Secrets of history 2024, October

The Secret Of The "vampire Graveyard" Near The Czech Town Of Chelyakovitsy - Alternative View

The Secret Of The "vampire Graveyard" Near The Czech Town Of Chelyakovitsy - Alternative View

These mysterious bloodthirsty creatures are indispensable characters in folk legends, children's horror stories and gothic novels. Modern science denies the very existence of vampires in the past and in the present

The Most Creepy Place In Pripyat - Alternative View

The Most Creepy Place In Pripyat - Alternative View

One of the scariest places in the entire Chernobyl Exclusion Zone - these are not dumps of abandoned equipment, not empty apartments in Pripyat, and not even the Chernobyl NPP itself

The Eerie History Of Ross Island - Alternative View

The Eerie History Of Ross Island - Alternative View

No one has lived on Ross Island since World War II. Now it most of all looks like the scenery for the movie "The Jungle Book"

Italy, The Underground Life Of Naples - Alternative View

Italy, The Underground Life Of Naples - Alternative View

Under the intricacies of the streets and squares of the famous city, there is a labyrinth of ancient aqueducts, canals and passages that keep the secrets of millennia. Piazza Cavour, the very center of Naples

How Notre Dame De Paris Was Made A Warehouse, Or 5 Facts About The Cathedral, The Fate Of Which Often Hung In The Balance - Alternative View

How Notre Dame De Paris Was Made A Warehouse, Or 5 Facts About The Cathedral, The Fate Of Which Often Hung In The Balance - Alternative View

On April 15, 2019, a fire broke out in Paris. The whole world watched as Notre Dame Cathedral burned. The building lost its spire, clock and roof. Thanks to the efforts of the firefighters, the interior of the cathedral was preserved. Not even the chairs were burned

Notre Dame De Paris: The Stone Rebus Of Paris - Alternative View

Notre Dame De Paris: The Stone Rebus Of Paris - Alternative View

Surely, there is no person in the world who has never heard of Notre Dame Cathedral. Glorified by writers, poets and composers, Notre-Dame de Paris rises above the city, attracting to itself not only with its architecture, but also with numerous legends that sweep around it

The City Of The Dead: How The Dead Soldiers Were Buried During The Battle Of Stalingrad - Alternative View

The City Of The Dead: How The Dead Soldiers Were Buried During The Battle Of Stalingrad - Alternative View

The Battle of Stalingrad has become one of the bloodiest in the history of mankind. A total of more than 2.5 million people took part in it, and the losses of both sides amounted to almost a million

The History Of The Exploration Of Gorgippia And Its Necropolis - Alternative View

The History Of The Exploration Of Gorgippia And Its Necropolis - Alternative View

The name of the Greek city of Gorgippia, located on the seashore in the region of the Sind people, was preserved by Strabo (Strabo, XI, II, 10, 12) - Greek geographer I c. BC e. - 1st century n. eh

Bullet Marks, Dolls And Money - Secrets Of The Muslim Cemetery In Astana - Alternative View

Bullet Marks, Dolls And Money - Secrets Of The Muslim Cemetery In Astana - Alternative View

Muslim cemetery "Karaotkel" - sacred monument of cultural heritage. The first burials date back to the 17th century

The Curse Of The Tomb Of Tamerlane - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Tomb Of Tamerlane - Alternative View

The ruler of the USSR, Joseph Stalin, treated the great rulers of the past with respect, identifying himself with them. Among them was the Great Lame - conqueror of Asia Timur, aka Tamerlane

William Shakespeare - Who You Are? - Alternative View

William Shakespeare - Who You Are? - Alternative View

William Shakespeare's writings are undoubtedly the most beloved classics of most people. But the personality of the author himself is surrounded by a multi-layered veil of secrecy

Biography Of Shakespeare - Shakespearean Question - Alternative View

Biography Of Shakespeare - Shakespearean Question - Alternative View

The fact that the name of Shakespeare is surrounded by an impenetrable mystery was known back in the 18th and 19th centuries

Shakespeare: A Man Of Mystery - Alternative View

Shakespeare: A Man Of Mystery - Alternative View

If today we pronounce the name of Shakespeare, then the name of at least one of of his works will pop up in the mind of each of us. But is not it's that simple

The Mystery Of William Shakespeare - Alternative View

The Mystery Of William Shakespeare - Alternative View

Researchers still cannot say with certainty the date of his birth. Moreover, more and more scientists are inclined to think that in fact all these brilliant works were written by another person …- Salik.bizMerchant's sonnIt is believed that William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1564, where he was baptized three days later. H

What You May Not Know About Shakespeare - Alternative View

What You May Not Know About Shakespeare - Alternative View

Of course Shakespeare is a very suspicious person in history. Evidence for the existence of the great poet and playwright is based on the mention of his name in historical documents

Under The Pseudonym "Shakespeare" Wrote A Jewess From Venice - Alternative View

Under The Pseudonym "Shakespeare" Wrote A Jewess From Venice - Alternative View

British Shakespeare scholar John Hudson believes that Amelia Basson wrote under the pseudonym "Shakespeare." Hudson wrote a book in which he outlined the arguments in favor of his theory

Scholars Have Reported The Theft Of Shakespeare's Skull From His Grave - Alternative View

Scholars Have Reported The Theft Of Shakespeare's Skull From His Grave - Alternative View

British scientists report the theft of William Shakespeare's skull from his own grave. This information is confirmed by studies conducted by scientists, reports the BBC

Who Romeo And Juliet Really Were - Alternative View

Who Romeo And Juliet Really Were - Alternative View

Shakespeare was wrong: the story is sadder than Romeo and Juliet exists. The main sadness is that it is real. Long before the play appeared, a genuine drama was unfolding in front of non-fictional characters

Who Wrote For Shakespeare? - Alternative View

Who Wrote For Shakespeare? - Alternative View

Murders, tombs, forgeries and forgeries to prove that Shakespeare was not written by Shakespeare. Dozens of historical documents have been preserved about the life and work of William Shakespeare

Estonian Archaeologists Have Unearthed - Alternative View

Estonian Archaeologists Have Unearthed - Alternative View

The sensation went unnoticed. But how she was needed! I have no doubt that soon it will move into all textbooks in the form of a dogma, a postulate that is not subject to doubt. Let's take a sensible look at the "sensational discovery". First, we look:- Salik

Little-known Facts About Eva Braun, The Mysterious Wife Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

Little-known Facts About Eva Braun, The Mysterious Wife Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

For decades, Eva Braun has been described as a person who is more than the silly blonde who appeared in public next to the Fuhrer. And if at the beginning of their relationship she was too young and naive, then over time her shyness disappeared, and the girl took a fairly strong position in the circle of Hitler's entourage

In Italy, The Grave Of A Vampire Child Was Unearthed - Alternative View

In Italy, The Grave Of A Vampire Child Was Unearthed - Alternative View

Archaeologists from US universities, in collaboration with Italian archaeologists, have unearthed the remains of a 10-year-old child buried with a stone in his mouth in an ancient Roman cemetery. In ancient times, people suspected of vampirism were buried in this way

Riddles Of The Scythians And Stone Graves - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Scythians And Stone Graves - Alternative View

Who are the Scythians, where did they come from and where did they go? Science has not yet given a specific answer, although books and articles have been written about certain historical layers of their lives

The Riddle Of The Grave Of Atlant - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Grave Of Atlant - Alternative View

In January 1914, an article by the author M. Menshikov was published in the popular Russian newspaper Novoye Vremya, which was supposed to cause a stir in the scientific community, if not a scandal

The Mysterious History Of The "giant" Mummy From The 19th Century With A Height Of 2.5 Meters - Alternative View

The Mysterious History Of The "giant" Mummy From The 19th Century With A Height Of 2.5 Meters - Alternative View

There is a hypothesis about the existence of giants on Earth in ancient times, and it is these confirmations that are found in different parts of our planet.I will touch on the topic of giants, I only partially, reminding you that scientists have almost no doubt that earlier gigantism was characteristic not only of extinct dinosaurs, but also plants, insects and possibly humans

Stone Zoo. What Do The Drawings In Jewish Cemeteries Mean - Alternative View

Stone Zoo. What Do The Drawings In Jewish Cemeteries Mean - Alternative View

Jewish shtetls, so vividly described by Sholem Aleichem and Isaac Babel, have long become a legend

Genghis Khan's Grave Found In Mongolia? - Alternative View

Genghis Khan's Grave Found In Mongolia? - Alternative View

Mongolian builders, paving a road in Henchi province, just on a site along the Onon River, accidentally stumbled upon an ancient mass grave

Merovia - Forgotten Country - Alternative View

Merovia - Forgotten Country - Alternative View

In ancient times, in the interfluve of the Volga and Oka rivers, where Moscow is now located, Meria lived. This Finno-Ugric tribe was subsequently assimilated by the Eastern Slavs and together with them formed the basis of the population of Muscovy

Discovered Mysterious Ancient Graves - Alternative View

Discovered Mysterious Ancient Graves - Alternative View

British archaeologists have discovered several graves from the third century BC, which contained the remains of people buried under mysterious circumstances. Reported by the publication Gizmodo

The Strange Graves Of A Dolphin And A Man On An Island In The English Channel - Alternative View

The Strange Graves Of A Dolphin And A Man On An Island In The English Channel - Alternative View

Chapelle dom Hue, located on the island of Guernsey in the English Channel, is asking archaeologists for the second difficult mystery in two years

The World's First Cyborg Was Found In An Ancient Grave - Alternative View

The World's First Cyborg Was Found In An Ancient Grave - Alternative View

Scientists at the University of Sapienza in Rome have discovered the remains of a man who lived around the 6th century AD, with a long knife-shaped prosthesis on one of his arms

Grave Safe: Body Snatchers - Alternative View

Grave Safe: Body Snatchers - Alternative View

In old English and Scottish cemeteries, you can see interesting burials - various gravestones and monuments enclosed in iron cages

The Real Grave Of Saltychikha - Alternative View

The Real Grave Of Saltychikha - Alternative View

Many of our subscribers must have read Boris Akunin's "Cemetery stories" and remember his story about visiting the Old Don cemetery

The Most Mysterious Graves In The World - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Graves In The World - Alternative View

Cages for the Dead (Victorian Era) During the Victorian era, there were all sorts of creepy traditions. So, cells were created for the dead. It feels like it's a defense against escaping

The Workers Found A Strange Box Under The Ground, Several Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

The Workers Found A Strange Box Under The Ground, Several Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

While building a new road in China's Taizhou province, workers accidentally stumbled upon a strange petrified object

In Brazil, The Oldest Victim Of Ritual Beheading Was Found - Alternative View

In Brazil, The Oldest Victim Of Ritual Beheading Was Found - Alternative View

On the territory of central Brazil, researchers have found traces of the most ancient ritual beheading. This may have been practiced by the hunter-gatherers who lived there. A frightening find reported by PLoS One

The Grave Of Nicholas The Wonderworker Was Discovered In Turkey - Alternative View

The Grave Of Nicholas The Wonderworker Was Discovered In Turkey - Alternative View

The Guardian reporters reported an interesting find in Turkey. Local archaeologists have discovered the grave of Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is the prototype of the fabulous Santa Claus

A Spiral Of Skeletons, A Tied Woman And Other Ancient Burials That Seem Strange - Alternative View

A Spiral Of Skeletons, A Tied Woman And Other Ancient Burials That Seem Strange - Alternative View

It just so happened in history that after the death of a person, a funeral rite was expected. How exactly to bury a person - in a stone tomb, wooden coffin or burned at the stake, determined social, religious and cultural norms

The Grave Of Santa Claus Was Found In Turkey - Alternative View

The Grave Of Santa Claus Was Found In Turkey - Alternative View

Turkish archaeologists have discovered the burial place of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is the prototype of Santa Claus. Reported by The Guardian

In The Ancient Grave Was A Dolphin - Alternative View

In The Ancient Grave Was A Dolphin - Alternative View

During a recent archaeological excavation on the island of Guernsey in the English Channel, scientists made a very unexpected discovery. Scientists have found the remains of a dolphin in one of the excavated ancient graves