that a force, officially called the American International Corporation, came out of the backstage, deciding to bypass all its other partners and allies in obtaining benefits in Russia.

Now, in order to try to connect all of the above with the export of the bells of the Holy Danilov Monastery from Russia, we should turn to the origins of the Russian revolution.

Both the revolution of 1905, and the February and October revolutions are the fruit of a united effort of many forces, not the least of which was foreign financial assistance to revolutionaries. It is widely known that Japan, on the brink of military and economic disaster in the last months of the war with the Russian Empire, received generous financial assistance from the American banker Jacob Schiff.

Schiff also stood behind the backs of subsequent revolutions. Of course, Schiff was not alone in his anti-Russian activities.

There are many reasons, consequences and other intricacies of what happened. For example, the writers Kugushev and Kalashnikov, the authors of the "Third Project" trilogy, name seven reasons that led to the great catastrophe of 1917. Let me quote one of the moments of their book: “Perhaps, only in one thing there was agreement among all the most influential forces of the Russian society torn apart by contradictions. They all longed for the overthrow of tsarism. And there is no need to hang all the dogs on the communists: in February 1917, the tsar was thrown from the throne not by them, but by those who are rightfully called "bourgeois democracy". It was not the commissars and not the Red Guards who forced Nicholas II to abdicate, but the high-ranking masons, generals and ministers. Noble, educated and well-to-do people. Everyone stood for it for their own reasons."

Here are seven reasons cited by the authors:

1) the first revolutionary detachment - the ruling elite. Industrial and financial, military, higher and middle bureaucrats, the main officers of the special services and partly the political elite. Many revolutionaries from the elite went to Masons at the same time. Freemasons in Russia were closed clubs, in which the interests of different groups and clans of the ruling elite were coordinated. They also tried to create here a matrix of a Western-style society.

2) The second force is external forces actively involved in the fate of the empire. The relationship between the Bolsheviks and the Westerners had a similar dual nature: on the one hand, the West tried to use the Bolsheviks for the purposes it needed. And, in turn, the Bolsheviks tried to adapt the West in order to gain a foothold in Russia, create rear services, solve their current operational tasks, in relation to which both the internationalists and the red nationalists were united.

3) The third driving force of 1917 was the Russian national bourgeoisie, which in its mass, in contrast to the foreign bourgeoisie (Germans and Jews) that was part of the Masonic lodges, was the Old Believer. According to historians, the number of adherents of the original Russian Orthodoxy by 1917 amounted to about 30 million people. Moreover, the elite of the Old Believers was Russian entrepreneurship. The names of the Old Believers Morozovs, Ryabushinsky, Rakhmanovs, Soldateevs, Bakhrushins are well known to this day. More than half of all industrial capital in Russia was concentrated in their hands. The Old Believers accounted for almost two-thirds of non-Western investment in Russian industry and large-scale trade.

4) The fourth force of the revolution was the people. No, no, not the Bolshevik-Communists and not the Socialist-Revolutionaries, but the most ordinary people who wished to free themselves from all power in general. In order not to pay taxes at all, not to go to the army, not to obey officials.

5) The fifth force is the intelligentsia. Anyone who studies revolutions in Russia is struck by the destructive and at the same time suicidal role of the intelligentsia. It caused revolutions and was the first to perish in their millstones. This very often arouses resentment against the intelligentsia. It seems that she is some kind of special people, terribly far from the rest of the Russians, maniacally trying to "make the West here."

6) The sixth driving force of 1917, united in the party, was the revolutionaries. People who rejected the world of their day … Their most important and passionate desire was to overcome the existing reality, transform it into a new reality, in no way connected with the world where they had to live. They believed that they had a way to create this new world that would be much better and happier than the old one.

7) The seventh driving force of the 1917 revolution was immigrants from the Jewish people. They were in the majority among professional revolutionaries. Typically, these Jews were not sidelines of the Zionist doctrine. For them, creating their own state and returning to the Promised Land was too small a goal. These were individuals endowed with unbending will, they were distinguished, as a rule, by a complete absence of religious morality, inhuman cruelty, and the ability to subjugate people. But, let's pay attention to this, they were not Jews in the national sense of the word. Most of the revolutionaries, religious Jewry did not consider theirs. The Jewish revolutionaries were outcasts among their own fellow tribesmen.

But, if the Jews represented the majority in the leadership of the revolutionary parties, then the direct executors of the overthrow of the Tsar were just Russians: General Alekseev, General Ruzsky, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and many others.

Now about the Masons. It would be naive to assume that the actions and actions of local Masons were independent of their foreign brothers. For the most part, only representations of Western Masonic lodges were opened in Russia, which were the conductors of decisions taken "from outside".

But, in addition to the seven named reasons for the revolution, there was, in my opinion, the eighth.

The revolution in Russia in 1917 was a sabotage, the same as the so-called "Great" French Revolution of 1789, only on a much larger scale.

People in the literal sense of the word were “made different”, replacing Orthodox, Muslim, Buddhist values, the teachings of Moses with Bolshevik communist dogmas. Atheism and fighting against God became the new state religion.

But if at the beginning of the twentieth century the fight against God acted in Russia in the most frank way, today it has acquired a hidden, sophisticated character. It is disguised under the guise of a consumer society, "universal human values", "human rights", etc. Only one in the world has the right to truth - the United States. Only America can define what is democracy and what is not, what is good and what is bad. With its outward atheism, the new ideology expressed today by the American so-called "neoconservatives" is extremely religious. The main position of this religiosity is messianism, the expectation of the Messiah. This religion is a kind of fusion of Jewish and Protestant messianism with occult and theosophical teachings. The nature and origin of the "Messiah", whom the neoconservatives call "Christ"seems clear enough for Orthodox Christians. It is based on the Revelation of John the Theologian, which calls this coming false Messiah, the Antichrist.

About one of the main ideologists of the neoconservatives P. Wolfowitz, professor of psychological sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and director of the Institute for Advanced Research named after E. L. Shifers, Yu. V. Gromyko writes the following: “It was Wolfowitz in the early 90s who acted as the ideologist and propagandist of the methods and ideas of non-lethal war. It can be argued that it was the program of non-lethal war that brought ardent supporters of various occult trends to the scientific and military centers of the United States - for example, representatives of the esoteric "New Age". This problem opens up completely new approaches to the modern type of wars, which are associated with the destruction of the identity of the population of a given country. In the event of such wars, it turns out to be unnecessary to seize the territory of a given state - it is enough just to carry out the civilizational recruitment of its subjects. We propose to call this type of wars conscientious (from the English Consciousness - "consciousness") "[4].

A careful analysis of the 1917 revolution allows us to conclude that these methods did not appear in the early 90s, but were already successfully used in the early 20th century.

Thus, the 8th reason for the death of the Russian Empire in 1917 can be formulated as follows: ideological spiritual sabotage against the traditional Faith and worldview of the Russian People (by the Russian People we mean the totality of all the peoples of the Russian Empire). This sabotage was carried out by representatives of a new extremely aggressive religion based on theomachist ideology.

The purpose of this force was to change the entire world order, the destruction of Christian civilization and the seizure of all the natural and material wealth of the world.

Jacob Schiff never concealed his hatred for Russia and personally for the Tsar, financing the revolutionary forces. In 1911, Schiff demanded that US President Taft break a trade agreement with Russia that was very beneficial for America. Since the president refused to comply with Schiff's demand, the latter entered into an open struggle with him and, in the end, achieved his goal.

Charles Crane has been Jacob Schiff's closest business partner since at least the early 1900s. Kuhn, Loeb & Co, run by Schiff, worked closely with Westinghouse Company, run by Crane.

And, of course, there was also their partnership in work in such structures as the Federal Reserve System, American International Corporation, National City Bank.

The activities of this bank intensified in Russia just on the eve of the February Revolution, having created in advance a legal source of financing for its agents of influence.

In Russia, there were enough emissaries of the American-British "behind the scenes" not only in the State Duma, but also in the Imperial government. One of these was the Minister of Finance P. L. Bark, who entered into extremely unprofitable loan agreements that had to be "secured" by sending Russian gold to England (and was it not later, after the "laundering" in Britain, the United States and Sweden, went under the brand name " German "to finance the Bolsheviks?)

The agents of Russia's foreign enemies were also Deputy Minister of Railways Yu. V. Lomonosov, Minister of Internal Affairs A. D. Protopopov (who flogged police reports about the conspiracy and for several days delayed information to the tsar about the riots in the capital). Diplomats and special services of England and France took an active part in the February Revolution. The conspirators who were preparing the coup were closely associated with the ambassadors of these powers J. Buchanan and M. Palaeologus.

On January 2, 1917, with Bark's support, literally on the eve of the revolution, a branch of the American National City Bank was opened in Petrograd for the first time in Russia. Moreover, the first client was the conspirator M. I. Tereshchenko, who received a loan of 100 thousand dollars (at the current exchange rate - about 2 million dollars).

Researcher of Russian-American financial relations S. L. Tkachenko notes that credit in the history of banking was completely unique - without preliminary negotiations, without specifying the purpose of the loan, security, repayment terms. They just gave money and that's it.

On the eve of the terrible events, British War Minister A. Milner also visited Petrograd. There is information that he also brought very large sums. AA Gulevich gives evidence that just after this visit, agents of the British Ambassador Buchanan provoked riots in Petrograd. The American ambassador to Germany, Dodd, later said that Wilson's representative in Russia, Crane, director of Westinghouse Electric, played an important role in the February events. And when the revolution broke out, Colonel House wrote to Wilson: "The current events in Russia have occurred largely due to your influence."

The aforementioned adviser to the President of the United States, Colonel House, and the adviser to the same President, Charles Crane, were assigned to Woodrow Wilson to adjust his line of action and betray the "correctness" of the political course.

Valery Shambarov writes: “In the same 1912, American financial circles held Woodrow Wilson as president of the United States - his closest“friend”and advisor, Colonel House, directed and regulated his policy (as a result of his adjustments, Wilson was called“Rothschild's puppet”behind the back) … Preparations for war in Germany were also sharply intensified. Networks of agents in our country were expanded and reorganized. And not only specialists from the General Staff and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were involved in this. One of the actual leaders of the German special services was the largest Hamburg banker Max Warburg, under his patronage, Olaf Aschberg's Nia-Bank was created in Stockholm in 1912, through which money would later go to the Bolsheviks."

It should be noted that Max Warburg was the brother of Paul Warburg, who together with Schiff was behind the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of America.

And even later, in the early 1920s, after the end of the Civil War, Russian gold would flow back to the west through the same Ashberg with his Nia-Bank and Robert Dollar, a shipping magnate and a very mysterious personality. Around the same time, Metropolian, Vickers, a subsidiary of Crane's Westinghouse Company, was active in Russia.

But, the time to pay off their financial debts to the West in return for their sponsorship will come in the early 20s, but for now, with the outbreak of hostilities in the First World War, Russia was immediately awaited by many other surprises from its allies in the upcoming war: shortage of weapons, ammunition, and ammunition (and for the payments already paid by the Russian side).

Nevertheless, if the business contacts of the "best of friends of Russia", as Charles Crane is now sometimes called, with its enemies can be explained by business and politics, then the joint membership of Charles Crane and Jacob Schiff in the military council of such an organization as the Association of Young Christians or The Christian Union of Youth, for short (YMCA), is difficult to explain with just commerce. Let's see what she was like.

By 1918, this organization was already quite widespread in Russia and was officially engaged in neutralizing German propaganda with the support of the American government. It was positioned as: "a worldwide public, non-profit and non-religious organization that unites young people with the aim of strengthening their physical and moral health based on the spiritual values of Christianity." Noble goals, aren't they?

But here is what we read about this organization in the book Secret Societies of the 20th Century: “It is interesting to note that Kh. S. M. L. (Christian Union of Youth) has chosen as its symbol the overturned red triangle. This is a symbol of Freemasonry, taken from the Kabbalah, symbolizing the devil, being a small seal of Freemasonry, adopted in the environment of related organizations. Kh. S. M. L. makes this triangle red and equips it with a crossbar on which the initial letters H. S. M. L or YMCA… are indicated.

The Rosicrucians put a cross inside the same triangle, also using it as one of their symbols."

We have encountered a triangle with its apex downward enough to stop there. But the cross.

The meaning of the cross as a symbol of Rosicrucianism, like other secret societies, is manifold. There is only one true meaning - the symbol of the Atonement that will save humanity from the bonds of hell, sin and death.

A small official note that we discovered in such an authoritative publication as The New York Times, dated June 5, 1918, can tell a lot about the material under study.

So, The New York Times, article FOR $ 100,000,000 DRIVE.; YMCA Announces Its Campaign Committees dated 1918-05-06, informs us about the extraordinary convocation of the YMCA Committee, which took place the day before.

The official purpose of convening the Association Committee was to increase the organization's fund assets to $ 100,000,000, which was proportionally divided by the Association's Military Council into Western, Eastern, Southern and Northern.

Further in the text is a list of the names, surnames and locations of the personnel of the Military Committee of this Association. Undoubtedly, the entire list of this War Council is very interesting! But, in relation to the topic of this article, I want to draw your attention to the presence of such names in it: Jacob Schiff, Henry Ford, Robert Dollar and Charles Crane.

The rest of the names of the YMCA Association Committee are no less colorful. Many of them appeared after the revolution and during the NEP, and some of them we still hear. But, while we are not talking about them.

So: Schiff, Ford, Dollar, Crane. Date of meeting: June 4, 1918.

Surely it is no coincidence that almost a month before the murder in Moscow of the German ambassador, Count W. von Mirbach, who categorically demanded that the Bolsheviks export the Tsar's Family from Yekaterinburg to Moscow, and a little more than a month before the Yekaterinburg atrocity, in America, under the pretext of distributing YMCI funds, a group of leading US bankers and financiers gathered at the same table.

Ford is the "exposer" of the world "Jewish conspiracy", who later wished to act as a witness at the trial by the investigator N. A. Sokolov, who was investigating the circumstances of the death of the Royal Family. Ford is a rare foreigner who has been awarded the Order of the German Eagle by A. Hitler.

Dollar - built his mega-empire through membership in occult sects and secret ties with the Bolshevik leadership in the person of Litvinov and Krasin. Already in the 1920s, Crane was involved in a scandal with the illegal import into Sweden and America of a huge amount of gold, which had the stigma of tsarist Russia and got to the addressee through the aforementioned Swedish banker Olof Aschberg.

Crane is an advisor to the United States of America, a man with whose participation the passengers of the Christianiafjord steamer, led by Trotsky, reached Europe in 1917, and then Russia.

Crane is an active participant in the attempt to "save the Royal Family", which ended in murder in the basement of the Ipatiev House.

Crane is Kolchak's generous financier. This financial and military assistance ended with the execution of Kolchak and the collapse of his regime in Siberia.

Apparently, what happened in Russia during the Civil War was also a war between the Rothschild and Schiff groups. They waged wars with each other on foreign territory, controlling the forces under their control - the Bolsheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Cadets and Kolchakites, industrialists and financiers, constantly stimulating them with finances and promises of help. At times, common goals united them into some alliances, then they again acted only in their own interests, luring and bribing supporters from the opposing group

All the "good deeds" of the world behind the scenes contained subtext. And it is not a fact that the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna, Grand Dukes Alexander Mikhailovich and Nikolai Nikolaevich and other surviving representatives of the House of Romanov were not originally prepared for the same fate as the prisoners of Yekaterinburg and Alapaevsk.

Although, however, most of these rescued representatives were associated with a conspiracy against the Tsar and the murder of G. E. Rasputin.

Stimulation of whites, reds and others - there is an explanation for why the Civil War lasted so long. This was not a war, but a deliberate extermination of our people. The extermination of the Russian people opened the way for financial kings to use for their own benefit the natural and material wealth of Russia.

All the Red Cross missions, the Anglo-American Trade Mission, the Rutt Missions, the ARA, I. M. K. A and others - were just a legal curtain to control the ongoing processes and maintain the balance of power. Those who controlled these processes strictly dosed out aid to reds and whites, greens and Czechs, monarchists and anarchists. White support was scanty in comparison with the real possibilities of the West. And it was carried out only to drag out the Civil War, to increase mutual bitterness, so that the catastrophe of Russia would become irreversible.

The choice to become the winner fell on the red camp. So decided the backstage and, in principle, if we take into account the global goals of the world revolution, then this choice was predetermined from the beginning.
