Secrets of history 2024, October

The Mystery Of The Unsolved Mass Murder In The Forest House - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Unsolved Mass Murder In The Forest House - Alternative View

The story began in the fall of 1980, when Glenna Susan "Sue" Sharp broke up with her husband and decided to leave Connecticut for Northern California.Glenna was a mother of many children with five children of different ages: 15-year-old John, 14-year-old Sheila, 12-year-old Tina, 10-year-old Rick and 5-year-old Greg

Cargo Cult: "Coca-Cola" Sent By The Gods - Alternative View

Cargo Cult: "Coca-Cola" Sent By The Gods - Alternative View

We have all heard about faith in spirits, Christ, Buddha, Muslims, Confucianism, Voodoo dolls and a host of other religions and beliefs …But how many of us have heard of the Cargo Cult? Check yourself!- Salik.bizThese people build flightless planes and wooden airstrips. T

The Mystery Of The Underground Base In Queen Maud Land - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Underground Base In Queen Maud Land - Alternative View

70 years ago, the strangest operation of the fascist special services began, the meaning of which has not yet been solved

Secrets Of The Grave Of The Apostle Matthew - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Grave Of The Apostle Matthew - Alternative View

At the bottom of Lake Issyk-Kul, scientists are looking for an ancient monastery, where, according to legend, St. Matthew is buried - one of the apostles of Christ, writes the correspondent of the magazine "Itogi" E. Sigmund

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Creator Of The KGB Sergey Kruglov - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Creator Of The KGB Sergey Kruglov - Alternative View

Sergei Kruglov is one of those NKVD leaders who, after Stalin's death, were not included in the list of persons persecuted by the new government

The Dark Deeds Of The "Company Of Jesus" Or The End Justifies The Means - Alternative View

The Dark Deeds Of The "Company Of Jesus" Or The End Justifies The Means - Alternative View

Many secrets are kept by the history of the Jesuit Order - one of the most notorious Catholic orders. Intrigue, espionage, murder, blackmail, political games, manipulation of everything and everyone and so on, and so on

A Brief History Of The Crusades - Alternative View

A Brief History Of The Crusades - Alternative View

Crusades (end of XI - end of XIII century). Campaigns of Western European knights in Palestine with the aim of freeing the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem from the rule of Muslims

Time Of The Crusades: 12 Terrible Facts About The Crusades - Alternative View

Time Of The Crusades: 12 Terrible Facts About The Crusades - Alternative View

The time of the Crusades was difficult. In this article we will look at the horrors of the Crusades; we will tell you how they went and what could await you if you were a crusader. Read about facts about the Crusades that you didn't know about

The Real Reason For The Death Of Gagarin? - Alternative View

The Real Reason For The Death Of Gagarin? - Alternative View

It's time to stop inventing fantastic reasons for the "catastrophe of the century" Arseny Dmitrievich Mironov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Alexander Alexandrovich Shcherbakov - Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR

When A Person Learned To Fish - Alternative View

When A Person Learned To Fish - Alternative View

As you know, before people began to engage in agriculture, they had two main occupations - ndash; hunting and fishing. Until recently, scientists believed that man learned to catch and eat fish much later than to hunt animals

History Of The Crusades. Briefly - Alternative View

History Of The Crusades. Briefly - Alternative View

The Beginning of the Crusades By the beginning of the 11th century, people in Europe did not know much about the rest of the world. For them, the Mediterranean was the focus of all life on earth. In the center of this world, the Pope ruled as the head of Christianity

Russia Asked Japan An Uncomfortable Question: Where Are Our Tons Of Tsarist Gold? - Alternative View

Russia Asked Japan An Uncomfortable Question: Where Are Our Tons Of Tsarist Gold? - Alternative View

Kolchak's stolen gold, which is also tsarist gold, which should justly be called Russian, was found in Japan, where it was placed under agreements under which Moscow has the right to ask for compensation.Experts believe that tons of precious metal, equivalent to $ 80 billion, may become a very inconvenient argument for Tokyo in the Kuril issue

Why Did They Mummify Lenin - Alternative View

Why Did They Mummify Lenin - Alternative View

On January 21, 1924, the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin died. The body of the ideologue of communism was not buried, but mummified and put on public display

In Search Of Cherished Herbs - Alternative View

In Search Of Cherished Herbs - Alternative View

Who among us has not dreamed of gaining superpowers? Heroes of comics and cartoons often get them just like that - by plunging into a successfully turned up tank with a mutagen or by being bitten by a radioactive arthropod

The American Analogue Of The Dyatlov Pass: The Strange Death Of Five Men From Yuba City - Alternative View

The American Analogue Of The Dyatlov Pass: The Strange Death Of Five Men From Yuba City - Alternative View

This strange case is compared by many to the Dyatlov Pass, when in February 1959, in the vicinity of Mount Kholatchakhl in the north of the Sverdlovsk region, 9 skiers died in a frightening way

The Conclusion Of The Forensic Examination Of Nefertiti - She Was White. Black Shouts That This Is "Racism!" - Alternative View

The Conclusion Of The Forensic Examination Of Nefertiti - She Was White. Black Shouts That This Is "Racism!" - Alternative View

A popular theory among black nationalists is the Black Egyptian Hypothesis, which claims that Ancient Egypt was an overwhelming black nation

Festive Genre - Christmastide Stories - Alternative View

Festive Genre - Christmastide Stories - Alternative View

If it was the 19th century, the pages of the periodicals would now be filled with touching, sometimes mystical, sometimes naive stories about the wonderful stories that happened on Christmastide - between Christmas and Epiphany

An Ice Worm With An Atomic Heart - Alternative View

An Ice Worm With An Atomic Heart - Alternative View

President Trump's recent initiative to buy Greenland from Denmark is reminiscent of the long-standing U.S. interest in this region of the planet. Greenland was viewed by the top military and political leadership of the United States as an important outpost in the fight against the USSR, since the basing of aircraft and missiles on it gave an important advantage at the beginning of the proposed war

An Unknown Feat Of A Russian Doctor Or How A Captured Concentration Camp Doctor Saved Thousands Of Soldiers - Alternative View

An Unknown Feat Of A Russian Doctor Or How A Captured Concentration Camp Doctor Saved Thousands Of Soldiers - Alternative View

The essence of the Russian soul is manifested in war For more than 20 years, surgeon Georgy Sinyakov was in charge of a department of the city hospital. No one imagined that during the Great Patriotic War, while in a concentration camp, he saved thousands of prisoners from death

How A British Jew Saved 669 Children During World War II - Alternative View

How A British Jew Saved 669 Children During World War II - Alternative View

When fighting is going on somewhere, many of us have a desire to help the victims. True, few people really do something. Unless, of course, he is Nicholas Winton. Nicholas George Winton was born in London in 1909

Quiet Feat Of A Biologist: Defeated Cholera And Created Penicillin - Alternative View

Quiet Feat Of A Biologist: Defeated Cholera And Created Penicillin - Alternative View

A dangerous experimentZinaida Ermolyeva, like no one else, knew how to defeat cholera. The desire to find a cure for this terrible disease prompted her to become a doctor. While still a student, she got up early at dawn and made her way through the window to the laboratory in order to give an extra couple of hours to experiments

Swallowed By Whales - Alternative View

Swallowed By Whales - Alternative View

In the middle of the 19th century, when Herman Melville, an outstanding American romantic writer and author of autobiographical stories of the sea, wrote his first adventure novel, Typee, few people believed him

Russian Hyperborea - Where Was She? - Alternative View

Russian Hyperborea - Where Was She? - Alternative View

Each nation has its own mythological country, embodying universal grace and justice. For Russia and a number of European powers, this is Hyperborea - “a country beyond the north wind,” possessing unique technologies and the secret of eternal life. Rec

More Alive Than All Living - Alternative View

More Alive Than All Living - Alternative View

Soon after Lenin's death, his favorite student Nikolai Bukharin wrote to one of his comrades: “We … instead of icons, they hung the leaders and we will try to open the relics of Ilyich under the communist sauce for Pakhom and the "lower classes". "This rude phrase explains why

"Conspiracy Treasures" By Stepan Razin - Alternative View

"Conspiracy Treasures" By Stepan Razin - Alternative View

The execution of Stepan Razin, which took place on Red Square in Moscow, laid the foundation for research into mysterious and mysterious phenomena. When the executioner's henchmen dragged Frol, brother of S

Where Did The Petrified Girl With The Icon Come From In Samara? - Alternative View

Where Did The Petrified Girl With The Icon Come From In Samara? - Alternative View

This extraordinary and mysterious event allegedly took place on December 31, 1956 at 84 Chkalov Street. In it lived an ordinary woman Claudia Bolonkina, whose son decided to invite his friends on New Year's Eve. Among those invited was the girl Zoya, with whom Nikolai had started dating shortly before

The Conspired Treasures Of Stepan Razin - Alternative View

The Conspired Treasures Of Stepan Razin - Alternative View

There are many legends and legends about the treasures hidden by the famous ataman on the Don and in the Volga region

Heroic Defense Of Hanko: Undefeated Gangut - Alternative View

Heroic Defense Of Hanko: Undefeated Gangut - Alternative View

The Hanko Peninsula is better known as Gangut in the history of the navy. It was on its shores in 1714 during the Northern War (1700-1721) that a naval battle took place between the Russian and Swedish fleets. In the course of well-thought-out work and under the personal command of Peter I and his associates, the Swedish fleet was defeated, which before Gangut did not know defeat

Conspiracy Treasures Chudi - Alternative View

Conspiracy Treasures Chudi - Alternative View

In the Urals, Siberia, northern Russia and even Altai, many legends say that once in these places lived an ancient people called Chud

Why During The War Did The Americans Drop Pianos From The Air - Alternative View

Why During The War Did The Americans Drop Pianos From The Air - Alternative View

A piano falling from the sky looks more like a frame from a cartoon. However, this is a very real fact from the past: the Americans dropped hundreds of pianos from the air during the war.- Salik.bizCoffins instead of musical instrumentsWhen World War II broke out, all production using important metals was suspended

Important Details Of The Biography Of Georges Dantes, Which Your Teacher Of Literature Kept Silent About - - Alternative View

Important Details Of The Biography Of Georges Dantes, Which Your Teacher Of Literature Kept Silent About - - Alternative View

The surname Dantes is familiar to everyone. Still, after all, the fame of the killer of the greatest Russian poet was forever entrenched in her bearer. However, few of us remember the name of this person. And only a few know about whom he loved, how he tried to avoid the fatal duel and how he lived after it

The Story Of Violet Jessop, Survivor Of The Crashes Of The Olympic, Titanic And Britannica - Alternative View

The Story Of Violet Jessop, Survivor Of The Crashes Of The Olympic, Titanic And Britannica - Alternative View

This story is about Violet Constance Jessop - an Irish woman who survived not one or even two, but as many as 3 major ship disasters of the 20th century

The Season Of Cannibalism - Alternative View

The Season Of Cannibalism - Alternative View

Every year on December 22nd, a group of people meet in Uruguay. They recall 72 cold days when they had to survive in the mountains, eating exclusively human flesh. Terrible huh? But how could this have happened?

We Ate Everything And Soldier's Belts: Memories Of The Siege Of Leningrad - Alternative View

We Ate Everything And Soldier's Belts: Memories Of The Siege Of Leningrad - Alternative View

You read the memories of the blockade and you understand that those people, with their heroic lives, deserved a free education with medicine, and various circles, and free 6 acres and much more. We have earned that life for ourselves and built it for us by their own labor

Matchmaker Work - History Of Craft - Alternative View

Matchmaker Work - History Of Craft - Alternative View

The social institution of matchmakers has long disappeared from our life, and once the representatives of this specific profession were simultaneously analysts, psychologists, and promoters, and they also kept a real database of potential brides and grooms in their heads

Where Did Monomakh's Hat Come From And Why Is It So Heavy? - Alternative View

Where Did Monomakh's Hat Come From And Why Is It So Heavy? - Alternative View

Monomakh's hat is a symbolic thing for Russia and its rulers. Let's consider it and the legends associated with it in more detail.- Salik.bizAppearanceIf we ignore the fact that this hat is, in fact, a symbol of power, then we can see that it is a pointed headdress with fur trim, covered with jewelry

7 Historical Figures Who Suffered A Ridiculous Death - Alternative View

7 Historical Figures Who Suffered A Ridiculous Death - Alternative View

These stories will tell you about the frailty of life. It doesn't matter how much money you have or how well-known you are in wider circles. Success can be canceled out overnight by strange circumstances

Where Did The Companion Of Santa Claus Come From, Or The Complete Pedigree Of The Snow Maiden - Alternative View

Where Did The Companion Of Santa Claus Come From, Or The Complete Pedigree Of The Snow Maiden - Alternative View

It is believed that Santa Claus and Snegurochka are relatively young, as they appeared only in the 19th century. This is only partially true, since it concerns literary characters invented by writers. In the mythology of the Slavs, Frost, Ded Treskun, Snegurochka and Snowflake appeared in time immemorial

The Dark Truth About The Kennedy Clan: Treason, Drugs, Tragic Deaths And Secrets - Alternative View

The Dark Truth About The Kennedy Clan: Treason, Drugs, Tragic Deaths And Secrets - Alternative View

The Kennedy clan is called America's unofficial royal family. And the crown, as you know, can be incredibly heavy. Generation after generation the Kennedy family has experienced great victories and tremendous tragedies

The Mysterious Death Of Tourists From Kazakhstan Near Lake Baikal - Alternative View

The Mysterious Death Of Tourists From Kazakhstan Near Lake Baikal - Alternative View

Kazakh journalists told about the tragedy in the mountains of Khamar-Daban, which took place a quarter of a century ago. In August, 24 years have passed since the mysterious death of six tourists from Petropavlovsk in the mountains of the Irkutsk region - Victoria, Denis, Alexandra, T