Secrets of history 2024, October

St. Petersburg. Brothels Of The Capital - Alternative View

St. Petersburg. Brothels Of The Capital - Alternative View

The noise and din in this creepy denBut all night long, until dawn,- Salik.bizI read poetry to prostitutesAnd I fry alcohol with the bandits.nSergey YeseninIn fact, the history of prostitution in Russia begins with the reform of Peter the Great

Ancient Lords Of Copper. Who Are They? - Alternative View

Ancient Lords Of Copper. Who Are They? - Alternative View

On the territory of modern Iran 5000 years BC, a highly developed country lived and flourished, about which we did not know anything until recently

Traces Of An Ancient Mythical People Were Found On Taimyr - - Alternative View

Traces Of An Ancient Mythical People Were Found On Taimyr - - Alternative View

Scientists have discovered in Makarov Bay a frame-earthen structure and tools, including those made from mammoth ivory.Krasnoyarsk archaeologists have made a series of unique finds in Taimyr. Some of them may be traces of the ancient inhabitants of the Arctic - the legendary people of Sikhirta, the memory of which among modern northern peoples has survived only in myths, experts from Krasnoyarsk Geoarcheology LLC told TASS

The Main Secret Of Ancient Europe Is Revealed Thanks To Genetics - Alternative View

The Main Secret Of Ancient Europe Is Revealed Thanks To Genetics - Alternative View

Europe of the last ice age is finally revealed not only in fascinating fiction about the life of a "prehistoric boy" and detailed descriptions of individual sites, cultures and industries

The Origin Of The Treasure From Carambolo - Alternative View

The Origin Of The Treasure From Carambolo - Alternative View

Experts managed to establish the origin of a hoard about 2,700 years old, discovered near Seville, Spain, in 1958

The Origin Of The Deadly Fog In Britain Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

The Origin Of The Deadly Fog In Britain Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

An international team of chemists has discovered the causes of the deadliest air pollution in British history - Great smog in 1952. It turned out that the ecological disaster arose due to the chemical interaction between sulfur and nitrogen dioxides

The Vatican Intends To Reveal Secrets Regarding One Of Its 20th Century Leaders - Alternative View

The Vatican Intends To Reveal Secrets Regarding One Of Its 20th Century Leaders - Alternative View

Pope Pius XII is a rather controversial figure in the history of C.K. He ruled the Catholic Church from 1939 to 1958, a period that coincided with the Holocaust, World War II and other important historical events. Since the Pope never openly condemned the actions of the Third Reich, Pius XII was often called the "Pope of Hitler

Spear Of Fate - Alternative View

Spear Of Fate - Alternative View

The Spear of Fate, a legendary artifact of antiquity, and it is also one of the Instruments of Passion, one of the Roman soldiers thrust the Spear of Fate into Jesus Christ, the spear of the Lance of Fate ", between the fifth and sixth ribs, when Jesus was crucified on the cross to apply e

In The Gardens Of Babylon - Alternative View

In The Gardens Of Babylon - Alternative View

The story of Pyramus and Theisba, a young man and a girl from Babylon, is very reminiscent of the plot of Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"

Fairy Tales For The Patient - Alternative View

Fairy Tales For The Patient - Alternative View

The Taimyr Peninsula is one of the most unsociable places not only in Russia, but in the whole world. And here lives the most northern Turkic-speaking people of the world - the Dolgans.- Salik.bizNosed, light-eyedSurrounded by high icy mountains, adjacent to the Arctic Ocean, immersed in the endless tundra, Taimyr seems to be frozen through and through

Why Did They Drink Gold, And How Did It Kill Aristocrats - Alternative View

Why Did They Drink Gold, And How Did It Kill Aristocrats - Alternative View

As long as humanity is alive, it will always seek the elixir of eternal youth. Nowadays, there are many means and ways of rejuvenating: unique injections, ointments, serums, developed only for your skin.Back in 16th century France, aristocrats sought to get rid of wrinkles, folds and skin pigmentation with the help of a deadly substrate - gold

9 Facts From History, Which For Some Reason Are Often Kept Silent - Alternative View

9 Facts From History, Which For Some Reason Are Often Kept Silent - Alternative View

Did you know that not only people were on the Titanic, that Caesar salad was not named so in honor of the Roman emperor, and the Red Planet is actually far from red?

Fatal Coincidences That Make You Believe In The Fate Of - Alternative View

Fatal Coincidences That Make You Believe In The Fate Of - Alternative View

Film and TV screenwriters often rely on coincidences to somehow continue the story. But sometimes they are so incredible that they even interfere with enjoying the film, because you immediately remember that all this is fiction

Battles Of The Eras: The Three Most Heroic Defenses Of Russian History - Alternative View

Battles Of The Eras: The Three Most Heroic Defenses Of Russian History - Alternative View

The numerous wars that Russia had to endure were very different, and the course of each of them was often changeable

Unusual Greetings From The Past: Frightening Finds In Time Capsules - Alternative View

Unusual Greetings From The Past: Frightening Finds In Time Capsules - Alternative View

Now, on the centenary of the 1917 revolution, time capsules are being opened everywhere - - cheerful messages to descendants that were laid by enthusiastic Soviet citizens

How Did The Latvians, Estonians And Lithuanians Appear - Alternative View

How Did The Latvians, Estonians And Lithuanians Appear - Alternative View

Now the Baltic states include three countries - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, which gained sovereignty during the collapse of the Soviet Union

Houses - Wooden, People - No Show-off - Alternative View

Houses - Wooden, People - No Show-off - Alternative View

And it's great, instead of the photoshopped bitches, sullenly looking at you from glossy pages or bristly macho of undefined orientation, look at the simple human faces of the same age as our fathers and grandfathers!- Salik.bizPromotional video:

Mysterious Disappearances Of Women In Humboldt County, California - Alternative View

Mysterious Disappearances Of Women In Humboldt County, California - Alternative View

Sparsely populated Humboldt County stretches along the coast of northern California (USA)

The Most Terrible Cases Of Mass Suicides - Alternative View

The Most Terrible Cases Of Mass Suicides - Alternative View

Today we will talk about mass suicides: here you can recall such cases as the one that happened with the "Temple of the Nations" sect.- Salik.bizChittorgarh (India)The history of Asian countries knows many precedents of this kind. One of the reasons for this lies in local traditions

Came To America And Settled In A Tree Stump: Unexpected Facts About The First Americans - Alternative View

Came To America And Settled In A Tree Stump: Unexpected Facts About The First Americans - Alternative View

Back in the late 19th century in America, people could easily live in stumps from felled trees. Or arrange a dance floor on such a stump. Wondering how this can be?It's just that we are talking about huge trees, ancient sequoias, which have grown here untouched for centuries and millennia - until the "conquerors of America" came. The

Bran Castle (Dracula's Castle). Transylvania. Romania - Alternative View

Bran Castle (Dracula's Castle). Transylvania. Romania - Alternative View

In those days, when the construction of castles in the Loire Valley had just begun, and the construction of the Alcaz Castle of Tolero was almost completed, namely in 1377, the inhabitants of Brasov were ordered to build the Bran Castle (known as "Dracula's Castle")

Where Did Count Dracula Live? - Alternative View

Where Did Count Dracula Live? - Alternative View

There is a belief that notorious villains should dwell in a gloomy environment of a cold damp dungeon, far from people and civilization, so that the screams of the victims would not be heard and would be lost among the dense forest.A similar fate awaited Vlad Tepes, numerous legends, and workers of the tourist front convinced us that Bran Castle is located 30 km away

What Does "goy Esi" Mean? - Alternative View

What Does "goy Esi" Mean? - Alternative View

In Russian folk tales and epics there are often phrases like: `` Oh, you goy thou, good fellow! '' Rdquo; We are sure that you have come across them more than once. As a rule, this occurs in some references

The Truth About Hair Or Why Did Peter I Chop Off His Beards? - Alternative View

The Truth About Hair Or Why Did Peter I Chop Off His Beards? - Alternative View

This hair information has been hidden since the Vietnam War. Our culture tells people that hair style is personal preference, that hair style is fashion and / or convenience, and how people wear their hair is just a cosmetic matter.The information described in this article has been hidden from most people for a long time

Dragons - Not Fiction? Alexey Komogortsev Studies The Secrets Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Dragons - Not Fiction? Alexey Komogortsev Studies The Secrets Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

A resident of Prospect Vernadsky knows whether some fairy-tale characters existed, whether the Nazis created an atomic bomb.Alexey Komogortsev is a resident of the Vernadsky Prospekt district.- Salik.bizAlexey has been researching the mysteries of ancient civilizations all his life

The First Crowned Russian Queen Marina Mnishek - Alternative View

The First Crowned Russian Queen Marina Mnishek - Alternative View

What is known about Marina Mnishek Mnishek, Marina Yurievna - one of the most prominent figures of the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century. She was considered a witch and was credited with an outstanding political talent

How Many Impostor Tsars Were There In Russia - Alternative View

How Many Impostor Tsars Were There In Russia - Alternative View

Four dozen "Petrov III", seven "Tsarevich Alekseev Petrovich", five False Dmitriy, four False bastards A red thread permeated Russian history with the phenomenon of imposture, which flourished in the Time of Troubles, continued in the era of palace

Alaska - Sale Or Rent? - Alternative View

Alaska - Sale Or Rent? - Alternative View

A review of Alaska is important in that it kind of illuminates the information battlefield and shows enemy propaganda; it is a criterion for the quality of educational services in Russia.Alaska - the territory of Russia was and remains so.- Salik

The Ancestral Home Of The Ancient Slavs - Chukotka? - Alternative View

The Ancestral Home Of The Ancient Slavs - Chukotka? - Alternative View

The fact that the events related to the original Rus remain largely a "blank spot" in Russian history, today there is little doubt. And about where Russia came from, some serious researchers are still trying to speak carefully. This is justified

The Golden Secret Of Lake Guatavita - Alternative View

The Golden Secret Of Lake Guatavita - Alternative View

For hundreds of years, Eldorado has attracted gold seekers like a magnet; they are not even stopped by the fact that at best they are losing their money, and at worst - - life. The gold rush began in the 16th century

The Approval Of The Russian Government In Chukotka - Alternative View

The Approval Of The Russian Government In Chukotka - Alternative View

Today, in the mass consciousness, the inhabitants of Chukotka are associated mainly with the heroes of jokes - simple-minded and good-natured guys. And few people remember that the Chukchi are a very warlike people, with whom the Russians had a lot of problems in the development of the Far East …-

Bloody Sacrifices In Ancient Peru - Alternative View

Bloody Sacrifices In Ancient Peru - Alternative View

Archaeologists have found out the reason for child sacrifices in Peru Analysis of the remains led scientists to the conclusion that these are children under the age of 14, who came from the mysterious empire of Chimu

Sacrifices And Other Most Shocking Facts About The Komi - Alternative View

Sacrifices And Other Most Shocking Facts About The Komi - Alternative View

Representatives of the Komi people are currently difficult to distinguish from the Russians. These are Caucasians professing Orthodoxy. The everyday life of the population of the Komi Republic also meets all-Russian standards, as do the names of local residents

The Mysterious Irish Hellfire Club, Practicing Orgies And Human Sacrifice - Alternative View

The Mysterious Irish Hellfire Club, Practicing Orgies And Human Sacrifice - Alternative View

Near Dublin, Ireland, in the middle of a picturesque green wasteland is a place called Mount Pelier Hill

Scientists Have Found Out Who And Why Were Sacrificed In Ancient China - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out Who And Why Were Sacrificed In Ancient China - Alternative View

In ancient times, human sacrifice was considered the most effective way to reach the heavenly (or underground) office, so ritual killings were common almost everywhere

The Dark Side Of The Etruscans: In Populonia, They Found A Unique Burial Of A Young Man In Iron Chains - Alternative View

The Dark Side Of The Etruscans: In Populonia, They Found A Unique Burial Of A Young Man In Iron Chains - Alternative View

Until recently, no one could say a bad word about the Etruscans. The most pleasant were the people - cultural, educated, very religious. They knew how to live beautifully, including after death: the Etruscans were literally obsessed with the quality of the afterlife

Sanctuary Of The Old Gods - Alternative View

Sanctuary Of The Old Gods - Alternative View

One of the oldest cult places in Scandinavia is the mysterious island of Sigtuna. Here was the sanctuary of the supreme god Odin - Eddah. And in ancient times, the island was called the Land of Odin

Reserves For The Elite - Alternative View

Reserves For The Elite - Alternative View

To be successful in life, it is desirable to have a college degree. I wonder where the people whose names are known all over the world studied, or just those who achieved great success in life?

Riddles Around The Deaths Of Famous People - Alternative View

Riddles Around The Deaths Of Famous People - Alternative View

Often, the death of famous people is covered with a mass of secrets and mysteries that experts cannot come to a single conclusion about what could have happened in reality. There are people who are sure that Marilyn Monroe died at the hands of the Kennedy brothers

The Strange Lake Of Skeletons In India Has Put Another Mystery To Scientists - Alternative View

The Strange Lake Of Skeletons In India Has Put Another Mystery To Scientists - Alternative View

Lake Roopkund, located in the Himalayas at an altitude of 5 thousand meters, is called the Lake of Skeletons by the locals. The fact is that both at the bottom and around this small and shallow lake are heaps of human bones.Rumors of a gloomy lake have been circulating since the end of the 19th century, and when the Indian Madhwal, who is in the service of the British government, arrived here in 1942, he said he counted at least 500 skeletons on the lake shore (