Remember The Saved World? - Alternative View

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Remember The Saved World? - Alternative View
Remember The Saved World? - Alternative View

Video: Remember The Saved World? - Alternative View

Video: Remember The Saved World? - Alternative View

Today, I thought about something, but are people familiar with such a concept as gratitude? Just ordinary human gratitude. Or Leo Tolstoy is right when he said, "If you became bad for someone, then you did too much good for him." If you look at relations with other countries, then yes, he was right. Let's just look back into the depths of history. And everything will become clear.

Socialist country. The Soviet Union supplied them with oil, gas, non-ferrous metals, timber, as well as tanks, machine guns, airplanes, and turbines for nuclear power plants. The supplies were carried out at prices significantly lower than world prices. Some social countries, receiving oil at bargain prices, then resold it at world prices. The same picture was observed with Soviet weapons. In exchange, our country bought industrial goods, locomotives and trams, clothes and shoes, medicines, and various foodstuffs from its western neighbors.

CMEA poster
CMEA poster

CMEA poster.

Soviet raw materials went to the social. countries at low prices, and the USSR bought their goods at their market value. Incidentally, for decades the USSR has been helping its CMEA partners in building new enterprises or maintaining the normal condition of old ones. This is the kind of "occupation". But let's expand on the topic. Who do we start with? Let's go with the "brothers".



Promotional video:

In 1393 Bulgaria was conquered by the Turks. For several centuries, the closure of Bulgarian churches, monasteries, libraries, schools took place. Cyrillic and Bulgarian were outlawed. Christians were taxed heavily, could not fully dispose of their property, did not have the right to personal freedom. In particular, the Turkish authorities could not hesitate to take the children of Christians in infancy to work in the Ottoman Empire, while parents were then forbidden to see their sons and daughters. Moreover, at one time the Turks had the right of the first night for Christian women who wished to marry other Christians. This is how the Bulgarians lived "merrily".

As a result of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78, Bulgaria gains independence. 15.5 thousand Russian soldiers and officers were given their lives for this. This is the price of Bulgaria's independence

And what about gratitude?

Already in the 1880s, the country in its policy was reoriented from the Russian Empire to the states of Europe. An example is the Prime Minister and Regent of Bulgaria Stefan Stambolov, who actively fought against Russian influence in the country. Under Prince Alexander 1 of Battenberg, Bulgaria favored an alliance with Great Britain, and after the accession to the Bulgarian throne of Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1897 - with Germany and Austria. What a short memory the "brothers" have. Next World War I. Whose side is Bulgaria fighting on? What do you think? That's right, on the side of Germany. And those who say that Russians and Bulgarians did not fight each other are lying godlessly. For example, near the city of Monastir in Macedonia in November 1916, the 2nd Special Russian Brigade lost about a third of its personnel in battles with Bulgarian troops. These are the "brothers".

The Second World War. And again Bulgaria is Germany's ally. Already in 1941, Bulgarian coast guard aircraft attacked Soviet submarines they had discovered five times. On December 6, 1941, in the Burgas region, Bulgarian patrol boats disabled the Soviet submarine Sch-204. During the war with the USSR, German, Italian and Romanian ships used the repair capabilities of the Bulgarian naval bases in Varna and Burgas. When the Soviet troops approached the borders of Bulgaria, the moment the "brothers" changed their shoes on the fly. Yes, so it came to a curiosity. On the night of September 5, the Bulgarian government decided to declare war on Germany, but postponed this note for three days. These three days were followed by a declaration of war on Bulgaria by the USSR. On September 7 it became known that Bulgaria was at war with Germany. And such an incident - for several days Bulgaria formally fought simultaneously with the Axis countries and with the Anti-Hitler coalition. And naturally the Bulgarians immediately remembered that we are brothers. Something like this.

Losses of Soviet troops in Bulgaria - 977 servicemen

"Candidate member of the USSR." Alexey Baliev, political scientist

Well, in gratitude for all this, as you know, Bulgaria is now a member of the NATO bloc. Here is such a thank you. There is only one little consolation - how the "brother" was paid for this membership. The standard of living in the country has dropped by at least half compared to the mid-1980s, and at least 70 percent of Bulgaria's main production assets, created with the help of the USSR, are idle or closed. So what? You have to pay for everything.

Let's go further - Romania.

In World War I, Romania fought on the side of the Entente. The troops of the Central Powers quickly defeated the relatively weak Romanian army and by the end of 1916 occupied Dobrudja and all of Wallachia, including the capital, Bucharest. Romania was saved from complete defeat by the Russian Empire, which allocated an army to support it. In gratitude for this, Romania, during the civil war, chopped off Bessarabia from Russia. Which only Comrade Stalin could return in 1939. During World War II, Romania was an ally of Nazi Germany. Three new provinces were created from the Soviet territories occupied by Romania: Bessarabia, which included the right-bank part of the Moldavian SSR, the Izmail region, Transnistria, which included the left-bank part of the MSSR and parts of the Odessa, Nikolaev and Vinnitsa regions of the Ukrainian SSR, and Bukovina,formed by the Romanian authorities on the territory of the occupied Chernivtsi region. Romanians committed atrocities in the occupied territory, often worse than the Germans. In August 1944, the Romanians changed their shoes on the fly and then became our allies.

The losses of the Soviet army during the liberation of Romania - 68,993 people

In the post-war years, Romania was a member of the Warsaw Pact Organization and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Received oil and gas from the USSR at dumping prices. At the same time, Romania was allowed some fronting. For example, Romania publicly condemned the introduction of troops into Czechoslovakia. After the collapse of the USSR, Romania is actively trying to absorb Moldova. Member of NATO.


In World War II, Hungary was an active ally of Hitler's Germany. On our territory, the Hungarians were noted in Ukraine, then in the Voronezh, Kursk, Bryansk and Rostov regions.

In July 1942, soldiers of the 33rd Hungarian Infantry Division captured four soldiers of the Red Army on the Kharkeevka farm in the Shatalovsky District of the Kursk Region. One of them, Senior Lieutenant Pyotr Danilov, had his eyes gouged out, several bayonet blows were inflicted in the back, and then buried unconscious. Three other Red Army men were shot. Hungarians among Soviet soldiers were considered the most inveterate monsters. And they were hated much more than the Germans. General Nikolai Vatutin, after all the evidence of the crimes of Hitler's lackeys, gave the order: "Do not take Magyar prisoner."

Losses of the USSR during the liberation of Hungary - 140004 people

Despite the fact that Hungary fought on the side of Nazi Germany in the war, immediately after the entry of Soviet troops into Hungary, the Soviet government provided the Hungarian people with great material assistance. Soviet troops rebuilt destroyed bridges and roads, provided vehicles, fuel for tractors, and even draft animals. From the reserves of the Red Army, 11 thousand tons of fuel, 700 tons of lubricating oil were released, 500 cars and several thousand horses were provided, assistance was provided in the repair of agricultural implements

After the war, Hungary falls into the orbit of the Soviet Union. True, in 1956 the Hungarians staged a pro-fascist rebellion, well supplied with weapons from abroad. During the rebellion, the Hungarians were also not shy and committed atrocities in full. The mutiny was suppressed by the Soviet army.

Hungarian mutiny
Hungarian mutiny

Hungarian mutiny.

Hungarian mutiny
Hungarian mutiny

Hungarian mutiny.

Soviet army in Hungary
Soviet army in Hungary

Soviet army in Hungary.

Losses in suppressing the mutiny: 706 killed, 1540 wounded, 51 missing

The Soviet Union, like the rest of the Allies, actively helped Hungary within the framework of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Including supplies of oil and gas at low prices.

At the moment, Hungary is an active member of the NATO bloc.


Czechoslovakia, pre-war leader in arms production in Europe. And this is artillery, small arms and tanks. For example, the Czech arms concern Skoda. Every third German tank that took part in Operation Barbarossa was produced by this company. First of all, this is the LT-35, which received the designation Pz. Kpfw in the Wehrmacht. 35 (t). Moreover, after the annexation of Czechoslovakia, German specialists found two new experimental LT-38 tanks in the Skoda workshops. After reviewing the drawings, the Germans decided to put the tank into service and began its serial production. The production of these tanks went on almost until the end of the war, only from the end of 1941 they began to be produced as a base for German self-propelled guns. More than half of the German self-propelled guns had a Czech base.

Prague rally in support of Hitler
Prague rally in support of Hitler

Prague rally in support of Hitler.

Slovaks on the Eastern Front
Slovaks on the Eastern Front

Slovaks on the Eastern Front.

And what is most interesting, the Czechs worked very hard for the good of the Reich. And the Slovak units fought quite actively on the Eastern Front. In 1945, Czechoslovakia was liberated by the Soviet army. The losses of the Red Army in the course of the Prague operation alone amounted to over 49 thousand people. Considering that the operation took six days, the amount of daily losses (8.2 thousand people) was very high. This testified to the intensity of the recent battles in Europe and the active resistance of the German units.

In total, 139,918 people died for the freedom of Czechoslovakia

After the war, Czechoslovakia became an ally of the USSR. In the summer of 1947, the USSR supplied Czechoslovakia with 600 thousand tons of grain and a significant amount of raw materials for industry. In the future, this trend will continue. In August 1968, there was an attempt, as they would say now, "the velvet revolution."

Prague spring
Prague spring

Prague spring.

Prague spring
Prague spring

Prague spring.

Order was restored only by the introduction of the Warsaw Pact troops. In 1992, Czechoslovakia was divided into the Czech and Slovak republics. Both countries naturally joined NATO.


While still part of the Russian Empire, Poland enjoyed broad autonomy. Poland had its own organs of power (government and parliament), constitution, army and monetary system. Russia created transport infrastructure in Poland and built industrial enterprises, opened educational and financial institutions. (well, how else, Russia is "an occupier and a cruel oppressor") In 1918, Soviet Russia recognized the independence of Poland. In gratitude, the Poles begin the occupation of Belarus and Ukraine. In 1920, a large-scale Soviet counteroffensive began. But unfortunately, because of the "genius" Tukhachevsky, luck smiled at the Poles. The war ended with the withdrawal of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. During the war,and after its completion, tens of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war were killed in Polish camps, according to various estimates, from 20 to 90 thousand people. Some of them were shot, and the rest died because of the unbearable conditions created in the camps. In the 30s, Poland seriously considered the issue of a joint campaign with Germany to the East. She even took part in the section of Czechoslovakia. But then all the same the first and got "under distribution". When the war was almost lost by official Warsaw, and Poland lost its statehood, the Soviet Union sent its troops into the territory of Western Ukraine and Belarus. But then all the same the first and got "under distribution". When the war was almost lost by official Warsaw, and Poland lost its statehood, the Soviet Union sent its troops into the territory of Western Ukraine and Belarus. But then all the same the first and got "under distribution". When the war was almost lost by official Warsaw, and Poland lost its statehood, the Soviet Union sent its troops into the territory of Western Ukraine and Belarus.

!!! By the way, you knew that - British officials refused to condemn Moscow's actions. Winston Churchill, who at that time was the First Lord of the Admiralty, in his radio speech on October 1, 1939, directly supported the Soviet Union. !!!!!

In 1944, Soviet troops began the liberation of Poland. The Poles' reactions to this varied. There were cases like these:

“In the Polish city of Lezhaisk, during the funeral of the deceased Soviet pilot, Captain Nikonov, the local priest asked the Soviet command to take the grave under his supervision and build a marble monument at the expense of the parish. In the city of Sukhednov, the funeral of two Soviet pilots was organized with the participation of the local population, who independently made a coffin, a monument and laid a large number of wreaths and fresh flowers on the grave during the funeral meeting."

And there were cases when the Polish army of Craiova killed Soviet soldiers. And during the Warsaw Uprising, despite the fact that the Soviet Army vyachically provided assistance to the rebels, in Warsaw they composed a song: "Chervona infection". Did not hear? I recommend it, it is very characteristic.

The losses of the Soviet Army during the liberation of Poland amounted to 600,212 people

By the end of July 1945, the center of Warsaw was almost completely cleared of rubble and debris (over 700 thousand cubic meters (!) Of ruins were dismantled) by Soviet soldiers and local residents with funds actively coming from the USSR, which itself mobilized all forces to restore the state from ruins and ashes. In the two post-war years, there was a truly gigantic assistance from the Soviet Union. We are talking about sending echelons with food, clothing, building materials, and medicines to Poland by railroads restored by Soviet specialists. By 1948, Warsaw had concluded an agreement with Moscow on the supply of Soviet industrial equipment worth almost half a billion US dollars (of course, the cost is indicated in post-war dollars), which ultimately ended up in Poland free of charge. By 1949, the production of industrial products by Polish enterprises increased 2.5 times (per capita), the economic return from the sale of Polish industrial products in comparison with the pre-war years increased by more than 200%! When the Soviet Union sent thousands of tons of grain and other types of food in 1947 due to a drought in Poland, the country managed to avoid a large-scale famine. Thanks to a giant leap in trade between Poland and the USSR by 1950 (the total value exceeded $ 1 billion), the country increased the number of jobs with an industrial component to a record level for the entire existence of independent Poland.the economic return from the sale of Polish industrial goods in comparison with the pre-war years has increased by more than 200%! When the Soviet Union sent thousands of tons of grain and other types of food in 1947 due to a drought in Poland, the country managed to avoid a large-scale famine. Thanks to a giant leap in trade between Poland and the USSR by 1950 (the total value exceeded $ 1 billion), the country increased the number of jobs with an industrial component to a record level for the entire existence of independent Poland.the economic return from the sale of Polish industrial goods in comparison with the pre-war years has increased by more than 200%! When the Soviet Union sent thousands of tons of grain and other types of food in 1947 due to a drought in Poland, the country managed to avoid a large-scale famine. Thanks to a giant leap in trade between Poland and the USSR by 1950 (the total value exceeded $ 1 billion), the country increased the number of jobs with an industrial component to a record level for the entire existence of independent Poland.the country has increased the number of jobs with an industrial component to record levels for the entire existence of independent Poland.the country has increased the number of jobs with an industrial component to record levels for the entire existence of independent Poland.

Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.t from Moscow
Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.t from Moscow

Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. Gift from Moscow.

The restoration of Warsaw was carried out under the supervision of the Polish architect Jan Zachvatovich. Thanks to his collaboration with the architects of Leningrad in 1945-1950, it was possible to implement an architectural project of colossal scale and cost to recreate the historical appearance of Warsaw. It was not in vain that Polish builders of that time said that half of the restored Warsaw would consist of Soviet cement and brick. In Poland, with active financial and scientific support from the USSR, a six-year stage of industrialization began (1950-1955). It was based on the Soviet experience. The main emphasis was placed on heavy industry and mechanical engineering. The results of industrialization have been more than impressive. So, by 1955, Polish production in terms of its volume increased 2.5 times compared with the indicators at the beginning of the six-year period (1950).

Here is such a "tyranny" and "occupation".

Currently, Poland is an active member of NATO and is already choking on Russophobia.

In all of the above countries, Russophobia is actively flourishing. Monuments to Soviet soldiers are being demolished and desecrated. Here is the gratitude of the liberated peoples.

In total, the Soviet Army paid for the liberation of Europe with the lives of about 1 million people

Surprisingly, the most respectable ally of the USSR were the Germans. The GDR was loyal to the alliance with the USSR until recently. Until our Gorbachev handed them over to the West. Even the words from the oath of the NNA of the GDR can say a lot:

And at the moment Germany is the only country in Europe that does not demolish or desecrate monuments to Soviet soldiers.

Draw conclusions.